Arousing Her

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Arousing Her Page 56

by Tia Siren

  “Hey, Mary!” Jesse’s voice interrupted our little moment. “Is that asshole dressed yet?”

  The smile on my brother’s face froze. Suddenly, it became stiff and strained, like glass bent nearly to the breaking point.

  “Who…” he started. “Who is out there?”

  “Come on, Mary!” Jesse called. “Let me in.”

  Bill’s eyes widened, first in recognition, then in horror, and finally in rage.

  “Is that…” he rumbled like a lidded pot about to burst. “Is that Jesse Valen?”

  “I…I…met him at the party,” I stammered, struggling to lie in my drunken state.

  “Party?” he smoldered. “I thought you said you were going out with some friends?”

  “I…” I started, but there was nothing I could say. I had no defense. My guilt was evident in the euphoric happiness that had, only moments before, been blooming across my face.

  “Goddamn door,” Jesse swore as he burst inside. He had the decency to look sheepish as he stumbled into our house, but then he ruined everything by grinning at my brother. “Hi, Bill.”

  “Get out!” My brother’s face contorted with rage.

  This was no look of annoyance or even embarrassment. It was a look of pure hatred, and it scared me.

  “C’mon, Bill—” Jesse tried.

  “No!” he thundered. “I do not want you here. You are not welcome. Now get out!”

  Jesse’s cocky, charismatic grin faltered, like a beautiful flower taken out of the sun.

  “Come on, buddy,” he said. “I just wanna talk to you. Look, I know what you’ve been through. I know what it’s like to have your whole life turned upside down by a single night—”

  Before I could realize what was happening, Bill strode forward and struck Jesse right in the face. He stumbled backward with a look of pained horror on his face. I knew he was a man who could take a hit. I had seen him play in every one of his games, so I knew the small impact of my brother’s fist was not what was hurting him.

  It was the rejection of a once beloved friend.

  The strike not only bruised Jesse but it also instantly sobered me. “No, Bill,” I cried, rushing between the two of them. “It’s my fault. I brought him here. It was my idea.”

  This time it was Bill’s turn to wince as if he had been struck.

  “But I told you I didn’t want to see him,” he said.

  Although he didn’t yell, I think it would’ve been better if he had. The slow, steady hiss of his voice, made me feel like I was a gas leak and he was about to light a match.

  “I know,” I implored, gripping the collar of his shirt. “But…after talking to him, after realizing that he feels just as bad about the whole thing, I thought that maybe we could find a way for us to all be friends.”

  Back when my family was whole, we used to go on camping trips. I remembered one time when I was wondering through the woods and saw a rattlesnake coiled in the shadow of a rock. Its head rose as if ready to strike, while its tail quivered. That was the impression I had now, as I looked at my brother. There was no question that if Bill had a tail, it would have been rattling. If he had fangs, he would have been preparing to strike.

  Then, an evil smile I had never seen before spread across his face. I imagined a forked tongue poking its way from between his lips and got ready for the poison.

  “It’s because you want to fuck him, isn’t it?” he sneered. “The big, strong Jesse Valen comes into town, and you immediately want to bang him because you know you’ll never have a chance like this again.”

  Unbidden, a blush crept up my face.

  “No!” I exclaimed. “It’s not like that at all. You guys used to be the best of friends—”

  “Ho, ho, ho, not as good of friends as you two are now,” he mocked.

  “Hey, buddy,” Jesse interrupted, “your sister has been perfectly respectable. I don’t think you should be saying things like—”

  “Shut up, you traitor,” he barked. “Backstabbers don’t get to tell me about my sister’s respectability. Now get out.”

  “Bill,” I murmured, “please…”

  “Out!” Bill yelled.

  There was no arguing with him. He was as hard and cold and scaly as a reptile, glaring at us, waiting for us to leave.

  “Come on, Mary,” Jesse muttered after a long sigh. “I’ll take you somewhere safe.”

  With that, he took my hand and led me out the door.

