Hope's Chance

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Hope's Chance Page 9

by Jennifer Foor

  “Stop! Stop! I don’t want you to see my face.” He joked.

  Finally he gave in and let me remove them. I leaned in and held my lips against his. He grabbed the back of my head and wouldn’t let me up.

  I reached to both of his sides and started tickling him. Before I knew what was happening, he had flipped me over and was on top of me. I was laying down flat, but he was sitting up. His finger rubbed over my lips and I parted them as he did. He kept moving them from my neck, down to the skin between my breasts. He leaned in and kissed me there, never touching either of my breasts.

  I figured that he would keep teasing me, but instead he lay his head on my chest and closed his eyes. I ran my hands through his hair and took in how amazing being with him felt.

  We were silent for a while. I thought he had fallen asleep, but just as I let my eyes close, I heard him speak. “Will you go to the beach with me tomorrow?” He whispered against my skin.

  “I would love that.” I said as I finally let myself fall asleep in Chances bed, with his arms wrapped around me.


  When I started college my mother kept telling me to not get tied down to one girl. She said there was so much out there for me to learn before I settled down. Of course, at the time I didn’t believe her. I ended up getting into a serious relationship and thinking that she was the person I would marry and have a future with. Of course, back then I was pre-law and had so many options available to me.

  My girlfriend’s father was a prominently well-known lawyer and he always said he was going to take me under his arm, and eventually get me into his firm. I looked up to the man, and found myself wanting to make him proud of me. My father was never a big part of my life, so I always felt like he was the closest thing I had. I never realized that my ex was just a way into a lifestyle that I never knew. I thought I knew what love was. I believed that I truly loved her. Even after losing her and the support of her family, I thought I hurt so much because it had really been love.

  But, nothing compared to the way I felt when I was with Hope. Her touch was electrifying and I craved her energy. The way she looked into my eyes made me feel like she saw through my fears. She didn’t care what was standing in our way, as long as we were together. That meant so much to me.

  The problem was that I couldn’t tell her. If she knew the truth then she wouldn’t stop trying. There was no way her father would change his mind about me. Especially now that the police were breathing down my back again. There was no way in Hell I could tell him that I was with Hope that night. She would never forgive me and he would kick me out, or blame my sister.

  I wanted her to understand, but it was easier said than done. Hope had gone to extremes tonight and I felt really bad about it. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the show, but she didn’t have to do that. She should have never doubted my feelings. I wanted to tell her so badly. I had practiced it in my head a million times. It just seemed that telling her my true feelings would only hurt her in the end. I promised her this weekend and after that we would have to stop.

  There was no way Hope could find out she was that important to me. Too many lives were at stake. My happiness had to wait, so others could have theirs. As much as it hurt, I knew it was the truth.

  Tomorrow I would give Hope the best day I could give. I would tell her the truth about my past. She would know everything.

  Our relationship could never be.

  I tried to sleep, but it was impossible with my bare skin against hers. I just wanted to savor every moment that we had, knowing at any moment it could be our last. It hurt to even think about.

  I held my head up and watched her sleep. She seemed so peaceful and if she had been feeling half as bad as me, she hadn’t been sleeping very well lately. I could never seem to close my eyes at night knowing she was so close.

  It hurt so much knowing that after this weekend we couldn’t be together again.

  I tried not to wake her, but I couldn’t keep myself from kissing her. Her naturally tanned skin was so beautiful; she had no idea how perfect she was. I ran my lips over her stomach, kissing every few inches. My mouth kept wandering down to her hip. I ran my tongue against it and she started to stir. “Sorry”, I whispered.

  While still half asleep she moaned. “Don’t stop.”

  I pulled the sheet that covered her out of the way and began kissing her inner thigh. I watched her as I kissed her and I could tell she wasn’t all the way asleep. Her lips were moving as mine touched her. When I found her wet center with my mouth she started moving her hips in sync with my tongue.

  I loved the way she tasted. I had never wanted to do this to anyone I had been with in my past. For so long I had refused to even try it. But, even on our first night together I found myself craving her in ways that I had never wanted anyone before.

  I chalked it up to the alcohol at first, but as the days passed I still wanted every part of her.

  She began to convulse uncontrollably and I knew she was pleased that I had woke her. She grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up to her face. She knew what it did to me when she tasted herself, but she savored my lips anyway.

  We switched positions and she straddled me while in a sitting position. Her perfect breast were in arms reach and I couldn’t stop myself from touching them. Her skin was silky smooth, but her nipples hardened as I touched them.

  Hope started kissing me on my chest and then on my stomach. She licked my belly button and then blew cold air on it. It gave me Goosebumps. She did it again, this time licking the hair that led down to my dick. Her soft breasts kept rubbing against it. I had to throw my head back to keep from having an uncontrolled explosion.

  Her hand cupped my balls and started massaging them, and if I thought for a second that that felt good, I had no idea what her lips were going to feel like when she took me into her mouth. I watched as Hope took me inside of her mouth and moved with the rhythm of her hand that was rocking the bottom of my shaft. She put her thumb on the vein in the back and pushed as she continued to move up and down. I wanted to watch her, but I kept closing my eyes because it felt so good.

