Hidden Passions, Vol 2

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Hidden Passions, Vol 2 Page 3

by Stephanie Burke

  I bit back a small moan of fear as the protective darkness of my hood was eased back and the shadows no longer hid my face. I fearfully kept my eyes downcast, avoiding his reaction to me. I was still deathly afraid, even though I fought valiantly to hide it.

  “Look at me, Exotica, and let me see if you were named correctly.”

  Slowly, I raised my eyes to his face, feeling them go glossy with some unfamiliar emotion.

  Up close, he was even more devastating. His breath smelled of mint and his skin of sandalwood. I could feel the heat of his gaze as he carefully examined my made-up face.

  “Yes, you were aptly named,” he murmured as he let the robe fall and puddle around my feet.

  Grasping my shoulders, he eased me a step back from him. The pearls, now warmed by my body heat, rolled around my chest, the clicking drawing his attention to my exposed breasts with their rouged nipples.

  His loud inhalation filled the room and made me blush. Dressed like this in front of Azit was like being naked in front of a doctor. Naked in front of the Master was another thing altogether.

  “These pearls expose your assets so well,” he whispered as a soft finger ran the length of one pinkish-white rope, “but I prefer you in your natural state.”

  “Were we supposed to eat…Master?” My shaky voice gave away my fear. I could only hope he would interpret it as anxiousness.

  “I will eat, Exotica, when I damn well chose.”

  His hand snapped out and grasped my chin as he spoke directly into my face.

  “You are here for only one thing, and that thing is to serve my pleasure, little one.”

  The manhandling stiffened my spine, and his arrogant words made me see red. Before I knew what I was doing, I jerked my head out of his grasp. Then I froze as the repercussions of my actions filtered through my head.

  “You have fire in your soul.”

  His words amazed me. I expected to at least be smacked for my impertinence, but he stood there, a pleased look on his face.

  What would he do next? Should I push my advantage and keep up the injured innocence routine, or should I try to become the seductress?

  “My…Master?” I questioned gently, lowering my head once again.

  “So you’ve learned how far to push me, female.”

  My heart began to beat faster at the husky tone of his voice. I didn’t know if he was mad or curious.

  “I have a special use for pearls, Exotica. They are lovely and so warm.” Again his hands were on me, pushing aside the pearls and cupping my breasts in his soft hands. “I like warm things, my dear. Wet things.”

  My knees began to shake as the picture of what he was hinting at filled my head.

  With a quick jerk, my sarong was pulled from my body, leaving me standing there in nothing more that the minuscule panties and the pearls.

  “Turn around.” His command brooked no argument, so pretending I was a heroine from one of my romance novels, I tossed my head and turned slowly around. I was poised like a dancer, but inside, my head was spinning.

  “You have a nice ass,” he allowed as his fingers snapped my panties. “I have a special fondness for the round curve of a feminine bottom.

  That shook the fake calm from my body. I was just happy my face was turned away from him, so horrified were my thoughts.

  He must have felt me stiffen because there was pure devilment in his voice.

  “But not tonight, my exotic one. Tonight I plan on plundering my treasure in the traditional way. Come now, I wish to lie with you.”

  “And that is supposed to be foreplay?” Again the treacherous words were ripped out of my mouth by what obviously had to be my second personality, the one who liked pain, because I was all for saving my…ass.

  I cautiously turned my head to see his reaction, praying it wasn’t my bloody death in his eyes, or even worse! The guard room.

  “You have courage too, small one,” he said, anger blazing in his eyes. “But before this night is over, you will face the fire that I will devastate you with before I cast you aside.”

  “As if!” This time, both of my hands slammed across my painted mouth to hold in those words my evil twin kept speaking.

  “You doubt me?” he growled as he reached out and grasped a handful of those pearls. “On you knees, plaything.”

  His grip on the pearls was choking me and I had no choice but to fall to my knees if I wished to continue breathing.

  “Unfasten my pants.” I couldn’t see his face, but he appeared to be a bit aroused by his treatment of me.

