In This World, : What Becomes of Us

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In This World, : What Becomes of Us Page 9

by the Lovely Trishelle

  “Jue shi?” asked Nuwa.


  “Ni xiang yao shen me?” asked Cheng.

  (What do you want?)

  “Zuo wei ni de yao qiu,” said Nuwa.

  (As to your request.)

  “Ishigo, my friend, it’s been far too long,” said Cheng

  Cheng looked towards Nuwa who stood by the door.

  “Hui qu gong zuo!”

  (Back to work!)

  “Shi de, xian sheng,” said Nuwa.

  (Yes, Sir.)

  “Go easy on her, she looks new,” said Ishigo, they laughed.

  With Nuwa gone, Cheng questioned Ishigo about his whereabouts for the last several years. Not wanting to get into the entire story, Ishigo gave Cheng the quick version, he got into trouble overseas. Sensing Ishigo’s urgency, Cheng told him Ju would be there in an hour. He offered to call, but Ishigo wanted to surprise her. While they waited, Cheng and Ishigo caught up at the bar. It was never an innovative idea with the two of them, often ending with them wasted.

  “Miso!” said Cheng.

  “Yes, boss.”

  “Two shots of Mao-t’ai,” said Cheng, as Ishigo shook his head.

  Mao-t’ai was Cheng’s favorite Chinese Vodka brand, and the shots hit them quick. Time flew, and before Ishigo realized it, the hour passed. Ju walked in and thanks to Cheng, Ishigo now trashed, had to face his sister after missing for six years. At first, she walked right past them, not realizing it was him, but who could blame her.

  She thought her brother was dead. Even if he could muster the words to call out to her, how was he to explain everything? Terrified his father would commit him did not encourage him either. That was when Nuwa jumped out in front of Ju, stopping her in her tracks.

  “Ju, how d’you walk right past him?” asked Nuwa.

  “Who, Nuwa?”

  “Your brother.”

  “That’s not funny, he’s dead,” said Ju.

  Without hesitation, Ishigo jumped up and grabbed Ju’s hand. She swung around to flip out, but upon realizing who it was, she collapsed to the ground. As the caring big brother, he was, Ishigo dropped to the floor with her. All Ishigo could do was hold her as he tried to calm her cries. Once Ju calmed, she called their parents three thirty in the morning, and they rushed to the restaurant. After a long night, Longwei convinced everyone to come to their house.

  10:33 PM, Sunday, September 10th, 2017

  “Ish,” says a familiar voice as they neared.

  “Out in the back, Ju.”

  She walks onto the balcony and takes a seat at the table.

  “Daydreaming?” asks Ju.

  “No, reminiscing. Do you remember how strict Dad was when I first got back?” asks Ishigo.

  “Yeah, he didn’t let you out of his or Mom’s sight for a few months,” says Ju.

  “It’s not funny, that’s why I moved out. Dad was driving me insane,” says Ishigo.

  Ishigo and Ju sit laughing the night away, he did everything in his life for her, to protect her future. Between Gigi and Ju, they kept his ambitions for survival steady, but with Mia, he would do anything necessary.

  The Final Awakening

  Ren’s Goodbye

  8:07 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  Ren wakes early on their birthday to sneak out, this year he has taken a “me” day for himself. His story is one of sadness, and he brushes it off to show it does not affect him. Ren’s mother, Samantha McDowell, came from a low-income family. She dreamed of hitting it big as an actor, so she would have enough money to move out of the ghetto. His father, William Kerry, came from a wealthy family, they owned Kerry Productions, money had no bounds for him.

  They met while Sam worked one of her three jobs, this one was mail distribution in Will’s office building. One day she delivered mail to him, and he noticed her charm. After a year of dating, they married, and four years later she found herself pregnant, giving birth to Ren. On Ren’s fourteenth birthday, his parents were on their way to the divorce lawyer’s office when an eighteen-wheeler hit them. William died on the scene, while Samantha died on the way to the hospital.

  In an instant, Ren became orphaned and wealthy in one event. He may resemble a dumb, conceited, rich, player, but that is who he portrays himself as, which he prefers people to think they cannot use him. To him his parents were heartless; his mother only cared for money, and his father only for his work. Ren just wished his father realized her greediness sooner, but, without his consumption of work, she would not have been as obsessed with money. He vowed that when he found his wife, he would show her the real him.

  Ren loves Mia, but she has him and Ishigo. Mia has not chosen one of them yet, leaving Ren conflicted about their relationship. In the human realm, polyamory was illegal, but they were not sure about the supernatural. Plus, Mia has so much on her plate between being the savior and queen of the realm.

  Getting back to Ren, he put himself through all ivy league schools and graduated every year with honors. Instead of partying his emotions away he put it into his studies. He does not blow his money, and his business with Ahish is only for excitement. Not that he needs the money. The two lives he lives are such opposites from each other that the media has the public believing he has a twin.