  “Oh God Hope. Please slow down. I don’t want to go yet.” I begged.

  She did it harder, almost insinuating she wanted it. As hard as it was to do, I pulled away from her and took a second to gain my breath. She looked at me with hungry eyes, so I pulled her over and thrusted myself inside. She gasped with pleasure.

  I slowed down and got into a good pace, but Hope grabbed me on the ass and began pulling me against her. Within seconds I had collapsed on top of her, trying to catch my breath.

  I switched positions with Hope so that I could hold her against my chest. I didn’t want the weight of my body to make her uncomfortable as we slept. Once I had her nestled in my arms I was able to fall asleep easily.

  Chapter 16


  I woke up in exactly the position that I wanted to be for so long. Chances arms were still wrapped around me, and even though I could see that the sun was out, there was no way I was getting out of this bed. Every time we had been together, something had stopped this from happening.

  Chance promised me a weekend and I was determined to hold him to his word. I promised myself that I wasn’t going to think of tomorrow. Today was for us. I couldn’t be more excited to go somewhere in public with him. I desperately wanted to lay on the beach next to him and hold his hand as we walked along the water’s edge. Maybe it was a bit corny, but a girl can only dream.

  My father and Buffy weren’t due back until tomorrow morning. That meant that Chance and I would have the whole day and night together. Even though the beach sounded like a fantastic idea, I didn’t really care where we spent it, as long as we were together.

  I wanted to savor every single minute of this day.

  I set my chin on Chances chest and watched as it rose and fell. His little nipples were so cute and I found myself kissing them, before I even realized I was doing it. Chance’s chest was so chiseled a
nd I loved the way it felt against my hands. He had this cute inny belly button with the sexiest patch of hair under it, that I loved playing with.

  There were so many things about Chance that made me crazy. The most important of them all was his heart. He could try to hide his feelings all he wanted, but last night confirmed that he had feelings for me. I knew that if the circumstances were different, we could have a real shot at being together. Unfortunately, he had to worry about my father finding out, which would turn out to be a literal disaster.

  If that was our only hurdle maybe we could find a way around it, but Chance had too much to lose. He loved his sister. I could see it when they were together, and I also knew how happy he was to be able to live so close to her. If we tried to make things work he would have to move and have no job.

  Then there was the fact that I didn’t turn eighteen for months. I wasn’t allowed to make my own decisions yet, which meant if my father found out about our little secret, he could get Chance in a lot of trouble.

  I pushed past my feelings of anxiousness regarding our fate, and wrapped my arms tighter around Chance. When I felt his arms sliding over mine I looked up to see him smiling at me.

  “Good morning Beautiful.”

  With nothing but a sheet lingering between us I moved it aside and straddle my legs in between one of his. “Hey.”

  “If we stay in bed all day we won’t ever make it to the beach and I was really hoping to rub lotion all over your hot ass body in front of every guy there.”

  I laughed. “Really?” I ran my hand down his chest and reached beneath it to gently hold him in my hands. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  “I bet you weren’t picturing it like I was” Chance added.

  “What do you mean?”

  He giggled and started playing with my hair. “Well I pictured it as shiny oil. All the dudes were staring at you with their mouths open, while I got to touch every inch of you.”

  “Sounds like you have too much thinking time on your hands Chance.”

  “Or I just don’t want to share you.” He said as he hugged me tighter.

  I knew he regretted it, because when I looked up at him, he had tightened his lips and seemed disappointed.


  “Don’t Hope. Let’s just enjoy our day. Alright?”

  I laid my head back against his chest. “Of course.”

  It didn’t matter if he wanted to take it back, he had already said it and I heard it loud and clear.


  I can’t believe that came out of my mouth. I was trying to be so careful. Some things just couldn’t be avoided forever. Besides, I didn’t want her to ever think that I was using her. If I had the opportunity to be with her, but to never have sex again, I would be fine with it. Just holding her in my arms made me feel so happy. It was something that I hadn’t felt in so long.

  “We better start getting our things together for the beach.” I suggested.

  She stayed nestled in between my arm and my chest. “Okay. I will get up when you do.”

  “Well since you are half on top of me it isn’t going to be easy.” I joked.

  “I’m comfortable.” She whined.

  I leaned my head down and kissed her forehead. “Wanna hop in the shower with me?”

  Her head lifted up. “Really?”

  I mimicked her voice. “Really.” When she gave me the look I added, “Just a shower though.”

  She rolled her eyes, but finally sat up and followed me into the bathroom. While she started the water I faced the toilet and started peeing.

  “Oh. My. God. Chance what are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I am doing? You can’t run water and expect me to hold it. Would you rather I pee on your leg once we are in the shower together? Besides, I know you have to go. You didn’t get up all night.”

  She rolled her eyes at me.

