Arousing Her

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Arousing Her Page 28

by Tia Siren

  Elizabeth sat in shock. She now knew things were serious. I could see why she had been nominated for this, and I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of man her father was to put her up as someone’s sex toy for a weekend. It was sick, and yet I yearned to spank her pretty ass and fill her mouth with enough dick to choke her.

  “Can I just ask one question, please, before I sign?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Shoot. Ask anything you want,” Jonathan said.

  “What did my father do to deserve this?” She was far too beautiful for her own good.

  Jonathan looked in my direction. “You want to explain, or shall I?” he asked.

  “Feel free. Be my guest,” I replied as I watched her eye my body.

  “Well, if you have an idea of investment banking, your dad was pretty damned good at it until a couple of months ago,” Jonathan said. “It appears his drinking has gotten the better of him, and he’s taken some serious hits and his performance and judgment have become piss-poor. So, the company, namely Charles, turned a blind eye to his first losses, but last month he had three million in losses.”

  Elizabeth sat in shock at how bad this really was.

  “To cut a long story short, your beloved dad must pay his losses back, and to bide his time, he’s traded you and your body to Charles as a partial payment. So, you’re here for the weekend. It’s all because of your dad not being able to man up and face the consequences of his actions,” Jonathan said. He looked at me. “Did I miss anything?”

  “No. You got everything in there as far as I could tell,” I said to Jonathan as I eyed Elizabeth’s bikini top.


  I kept my stare on Elizabeth and watched the expression on her face change. She had finally realized that she had basically been sold as a sex slave for the weekend. Her dad had stooped to a level she wouldn’t have thought possible from anyone, never mind her own flesh and blood. He looked at his own daughter like she was just a piece of meat.

  She is way more than that.

  “Do you have any questions?” Jonathan asked, trying to make her feel comfortable with his gentle tone.

  “Where do I sign?” she said. There was a tear in her eye.

  I sat and thought more as I watched her sign the NDA. I could sense that she knew deep down she had not been signed up for anything that would involve rape or even death. Hell, I just had dark sexual needs; I wasn’t a monster. And I knew she was curious about me.

  In a small way, I actually felt a little sorry for her. Not as a person, but more for her predicament. She had become the center of attention for something she had no control over. The events had led her away from a young woman’s life and thrust her directly into a dark world where few people fully travel. My world was wild.

  I had already noticed when we met, and every time we had talked, that she found me hot. Even just now, she had checked out my body when she’d had a chance. I had a sixth sense when a woman was mentally fucking me, and Elizabeth was no different. I sensed she was mentally undressing me and taking me to the depths of her body’s sexuality, and I had depths that were much darker than hers. I was keen to take her to this place of pleasure and gain.

  For years, I had indulged in my dark fantasies, and I’d had no woman complain once that they had been broken. They had fully accepted that pain could equal pleasure. Especially when they allowed their body to fully express itself. With each letter I watched Elizabeth sign, she took one step closer to fulfilling my needs and exploring the true meaning and feelings of her body.

  I sensed all of this and more. I always paid attention to how they reacted and how they responded to what I asked of them. And although their mind said one thing, their body always said so much more to me.

  Elizabeth looked up once she completed signing the NDA, and Jonathan took it from the table. Now more than ever, she looked like a scared deer in a car's headlights, her eyes bulged and unsure which way to move. I really did feel sorry for her, but I could see how her nipples said something different. Fuck, they had budded and become hard through her bikini top, and I had felt them when I’d had her pinned against the wall earlier. Damn, her body wanted mine, but her mind was still trying to fend me off.

  Yes, Elizabeth would be a challenge, which made it more fun, because the more she resisted, the more she and I would enjoy everything.

  “Finished?” I asked.

  “Yes Sir. All signed,” Elizabeth replied as she bowed her head slightly in submission, sending my cock a fine message.

  “Well then, let’s get back upstairs. No point in being down here for the trip,” I said as I stood and opened the office door.

  Elizabeth headed out in front of me. I looked at her strong athletic legs and shoulders. She walked with an attitude, yet her ass wiggled as any sexy woman’s did. I wasn’t sure if she knew I was watching, but I enjoyed the show as we returned to the lounge deck of the boat.

  When I looked at the clock, I saw we had taken slightly longer than was expected. We were still about an hour away, and it was past lunchtime. I spoke to the captain and told him we would just take an early dinner once we docked. A platter or two would suffice for now.

  I stood with Elizabeth and showed her the island as we approached. The sails were pulled in and the engines roared into life. Captain Black guided us through the reef, and we slowly moored against the dock.

  “We will have an early dinner on the boat,” I said to Elizabeth.

  “Yes, Sir. I’m fine with that. I’m a little hungry,” she said as she grabbed a carrot stick and some cheese from the platter.

  We sat at the table, and the boat's staff presented our dinner half an hour later. No expense had been spared. Elizabeth totally changed her expression once she saw the delights on offer.

  “Eat anything you like,” I said to her as I smiled. “There is plenty more where that came from.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she replied as she spooned clam chowder into her bowl. “It looks and tastes delicious. It’s not very often I can have a dinner like this.”

