In This World, : What Becomes of Us

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In This World, : What Becomes of Us Page 7

by the Lovely Trishelle

  “Love, let me get that for you,” says Ishigo.

  Ishigo takes Mia by the hand and walks her around the chair to sit as he continues his gentleman behavior by pushing the chair inwards.

  “Ishigo, you spoil me,” says Mia.

  Gigi could not help, but let her eyes roll as she watches the three interact.

  “Before I vomit, I’m going inside,” says Gigi.

  Ishigo rushes to the seat and sits before Ren could take it. He turns to Ren with a grin while Mia closes her eyes and shakes her head with disapproval. Gigi stands in the kitchen and watches the guys act like buffoons, sighing before she continues the dishes.

  “Idiots,” says Gigi, “if only the Elders could see you two.”

  Thousands of years ago, there were two sides at war, the Royals and the Demons of Start, with no mediation, countless lives lost over matters of right and wrong. The Royals are the original bloodlines of the supernatural realm and the Demons of Start created by the manifestation of darkness. Through the years, from forbidden combinations of royalty and darkness gave birth to many new species known to the supernatural realm. With so many new species forced to choose a side, they pleaded for a middle.

  Thus, for the first time, royalty and darkness agreed, they created the Council. The Council included two Elders from each species and gave a middle ground. With creation, the Council had one sole purpose, to keep law and order throughout the realms. The regulations decided by a majority of votes. Elders chosen, are those who have left this world and had no allegiance or ties to either side but known as neutral whether it caused their damnation.

  Resurrected as an Elder, means one becomes impossible to kill. The only way for an Elder to remove themselves from the Council is by death or resignation unless forced to resign. As an Elder, the Council becomes one’s sole purpose, thus, forbidden to partake in any urges they may succumb. The reason is to prevent an Elder from becoming seduced, jeopardizing their neutral outlook.

  Even those blessed with immortality become subjected to follow the rules for the safety of the realms. The Council united is stronger than the Royals and Demons of Start, but not if taken out separate. The policy formed to keep a sense of balance between the powers. If several Elders become harmed, suspicions raise and before long balance restored.

  The Spirit Elder

  Mama’s Coming

  2:58 PM, Sunday, September 10th, 2017

  “Our appointment’s in two minutes, we’ll be late if you don’t hurry!” says Mia.

  Mia walks towards the rail, holds her arms out, closes her eyes, and extends her hands opening a portal.

  “We’re here,” says Ishigo.

  Ishigo forgot to wake Gigi, which left the guys running around helping her get ready.

  “It’s stable, go through,” says Mia.

  Mia follows the others, and the portal closes behind her, within seconds they transport to the Council’s meeting room. Their presence ordered by the Council to evaluate their living condition today, but they felt it was unnecessary and none of the Council’s business. The Elders thought it was inappropriate for a queen to lie in bed with two unroyal beings, but Mia refuses to let her new stature make changes the either of her relationships.

  12:01 AM, Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

  Seven months ago, while Mia slept, a figure approached unknown to Gigi’s presence, asleep in cat form. Mia snored comparable to a freight train, but Gigi slept through it. The figure inched closer waking Gigi; she transformed to wake Mia.

  “Mia, wake up,” said the figure.

  “Who are you?” asked Gigi.


  “Yes, Mia, it’s me.”

  The commotion woke the guys; they raced barging through Mia’s door. Struck in disbelief to the figure before them, they froze. Savanah passed by Gigi, sitting on the bed next to Mia. She placed her hand on top of Mia’s.

  “Mia, it’s me, we must talk,” said Savanah.

  Still groggy and confused Mia asks everyone to move this get together to a more spacious room.

  12:21 AM, Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

  Ten minutes later, the five of them made themselves comfortable in the living room; Mia fidgeted with her wings.

  “Mia, do you want to know how to retract them?”


  “Close your eyes, envision them retracting, moving as you’d move your hand or foot,” said Savanah.

  Everyone paid close attention as Mia’s wings retracted, disappearing into her flesh. It was if they were never there.

  “That’s much more comfortable,” said Mia.

  Savanah smiled, thrilled to lay sight on her daughter once more, but she could not remember how she died. Unsure of how it could affect Mia, Savanah delayed speaking of it.

  “Your hair will change back on its own, but for now, tell me about your new apartment and friends,” said Savanah.

  Before she spoke, Ishigo and Gigi noticed the awkward silence that fell over Mia and did what they always do, explain things on their own.

  “Welcome to our humble abode, my name is Ishigo Meshuto, and this is my pet, Gigi Meshuto. Next to Gigi is Re-,”

  “I am Ren Kerry, and I am the one that pays for everything.”

  “I guess the apple doesn’t fall far, Mia,” said Savanah.

  Savanah looped her arms through each guys arm and laughed.

  “Mother, are you aware of-,”

  “Yes, that’s why I’m here.”

  Again, a quiet awkwardness fell over everyone.

  “I’m here to train you, my queen,” said Savanah, as she knelt and bowed.

  “Mom, please.”

