Hope's Chance

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Hope's Chance Page 23

by Jennifer Foor

  Her next course was psychology. She did horrible on the first quiz, so I decided to take a break for lunch. I headed into the kitchen to make us something to eat. When I felt Hope’s arms wrapping around me, I welcomed them in, but realized immediately what was happening. I grabbed her hands and removed them. “Hold up. Just because we are breaking for lunch does not mean you can sample the merchandise.”

  “But Chance, I want you.” She said with a pouty face.

  “Get back in there and go over your notes. We still have two subjects to pass before you can have some of this goodness.” I joked.

  “You suck Chance.” She said as she walked back into the living room.

  “I love you too!” I yelled back.

  I made us both a sandwich and took them into the living room. Hope grabbed the plate and started eating, while she gave me dirty looks. I knew this was all her game to try and sway me from letting her off the hook from studying.

  When we finished eating, I dove right back in. Eventually I taught Hope a jingle to enable her to remember her questions easier. After the third attempt, she passed. I did not hesitate when I removed my jeans and let them fall to the floor.

  Hope sat back and watched me. She bit down on her lip and it took everything in me, not to walk over to her, pick her up, and carry her to my bedroom.

  The last subject was a business management class she was taking. She managed to enroll in the class late to gain an extra credit for the semester. Hope seemed focused and within thirty minutes had answered almost every question correctly. She did a silent clap with her hands and pointed to my boxers. I gave her a big smile as I grabbed the elastic band on them and played with it. I pulled them down just enough so that she still couldn’t see anything that was hiding inside of them.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I should have made that last test harder.” I joked.

  Chapter 42


  I was determined to ace that last test, not only because I couldn’t wait any longer to see Chance without clothes, but because I had never studied that much in my entire life. It was already three in the afternoon and it felt like Chance and I hadn’t had alone time, even though we had been together all day. Chance gave me a big smile before leading me into the bedroom. He was never forceful with me and I appreciated it so much. His gentle touch gave me butterflies, each and every time he touched me.

  I loved being with him and feeling him so close to me. His arms wrapped around me even before he took off those boxers.

  “I think I just need one hug before you seduce me.” He joked.

  “I don’t think I want to waste anymore time Chance. Drop your drawers!” I demanded.

  Chance sat me down on the bed and he knelt between my legs. “I need to talk to you about something important Hope.” He said in a serious tone.

  I studied his face and all of the joking was gone from it. He put his hands on both of my knees and looked into my eyes.

  “Chance, whatever it is, you can say it.” I declared.

  “Has Buffy talked to you about any of her friends?” He asked.

  I had no idea what he was getting at. “No. Well not really. She said some of their names and talked about fun things that she did when she was my age, but nothing in particular. Why? What is wrong with her friends?” I asked.

  Chance’s face was indescribable. I couldn’t read him like I normally could. “There is something that you need to know before they start getting here for the wedding; something that I need to talk to you about.”

  “Why does it seem like this is really serious all of the sudden?” I asked.

  Chance stood up and started pacing around the room. “You are making me nervous Chance. Just spill. I can’t take this weirdness with you.” I reiterated.

  “Buffy has this friend named Susan. They did everything together when they were younger, but things changed and they grew apart I guess.”

  “Chance you aren’t making any sense. Susan is in Buffy’s wedding. Why are you telling me they grew apart?” I asked.

  He put his face into his hands. “Ugh! This is harder than I thought it would be.” He admitted.

  “What is? Dammit Chance just tell me.”

  “Susan and I had a thing.” He confessed.

  I froze. Not because it shocked me that he was with another woman in his past. That was obviously something I knew about, but I was shocked that number one, I didn’t know, and number two; it was Buffy’s so-called best friend. Before I could say anything, Chance interrupted me.

  “Hope, Susan and I had a weird kind of relationship. We never were in an exclusive relationship. It was more of a mutual agreement. We would hook up every once in a while, but that is all it was, just a hook up for me.” He explained.

  I could hear the words coming out of his mouth, but I just couldn’t believe he was telling me it. I never imagined him being that type of person; the kind that had a fuck buddy, per se.

  “Chance, do you have feelings for her?” I asked.

  “No! Of course not Hope, but when things went wrong in Pennsylvania, she was there for me. It only stopped when we moved here. I hadn’t spoke to her in over a month before I met you and I haven’t talked to her since. I swear.”

  “I still don’t understand Chance. Are you telling me this because you think she might still want you?” I asked.

  He sat down beside me and took my hand into his. His eyes turned to me and I could see the worry in his eyes right away. “I am telling you this because we are hiding our relationship. When Susan gets here, she will just assume I am single. Hope, I can’t tell her about us, unless you want your father to know. I am not saying that I know for sure she would tell, but I know that she would be jealous that I am in love with you. I never loved her. I am just really concerned that things could get awkward while she is here. I just don’t want you to ever doubt how devoted I am to us. I love you.” He confessed.