  I reached up my shaking hands to untie the silk cord that held his pants up, but his words stopped me.

  “With your teeth.

  So this guy was really on a power trip! Okay, I can play this game, I decided. Besides, I really had no choice in the matter.

  Leaning in close, I found his hardness and nuzzled it with my nose. He sucked in a breath, but otherwise held still. Slowly I lowered my mouth to the growing bulge exposed by the loose pants and I gently bathed him in my warm breath. The hands holding my pearl leash began to tremble. I moved in closer and nipped at him through the thin material. His whole body shook that time and I was treated to the smell of male heat and sandalwood.

  I was really beginning enjoy this, much to my dismay.

  Leaving his throbbing manhood for now, I reached up and wrapped my tongue around the drawstring, a trick an old boyfriend taught me, and slowly pulled it into my mouth. Once I had it gripped firmly between my teeth, I leaned back and began to pull the knot free.

  His groan told me he was pleased and he loosened up again on my expensive choker.

  His free hand reached out and pulled the pins from my hair. I shuddered as the whole mass tumbled down my back, awakening nerve endings resting there. I believe he noticed my quivering and his next words proved it.

  “So you like having me tell you what to do, little one. I will enjoy many hours directing you to my pleasure, then.” His voice seemed to gloat and I took that as a personal challenge. Stupid as it seemed, I was now playing a power game with him. But if he lost, it was no big deal. If I lost, I just might find myself on my knees servicing the whole of his guard!

  I tugged at the string a bit harder, gasped as it suddenly pulled free and his billowing pants dropped to cover my face.

  I heard his chuckle before he released the pearls and left me kneeling there with my head covered.

  I could feel him move, although he made no move to pull his pants off of me. I tried to ease the cloth back a bit so that I could view him, but he stopped me.

  “Little cat, have you nine lives?” he asked. “I gave you no permission to move!”

  I relinquished this match to him, for now.

  Just as I was beginning to grow antsy over my blindness, he whipped the pants from my head and stepped back.

  And then…whoa mamma! The Master had pulled off his tunic while I was captive in my sightless state, and now as he stepped out of his loose pants, all I could do was gape!

  His chest was a solid wall of muscle! Not the kind weightlifters or bodybuilders develop, but hard, tight, sinewy muscles that spoke of hard work. As he stood upright, I again was left speechless. His thighs were thickly corded muscle, the kind of thighs horseback riders get after spending countless hours in the saddle controlling a massive beast with leg muscles alone. His calves were tight and firm and his feet were long, narrow, and perfectly pedicured.

  Then I let my gaze rise slowly over this masterpiece of golden-skinned man to rest on his privacy. And it wasn’t so private anymore.

  The area around his engorged manhood was shaved bare, and I mean completely hairless. I had never before seen a man who shaved there, so it was quite a shock! There was nothing to hide his perfection from plain view and my eyes were greedily taking him in.

  He was long and thick and as I watched, he grew so that the large round head of his penis reached up past his navel. I must have gulped in an attempt to moisten my dry throat, becaus
e he chuckled. But I was too occupied to care. His large testicles rested neatly below his saluting manhood and looked as virile as the rest of him. If he actually knew what to do with all of that equipment, then I was in for the time of my life!

  “You seem to like what you are viewing, small one. And from the look on your face, I see that foreplay is really not a necessity. But, I myself love to indulge in everything which makes a woman a woman.”

  He stepped closer to me and all I could do was stare at his swaying manhood. I prayed he knew what he was doing with that thing, or I would be in serious trouble, and the waiting guards were the least of my worries!

  “On your feet, Exotica, and remove those ridiculous panties. I wonder what makes a woman think a man wants to unravel a puzzle before he gets his prize!”

  As if I had a choice in my stunning outfit.

  Without a word, I stripped the thong off my body and nonchalantly kicked it aside. Now my only covering was the long ropes of pearls and I was back to feeling a bit uncomfortable again. With my last defensive barrier gone, all of this suddenly became real to me.