  Chapter 5

  I did not cry when we left the apartment. Nor did I cry when Jesse huddled us into the back of a cab. The elevator door dinged open on his hotel room floor, and still, my eyes were dry. However, once we were hidden inside his room, Jesse took me into his arms and held me tight.

  “I’m so, so sorry,” he whispered into my hair. My forehead was pressed against his shoulder, my arms around his waist. Only then, enveloped by his warmth and his manly scent, I began to cry.

  “It’s not fair,” I mumbled, hiding my tears into his shirt. “I do everything I can for him, but it seems like the harder I try, the more I piss him off.”

  Jesse rubbed my shoulders and held me against him. “Why do you try, then?”

  “Because we’re family,” I replied with a shrug. “I know it’s what my mother and father would want of me.”

  “Maybe,” he said, “but I don’t think they’d want you to be this unhappy.” Ever so gently, he pushed me away from him and took my chin beneath his fingers. He guided my face up so that our lips were nearly touching, and whispered, “I know I don’t.”

  Then he kissed me.

  His lips pressed gently against mine. They felt familiar now, comforting, and somehow, with that one kiss, Jesse managed to peel off a layer of sadness from my heart and warm it just enough to make me want to stop crying.

  Come on, Mary! I urged myself. Stop crying. No one wants to kiss a crying girl.

  To my surprise, Jesse seemed like he did—or at least like he did not mind the salt, running nose and all else that my outburst entitled. It warmed my heart even more.

  “Come with me,” he said after a moment.

  Confused, I took his hand and allowed him to lead me to the bathroom. There, he brushed the hair off my forehead, kissed it, and then undid the belt around my waist. I stared at him with a hurricane of emotions in my eyes. I was a little nervous, still pretty hammered, and really upset about my brother’s reaction to the two of us. As much as I wanted to get naked with Jesse Valen, now was probably not the best time.

  “I don’t know, Jesse,” I stammered. “I’m not sure if now is the best—”

  “It’s okay,” he interrupted me as he shimmied out of his clothes. “Trust me?”

  The question lingered in the air as he removed each item of clothing and tossed it to the floor. It had been a long time since I had trusted anybody, but as he stood naked and magnificent in front of me, I decided I wanted to trust him.

  He stood still and stared at me for just long enough for my eyes to drift down his body. My body grew warm and wet at the sight of his sculpted, rippling muscles. Unable to help myself, I bit my lip and allowed my eyes to drift down, right between his legs. He was not yet hard, but I could tell by what was there already that he would be massive.

  Before I was completely done looking at him, Jesse turned the water of the shower. Once it was hot and steaming, he stepped inside. Seconds later, a warm, sopping hand emerged from behind the curtain, beckoning me in. Feeling—sort of—brave, I shrugged off the rest of my clothing and stepped, almost warily, into the steaming shower.

  I was not sure what to expect. A part of me thought he might slam me against the wall, turn me around, and fuck me from behind, while another imagined him burying both hands in my hair, driving me to my knees, and offering himself to me. Don’t get me wrong, on most days, I would have enjoyed that, but tonight, after seeing my brother’s face I did not feel riled, confident, or empowered.

  I felt sad and lonely and small.

However, Jesse did not do any of those things. Instead, he gently took my hand and guided me against his chest. It was warm and firm, with lovely dark hair adding texture to his smooth, slick skin. He reached up and unwound my hair from the updo in which I had it. Then, he let it cascade around my shoulders and caressed it to make sure it was entirely sodden with warm water. This being a fancy hotel, he reached to the side, selected one of the many options of expensive shampoos and squirted a dollop onto his hand. Then, ever so tenderly, he began to massage it into my scalp.

  As a professional football player, one might have expected his hands to be overly rough and calloused, but they weren’t. Although definitely strong and manly, there was a gentleness in the way he rubbed my head that comforted me to my very soul. I relaxed and felt my weight settling against him.

  Usually, I did not like for a guy to know, or to sense, how much I weighed, but Jesse was strong enough. He was strong enough to make me feel light and fragile. He was strong enough to bear the burden that I was now crying out upon his shoulder. He was strong enough to make me feel peace even though I was in the eye of a hurricane.

