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Badass Page 9

by Linda Barlow

  The boat slowed. Juan said something to Shane, who replied in perfect Spanish. Where had he learned that? I was impressed.

  “Okay, Cassie listen up. There’s a group of rocks near this cove that the lobsters hide in. Now usually, they hide under sea urchins, but if you’re lucky and go deep enough where it’s dark, they could be out looking for a date.”

  I scowled. Poor lobster looking for love and we’re going to snatch him. Fuck this.

  Shane continued. “If you see one, swat it—like this.” He held his hand out over my wrist. “Grab the body, and slam it against a rock. The lobster is gonna fight you, gripping for life to the rock. Keep shaking it until its antennae loosen.”

  Great—now I was going to play tug of war with a lobster. He handed me some gloves so I wouldn’t get sea urchin spines lodged into my hands. We put our equipment on; Shane attached a glow stick into my mask.

  We climbed down the boat steps and descended. Shane kept me close to him and took out his dive light, which was fluorescent green and resembled a gun. Around 30 feet down, we saw a patch of rocks, a lone antenna peeking out of the rock. Shane motioned me to go first. I didn’t hesitate. I reached into the hole and grabbed that poor lobster by its body and slammed it into the rock. He didn’t put up much of a fight, and once I loosened his antennae I threw him into the bag.

  Shane gave me a high five. He dug into that hole as if he was the lobster boss, grabbing two of the lobster’s buddies. He saved the last one for me. He put up a bigger fight, probably because he’d just watched all his friends being kidnapped.

  We made a slow, careful ascent to the top of the water and climbed back into the boat. “Not bad, for your first time.”

  I didn’t respond. Instead, I stared at our bag of four scrambling lobsters, fighting for their lives, spending their last few moments on this earth trapped in a plastic bag with their friends and loved ones.

  I knew I shouldn’t be so sentimental, but hell, sea life was my passion. I wasn’t even going to eat the things, so this just seemed wasteful to me.

  Chapter 24—Cassie

  When the lobsters we had personally trapped showed up piping hot at our little table in the nearby restaurant that cooked them for us, I took a big swallow of beer and stared at mine. Again, I thought of it swimming around, doing lobsters things just a little while ago. It hadn’t known its existence was about to come to an end in a boiling pot.

  “What?” said Shane, who was already digging into his.

  I grabbed a tortilla and shoveled some black beans into it, then dumped some guacamole on top. I rolled it up. “I probably should have told you.”

  “Told me what, doll?” He was giving me that once-over again. Now that I was in my bathing suit and cover-up instead of the motorcycle duds, he’d been eye-fucking me constantly.

  “I don’t eat shellfish. I’m a vegetarian.”

  He looked dumbfounded. Ha! “Are you fucking with me?”

  I shook my head and took a bite of my beans and rice.

  “Damn. You helped me dive for these things!”

  “You ordered me to. Just keeping my end of the bargain. I figured you had a craving for lobster. Isn’t it supposed to be good for the libido? Or…no. Maybe that’s oysters.”

  The corners of his mouth took on a dangerous slant. “I don’t need any kind of help.”

  I smiled cheerily. “Cool. I would be disappointed if you did.”

  He shook his head slowly. “You’re digging yourself deeper and deeper, you know that?”

  “I’m reckless like that. That’s me, Motorcycle Mama—I’m all about living on the edge.”

  I wasn’t, of course. I’ve never lived on the edge. I was usually cautious, thoughtful, analytical. Despite my yearning for a bad boy lover, I’d always been pretty much of a good girl. Good grades, healthy lifestyle, no smokes, drugs, or excessive partying. When my mom had taken sick in high school, her illness had changed my life. Her death could have destroyed me, so crazy with grief had I been at the time.

  But I’d held it together because I had to. Dad had no one else except me, and I knew he wanted me to prove to him that I could still do well in school and make a good life for myself. So I’d tried.

  Now, against all expectation, Dad had fallen in love.

