Gorgeous Consort (Beautiful Entourage #2)

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Gorgeous Consort (Beautiful Entourage #2) Page 10

by E. L. Todd

  “I think you do need to get over it,” he said bluntly. “But I also understand why it’s hard for you. I don’t think less of you for that.”

  “I would if I could, Rhett. It’s just not possible.”

  “It is possible,” he said gently. “Just because one woman hurt you like that doesn’t mean another one will. Don’t throw away your future because of your past.”

  “I just can’t…” I closed my eyes.

  “Take it slow. Go on a few dates.”


  Rhett sighed and backed off. “I’m happy for you and Aspen. She’s a great girl. But not everyone can have that, Rhett.”

  “No,” he agreed. “But I know you can.”

  I shook my head and looked away.

  “Maybe you just need more time. Three years is a long time to be with the same person. One day, you will be over it. One day, you’ll be able to trust someone again.”

  “I highly doubt that. And I really don’t want to be that boyfriend that goes through a girl’s phone and checks up on her. I’ll never trust her and that’s not fair to her.”

  “That’s why I think you should date first. Just have fun and meet new girls. Most women want a good-looking faithful guy to settle down with. And they have no intention of cheating. Alexia was just a bitch. Don’t compare other women to her.”

  “I know you’re right,” I said. “I know it. But that doesn’t change the way I feel. I’ve lost all faith in relationships. I really don’t think I can get it back.”

  “You can,” he said firmly. “You can have what I have with Aspen.”

  “Not now, “ I said. “And probably not ever.”


  I was freaking out.

  I’d never introduced a guy to my parents before, and now I was bringing Troy, who wasn’t even my real boyfriend. So many things could go wrong, and if they caught me in my lie, it would be worse than me admitting I was single.

  Please go smoothly tonight.

  Troy knocked on the door and made me jump two feet into the air.

  Shit, I needed to calm down.

  I opened the door and saw him stand on the other side in a full suit and tie.

  “What?” he asked with a blank expression. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”

  “Why are you wearing a suit?” I demanded.

  “Uh…thanks. You look great too.”

  I rubbed my temple. “It’s just dinner at my parents. You’re dressed too formal and we’re already running late and you don’t have time to change…”

  “Okay, I’m not used to uptight Harper.” He came inside and shut the door. Then he took off his jacket and removed his tie. “There. Now I’m pretty casual. You can calm down now.”

  “Sorry…I know I’m freaking out over nothing.”

  “And that’s my best suit. I look awesome in it.”

  “You looked very sexy, Troy.” I walked into the bathroom and finished my make up.

  “Very sexy?” he asked. “That’s all I’m getting?”

  “You looked totally fuckable,” I shouted from the bathroom. “Is that better?”

  “A little…”

  I adjusted my cardigan then messed with my hair again. I was never comfortable in my own skin around my family. My mom always said I needed to be thinner like my sister, and my hair looked like a bird’s nest. Nothing I did was good enough.

  Troy came to the doorway then leaned against the panel. He stared at me with his arms across his chest.

  “What?” I asked, still looking in the mirror.

  “You look beautiful,” he said seriously.

  I rolled my eyes. “Not now, Troy.”

  “Hey.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. “I mean it.”

  “You would still say that even if you didn’t.”

  “No, I’m a hundred percent honest with you—always.”

  I knew I was being a brat right now. The stress was getting to me.

  “Now will you calm the fuck down?” he demanded.

  “I can try.” I moved from his embrace then checked my appearance in the mirror one more time. I wore black pants and pearls. My hair was big and slightly curled. I looked like I came from money, not that it was a good quality. “Let’s get this over with.”

  He put his arm around my waist. “We’re going to have fun tonight.”

  “Wait until you meet my parents,” I warned.

  “I’m sure they aren’t as bad as you think.”

  “Fine,” I snapped. “Prove me wrong.”

  “I will,” he said firmly.

  I grabbed my purse then we walked down to the street to his Maserati. He opened the passenger door for me to get inside, which surprised me and I didn’t know why, and then got behind the driver’s seat.

  “They live in Connecticut, right?”

  “Yeah,” I answered.

  He migrated through traffic until we were on the open road. “So, I’ll be rich and sophisticated. I’m sure your parents will like that.”

  “No,” I said immediately. “Just be yourself, Troy.”

  “Be myself?” he asked incredulously. “You can barely stand me when I’m myself.”

  “Troy, you’re great. Let that come out.”

  “I don’t think that’s what parents want to hear.”

  “Well, if you’re snooty and annoying, everyone is going to have a hard time believing I’m really dating you. My personality would never sync up with someone like that. So, be yourself.”

  “How about I be myself, for the most part, but cut out a few things.”

  “That’s reasonable.”

  “Okay.” He grabbed my hand and held it on my thigh. His touch was unexpected, and it didn’t seem like he even noticed how odd it was. He didn’t seem to think twice about it because he didn’t look at me. We’d never held hands before, but I liked the warmth. My fingers linked with his, and I stared at the different sizes of our hands. His was big enough to cover my entire face. Mine was small enough to barely wrap around his shaft.

