In This World, : What Becomes of Us

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In This World, : What Becomes of Us Page 1

by the Lovely Trishelle

  In This world,

  What Becomes of Us

  the Lovely Trishelle


  “Trust no words pronounced and a mere fraction of sight, for none know of what true reality is.”



  At this instant, an ancient prophecy begins, while realms lay on the verge of destruction. Unknown to what the future may hold for them, five souls go on with their mundane everyday lives until brought together by various events. Until now, these five experienced different lives, but none of them expect their journey to twist in the way fate has planned. Provided that, the five individuals will soon discover how their destinies entwine.

  Meanwhile, in the flowerbeds of their apartment complex's courtyard, lays a young woman, Mia and her beau, Ren, as they make out. Mia turns and locks lips with another lover, Ishigo. With arms draped around her waistline, Ren tries to rile Ishigo up as usual, but instead, Ishigo being the bigger person ignores Ren. This time, Ren drug Mia into his jealousy, as he hassles her with unimportant matters.

  “Who interests you more?” asks Ren.

  “Neither,” says Mia.

  Ishigo stands up, brushes his hands against his pants then heads towards their building, and as boredom sets in, Mia follows. For fear they had left him outside, Ren broods and drags himself into the lobby, to realize they stood in wait for him. With kisses upon Mia's cheeks, Ishigo and Ren leave the corridor. Mia's feelings once more assure her of how lucky they are.

  Lucky to have two people care for her, with the plus of living together. Outside eyes ponder how problematic their love must be, but that is the least of their troubles.

  The Magical One

  Mia Inatoka

  12:03 PM, Friday, September 8th, 2017

  A young woman leans over a balcony as she looks out to the scenery. Her name, Mia Inatoka, with long, wavy locks of red draped down her back as they blow in the wind and eyes comparable to amethyst crystals. An hourglass shape and taller than most women played tricks on her mind causing her to pay attention to every minor thing she inserts into her body. From eating, to waxing, and working out to protect the shape of a sculpted goddess she envisions. Obsessed with her figure, she takes extreme care of her frame with pride.

  Bound by blood, Mia’s origins hail from Japan on her mother’s side and Russia from her father’s side. The supernatural refers to her race as Magical Ones, yet, that story is for another occasion. Presented as an ordinary college student to those outsides of her house, home, was not something she considered it. Often left with a trapped feeling, it gave her the sense of a prison.

  Her story begins one year ago, a few days before her twenty-fifth birthday, followed by weeks of earth-shattering news. Mia pointed her finger at one man; her regrets hung high for him in those days. Wishing to alter time and space, rewriting the memories stained in her mind. Thoughts she will forever dwell on, even in the sunniest of hours.

  5:37 PM, Thursday, September 8th, 2016

  Hazlet, New Jersey, one year ago, sat a typical looking suburban residence with tan siding and burgundy window shutters. A front lawn flourishing with lush grass, and cutting through it, laid stone slabs tunneled by a single white arch to form a walkway. The path led to brick steps bordered with flower pots up to the front door. To the right of the path stood an enormous red oak tree, it was Mia’s father, Dima’s favorite part of the entire property. Whenever she crossed paths with the tree, it forced a smile on her face, which left her with the sense of how much her father had cherished it.

  Dima past away ten years ago, from a pileup, after five years passed by, a strange man arrived in the picture. Once HE became comfortable, the red oak was the only reason she would come back. It reminded her of better days, which made each day more manageable. HE was Jin Toumi, Mia’s mother, Savanah’s boyfriend. Only a few years her senior, he looked to assume the role of Mia’s father but presented himself as a teenage boy. His hair; slicked back, shoulder-length, and dyed green. Eyebrows; undyed and untamed, disgusted her, and a five o’clock shadow presented more like twenty-four seven. With a thin outline, unmuscular and pale, pasty skin tone, and adolescent clothing choices showed the minimal effort he used to take care of himself.

  Her judgments may sound too subjective and ridiculous, but body image was too essential for Mia to be around someone of his likes. Which left him nowhere near the preserved picture she held of her father. Dima was one of the scariest men you could ever come to cross with, but those close new him different. The few individuals he let close knew him to be one of the gentlest and compassionate beings you could ever meet.

  Mia compared Jin to gum stuck on a shoe, “Just stuck there, as much as you don’t want it to be or what solution you came up with to get rid of it, it’s still there.” She claimed every time she saw him; he would appear to her in his purest form, the devil himself. One could say it was theatrical, but everyone has been in the same position at one time or another. Her claims were not false, he was one of the worst individuals to exist, at least to her, which leads back to this day.

  Mia walked through the front door, “Mom, I’m home! Hello?”

  After a few moments passed, she shouted again.

  “Hello? Mom, you home?”

  “I guess no one’s here,” said Mia, as she walked towards the stairs.

  From a distance, footsteps approached, and with a flurry of excitement, she turned around to see Jin. The second her eyes set on him, Mia shuddered with dread from the horror that awaited her. His voice sent her into a cringe.

