by David Perry
A Note from the Author
In 2014, I started writing Upon this Rock, an idea that came to me, literally, within hours of my first moments in Orvieto. Over the next five years, my husband Alfredo and I visited numerous times. I finished the book sitting at Orvieto’s Capitano del Popolo two years ago this month. To us, Orvieto is very much home—no different than where we live in California or when we visit our family in Spain. Both Italy and Spain suffered much during the early days of COVID-19, as now have we all. The spirits of both those countries, and their people, run through this book. Having Upon This Rock published during this most difficult global year is something that demands an acknowledgment to both those countries, to all who have suffered and died, and also to those who are “keeping on keeping on,” ready for whatever comes next.
—David Eugene Perry, 26 July 2020
About the Author
Photo by Alfredo Casuso
David Eugene Perry is the founder and CEO of the public relations firm David Perry & Associates, Inc. For ten years, he was the host/producer of 10 Percent TV, which he created, and which was the longest running LGBTQ TV show in California history. He has written for such publications as The Advocate, the San Francisco Examiner, Omni, The Desert Sun, and The Utne Reader, and hosts the online interview show Ahoy! He and his husband, Alfredo Casuso, live in Palm Springs, and take frequent trips to San Francisco, and when possible, Orvieto and Spain.
Readers are invited to contact David in the following ways:
[email protected]
Instagram @uponthisrockorvieto