  I wanted to scream or cry, or maybe kill Buffy for having such a crappy friend, but I knew it would just seem like I was being a jealous and immature girlfriend. I wanted Chance to know that I trusted him. It was just so much harder than I assumed it would be. I couldn’t imagine seeing him with another woman. It would tear me apart inside.

  I squeezed his hand. “Thanks for telling me Chance. You are right about not telling her. As much as I want everyone to know about us, I can’t do it before the wedding. I don’t want to risk our family going into turmoil, because of something we have been doing behind all of their backs.”

  “Hope, I promise you that I have no interest in being with her ever again.”

  “Okay, I believe you. Now are you going to take off your pants or do I have to beg?” I said trying to change the subject.

  As Chance began to take off his boxers, I thought about how much I hated someone I hadn’t even met yet. He may think that everything was okay, but I was definitely worried.


  I had finally told her about Susan. She didn’t need me to go into any specific details; it would have just made her more upset. I just knew that I had to tell her. Susan was going to come here and assume I was free to hook up with, and I had no way of telling her anything different.

  She was a free spirited girl who did not like taking no for an answer. That mixed with the simple fact that we already had history together was a bad thing. The first thing she was going to want to do was get me alone.

  I dropped my boxers and climbed into bed with Hope, who was already removing her clothes. I loved the way that her sweat suit fit her body, but when she took it off, I liked her new appearance even better.

  I pulled Hope on top of me and all of my current worries went away. She had that effect on me. The way her hands touched me, or the way her body connected with mine, made every other sexual partner weak in comparison.

  I had never kissed someone and felt the passion that I did with Hope. She had this electrifying demeanor with everything she set out to do. She left me in awe and I always craved bein
g near her. Hope had given me a second chance, and I would never want to be with anyone else again.

  I lay next to her and stroked her hair. “I love you so much. Do you know that?”

  Hope giggled. “Of course I do you big dummy. Why do you think I am laying here naked in your bed?”

  I traced my fingers across her lips. “I just don’t want you to ever forget what you mean to me. Without you, my life would be meaningless. You make me want to be a better person.”

  “Chance, I love you too, and I promise you that I won’t forget, but I can’t lay here and not want to touch every inch of your body. Now would you please make love to me, before I burst?”

  “Burst? Hell yeah! I wouldn’t want you bursting.” I joked.

  For the next half hour, I kissed every inch of Hope’s body. I started slowly below her knees and then worked my way up to her neck. When I got to her most tender spots, I took my time and used my tongue to savor her sweet scent.

  Hope’s body jerked in ecstasy as I slid my head between her legs and pleasured her until she screamed my name out loud. Just as I had finished, she pulled my face up to hers and kissed me deeply. She always knew how crazy it made me when she did that.

  Hope positioned herself on top of me and when our bodies became one, she took control of the movements. I took her hands into mine and she rocked back and forth on top of me. I wanted to grab at her hips, but I couldn’t make myself let go of her hands. Things were perfect and our bodies seemed in sync with one another.

  For the second time, Hope began to pick up the pace and finally called out my name as she collapsed over me. I rubbed her back and played with her hair while she remained on top of my sweaty body. “How do you do that?” I asked.

  “Do what?” She asked while laying across my chest.

  “You make every time just as good as the first time, maybe even better.” I admitted.

  I felt Hope shrug her shoulders. “You are just being nice because I gave you some.” She joked.

  “Nope, it is the truth Hope. You are so damn irresistible. All I want to do is be with you.”

  Hope began rubbing the top of my chest with her fingers. “Chance, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course you can. Ask me anything baby."

  “Did she love you?”

  Except that. Damn! “I don’t know Hope. I don’t want to know.”

  “How long did it go on? I mean, how many times?” She asked.

  I didn’t count how many times. Hope was fishing for answers and she really didn’t need to know details like that. Hell, I didn’t even want to think about them. Doing that with Susan made me feel sneaky, and I almost always felt like I was doing something wrong.

  “Hope, can we please not talk about it? I am not trying to be mean or hurt your feelings, and I surely didn’t tell you that to make you feel insecure. I just wanted you to know the truth, so that if she said anything you would not get the wrong idea about us. Please can we just lay here together?” I begged.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right.” She said as she wrapped her arms around me.

  “I want you to sleep here tonight. Do you think you can sneak out later?” I asked.

  I could feel Hope smiling as she lay against my chest. Her head began to nod up and down. “Of course I can.”



  “What do you want for Christmas? I mean, you haven’t told me anything.” I asked.

  “Surprise me. I will love whatever you choose. My necklace is my most prized possession.” She admitted.

  “I smiled, knowing exactly what I wanted to get her. She would love it, I was certain.”

  Chapter 43


  I woke up in Chance’s arms early the next morning. Sneaking out hadn’t been a problem the night before. My dad and Buffy came in from shopping around nine and went right to bed as a result of exhaustion from shopping all day.

  When I looked at the clock, I knew I had plenty of time to cuddle with Chance before anyone noticed that I wasn’t in my room. I couldn’t wait for this charade to finally be finished. Maybe other people wouldn’t be able to understand how Chance had fallen in love with someone that hadn’t turned eighteen yet, but it wasn’t like he was dating a child.