  “I’m right here, my little kitten,” said Jin, as he bore a grin, “Am I no one?”

  It left Mia to wonder a single thought of; why me? Her heart raced as she stood frozen in terror unsure of what fate awaited. Before she could realize what happened, he was in her face.

  “No, get away from me! I can’t take this any-,”

  Jin swiped his hand, and covered her mouth interrupting her to hush her loudness, then pressed her against the wall, leaving her helpless and cornered. She felt his breath on her neck when he leaned into her ear.

  “You’ll cherish every second unless you want to have another accident?” asked Jin.

  Mia watched the corner of his mouth raise nauseating her while he continued.

  “I’d hate to see you have another accident. Then how would I play with my kitten?”

  That smirk would have terrified anyone, joint with the crazed look in his eyes. Instincts kicked in, and Mia's muscles relaxed. Jin let off the pressure that pinned her to the wall, just enough for Mia to slip his grasp. She ran straight to her bedroom, but he was close behind. As Mia swung the door closed, Jin flung it open throwing her across the room. Disoriented, she pleaded him to cease; he laughed.

  “Leave me alone, please, I’m begging you!” said Mia.

  “If you continue to fight me, I’ll have to punish you,” said Jin.

  With the end of his sentence, he slipped his tongue into her mouth and forced her further back on the bed. Jin’s hands slithered across her body as he removed her clothes. Mia laid frozen, helpless as tears streamed her face, her lids heavy as she faded out. Left to her subconscious’ thoughts; I must leave this house, Jin has no soul. How can he use us this way? If she ever discovered, it would devastate her; she would not believe me.

  The front door opens and closes; snapped back into consciousness, her mother’s voice brought her hope; she knew the nightmare was at its end, for now.

  “I’m home,” said Savanah, as she looked around her, “Where are they?”

  She shouted for them unaware of the event taking place above her head. Meanwhile, Jin was in a fit of pan
ic; he raced to dress, throwing Mia’s clothes at her.

  “Crap, she’s home, sooner than expected too. Go wash yourself up,” said Jin.

  He scrambled out of Mia’s room, as she smirked at his erratic behavior. Laughter was the temporary cure since he left her with a torn dress, smeared makeup, and complete disgust with herself. The worst part was it was better than most days. After washing the filth away, she changed and went to greet her mother. As soon as she stepped into the kitchen, she felt Jin’s eyes settle upon her. His stare had been empty threats with Savanah there.

  Clueless to Mia’s uncomfortableness, Savanah asked, “How was your day?”

  Mia’s eyes glued to the floor, unable to look her mother in the face.

  “I thought you’d be home early tonight?” asked Mia.

  She raised her head, only to lock eyes with Jin, who stood behind Savanah. His eyes screamed for Mia to keep her mouth shut.

  “I’m sorry dear, but work held me, again,” said Savanah.

  It took everything inside of Mia not to scream exposing Jin to her mother. She yearned to tell her mother everything, but she could not be the one to crush her that way. His icy stare glared through the back of her head; it caused her to fear if any of his reactions would be rash. Mia would have never forgiven herself if Jin harmed Savanah, and it was her fault.

  4:42 PM, Thursday, September 8th, 2016

  Earlier that day, Savanah had been at her lover’s workplace, the local police station. They often fornicated in his office, with the door closed and locked, blinds shut, and everything on his desk knocked off. Forty-five minutes later, finished with her infidelity, they walked out of his office to everyone’s judgment fallen upon them.

  “Get back to work!” said Captain Barrowitz.

  as the words left his mouth, time appeared to unfreeze when everyone returned to what they were doing.

  Savanah’s phone rang, which startled her, but John Barrowitz, never missed a thing, as Savanah jumped at the noise, he asked, “What is it?”

  “My daughter’s calling, give me a minute,” said Savanah, as she walked away.

  She answered her phone, exaggerating her whereabouts, Savanah claimed a project at work delayed her. With quick reassurance to Mia, Savanah ended her call and walked towards John.

  “What’s wrong with your daughter calling?” asked John.

  “I told her I would be home early tonight,” said Savanah.

  “Let me walk you out, Savanah.”

  “Thanks, John.”

  They walked out the door and across the street to her car as she lit a cigarette. Without thinking, John made a face.

  “Bite me; I’ve got one guilty pleasure.”

  It caused them both to break out into laughter as they said their goodbyes, sealed with a goodnight kiss. The car door squeaks open and slams shut, leaving John to taste the remains of her menthol on his lips as he watched her drive away.

  “That woman is going to get me in trouble one of these days,” said John.

  6:23 PM, Thursday, September 8th, 2016

  Back in the kitchen, Jin had been cooking supper; he reminded them as every second ticked away silencing their conversation. In anticipation, they waited to speak again. While waiting, Savanah noticed Mia’s expression and questioned if she was okay.

  “Forget me, what’s this project’s name that has you so caught up at work?” asked Mia.