  “No, Mia. You need to understand, but first I must tell you our family’s history,” she grabbed Mia’s hand, “The Elders have informed me of everyone and everything that transpired since my death.”

  Savanah made her way to the coffee table and gestured for everyone to come closer. With placing an amulet amongst the table, she chanted. The jewel levitated and exposed a hologram. She grabbed Mia’s hand once more, pulling it over the crystal.

  Savanah chanted, “Show thy bloodline, past and future. Expose thy secrets.”

  In one quick motion, Savanah slashed Mia’s palm, and blood poured over the crystal. The crystal grew bright, blinding everyone as it shot into Mia’s chest. They could hear Mia’s cries as the glass pierced her flesh, but with their vision blinded, they could not move. Unable to help, they felt useless, until their sight returned. Not a drop of blood seen, Mia laid unconscious.

  “She’ll be fine, calm yourselves,” Savanah gestured towards Mia, “Gentlemen?”

  Ishigo and Ren carried Mia into her room, laying her on her bed, they bore expressions of confusion and anger.

  “What have you done?” asked Ishigo.

  “She’s the queen and the promised future. Have you forgotten your mission?” asked Savanah.

  Ren flustered by confusion demanded answers. Savanah smirked and led them through the kitchen to the balcony. Ishigo and Ren followed, but Gigi snuck back into Mia’s room. She scurried towards the bed as she transformed and laid beside Mia.

  “I hope you’re okay, my queen.”

  12:58 AM, Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

  Meanwhile, on the balcony, Savanah sprinkled dust across the table. It sparkled bright transforming the surface into a vision portal, exposing what Mia saw at that moment. Without words, they sat as their eyes glued to the images before them. She told them it was more understandable for Mia to experience the past and future than to explain it.

  1:15 AM, Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

  Mia’s induced visions brought her on a journey through the life of Gianna Inatoka, her grandmother. Mia held such a resemblance to Gianna to consider them doppelgängers. The only variation between the two being their sacred colors. Gianna had the honored title, Enchanter of the Tsumiku Bloodline. The bloodline is one of the royal families, but Gianna betrayed the king and queen’s trust by sleeping with
their son.

  They discovered she was pregnant by Prince Shino Tsumiku, the eldest son, and heir to the Tsumiku bloodline. They tried to conceal Gianna’s pregnancy, but it was a matter of time before she showed. Infuriated at Gianna and Shino’s decision to keep the baby, the king and queen devised a plan. The family promised her safety until she gave birth, afterward it was off to the dungeon for eternity.

  After ten years of torture, Gianna escaped, kidnapped her child, and ran away. She was twenty-one years old when she gave birth to Savanah, and thirty-one when they met again. For another ten years, they lived as humans; poor, but happy. At forty-one, leaving twenty-year-old Savanah motherless and pregnant, someone murdered Gianna.

  11:11 AM, Friday, October 16th, 1981

  Thirty-six years ago, Lavender Castle, on a hill stood a mother and child as they peered towards the future and their past heavy on their heels. A child disoriented to her surroundings and afraid of what is following can only ask questions of what will be.

  “My dear Savanah, what’s wrong?”

  “Why did we leave father at home?”

  “One day, you’ll understand,” said Gianna.

  From the shadows of the castle, a woman appeared, astonishing with her long dark locks and makeup. She wore a dark shade of red upon her lips, but eyes bore a smoky look to them. The woman was thin with a gray tone and bright amethyst colored eyes. She wore a trailing purple robe made from velvet, on the front, it clasped shut with an emblem of witchcraft. Her fangs protruded from her top lip, revealing she was not an ordinary witch, but a Vamporess. Her image unsettled the child; she hid behind her mother.

  “Will she kill us?” asked Savanah.

  “No, Tiana’s a powerful Vamporess. She’ll help us get to where we need to go,” said Gianna.

  Even Tiana’s smile frightened the child when trying to show friendship. Disappointed from Savanah’s withdrawnness, Tiana led the way inside the castle. As Savanah followed them through the corridors, she could not help but clench her hands around her mother’s clothes. The castle was old and dark, but before long they reached a library. Tiana waved her hands, and every candle lit on fire. She gestured to the books for Savanah to explore while they worked.

  “Are you ready?” asked Tiana.

  “Yes,” said Gianna.

  They chanted; the room cast into darkness, not even the setting sun shined through the windows. Not a moment later, the candles relit themselves.

  “Elders of Sorcery, Clan of Inatoka, I summon thee to come forth,” said both, Gianna, and Tiana.

  They stood circled a cauldron, Tiana picked up a knife handing it to Gianna.

  “Accept thy blood as a penance for our summons. Come forth, for your kin begs of you,” said Gianna.

  A cloud of gray and white shimmer accumulated over the cauldron, revealing a loud and mighty voice.

  “Who dares to summon me?”

  “A Vamporess of the Lavender Clan, Tiana Lavender and a Magical One of the Inatoka Clan, Gianna Inatoka,” said Gianna.

  “State the purpose of this summons?”

  “Great Elder Kita, we have summoned you for your kin to relinquish their blood ties,” said Gianna.