  I leaned down and kissed her on the head before I climbed in the shower. I heard the seat on the toilet being closed and knew she was going to the bathroom, so I stuck my head out. “What are you doing?” I asked sarcastically.

  She took the curtain and covered my face. “Quit it Chance. I can’t concentrate with you in here.”

  “You are no fun.” I pouted.

  I let the water run down my head as I leaned against the shower wall. Hope and I had taken our relationship to a new level last night and it scared me. I felt her arms wrapping around me as I stood there. I loved that she was here with me. I wanted today to be perfect. I needed her to know what she meant to me; even if it was the only time I would ever be able to do it.

  I spoke while she began to wash my back. “I was thinking that after we hang out on the beach for a while, we could have a nice dinner somewhere.”

  “I will do whatever you want Chance, as long as you are with me.”

  I turned to face her. I took my hands and wiped the water from her face. “I can assure you that I will not be leaving your side for the next twenty four hours.”

  She got a big smile on her face. “What happens if the lifeguard is this totally hot chick and she throws herself at you?”

  “There is no way in hell I would even notice her, when I am laying next to you Hope. Do you have any idea of the effect you have on me? I can promise you that there won’t be one person on that beach that makes me feel the way that you can when you walk into a room, or when I hear you singing, or even when you are throwing paintbrushes at my head.”

  As the water ran down her face, she stared at me speechless. “Hope, I made a decision that today I was going to give you it all. I wasn’t going to hold back. This may be temporary, but I want you to know exactly where I stand, because when we aren’t together, I don’t want you ever questioning it.”

  She put her hand up and placed it on my cheek. I grabbed it and kissed the palm. “Turn around and let me finish washing your hair.” I ordered.



  “Thank you.”

  “For washing your hair?” I joked.

  “No. For everything else. Just when I think I know you completely, you turn around and surprise me even more. You are such a special person.”

  “Keep that in mind when you are checking out all the dudes on the beach today.” I said as I turned off the water. I leaned out and grabbed a towel so that I could wrap it around her.

  I started brushing my teeth and she stood there watching me. “What?”

  “I need to go in the house to get dressed.”

  “Okay. I will be in there in a few minutes. I want to get my trunks on and pack a few things.” I watched her walk out of the room and heard the door shut as she left.

  I was determined to not let her out of my site today, so I grabbed everything and threw it in a book bag. Once I located my cell phone and wallet I headed toward the main house. On the way there I managed to locate Hope’s clothes she had removed last night and I picked them up. It didn’t look good to see her clothing on the ground. That could be construed in many ways, and the worst part about that is it was the truth.

  When I got into the house I heard her calling my name so I headed upstairs. I noticed she had finished painting and putting her room back together. “I like the new color. It’s nice.” I mentioned.

  “Should I bring a change of clothes for later?” She asked.

  “Yeah. Hey do you still have that fake I.D.?”

  “Why? I thought you said we were going to be alone?” She inquired.

  I shrugged. “I just want to have all of our options open. I would rather be prepared than not. And, for your information, I plan on us being alone a lot today. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” I said as I sat on her bed.

  She came over and put her arms around me. She had changed into a little green sundress. “I’m not wearing any panties.” She whispered in my ear before biting on the lobe.

  “We could stay here all day ya know.” I offered.

  She grab
bed her bag and a pair of sunglasses and started walking out of her room. “If you want to be the first person I pick to apply my lotion, you better get your ass moving Chance.”

  I hurried behind her down the steps and out the front door.

  I took one of the bags, put it under the seat, and let her keep the other one on her back while we traveled. She offered to take her car, but I loved the feel of driving to the beach on a motorcycle, besides I was dying to being able to have her clung to the back of me for everyone to see.

  She didn’t hesitate to get on my bike this time. This time she lifted her leg and climbed right on. Instead of just holding on like normal, she reached her hands under my shirt and clung to my bare chest. I had grabbed the other helmet out of the garage and made sure hers was secure before putting mine on.

  We set off to make the forty minute drive to the beach. I had a smile on my face the whole time feeling her hands clinging to my bare skin. I knew her dress was blowing up, but today she was all mine and there wasn’t anyone going to take her away.

  Chapter 17


  Being on the back of Chance’s bike used to make me scared out of my mind, but I knew he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. It gave me a sense of freedom and I was actually enjoying myself. When we got to the beach and started driving down the main road, a lot of people were looking our way. Chance had stopped halfway and removed his shirt. I loved leaning my head against his bare back as he drove.

  We were hearing a lot of whistling as we passed people, but I wasn’t sure if it was because Chance had his shirt off, or that my entire thighs were exposed from straddling the bike. My guess was both, but Chance didn’t seem to even notice. He found a spot close to the beach and parked his bike. I noticed it was on the boardwalk, which meant we could walk around and get something to eat or drink without having to drive anywhere.

  Chance grabbed the bag from under the seat and we started walking on the beach to find a good spot. I couldn’t get over how hot he looked in his board shorts. They hung perfectly on his hips and made me think about the wonderful package he was hiding beneath them.


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