  I had been with other people, well one other person. My last relationship lasted a year. I had graduated High School and was attending College. What more could they expect out of an adult?

  The fact was that I was head over heels in love with Chance and the three-year difference in our age meant nothing to us when we looked at the big picture.

  There had been so many times when I wanted to tell my mother about him, but each time I had chickened out. If my mother was in the wrong kind of mood, it could have sent her over to my father’s house on the warpath. I had to play my cards right so that nobody got hurt.

  When I finally felt Chances strong arms squeezing me tight, I knew he was finally awake. “Good morning baby.” He said with his eyes still closed.

  “How did you know it was me?” I joked. “I could have placed an imposter here to fool you.”

  “Your morning breath gave it away.” He kidded.

  “Ha ha.” I said as I leaned up and kissed him.

  “I knew because I never once let you out of my arms last night and because your skin always smells like honey.” He confessed.

  “I like your comeback answer Chance. I will let you live to see another day now.” I said as I stood up and headed into the bathroom, where I found my spare toothbrush that Chance always kept for me.

  “Mind if I use your toothbrush?” I joked. I stood there waiting for him to reply, but I didn’t hear him. That was until he appeared in the doorway, standing there naked in front of me.

  “You have your own smart ass. Watch out for a minute. I have to piss.” He said as he walked toward the toilet and started going, while I stood there brushing my teeth.

  “Seriously? I hate when you do this.”

  “Do what Hope? I am going to the bathroom. You go to the bathroom at least ten times a day. What is the big deal?”

  “You never want privacy though.” I confessed.

  “No. I do want privacy, except from you. I have nothing to hide from you. I want to be able to share everything with you.”

  “Why do you always know what to say? You suck!”

  “I suck because I say the right thing? You do realize that is a contradiction right?” He asked.

  I laughed out loud. “Yeah, I know!”

  Chance walked out into the bedroom. I knew he was getting dressed. He may be comfortable around me naked, but he didn’t generally walk around like that. He most always had on a pair of boxers. I enjoyed him either way, but I always feared my father would walk in on us being together in this house naked and it scared the shit out of me.

  I walked back into his room behind him. I didn’t want to seem like a stalker but I loved to look at him. He was bent over, like that first day we met. He had slipped his boxers on around his ankles and started pulling them. I noticed all of the muscles in his back moving and for a second it was so perfect that I had to close my eyes. Looking at Chance, this way, made me want him. He was so tan and so perfectly sculpted. I pictured being in his arms and how he could carry me around like I was a bag of feathers. His strength was so sexy to me.

  “Hope? Like something you see, cause you are literally staring a hole into my chest.” He joked.

  I cleared my throat. A slight part of me seemed embarrassed, but that was only because I had been caught. “Actually, I like everything I see.” I bite my bottom lip. “The things I want to do to you right now are just sinful”. I managed to say with a straight face.

  Chance shook his head and slid a pair of shorts over his boxers. “If you continue to watch me and talk like that, I am going to snatch your ass up and fuck you all over again.” He threatened.

  I licked my lips and then bit the bottom. “Mmm, what is stopping you?” I teased.
/>   A shirtless Chance came walking towards me. He didn’t waste any time grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into his lips. He kissed me so hard that I thought I was going to lose consciousness.

  I put my hands to his chest and pushed him down on the bed behind us. He watched as I removed my top and then my bottoms, before climbing on the bed over top of him. I licked his navel and placed small kisses all over those beautiful abs of his. He played with my hair as I drug my lips over his tanned skin.

  I sat up and ran my hands over his stomach again, playing with his belly button, then finally making it to where the button on his shorts sat. As I worked on that button, I could feel his readiness pressing against my hand and I worked on pulling the shorts down.

  It was ironic how I used to hate being intimate, and I loathed the idea of having other partners after I broke up with that dickhead Trevor, but Chance made that all go away. I loved him, maybe even from the first time our eyes met, as corny as that seems. Maybe his body pulled me in, but his demeanor and kind soul showed me what is was really like to love someone. Chance had been saving me since before he even really knew me. That meant more to me that anything. He was truly my best friend.


  Hope wasn’t being very cautious with her father being right in the house across the yard. She had successfully gotten me back into bed. I had trouble saying no to her, especially more since I had been back home. Being away from her was pain strickening and I never wanted to do it again.

  As she removed my shorts, I wondered if I should stop her, but as soon as her hand grabbed it and began stroking, I knew my mind had stopped working. Hope massaged my thighs with her hands and placed kisses on my stomach, which made me crazy. It was the little things she did to me that made me want her like there was no tomorrow.

  When I couldn’t take it anymore, I grabbed her and pulled her body up to meet mine. Without an effort, I slid into her and she let out a small moan as it happened. I watched as my beautiful girlfriend sat straight up, placing her hands on my thighs behind her from support. It caused her chest to stick out further and as she moved, so did her breasts. I couldn’t help but reach up and run my fingers over her nipples.


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