  “How dare you spew such blasphemy, what is the reason behind this?” asked Elder Kita.

  “I bore a child deemed a bastard, rejected by the Royals, and an execution order sent out,” said Gianna.

  “For whom, I dare ask?” asked the Elder.

  “Myself,” said Gianna.

  The king and queen of the Tsumiku Clan wanted no harm to come to their darling granddaughter. Their plan only devised for Gianna, erasing any traces of her existence. To raise Savanah as a Tsumiku, nothing else. As Gianna explained the circumstances to the Elder, she became infuriated. With the knowledge of the Royals involvement, Elder Kita granted Gianna’s request, but not without warning.

  “If another Magical One comes into existence, the precautions taken place today will be void, any repressed magic embodied into her. The outcome can be a blessing and a curse because the repressed magic can either drive her mad or fulfill prophecy as the savior. Are you willing to accept the consequences of your actions? Any further contact with the Elder will be unattainable. Present and future traces of magic removed from Inatokas, other than the discussed circumstances,” said Elder Kita.

  “Agreed and understood,” said Gianna.

  “Then it’s settled, upon awakening to tomorrow’s dawn, blood will no longer tie you and your daughter to the supernatural. Now spill thy blood, with dawn brings completion,” said Elder Kita.

  She spilled her blood into the cauldron joint with Gianna’s.

  “Thank you, Elder,” said Gianna.

  The smoke appeared once more consuming the Elder before it dissipated.

  2:18 PM, Saturday, October 17th, 1981

  The next day, in a park, Gianna stood as she watched Savanah play on the swings. Out of nowhere, a familiar voice plagued her eardrums. He found them, and the sound of his voice turned Gianna paler than a ghost. Scared Savanah jumped off the swing and rushed to her mother, questioning who the angered man was. Gianna knelt beside the child and explained she had nothing to fear. With a gentle push, she gestured Savanah to play.

  “Why have you taken my heir?” asked Shino.

  “Didn’t you hear the king and queen’s orders?” asked Gianna.

  “You could have left; our fates were of no endangerment, and Princess Savanah belongs at the castle, Royals belong with Royals,” said Shino.

  Gianna smirked before laughing in Shino’s face.

  “Don’t worry Shino, that’s no longer an issue.”

  “Explain yourself, Gianna.”

  Tears engulfed his face, Shino could not fathom how Gianna could only think of herself and take her own daughter’s birthright away. She explained that Savanah no longer held memories of the supernatural which included her father.

  “Written in supernatural blood, law states; supernatural fault can harm no human entity,” said Gianna.

  “How dare you-,” said Shino.

  His voice faded, dropping to his knees, placing his face in his hands. Curious about the scene, Savanah ran up to her mother. Gianna took Savanah’s hand and glanced back at the broken Shino before they walked away, never to lay sight on him again.

  What About Fathers?

  Shino Tsumiku & Dmitrius Ryabtsev

  5:23 PM, Sunday, September 10th, 2017

  After hours of argument, Mia storms out of the meeting, Gigi trailing right behind her.

  “Who do they think they are?” asks Mia.

  Gigi could sense Mia’s frustration as it vibrates off her while pacing back and forth. She makes a sudden stop and swings her body around, barging straight through the double doors.

  “I have one question, as queen, can I declare?” asks Mia

  Both hands placed in front of her, gripping the table with her thumbs.

  “Y-Yes,” says one Elder.

  “Then as of this moment, I declare it forbidden to discuss who I bed or where I live. These matters are of no concern to the Council, there are more pressing issues at hand,” says Mia.

  Her eyes glow with an icy purple while the Elders bow as a reaction to her decree. Never seeing Mia this way, both, Ishigo and Ren have hearts in their eyes caused by her dominant display. The queen in her is showing.

  9:07 AM, Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

  Seven months ago, Mia laid comatose in her bed until she completed the history of her family’s journey, which thus explained why she is the way she is. Mia finished her first ancestor’s life, Gianna Inatoka, and experienced her grandfather’s life, Shino Tsumiku, current King of the Tsumiku Bloodline. From experiencing Gianna’s life, she knew how the demise of the Inatoka Enchanters happened, but not the why behind it. The Tsumiku bloodline was the purest of the Royal bloodlines. Until Gianna, a Tsumiku never mixed bloodlines with an unroyal, the king and queen were ashamed of the event.

  Engaged to marry before G
ianna became pregnant, Shino kept his love affair a secret. The girl was quiet and none confrontational, her behavior towards him was more of a servant. A princess from another one of the Royal families that his parents chose. After that day, Shino had not seen or heard from his daughter, until Gianna died. Alerted to Gianna’s fate, he wrote Savanah and asked for a meet. Married with a child, Savanah concealed Mia’s existence from Shino, unaware of his intentions she remained cautious.

  3:28 PM, Saturday, September 13th, 1997

  Twenty-five years ago, Shino stood in the park he last saw Savanah, staring at that same swing.


  “Savanah, my, you have grown! I was unsure if-,”


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