  So what did that mean for me? I wasn’t sure. I had no clue. But in a weird way, I felt as if I could do anything now. Anything I wanted. For this one week before the wedding, I was free. I could be crazy and contrary and wild, because why the hell not? Our parents would never know.

  Ever since the first time I’d seen Shane, my body had gone into a hormone-drenched state of high alert. I knew a little about the biology and chemistry of sexual attraction. Clearly his body and mine had a lot of compatible molecules. We’d formed a strong physical bond that transcended anything our minds were capable of feeling. I wanted him and he wanted me.

  So here we were, a graduate student and a Navy SEAL, with nothing in common and no possible future except as reluctant stepsiblings, sitting across the table in Mexico engaging what amounted to pre-coital banter.

  I expected he would fuck me just as hard and just as dirty as he had the first two times.

  I hoped he would.

  I didn’t like the guy, but I craved the release he could give me.

  “If you’re really not going to eat that, push it over here.”

  “Fine. I’ll take your beans and rice.”

  We made the exchange, with him frowning the entire time. I think he took it personally that I didn’t want his precious lobster. “Your father is into fishing. Are you telling me you won’t eat the fish he catches?”

  “He mostly does catch and release. Like your Mom. Isn’t she a catch and release fishing guide?”

  “Yeah, but she’s not some kind of weird-ass vegan. She eats everything.”

  “I’m not vegan. I eat some dairy. I even eat sushi sometimes. I just don’t eat shellfish, meat, or fowl.”

  “Why? Are you one of those animal rights crazies? That’s probably why you were trying to help that baby sea lion. I’m surprised you didn’t pull him out of the water and trundle him off to SeaWorld to be taught to do cute tricks for the tourists.”

  “I’m a scientist. Not an animal rights nut. And I would have let nature take its course that day if it hadn’t meant he’d die a long, slow death of strangulation. That wouldn’t have been nature at work, but man, dumping his trash into the oceans and polluting the ecosystem.”

  I was getting hot under the collar now. I took a pull of my cerveza and ramped my emotions back down. “Anyway, I’m not here to listen to your critique of my eating habits. It’s none of your business what I eat. So back off.”

  He reached across the small table and gripped my wrist. His thumb somehow found its way to a spot where it could scrape gently across my palm. Uh-oh. That touch. It put me in mind of all the other intimate things he had done to me. And of everything I hoped he’d do tonight.

  “You’re a firecracker,” he said, low. “Must be that red hair. I love the idea of tangling my fingers in that hair while you wrap those luscious lips around my cock.” His eyes caressed me. “And that long, slender throat of yours. How deep can you take me, babe? We’re gonna find that out tonight, aren’t we?”

  Shit. I couldn’t look away from his burning blue eyes. Fine. I wouldn’t. Let him do whatever he wanted. I was on board with it. So very on board.

  * * *


  I relaxed back into my chair for a final few minutes before we hit the road again. Cassie surprised me, again. Hadn’t bitched once, captured lobsters like a champ even though she was a vegetarian.

  Five days and five longer nights. Cassie had no idea what was in store for her tonight. I couldn’t wait to have my way with her, fuck her brains out, make her scream my name. On her knees, on all fours, from behind, riding me cowgirl. Every fantasy I’d had about her during deployment was about to come true.

  A beautiful woman to fuck was
one thing, but I planned to camp in my tent under the moonlight alone, count the stars, a cold beer in my hand. Some of my Teammates had wives who adored them, were faithful and loving, but that type of love was not in the cards for me. Not only had I never had a serious girlfriend, but also my dad left when I was young so I’d never really seen a healthy partnership.

  This was just sex, that’s it. That’s all it could ever be. She was going to be my sister for fuck’s sake. That was more certain now than ever. And my mom deserved to be happy without me fucking up her relationship.

  But if after this trip my dick couldn’t stop craving Cassie’s pussy, I would do what I had to do—move on. I could always apply for one of the East Coast Teams. Otherwise being her stepbrother would be the one type of torture this Frogman would be unable to endure.