  When he was finished soaking my hair, he turned me around so that my face was in the stream of the water and my back was against his body. I could feel the full length of him, from the shoulders that enveloped mine to his manhood pressed against my butt. I could tell he was hard, but it wasn’t in a pushy or imperative way. He was enjoying my body, yes, but right now he sensed that what I needed was comfort, not climax, and he was, once again, strong enough to give it to me.

  “Thank you,” I murmured.

  Jesse did not respond but kissed the side of my neck, where the soft rivulets of water traced the outline of his lips upon my skin. With my hair rinsed, it was his time to find comfort. I melted into him as he reached around my body and cupped both of my breasts. Again, he did not do it demandingly or aggressively, but I allowed him to play and explore me in a way that brought him comfort.

  It had been so long since I had found comfort anywhere, that I was surprised at how much his touch soothed not only him but me as well.

  When we finished, we floated our way out of the shower, toweled dry, and tumbled into bed. Within minutes, we were fast asleep, curled up like two kittens.

  * * *

  The next morning we awoke bright and early. I blinked at the sunlight that assaulted my eyes but overall felt utterly content. I smiled and then rolled over to see Jesse beside me, leaning on his elbow, and clearly already awake.

  “You feeling better?” he asked, a mysterious smile on his face.

  I yawned deeply, stretched, and murmured, “Yes, I do. Much better than I have felt in a long time.”

  “Good,” he replied, gentle as rain.

  And then he sprang.

  His lips pressed against mine. Eagerly. Desperately. I felt his hands move from squeezing my waist to taking both my breasts in them. I giggled and shoved him away.

  “Don’t you want this?” he asked, obviously concerned.

  In response, I reached down to the very awake erection between his legs and gave him a squeeze. “It is exactly what I want, but first, I need to pee.”

  He laughed and kicked the blankets off him to expose the full length of his body. My God, with the early morning sun glowing in his salient muscles, he looked amazing. A wide grin spread across my face as I dashed to the bathroom. I did what I needed to do in record speed, swashed some Listerine around my mouth, and made sure everything was presentable before I returned to the room, eager to enjoy every inch of Jesse Valen I could get my hands, mouth, and pussy on.

  “Now are you ready?” he teased as I stood on the threshold.

  His hand grasped manhood, stroking it slowly to keep it nice and firm for me. Holding his gaze, I made my way to the bed and bent down between his legs. I knocked his hand away and replaced it with mine. He was massive, hard and pink as I stroked him. His eyes fluttered in the same pace as my stomach as I brought my lips to kiss the tip of his cock.

  Jesse shivered and gasped, but I was not through yet. In fact, I was far from it.

  I kissed a ring around his tip, then opened my mouth and took him inside me. His taste was delicious, clean and slightly salty. I worked up and down a few times, making him groan and stiffen, and then I pulled back and looked at him with a smile.

  “What do you think?” I teased before going down on him again.

  He moaned and bucked against me as one of my hands encircled the base of his shaft, making sure to squeeze all the way down to the base every time I dipped my mouth, while my other hand cupped and massaged his balls. His whole body flexed and trembled. His toes curled with each of my movements as pleasure raced down his entire body. I felt proud and pleased to see just how much I could turn him on.

  Eager to see how far I could take him, I amped every movement I made until he was panting. Once it became too much for him, Jesse seized me by the hair, yanked me back, and threw me beneath him.

  “Your turn, baby,” he grunted, and then jumped on top of me.

  Unlike the night before, he was impatient, insistent, and dominating—my absolute favorite combination. I opened my legs automatically and wrapped them around his narrow, muscular waist.

  His cock was rock hard and hot, like iron left in sunlight. It lay across me, from the fork of my legs all the way up to my bellybutton. He thrust, not yet inside me, but against me. It was a pure display of his power and the strength of his dominance, and it made me wetter than anything or anyone had ever had.

  Our kisses were intense as his hands scooped my breasts together, bouncing them, squeezing them. His fingertips flicked my nipples, and I moaned as pleasure lanced between them and arched my chest to press them into his grip. Then, he pinched them and I screamed aloud and drove my thighs up and over his back, rocking my hips, urging him inside me.