  After today, Ren hopes to have three separate ways of life. Today being his twenty-seventh birthday, he is on his way to the Kerry Cemetery. It will be the first time Ren visits his parent’s graves since their burial. He hopes to induce emotional stress that will force him to awaken, fed up after a year of waiting. He has explained to Mia and Gigi, he always had everything first, never last. Ren arrives at the cemetery, reluctant to exit the car.

  Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Mia is just waking. She has been moody the last couple of days with everything going on, but today she woke super excited. Mia loves her birthday and considering how far she has come since the previous birthday it enthralls her even more. As she walks into the kitchen stretching, she yells, “Good morning!” Opening her eyes, she realizes she is alone.

  She checks the house twice hoping to find them asleep, but all she saw was Gigi, snoring away. Mia sighed before reentering the kitchen to make coffee. After a few minutes, the coffee machine beeps alerting Mia it was ready. With a cup in hand, she sits at the kitchen counter and sips her coffee, reminded of a few months back, when Savanah was training them.

  4:42 PM, Wednesday, June 7th, 2017

  Three months ago, after four months of vigorous training, Savanah was ready to show Mia the final piece of magic, which was to open the portal to the other realm.

  “From here out, it’s up to you to begin your journey and discover what the other realm has to offer,” said Savanah.

  She moved her hands and traced a figure eight before she sprung her hands to her chest then pushed them forward. Before Mia’s eyes, a portal ripped open in time and space. Tempted to go through it, Mia approached it, but before she could even touch it, Savanah snapped her fingers, causing it to a close.

  “Why?” asked Mia.

  “Because you’ll enter it once you open the portal. Otherwise, how will you learn?” asked Savanah.

  7:09 PM, Friday, June 9th, 2017

  After a few days and many hours, Mia mastered how to open and close the portal. With no time for goodbyes, Savanah rushed out of their lives as quick as she dropped into it. Curious and excited Mia could not wait to open the portal and explore the other side. Not aware Mia could open the portal wherever she pleased, she returned to where she thought the door was.

  Ishigo at that moment had been away completing a side mission the Elders assigned him, but that did not stop Gigi and Ren from joining Mia at the gate. Right before they entered the portal, Kiki showed up. Causing them to all freeze, unsure of how to play the position, but leave it to Kiki to know about stuff she does not understand. It explained why she has not reacted to any of the strange occurrences over the last year. Still, in shock, Mia could not believe Kiki as she demanded to come with the

  Unknown to what awaited them on the other side they stepped through the portal. As everyone exited the entrance, it appeared as if nothing had changed, it was strange. Confused, Mia and the others traveled back towards the apartment, through the woods. Once they reached the city, they realized they were not in the human realm.

  8:07 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  At Ching-Cheng’s Restaurant and Bar, Ishigo sits at a table while he awaits his sister’s arrival. After he lost six years of his life, Ju makes a big ordeal about the family being together for every holiday and birthday. He knew he was not only waiting for his sister but his parents.

  “Happy Birthday, Ish! Did Mom and Dad get here yet?” asks Ju.

  “Not yet.”

  Ishigo snuck out of the house super early to meet everyone at the restaurant; he figured they would still be sleeping. For the first time, he forgot Gigi. Thinking Mia and Ren would not realize she was home too, he excuses himself to make a call.

  “Ju, I have to step out, I left Gigi home and have to call Mia.”

  “Alright, but don’t be too long Ish, Mom and Dad should be here soon.”

  After ten minutes pass, Ishigo returns inside, where not only Ju waits but his parents.

  “Well?” asks Ju.

  “No answer, if she doesn’t get back, I’ll call her, again,” says Ishigo.

  It reminds him of the last time Mia did not answer her phone.

  9:17 PM, Friday, June 9th, 2017

  As their feet touched the pavement, an ogre greeted them. Ogres ran the police force on the supernatural side, and the gang was trespassing. Arrested and thrown in the back of a police vehicle they found themselves in jail. After an hour of begging from Gigi, they allowed her to make a phone call to Ishigo. Since the Council had alerted him to the plight, Gigi’s call only pissed him off further.

  Unable to control her emotions, Mia transformed, and everyone dropped to their knees to bow, from the police to those in the cell. They at once released Mia, and she demanded the release of Gigi, Kiki, and Ren. Ishigo met up with them not long after their release.

  Even though Mia was the prophesied queen, they all needed to get their passports, which to their surprise did not differ from being stuck on a line at the Department of Motor Vehicles. They discovered other than taking a portal to a Council meeting they had to buy tickets, except Mia. The Royal bloodlines of Tsumiku and Ryabtsev caught wind that Mia was in the realm. They requested meetings with everyone, and since Mia cannot be in two places at once, the bloodlines agreed to meet at city hall. The Ryabtsevs appeared less enthusiastic about Mia’s awakening than the Tsumikus.