  Chapter 25—Cassie

  After Puerto Nuevo, we climbed back on the bike for what Shane warned, with a touch of sadism, would seem like a long ride. He was right, the road was a lot narrower after Ensenada—we were really in Baja now. It was an agricultural area with farms and some vineyards. Wine and vegetable country. Apparently they grew a lot of tomatoes here.

  We could see mountains on our left and the road got hilly—some of the sharp curves scared me a bit. But Shane seemed in absolute control of the bike and I didn't think we were speeding.

  The sun was beating down, and even though it was January, it felt hot. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to do this trip in the summer.

  Shane had warned me it would get a lot chillier in the evening, and I could feel the land cooling down when we got to San Quintín, where he planned to spend the night. I began looking for a good hotel as soon as we hit the town, but Shane was more interested in another gas station. When we finally did pull into a small restaurant, I was dismayed. It looked like a real dive.

  I said nothing, though. Besides, we’d already had one good-sized meal today. Him especially, considering he’d eaten all the lobsters.

  After we’d finished our supper, which was surprisingly tasty, he motored to a barebones motel. I was dubious about it, but Shane insisted the place was “nothing fancy, but good enough for me.”

  Okay, fine. That meant it had to be good enough for me, too, or I’d look like the rich girl snob that he already thought I was. At least it was on the water and tucked away from the usual touristic traffic.

  When we got inside, though, I checked the mattress for bedbugs. There are certain places where I am not going to sleep! No sign of insect colonies, to my relief.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing. Just tucking in the sheet. Military tight corners.”

  He gave me a suspicious look as he schlepped in the carrying cases with our belongings. Mostly his belongings. Between the cases and the water carriers, he had a shitload of stuff. I think he would have brought the bike, in too, if the room had been big enough, but he settled for locking its wheels together with a thick chain.

  “I thought we were camping out,” I said, just to annoy him.

  He surveyed the small room he’d rented for the night. Its entire furnishings consisted of one double bed with a saggy mattress and a single wooden chair. An old air conditioner rattled in one window. Instead of a closet, there was a recessed area with a bar for three wooden hangers and a ragged curtain. The other amenity was a small bathroom with toilet, sink and tiny shower stall.

  “I need a shower,” he said. “You could probably use one too.”

  “Gee thanks. Are you telling me I stink? It’s lovely having a future stepbrother who is so deft with a compliment.”

  He sidled up to me and thrust his nose and lips along the line of my neck. “I like your smell. And shut up with the stepbrother talk.”

  One of his hands found and gripped my breast. He squeezed. Not gently. I swayed toward him. Who needs gentle? I’d been clinging to his back all day. Feeling his ass and thighs bounce against mine. Enough of this tease—I wanted him. I’d done my time riding his bike. Now I wanted to ride his pelvis.

  I dropped to my knees and tore at his trousers. Screw the shower; we’d already been in the sea today, so we were reasonably clean.

  I got him out of his pants and underwear in record time and sucked his amazing dick, already thick and hard, into my mouth. He tasted fine to me—warm and a little salty. The head of his cock was velvety and the ridges and veins were fully engorged. I played at the rim and then greedily swallowed as much as I could of him. He filled me completely and I had to focus on breathing through my nose, but it was hot as hell.

  Shane groaned and slid his fingers into my hair. He held my head still and drove even deeper into me several times, claiming me, using me. He was rough, but I didn’t care. I thought about the way he’d fucked me on the night we’d met—the way he’d taken control. It had been new to me, and strangely exciting. Would he do that again? Why did I want him to?

  I needed the mental blankness that came with fast and furious sex with Mr. Hot-Ass SEAL. Everything in my life was so planned and controlled, so neat and tidy. That was the way I liked it. It made me feel safe. Planning kept the demons at bay.

  But this week, I didn’t have to plan anything because Shane was giving me orders. I didn’t necessarily plan on obeying all his orders, but when it came to sex, I liked it. This was way hotter than any other sexcapade I’d ever had.