  Then he brought my hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles. “Everything will be fine. I’ll get you through this.”

  My spine shivered at the sweet gesture. “Okay.”


  Troy pulled up to the roundabout then parked the car. “Sweet place,” he said as he whistled.

  My parents had a large house and a few acres of land. It was most people’s dream home, but my parents complained that they didn’t have a house closer to the coast. That’s how annoying they were. “Yeah.”

  “This place must have been a babe magnet when you were growing up.”

  “Yeah…I was bringing back girls all the time.”

  He nudged my side playfully. “You know what I mean. You didn’t sneak boys into your room for a romp romp?”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “I’ve never heard anyone call it that in my life.”

  “You need to get with the times, Perfect Ten.”

  “Whatever, Eight Inches.”

  He smiled before he got out of the car and opened my door for me. He grabbed my hand and helped me out. Then he held me close and gave me a gentle and quick kiss. His face was close to mine and he rubbed our noses together.

  His embraces caught me off guard every time. He was such a good kisser, and every touch was sensual and amazing. He made me feel loved without even trying.

  “I’m sure your parents are watching us through the window,” he explained.

  “Oh.” I thought that was just for me.

  “Not that I didn’t enjoy it.” He grabbed my hand and walked with me to the front door.

  Troy looked delicious in his buttoned up shirt and slacks. His muscles were clear in his stance, and he held himself like a soldier. His ass looked great, but his best feature was his face. He was attractive in a classic way, but he had a few boyish charms to make him adorable at the same time. There wasn’t a single thing I’d change about him.

  We reached the front door and Troy
knocked. “Showtime.” He was cool and suave, in his own element and in control. He did this for a living. Meanwhile, I was practically panicked and terrified. Troy watched me and spotted my unease. “Where’s my girl?”

  I turned to him, unsure of his meaning.

  “The woman I know is fierce and strong. She doesn’t take shit from anybody and she’s not scared of anything. Who cares what they think? I already know you’re amazing and I actually know you. Their opinion is irrelevant.”

  The fact Troy, of all people, could knock some sense into me told me I needed to get my head on straight and stop acting like a coward. “You’re right…”

  “I’m always right.”

  My head snapped in his direction. “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “I would.” He gave me that smile I’d fallen more in love with every time he gave it.

  I was about to give a smart-ass comment when the door flew open.

  Troy quickly hugged me into his side and gave a charming smile.

  I turned to my parents, remembering the chore I had to do.

  Mom’s eyes widened when she looked at Troy. Judging the stunned look on her face, she didn’t think it was possible that me, the older, less attractive sister, could land a guy as good-looking as him. It hurt, but it also made me feel vengeful, like I was proving her wrong.

  “Hello, Mr. Peterson.” Troy took the lead and shook Dad’s hand. “Thank you for having us for dinner.”

  Dad shook it, and nodded in excitement.

  Then Troy turned to Mom and shook her hand. “I see where Harper gets her beauty from. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Peterson.”

  My jaw was about to drop. I didn’t think it was possible for Troy to be so slick.

  “You’re so charming,” Mom said as she chuckled and brushed his comment away. “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Like I didn’t exist, they ignored me.

  “Please come in, Troy.” Mom ushered him inside and put her hand on his back.

  They weren’t even going to say hi to me?

  Troy stopped and turned to me. The look in his eyes told me exactly what he was thinking, that he understood I was hurt that he was the only thing that mattered to my parents. “Wait, can’t forget my lovely date.” He came to me and took me by the hand. “I hardly go anywhere without my other half.” He looked down into my face with nothing but affection. Was it genuine? Or was he just doing his job?

  “Awe…” Mom leaned toward Dad. “So cute together…”

  Still haven’t said hi to me, but whatever.

  We came into the living room, where Kara and Sebastian were sitting. A bit of jealousy rushed into my body. Kara was always the beautiful, more attractive sister. Troy would probably think the same thing and wish she were the sister he was messing around with.

  “You must be Kara.” Troy approached her and shook her hand. “Congratulations on the engagement and the baby.”

  “Oh…thank you.” She looked stunned by his appearance. Then she stood up and shook his hand awkwardly, like she too couldn’t believe I brought home a model to meet the family.

  When Troy shook hands with Sebastian, Kara looked at me. “Holy shit, he’s hot,” she mouthed to me.

  “I know,” I mouthed back.

  “Where did you find him?” she mouthed again.

  “Let’s talk about this later.”

  Troy and Sebastian exchanged introductions before Troy came back to my side and put his arm around my waist. “You have a beautiful family, Harper.”

  “Thanks…” I leaned toward his ear. “What happened to being yourself?”

  Mom and Dad came into the room.

  “Dinner is almost ready.” Mom waddled into the kitchen and prepared the feast. “Just a few more minutes.”

  “Can’t wait,” Troy said politely. “I love a home-cooked meal.”

  “Can I get you anything?” Dad asked. “Wine?”

  “Sure,” Troy said. “Thank you. I’ll take wine.”

  I glared at my dad. “I’ll take one too. And hi, by the way.”

  Dad gave me a fake smile then walked away.

  Ugh, I hated my family.