  “Do you want it?” he asked.

  “Yes. Yes,” I begged, but still, Jesse didn’t take me. All he did was move his lips from my neck down to my nipples where his tongue danced upon their pebble-hard forms. It was torture.

  “Are you sure?”

  Before I had a chance to reply, he grabbed both my wrists and pinned them down against the bed. Using his hips, he slid his cock down the length of my body, from between my breasts all the way down to my pussy, where he dipped, ever so tantalizingly, the tip of his manhood inside my opening.

  “Jesse Valen, put it in me now,” I commanded.

  My words made him pause his wicked teasing and bring his mouth to mine. He kissed my lips tenderly, and said, “I’ll put it in you when I wanna put it in you. Understand?”

  I nodded.

  He kissed me again and waited, with the tip of his cock almost inside me, until I whimpered. Once I did, he drove his cock into me with one swift push.

  I was so wet he did not have to force it or work me open. He just rammed it right in and kept going. My eyes rolled back in pleasure as he fucked me all the way through, as deeply as I could take it. He was rock-hard, massive and plowed into me so deeply that his balls slapped against the bottom of my pussy. I moaned, straining against him, but he kept me pinned down.

  The night before had proved that he was a gentleman, but this morning showed that he was also a beast. An excellent, powerful sex animal.

  Jesse’s pounding was relentless. He made sure each concussive impact slid his entire length into me before he pulled back until he was nearly out just to drive all the way back in again. His hands worked my breasts, alternatively squeezing their molded flesh, flicking my nipples, and pinching them hard.

  I could feel myself building. His cock was so big and turgid in its erection that I could feel the exact, precise shape of him as he drove in and out of my body. His rounded tip pummeled my G-spot in a way that sent tingles down my limbs and spine.

  “I’m close,” I cried. “I’m so close.”

  Bearing his teeth in the effort of pounding mercilessly into me, Jesse pulled my legs from around his waist
and brought them up over his shoulders. My ankles framed his gorgeous face, and I felt him deeper and harder than ever before.

  “Yes!” I screamed. “Yes! I’m coming!”

  And with that, my whole body rocked with the strength of my orgasm. It started in my pussy, erupted to my clit, and, as Jesse pinched my breasts in tandem with my climax, the pleasure traveled across my entire body. I moaned and gasped as my internal muscles flexed around the length of his shaft and he continued to pump into me.

  “You good?” he grunted, continuing his assault. I blinked my eyes back into focus and met his intense gaze.

  “Yes,” I mumbled as my weak fingers grasped at the sheets.

  “Good,” he said. “Now it’s my turn.”

  He thrust himself back until he was all the way out. I felt a sudden rush of cold emptiness, but then, he seized me around my hips with an iron grip and flung me over onto my stomach. Although it didn’t hurt, I gasped in surprise. His obvious strength and dominance made my already soaked pussy gush with wetness.

  The pillow muffled my screams of pleasure as Jesse continued to fuck me as hard as he could. His balls slapped at my pussy adding a new wave of pleasure to the whole sensation. He grabbed my ass and spread my cheeks so his thrusts would go deeper, making my pleasure and sense of utter powerlessness grow. Once all the way inside, he reached one hand around me and squeezed my clit.

  I screamed and orgasmed again. Wetness gushed out of me, drenching his shaft, trickling down his balls, and lubricating my entire pussy so that every thrust was frictionless, swooping as deep as he could go.

  “I’m almost there,” he said panting. “I am going to pump you full.”

  His breaths came out with grunts of pleasure as his hands left my clit and my nipples to squeeze my body almost at random. His hands covered my ass, my back, my thighs as he clawed at every inch of me.

  “Here it goes, baby,” he cried, and I felt my insides explode.

  Hot cum doused me, pumping right into my G-spot, making me come alongside him. The onslaught was massive, and the rippling muscles of my pussy flexed everywhere, pulling it in, pushing it out, so that not only my insides but also my clit, my labia, his shaft, his balls—everything—was flooded with cum.


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