The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America

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The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America Page 46

by Marc Levinson

  Sheppard, Morris

  Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

  Shideler, Ernest Hugh

  Shipping and Commercial List

  Shreveport (Louisiana)

  Shreveport Chamber of Commerce

  Shreveport Mutual Building Association

  Shriver, A. K.

  Sickles, Merrill

  Silver Key tea

  Sirovich, William

  Sittenfield, Milton M.

  Skaggs family

  Slichter, Sumner H.

  Smith, H. Allen

  Smith, Kate

  Smull, Thomas

  Social Register

  Social Security

  Society for the Prevention of Crime

  Society of Mutual Benefits

  South Carolina

  South Dakota

  Southern Wholesale Grocers’ Association

  Spanish-American War

  Sparkle gelatin

  Speedie, Matthew

  Sperry & Hutchinson (S&H)


  Springfield (Missouri)

  Stalin, Joseph

  Standard Brands

  State Department, U.S.

  State Board of Tax Commissioners v. Jackson (1931)

  Steffens, L. D.

  Stewart, A. T., & Company

  Stewart, Mabel

  Stewart, Sheldon

  Stiner, J., & Company

  Stokely Brothers

  Stone, Lucy

  Sturges, Bennett & Company

  sugar; at independent groceries; price of; store displays of; wartime restrictions on

  Sugar Trust

  Sullivan & Cromwell

  Sultana brand

  Sumner, William Graham

  Sumners, Hatton

  supermarkets; antitrust violations and; chain-store taxes on; discount stores versus; earliest operators of; employees of; first arrival in New York of; Hartford brothers and transition to; high-end; independently owned; in Japan; operating costs of; in post–World War II era; produce sections of; store brands and products in; in urban working-class neighborhoods; see also names of specific supermarket chains

  Supreme, Court, U.S.; chain-store taxes upheld by; New Deal legislation overturned by; price-fixing decisions of

  Swift & Company

  System of Accounts for Retail Merchants, A (FTC publication)

  System magazine

  Taft, William Howard

  Target stores

  Taylor, Frederick Winslow

  Taylorville (Illinois)

  tea; A&P’s dominance of market for; advertising of; brands; bulk sales of; duty on; chain stores originating in sale of (see also specific companies); gifts with purchases of; mail-order sales of; price of

  Teamsters Union

  technological development

  Teegarden, H. B.

  Temporary National Economic Committee

  Tengelmann Group


  Tetley Tea

  Texarkana (Texas)

  Texas; A&P stores in; anti–chain store movement in; antitrust complaint filed in; Mexican grocers in; Pancho Villa in; see also specific cities and towns

  Texas State Network Inc.

  Texas Wholesale Grocers’ Association



  Time magazine

  Toledo (Ohio)

  Topeka (Kansas)


  Treasury Department, U.S.

  Trow’s New York City Directory

  Truffault, Jules Michel Marie

  Truman, Harry S.

  Tunison Grocery Company

  U.S. vs. New York Great Atlantic & Pacific (1944)

  Uneeda Biscuit

  Unfair Trade Practices Act (California, 1935)

  Union Pacific Railroad

  United Cigar Stores Company

  United Grocery Workers Union

  United States Economist

  United States Steel Corporation

  United States Wholesale Grocers’ Association

  United Warehouse Workers Union

  Universal Market (Princeton, Indiana)

  Updike, John

  Valhalla (New York)

  vegetables; canned; see also produce


  vertical integration

  Veterans Bureau, U.S.

  Veterans of Foreign Wars

  Villa, Pancho


  Wadsworth, Harry

  Wakeman, Abram

  Waldorf tissue

  Wallace, Henry

  Wall Street Journal


  Walton, Sam

  War Against Depression

  Ware, Caroline

  War of 1812

  War Production Board

  Warren, Lingan A.

  Washington, D.C.; A&P stores in; March of the Little Men in

  Washington Post, The

  Washington state

  Waterville (Maine)

  Wellman, Peck & Company

  Wells of Discontent (Daughters)

  West Bend (Wisconsin)

  Westerfeld, S.

  West Virginia Horticultural Society

  West Virginia University

  White House Milk Company

  Whittier (California)

  Wiley, Harvey W.

  Willard, Frances

  Williams, Sheldon W.

  Wilson, Frank

  Wilson, Terry

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Winn-Dixie Stores


  Woman’s Day magazine

  Women Investors of American

  Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

  Wood, R. E.

  Woolworth, F. W., Company

  World War I

  World War II

  Wright, Chester

  Wrightson, William G.


  Yakima Valley Growers Association

  Yale Law School

  Young, Nancy Beck

  Zimmerman, Max


  The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger

  Guide to Financial Markets (Economist Series)

  Beyond Free Markets: The Revival of Activist Economics

  After Reagan: Confronting the Changed World Economy (with C. Michael Aho)

  Hill and Wang

  A division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

  Copyright © 2011 by Marc Levinson

  All rights reserved

  First edition, 2011

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Levinson, Marc.

  The great A&P and the struggle for small business in America / Marc Levinson.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 978-0-8090-9543-8 (hardcover : alk. paper)

  1. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company. 2. Supermarkets—East (U.S.)—History. 3. Grocery trade—United States—History. I. Title. II. Title: Great A and P and the struggle for small business in America.

  HD9321.9.G7L48 2011



  This is an independent work of scholarship and is not endorsed by The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company.

  eISBN 978-1-4299-6902-4

  First Hill and Wang eBook Edition: August 2011




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