  “I see they have shaved you properly, Exotica. Not that your curly bush was not enticing, but I prefer not to choke when I find your tiny pearl of pleasure.”

  His frank words caused a blush to spread over my face. It seems Azit did his job and informed his Master of my dainty clitoris, the jerk!

  “To the bed, and walk slowly. I want to watch your bare bottom move across the floor. As I have said before, little one, you have a nice ass.”

  Feeling a bit like a carnival act, I slowly crossed the warm marble floor to the large bed standing in front of me. The sight of his bedstead was almost enough to kill my fear. The posts on that thing had to be at least eight feet high! It was draped in a dark gauzy material that trailed to the floor. There were mounds of colorful silk pillows strewn across a large green silk spread. Two tables flanked this monstrosity of a bed, and on each lay smoldering incense in brass holders and vases of peacock feathers.

  I had to step up on a low bench to even reach the mattress, which I was reluctant to do with my audience of one watching. But knowing I had to obey him, I closed my eyes and scrambled onto his bed.

  “Very nice, little one. Very nice indeed, but we must work on your perching, my dear. It left little to be desired.”

  I narrowed my eyes in his direction, but refused to comment. Let’s see him do better!

  And of course, he did!

  With a smooth graceful gait, he padded across the room and stepped up to the bench. As if he knew I was silently challenging him, he smiled in my direction before he twisted a bit and tumbled onto the bed, landing neatly on his side. Show off! He had more practice than I did, obviously!

  “Part your legs for me, Exotica,” he murmured as he made himself comfortable at the foot of the bed.

  Part my legs? Just like that? I looked into his intense eyes and did just that. The balance of power was now tipped in his direction, but I hoped to tilt the scale to my favor again. With my eyes squeezed tight, I opened my legs.

  “What a pretty little flower,” he muttered as he lifted his hands and parted my legs further.

  “Small and lady-like?” I mumbled. I had to say something. He was making me aware of my lowly place in his harem.

  “Yes, very.” He sounded as if he were trying to hold in a laugh. I glared at him, but he was now reaching out towards me.

  I gasped as his finger ran gently over my newly bared and extremely sensitive flesh. His touch sent fire shooting through my veins and caused my legs to tremble. I fought against the urge to pull back as I waited for him to continue.

  “Your petals are so soft, so moist. I want to taste you.”

  I held my breath, expecting at any moment he would burrow into my softness, but instead, he lifted that one finger and coated his lips with my essence.

  I gulped. That was the sexiest thing I had ever seen! If he continued like this, there would be no game for me to play. I would melt into a puddle at his feet.

  I watched as his dark pink tongue flicked out and lapped at my wetness.

  “Very nice, Exotica,” he murmured. “You taste like summer flowers…and woman.”

  “Really?” I squeaked.

  “Yes, my dear. You may just be worth the trouble I am having with your mouth.”

  “Trouble?” I think he was making me angry on purpose. That was the only reason I could think of for him to keep baiting me. Again my anger seared away the last of my fears. I placed my hands on my hips and huffed!

  “Open your mouth again and I will find a better use for that orifice, Exotica.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled. I was beginning to believe he wanted me a bit feisty.

  “I just might welcome that, Master,” I purred. Time for me to take control!

  “Really,” he murmured. “Come here and show me.”

  This was it. This was my test. If I didn’t make him think me special now, I would never fill the place I wanted in this palace.

  I closed my legs and pulled them beneath me. Then catlike, I went on my hands and knees, arched my back, and began a slow crawl over to him. The pearls around my neck clinked and swayed as they slid forward, causing me to shiver, before they fell down low, hiding and then exposing my full jiggling breasts as I approached him.

  Once I reached his lounging body, I eased to my knees in front of him and placed a palm against his chest.

  His skin was soft and pliant around his hard muscles, and very hot to the touch. Utterly intrigued, I pressed a finger to his golden skin and tested his textures.