  Troy stuck to my side like glue. “It’s not that bad,” he whispered.

  “I wish we were at your beach house,” I blurted.

  “So we can skinny dip?” he asked with a smug look.

  “So I can lay in the sun and forget my troubles.”

  “While on my lap, right?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  Sebastian came up to Troy. “So, you own an online dating company?”

  “Yeah,” Troy answered. “It started off as a small project then quickly expanded. It was the best decision I ever made—except finding the girl of my dreams.” He gave me a pointed look.

  “Awe,” Kara whispered and fanned her face.

  “Sports fan?” Sebastian asked.

  “Definitely,” Troy said. “I watch everything, even golf.”

  Sebastian smiled. “We’ll get along just fine.” Then they became deep in a conversation about the NFL draft and I was ignored again.

  Kara pulled me a few feet away. “Harper!”

  What? “Kara!”

  “Troy is gorgeous. Why have you been hiding him?”

  Because I don’t want to share him with anyone. “We were taking it slow…”

  “Well, speed it up,” she said. “I thought Sebastian was the most handsome man in the world but…”

  I glared at her. “But what?”

  Kara seemed to know she crossed the line. “I’m just saying you did good. And he’s so sweet.”

  “You hardly know him,” I countered.

  “Well, my fiancé clearly loves him. Look at them going at it.”

  We both watched Troy and Sebastian carry on their heated debate about the new quarterback drafted for the Forty-Niners.

  “Well, guys always get along when they talk about sports,” I said.

  “And girls never get along even when they are talking about hair,” she said. “Is he the one, Harper?”


  “He’s so in love with you. He better be the one.” She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me a firm look. She wasn’t backing down.

  “Again, you don’t know him very well.”

  “I know everything I need to know.”

  “You mean, the fact he’s rich, is good-looking, and likes sports.”

  “Are you telling me he’s not a good guy?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Because you’re spending more time convincing me I shouldn’t like him rather than actually like him.”

  I blew up. “I’m just irritated that the only time my family is interested in me is when a guy is involved. I’m perfectly capable of being on my own.”

  Her eyes softened and she dropped her defensive stance. “We just want you to be happy. Sebastian makes me happier than I’ve ever been. We all just want the same for you. You’re missing out.”

  “Boyfriend or no boyfriend, I’m very happy.”

  “I’m not saying you need a man,” she said. “But having one—especially one as fine as that—is never a bad thing.”

  Just when I opened my mouth to argue, Mom announced dinner. “Take your seats, everyone.”

  Troy found me like he had me on radar. He pulled me into his side. “Thought I lost you for a moment there.” He pulled me into his body and I could feel the hardness of his body against mine.

  Kara watched our interaction closely.

  “You could never lose me.”

  He grinned when he looked down at me and then he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  “Awe,” Kara whispered.

  I ignored her and enjoyed the touch, no matter how fake it was.

  “Let’s get our seats.” Troy pulled me away and escorted me to the dining room. He pulled out my chair for me before he took the seat beside me. Then his hand moved to my thigh, naturally.

  Dad took the seat beside him. “Was tha
t a Maserati I saw outside?”

  “Indeed,” Troy answered. “She’s my girl.”

  “She’s a beauty,” Dad agreed. “How old is she?”

  “Just a year,” Troy answered. “Before that I had a Range Rover. I definitely like the feel of the car more.”

  Dad nodded.

  I stared blankly at my glass of wine, wondering when this stupid dinner would be over.

  Everyone was fascinated by Troy. They asked him every question you could think of, and they all looked at him with approval. He was the knight in shining armor of the evening. Even when they asked questions about our relationship, they were directed at Troy, not me. It made no sense at all. They were so concerned about me settling down with someone, but they didn’t care at all about me as a person. It baffled me.

  Quiet conversation continued around the table as we ate quietly. Mom had honeyed ham and mashed potatoes with a side of greens. Her cooking was good and I missed it sometimes but I never missed her company.

  Troy was pretty much being interrogated. They asked him where he grew up, where he went to college, and if he ever considered modeling.

  “Mom.” I gave her a look that told her to back off.

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  Troy laughed it off. “I’ve actually done a few ads in the past—nothing fancy.”

  “I’m a model too,” Kara said.

  “Cool,” he said. “We probably have a lot in common then.”

  Sebastian put a protective arm over her shoulders.

  I tried not to roll my eyes.

  When dinner was finished and dessert was served, neither one of my parents had spoken to me. Only Kara and Sebastian acknowledged my existence. I was getting fed up with it. I didn’t ask for much, just a little attention, and positive attention. Not, “When are you going to go back to school and find a more promising career? When are you going to bring a man home?” All I wanted was for someone to ask me how my day was going. That’s it. But nope, I never got it.

  Pissed off, I stood up and excused myself wordlessly. No one probably even noticed, except Troy. I grabbed my purse then walked out the front door and sat on the steps. The cool evening air chilled my angry temperature slightly, but the fumes of my rage still burned. I opened my purse and pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I hardly ever smoked, only when I was really upset. I took a few drags and enjoyed the soothing affect. Then I purposely put it out on one of the vases outside. They probably cared more about that plant than they cared about me.


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