  Savanah leaned in towards Mia.

  “It’s a joint project with the police department; we’re trying to give the department’s damaged image a less feared outlook.”

  Jin yelled that dinner was ready while he exited the kitchen.

  “Who is he?” asked Mia.

  “How’d you know?”

  With a faced of proclaimed capture, Savanah jumped at her words and Mia consumed by laughter needed to catch her breath before answering.

  “Because you just told me.”

  At that moment, Savanah realized her defeat. Tattled on by herself, she could not blame another soul. To reclaim herself somewhat, Savanah took an authoritative stance followed by the demand they eat. Mia knew it was only a ploy to end the conversation; this sent her into another fit of laughter as they made their way to the dining room. Once more, she got under her mother’s skin with little to no effort.

  3:09 PM, Friday, September 8th, 2017

  Consumed by thoughts of the past, she could not bring herself to leave the balcony. Mia hoped with her mother’s sideman around back then that Savanah would have left Jin, but it was not soon enough.

  “At least I know you're safe,” said Mia.

  Savanah acted and dressed in her twenties, which explains the mess she called a love life, but Mia’s romantic life was not much different an example; Ishigo and Ren. Savanah had long; wavy locks dyed a darker shade of red than Mia’s, which hid her grays and matched her crystal blue eyes. She took immense pride in her body; often working out with Mia.

  The most significant regret Mia could say she had in life, was not being there when everything happened. Left to reminisce the thoughts of who her mother was.

  11:08 AM, Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  The morning of Mia’s birthday, three days after the night in the kitchen. Thrilled by her birthday, so much so, Mia leaped out of bed that morning. Before she left her room, her phone vibrated. Alerting her to two missed calls; one from a job she applied for and Kiki, her best friend. The voicemails boosted her spirit even more.

  As she entered the kitchen, Savanah was waiting. Once they exchanged good-mornings, Savanah poured coffee while they spoke.

  “What’s got you so chipper this morning? Could it be someone’s birthday?” asked Savanah, “Happy birthday!”

  “Thanks, Mom. I got great news!”

  Mia bounced up and down on the bridge of her toes.

  “Well?” asked Savanah.

  Mia explained her cause of excitement was due to her birthday and the voicemails she received. Terrorized for six months by Mia, Kiki alerted her as soon as a spot opened on the schedule. When she told her mother, Savanah’s reaction felt rehearsed, but Mia tried not to let it get to her.

  “You’re ready to move out, so young?” asked Savanah.

  Twenty-five and ready to flee the nest, Mia longed to experience the responsibilities of adulthood. As she saw the gleam in Mia’s eyes, Savanah burst into tears, leaving Mia to scratch her head.

  “I’m emotional, but not sad. I remember when I gave birth to you,” said Savanah.

  “Mom, please stop. I haven’t even seen the place yet,” said Mia.

  Mia hugged Savanah as she wiped her tears.

  “You better come over every Sunday!”

  “Yes, mom, I promise.”

  If only she could return to those precious moments that never lasted, she would have chosen a different path.

  Not A Day Goes By

  Remember Me

  3:49 PM, Friday, September 8th, 2017

  With every good memory, coincides unpleasant ones, and sometimes the events that create these positive and negative memories leave people unbalanced.

  “You can’t stay out here forever,” says Ren.

  “I know,” says Mia.

  Mia feels that her memories are of the uneven sort due to so many that have died. Only painful memories exist, and the good ones, long forgotten. The story left off, on the second half of her birthday, one year ago. Mia was meeting up with her best friend, Kiki, for an apartment viewing. Not to her surprise, Kiki made a mess of everything.

  5:35 PM, Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  On the evening of Mia’s birthday, she drove for three hours in traffic before she had seen a sign for Terrigona Hills, the apartment complex Kiki got an appointment to view. The apartments were in New Rochelle, New York, better known as one of many regions upstate. Troubled by fidgets, Mia could not stay in the car much longer when she saw the sign.

  The gates stretched as tall as the sky, emitting an odor of money, which seeded doubt of
affordability in Mia’s mind as she pulled to them. After she drove this far and begged Kiki for so long, Mia could not chicken out. The tires inched forward as they rolled towards the security box, for Mia to find a fascinating individual, a security guard named, Hizon.

  “Welcome, Ma'Am. Who are you here to see?” asked Hizon.

  Stunned by his unusualness, Mia took a moment to answer.

  “I-I have an appointment.”

  “Are you on the list?” asked Hizon.

  “I’m not sure, Mia Inatoka.”

  Clipboard in hand, his finger slid the page, while he looked for her name. Mia tilted her head upwards and caught a slight glimpse at a pile of books that boosted him. A peculiar man he was with a lengthened nose, elf resembled ears, his attire reminded Mia of a librarian, glasses included. The part of hair left atop his head, stringy with the color of salt and pepper, teeth filed to points, unwrinkled skin, with orange spots confusable with age spots. Looks aside his personality shined above, he was delightful.


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