  I watched her as she ate.

  Go on, my beauty, eat your fill and enjoy it to the fullest. You will need your energy for later.

  The remainder of the dinner passed with barely a conversation for two reasons. Firstly, because the situation that had brought Elizabeth was a bit awkward for her. Secondly, I was double her age, and I had nothing to say to her. I just wanted to break her mind and bend her body to my will.

  We finished our dinner, and I thought of the day’s events. I could see Elizabeth was different than all the other women I had had, but no matter how attracted I was, I only sought short-term gratification, and the chance of a long-term relationship was out of the question. No matter how close I became to her, I had to maintain my inner strength and make sure the relationship ended as soon as we docked back at the pier.

  “Right then, let’s move,” I said to Elizabeth and Jonathan.

  I stepped off the boat and headed down the jetty toward the Jeep that was waiting. I casually glanced over my shoulder and saw Jonathan helping Elizabeth step off the boat.

  As I walked out in front, I smelled the exotic freshness of the island. My island.

  It was like my second home, the place I could be the most free and comfortable. I headed toward the Jeep and climbed into the passenger seat.

  Jonathan got into the driver’s seat, and Elizabeth climbed into the back. I patted my silver case, which I had placed on my lap, as a million nefarious thoughts raced through my head.

  Welcome, Elizabeth. Get ready for the fuck of your life, pretty girl. It’s gonna get rough.

  Chapter 7


  I jumped out of the Jeep and stood in complete awe. The house was huge and beyond breathtaking. I looked down and saw a staircase cut into the rock, which led directly to a golden white beach.

  I looked toward the jetty and watched as the staff busily unloaded all the things for the island trip over the weekend. I turned my attention back to th
e house. It was Bali styled. The whole front of the house downstairs was sheer glass, with glass doors that led directly to the infinity pool, which looked as if it fell over the edge of the cliff.

  I continued to wander around the house and was totally shocked. It was like something you would see in a James Bond movie or something of equal enormity. Charles had spared no expense when he’d had this built, and it looked as close to perfection as it could be. The cream walls made the interior feel super light and cool, and the temperature was ideally controlled. No matter which part of the house I visited, I was comfortable.

  I glanced into the kitchen and saw the cooks and the chefs filling the fridges with meats and vegetables. There were bottles of alcohol being stocked into the drinks cupboards. The place was being made to feel like a home.

  I walked back into the lounge and found Charles on his cell phone.

  “Is it okay if I look upstairs, Sir?” I asked Charles.

  “Go wherever you like. Explore it all while you have a chance,” he said before he placed his phone back against his ear.

  I climbed the huge glass staircase and looked down. It was like I was walking on air. I looked into each of the bedrooms, all of which were designed in the same simple Bali style with minimal furnishings that were relaxing and comfortable. Each room had a private balcony that was shaded from the heat of the sun.

  I’m not unhappy about signing the NDA. My body felt raw when he held me against the wall on the boat.

  I entered one room and looked out the window. The sea stretched as far as the eye could see; there was no sign of any land or any ships. Wow, we are in the middle of the ocean. At the end of the hallway were large, wooden double doors, and I wondered if this was the master bedroom. I approached quietly and knocked on the door. There wasn’t any noise coming from the room, so I opened one door and slipped inside.

  The room was much darker than the other, I assumed because the curtains were closed. I flicked on the light and stood amazed. This was indeed the master bedroom, but it wasn’t light and airy like the others. The walls were red, and the furnishings were black leather and velvet. In the center of the room was a huge four-poster bed. It wasn’t oak as you see in the movies. God, it was black steel and had rings fastened to each corner. I also noticed that mirrors had been placed on the ceiling and the walls that sided the bed, so it was possible to see your reflection from four different directions.

  “Hmm, very kinky,” I said in a flirty voice as I laughed.

  I opened the curtains to check out the view and soon realized this room contained no windows. There was only one way in and one way out, and that was through the doors I had just entered.

  “Shit, this is like a prison,” I muttered under my breath.

  I glanced at the bed and noticed a single bag. A solitary silver case sat there, looking totally out of context in its surroundings. I couldn’t resist the temptation, so I tried to open it. Crap, it’s a combination lock!

  I tried a few combinations, but none of them worked. I must remember to put the number back to how it was. Maybe he had left it on a specific number combination so he could see if anyone had tried to tamper with it.

  God. What happens if he’s placed a hair on it like in the spy movies?

  I checked the bed and the case to see if I could see any strands of hair that had been positioned on the case or the bed. I couldn’t see any signs that it had been left in a certain position for security’s sake. I spread the bedsheet flat again and placed the case as it appeared before I’d moved it.

  “Shit,” I mumbled.

  This guy was a billionaire, so why would he bother with a strand of hair? He had all the money in the world, so he would have hidden cameras. I slowly looked around the room to see if there were signs of CCTV cameras or anything that would show that the more I tried to cover my tracks, the more I would look like a complete dope—thereby just making it worse for myself.