  I worked him with my mouth and tongue, sucking hard while I twirled my tongue around the head and the sensitive underside. I also slid my hand over his balls and caressed him there while bobbing my head on his dick. It excited me, kneeling before him. Even though I wouldn’t necessarily put giving head at the top of my list of sexy things to do with other guys, I loved it with him. I wanted to get him off. I was putting some real effort into it when he groaned and jerked himself out of my mouth. “Shower first, babe.”

  “No.” I tried to take him back, but he pulled away. “Why? I want to please you.”

  “Because I said so, that’s why. You wanna please me, you obey.” He pulled me up from the floor and pushed me in the direction of the bathroom. “Get in there.”

  “Are you coming too?”

  “You bet I am.”

  Shower together? Okay, I could live with that. The stall looked pretty tiny for anything too adventuresome, but we could probably make do. “Wait, I need my shampoo.”

  “Fuck your shampoo.” He turned on the water and undressed me with the skill of a man who has undressed a whole lot of women. Then he pushed me into the stall, shook off the remainder of his things, and joined me in the small tile-lined space.

  “Are you some kind of clean freak?” I asked, remembering his spotless apartment back in California.

  “Nope.” He was sudsing up his hands. “I just like the slippery feel of soap over skin.” He proceeded to demonstrate. He pushed me back against one wall and devoted considerable attention to my breasts. He had magic hands and it didn’t take long before I was panting and squirming against the shower tiles. I don’t think my nipples have ever been so clean, or so hard.

  I tried to wash my hair while he was caressing me, but I ended up with soap in my eyes. He laughed at me, the big jerk. “Settle down and let me do it. You just won’t quit, will you?” he added when I reached down with soapy hands to massage his dick. I wanted to torment him as much as he was tormenting me. “Stand still before I punish that wayward ass of yours.”

  I laughed at him. “Yeah and that’s supposed to make me follow your orders? You’ve got a lot to learn about me.”

  “I reckon I do.” He ground himself into me, all his hard wet muscles and his irresistible cock smashed between my belly and his. “But right now I wanna learn how the sweet inside of your pussy feels.”

  For a moment I was afraid he might thrust without a condom and I panicked a bit, but all he did was rub and tease me until we were both gasping for breath and pressing our mouths and bodies together frantically.

  When we finally got out of there, the hot water had go
ne cold and our bodies were both rigid. Drying off was something of a joke. He brought a towel with us to the bed and tossed it down beneath us, then he grabbed a condom pack, tore it open with his teeth and rolled it on. I was touching myself between my legs in the meantime. I couldn’t help it—I was so wet and ready and the sensations in my clit were driving me out of my mind.

  When he crawled between my thighs and saw where my hand was, he laughed low and said, “I like watching that. But stop touching your clit. Slide your finger down inside and fuck yourself with it. Show me how you get off when you don’t have a man in your bed.”

  “I usually use a vibrator.” I said this to taunt him, too, since most of the guys I’d known seemed to hate the thought of a woman using a vibrator, as if it were some kind of battery-powered challenge to their manhood. But Shane just grinned even wider. “I’d like to see that, too. In fact, I’d like to fuck you in the ass while you rub your clit with that vibrator. Did you bring it with you?”

  Whoa. My future stepbrother wanted some anal action, too? This was going to be one wicked road trip. “Nope. I didn’t see vibrator on the packing list.” I stopped the self-pleasuring to take a good hold of his dick. “I’m expecting this will serve the purpose. You wouldn’t want to disappoint me, now, would you?”

  “Babe,” he said, pushing aside my hand and drilling the tip of his cock into my opening, “When I get through with you, you’re not gonna have any energy left to complain.”

  He kept his promise. The first bout was fast and furious. We both had explosive orgasms, but I hoped we weren’t done. Turned out that Shane didn’t need much in the way of recovery time. He was young and so was I, but even so, it was amazing how fast the need came rushing back again. We built it more slowly the second time.


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