  “Your mouth, Exotica? You were going to show me…” he reminded, pulling me away from my fascination with his skin. “And please do avoid the nipples. I have no idea where women got the information men like them touched and licked. It does absolutely nothing for me.”

  Well, there goes that plan. I didn’t want to take him, take that thing, place his cock in my mouth, so I decided the next best thing would be a kiss.

  I bent low, the pearls now running over his body, and gently touched his lips. His breath still smelled of mint, but now it was mingled with the familiar scent of me. It made this joining of lips all the more intimate. I placed my lips firmer against his and marveled at the softness which met me there. He did nothing, neither deepening nor pulling away from the kiss, so I let my tongue slip out to trace the upper curve of his top lip.

  He inhaled and there was just the tiniest of quivers in his chest. I moved my hand lower, against his chest, and I felt his heartbeat increase.

  Deciding I wanted a closer taste, I ran my tongue around the crease between his lips and was rewarded when he parted his mouth to let my tongue invade.

  He tasted of spicy mint, the tangy bite of lemons…and me. Mixed in were also the musky taste of man and heat, but I still enjoyed the flavor. Forgetting this was a power struggle between the two of us, I deepened the kiss and let my senses take control.

  My hand was stroking his chest now, and my other hand found its way to the dark hair on his head. The raw silky texture of it delighted me as I sifted my fingers through it, using it to pull him closer to me. I moved in closer, hoping to feel his hard chest against my swollen nipples. The feel of the pearls heating up against our flesh stopped me. I slowly pulled back, my vision hazy, and I looked at this man, my self-proclaimed Master.

  “Very nice, Exotica,” he murmured. He sat up and ran one hand through my hair. “You managed to lose yourself in your passion. I’ll hazard a guess and say you are more than ripe enough to take me now.”

  Without warning, his free hand slipped between my thighs and pressed upwards. He did not need to move far to feel the dew of my desire. As his fingers came in contact with my quivering flesh, I gasped and shuddered as my pleasure rolled over me.

  “Have you ever been fucked with pearls, my dear?” he whispered as he moved in closer to my face, breathing in the air I exhaled.

  “I can shove a strand up
you pretty little ass and pull them out as you climax, or I can wrap them around myself, increasing the friction and the heat between us. Would you like that, my dear?”

  I had never imagined such decadence! The way he casually explained the sexual acts left me shy, embarrassed, and very curious.

  “Fr…friction?” I stammered

  “Yes, Exotica. Friction.”

  His hand left my hair and grasped the pearls again, using them to draw me up close to him and at the same time thrusting one finger deep inside of me.

  “Oh, God!” I squeaked as I felt the duel sensations of the pearls warm from his body pressing into my breasts and his long finger invading me, pressing against a secret spot that sent fire shooting through my veins.

  “No,” he breathed against my lips. “Master will do.”

  Before I could blink, he had me flat on my back, his naked body pressing mine deeply into the mattress. His finger still probed my depths until, with a satisfied grunt, he rose above me.

  “You are wet and ready for me, my exotic one, but I will not take you now. First you must be punished for your crass behavior.”

  “Punished?” I stammered.

  With economical movements, he stripped the strands of pearls from around my neck one at a time, carefully avoiding tangling them in my braids, and he grasped both of my hands.

  “You will be punished for my pleasure and for your education, Exotica. You must learn to speak only when I have given you permission.”

  I trembled, my fear heightening my desire, as he wound the ropes of pearls around my hands and pulled them above my head.

  With one groping hand, he pulled a large feather from the vase on his bedside table and held it up in front of my eyes.

  “Do as I say, and it will go easier on you. Resist me, and I will call the guards in to hold you while I administer the punishment.”

  I was not into voyeurism of any kind, so I kept my mouth shut.

  “Spread you legs,” he commanded.

  I obeyed.

  As he smiled in my face, he released my hands. “Do not move them, Exotica. If I hear the clicking of one pearl, I will turn you over and paddle that nice ass of yours until it is red-hot.”


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