  I decided to give up on looking for cameras. They would be tiny, and I would have no chance to locate them. I then thought I should contact Nancy to let her know I had arrived safe and that everything was okay so far. I took out my cell phone from my pocket and tried to call her.

  “Shit, goddamn no freaking reception,” I mumbled. “It must be this room!”

  I headed out of the bedroom, entered one of the others, and went out to the balcony. I still had no signal. Fuck. But Charles was speaking on the phone… Damn it!

  No need to panic. Keep calm. You can get through this. There is always a way to circumvent any obstacle.

  I realized it couldn’t be as bad as I thought it would be. I did after all think he was hot, and age didn’t really mean that much. I mean, it wasn’t as if he was sixty or seventy; he was only forty-two, which in real terms, wasn’t such a bad difference. And hey, many people got married with much bigger age differences.

  I’m totally cool with it now!

  I headed back down the stairs. Charles had vanished, so I sauntered outside to where the truck was being unloaded and was in total shock when I saw the staff reloading the truck and taking the crates back to the boat.

  “What’s going on? Are we leaving?” I asked Jonathan.

  “Well, the staff and I are going back to the mainland. Something has cropped up, and we will be back in the morning at some point,” he replied.

  Oh, wow. I realized that would leave me and Charles all alone. Would I be safe, or would he turn into some sort of twisted psycho? Everything Nancy had said came rushing back into my mind, and I had a slight panic attack. I did what I could to calm myself and headed down toward the beach. The solitude, although not a solution, was enough. Just being away from Charles, I could at least begin to relax.

  I saw no sign of Charles as I sat on the golden beach and watched as the boat head back toward the mainland. I rested my head on my knees and huddled myself up and listened to the lapping ocean.

  I watched as the boat grew smaller and smaller and then quickly vanished over the horizon. I kicked my feet into the sand and then walked along the stony track, which finally brought me back to the house. I looked around and saw no sign of anyone. The whole house was silent. A large glass door was open, so I headed outside and expected to see Charles by the infinity pool. But again, there was no sign of him, and I wondered where he had vanished to. I slowly walked to the edge of the garden and glanced over the edge of the cliff. Down at the bottom of the cliff staircase, I saw that the beach hut light was on and a shadow moved around inside.

  Charles stood inside the beach, hut which led directly to the beach, while he sipped on one of his newly delivered bourbons. He was wearing a casual shirt and baggy jeans. He looked like a million dollars. Actually, he looked more like a billion dollars, which was closer to the truth.

  I headed down the stone staircase and joined him at the doorway of the beach hut, where he stood as he gazed at the ocean.

  “Where have you been?” Charles asked.

  “I was on the beach earlier watching them load the boat. I thought we were leaving until Jonathan explained they had to leave, and then I walked along the track, which brought me back to the house” I replied.

  “Business. Unexpected business. That just leaves you and me,” Charles said.

  I felt a little numb and wasn’t sure what to do or what to think. Could this be the first part of my duty toward him? I stood there looking at the stone floor.

  I lifted my head and saw that Charles was smiling at me, though his eyes seemed dark, as if he were looking through me.

  “Strip for me,” he said in a rough voice.

  I looked at him, and I wasn’t sure I had heard correctly.

  “Excuse me?” I replied in shock. “I think I misheard you. Did you just say strip?” My body warmed at simply the thought of stripping in front of him, even if he was a bastard.

  “That I did, and you forgot a ‘Sir,’” he said loudly. “How many times do I have to tell you, ‘Sir this and Sir that.’ Don’t forget it! Now let’
s try again. I order you to strip for me.”

  “No!” I replied again, standing my ground.

  Charles reached into his jeans pocket. He pulled out his cell phone and waved it in front of me.

  “Remember your dad? One simple call is all it takes. Or do you want to play this sort of game all weekend?”

  “All right, you win. But no one says that I have to enjoy it,” I said as I stood straight, trying to show my unrealistic authority.

  There was no way he was going to back down, so I had no choice but to follow his orders. I slowly unfastened my shirt and lifted it up and over my shoulders and dropped it on the sand.

  “Now the skirt,” Charles ordered.

  I reached for the tie on my native skirt and slowly loosened it. The skirt opened, and I stood there in front of Charles in my bikini.

  “Carry on, all of it! Now!” he demanded.

  I unfastened the clasp on my bikini top and covered my breasts with my arm as I placed it on top of my blouse. I then slid my thumb inside my bikini bottoms and slipped them over my ass, letting them fell toward the sand. I covered my modesty and placed my hand over my pussy and stood there waiting for Charles to speak.

  I had said I did not have to enjoy the whole thing, and Charles had said I would enjoy it. I had tried to argue with myself as much as with him. I quickly realized that the dream guy I had masturbated to on the couch was the guy who stood before me now. Charles was this sort of dark, sexual beast who could manifest himself into a sexual master. This beast inside him was starting to awaken.

  I had consciously tried not to focus on Charles, but I found it was an impossible task, because he had started to get aroused from watching me strip, and I could see his erection bulging against his pants. The more I tried to divert my eyes, the harder I found it to do. My heart began to beat faster, and then my womanly urges started to increase within me like a fire causing oxygen to burn.


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