  Tavvi’s attitude shown from his disappointment, Mia’s position as queen, abolishes power over the realm the Royals held. She was not only two bloodlines of royalty, but a Magical One, meaning she became the symbol of the people. Shino explained that her position was not without sacrifice. Mia would have to marry another Royal and promote a unified front, but she had until thirty to decide. Thrilled she had four years to figure the marriage part out, but a lot can happen in that time, and she had to move there.

  9:42 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  Back at the apartment, after Mia drank her coffee, she laid on the couch and dozed off, in wait for the guys to return. Sleeping, her phone rings, waking her.

  Ring… Ring… Ring…

  Half-awake she reaches for her phone only to knock it off the table which causes her to roll off the couch as she tries to grab it.


  “M-Mia, help me, I-I messed up-p.”


  Beep Beep… Beep Beep…

  “What the hell? He hung up,” says Mia.

  Ring… Ring… Ring… Ring… You have reached-

  “Something’s not right.”

  9:53 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  Ishigo sits with his family at Ching-Chengs as his phone rung.

  Ring… Ring… Ring…

  “Finally,” says Ishigo.

  Ishigo hurried outside to answer his call.

  “Hey, Mia, thanks for getting back.”


  “What happened?”

  “It’s Ren, he called, and something’s off, he hung up on me, and now his phone’s going to voicemail,” says Mia.

  “Are you sure he’s not messing with-,” says Ishigo.

  Mia interrupts, “No, something’s wrong! I can sense it.”

  “Okay, what d’you want to do, Mia?”

  “Can you have Ju track his phone?”

  “Okay, and?” asks Ishigo.

  “And Gigi and I’ll meet you at Ching-Chengs,” says Mia.

  Beep Beep… Beep Beep…

  “She hung up on me,” says Ishigo.

  He runs back inside and grabs Ju to explain the case.

  9:51 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  At Kerry Cemetery lays an injured Ren, on the phone with Mia, as the call drops.

  “I love you, Mia.”

  Beep Beep… Beep Beep…

  “Damn it, I don’t know if she heard me,” says Ren, passing out.

  8:51 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  An hour earlier, Ren sobbed for over forty minutes and felt no closer to a transformation. Fed up, out of solutions, and careless, what else can he do? For the first time, Ren wanted to be normal, as it thundered and poured above him. Ren pulled out his father’s gun while continuing to sob atop his parent’s graves. With a moment of clarity, he took out his phone and started a recording.

  “Mia, I love you, but I’m selfish, and you know that. You have Ishigo, Gigi, and Kiki; you’ll go on without me. I’m not doing this because of you; I love you, you’ve kept me alive longer. Move forward and keep saving the world as you do. Just know, you helped fill this hollow shell with hope, even if it didn’t last.

  “Ishigo, you’ve become as close as Ahish, even to the extent of us sharing things. Take care of the girls; they’ll need you after this. Gigi, so many nights have you held me in the darkness of my depression. Please help Ishigo take care of Mia, I never intended to leave her like everyone else, but I couldn’t do it any longer.

  “Kiki, leave Ishigo alone, be the friend Mia needs you to be. And Ahish, you know everything, keep moving forward like you always do. I love you all. Goodbye,” said Ren, as he ended his recording and raised the gun to his head.


  An overwhelming feeling hit Ren as his flesh moved and crawled. The bullet lodged in his temple; caught and stopped by his flesh. Before long, Ren passed out.

  10:05 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  Mia rushes around the apartment while she screams at Gigi to wake.

  “Gigi, get up, we must leave, right now!”

  “What happened, Mia?”

  “I’ll explain in the car, but something’s wrong with Ren,” says Mia.

  “Where am I driving?” asks Gigi.


  10:22 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  Fifteen minutes later, they arrive at Ching-Chengs.

  “Anything?” asks Mia.

  “The graveyard, behind his parent’s old house,” says Ju.

  “Mia, wait-,” says Ishigo.

  Mia interrupts, “No, either you’re coming with us or staying here, either way, I’m leaving.”

  Ishigo and Ju jump up to follow Mia out the doors, Gigi in the car, ready to go.

  10:47 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  Twenty-five minutes later, they arrive at Kerry Cemetery, before the car is in park Mia jumps out. She searches the grounds for Ren, when Gigi spots him, slumped over atop his parent’s graves. Everyone rushes over, and Ishigo sits him up for them to notice the bullet lodged in his temple. Ju is the last one to get there, and in shock from Ren’s display.

  “Ish, what is that?” asks Ju.

  “Ren, but I don’t have time to explain everything, right now.”

  “We have to get him to Dr. Plumey,�
� says Mia, opening a portal.

  “Ish, is that-,” says Ju.

  Ishigo interrupts, “Ju, enough!”

  Gigi rushes to the other side of Ren to help.

  “It’s stable, go!” says Mia.

  Ishigo and Gigi rush through the portal as they drag Ren, Mia shoves Ju through and follows. The portal gate closes and reopens in the supernatural realm, with officers in wait.

  Who Would’ve Thought?


  11:01 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017


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