Three for Me: MMF Bisexual Romance Short Story Collection

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Three for Me: MMF Bisexual Romance Short Story Collection Page 9

by Bianca Vix

An unexpected image invades my fantasy as I stroke my throbbing cock. Kal and Suzie. It’s a hot scene, where Kal’s on top of her, balls-deep. And I’m behind him, fucking his ass hard and fast while he pumps into her.

  That’s something I’d like to see. I’ve never thought of looking for something like that online before. Why the fuck hadn’t I? Who cares. A few clicks and I’ve found something.

  Just what I’m looking for.

  A woman spread out on a sofa with a man inside of her. And a man inside of him.

  At the same fucking time.

  My cock pulses in my hand as I watch the hot action on the screen in front of me.

  And the image of Kal’s date tonight fades away. Because the woman on the screen reminds me of someone else.

  I don’t know why. They don’t even look alike. But I can’t help picturing Jana. Kal’s ex. I’ve always liked her. Hell, she would have been mine if Kal hadn’t met her first. It’s the only thing I’ve ever been jealous about Kal for. Jana’s the kind of woman who could even make a guy like me think about settling down. She’s the only woman I ever would’ve considered making my one and only.

  Kal had fucked that one up good. Of course I could never go after Jana after he was with her. Friends and their exes don’t ever mix. I would never even consider going there, and neither would he. We have each other’s back. Always.

  I’m lost in my own world, the images on the screen in front of me showing the mechanics but I’ve replaced the people with me and Kal and Jana.

  Jesus fuck.

  I don’t even get to the part where I switch places with Kal, giving it to her while Kal takes my ass. How incredible would that be? I don’t know. The guy on screen pulls out of his partner and comes. I can’t hold back from joining him, both of us spurting a huge load out together.

  It’s a relief to come after all the sexual tension that had built up inside of me this evening, from being with Kal and Suzie.

  I should be satisfied. And yet, the unwanted thoughts about my friend hit me again with a full-on force.

  I hadn’t even gotten to my actual favorite fantasy. Sucking Kal’s cock. Him sucking mine. That’s what makes me come hard, every night that I spend alone. Which is more often than not these days. I want Kal so much, I can’t get into the idea of being with a woman.

  Until now. Because now my go-to fantasy has changed. There’s a third person there involved. Jana.

  She and I could share Kal’s cock. Takes turns sucking him good. She could ride his face while I rode his cock. The possibilities suddenly become endless with the idea of a third. A woman and a man. At the same time.

  Well, this is just fucking great. More to think about and torture myself with. The only two people in the entire fucking world who are off-limits to me.

  They’re the ones I want.

  Just fucking great.

  Chapter 3


  Ryker. What a dick. He sends over the most expensive bottle of champagne that this restaurant has to offer. Then disappears.

  I get it. He’s angry at me. It’s not the first time that’s happened. And it definitely won’t be the last.

  Although this isn’t his usual style. Not at all. He’s much more direct and he’s not in any way afraid of confrontation. Doing something like this is way out of character for him.

  Unless he’s extremely pissed off.

  He has every right to be now, so I can’t blame him. I did screw him over tonight by telling Suzie she could join us. Of course, I thought Ryker would get here earlier, and we’d have enough time on our own to hash out whatever he needs to talk about.

  Besides, it wasn’t exactly on purpose. I’ve been want to go out with Suzie for quite some time now. And she just happened to come into town. Two days only. I wasn’t going to pass up a night with her just to talk business with Ryker. He and I can meet up tomorrow. No problem. It’s not like we don’t see each other every damn day of the week as it is.

  As a bonus, if Ryker thought that a bottle of champagne would hurt my chances with Suzie, he was wrong. She was as impressed as if I’d thought of it myself.

  And there’s no way I’m not going to take full advantage of that.

  So here we are, back at my place. Both of us loosened right up by drinking the entire bottle of lovely champagne.

  It’s bothering me only a little bit that I’m thinking about my business partner while I’m taking Suzie’s clothes off. She’s hot, don’t get me wrong. There’s no-one I’d rather be with than her right now.

  Except maybe Ryker.

  I’ve been wanting to do my business partner for a long time now. Since back when we were just friends. I should maybe have made a move back then, but good fuck buddies are easy to find. Way easier than good friends. I didn’t want to mess up our friendship by making the wrong move at the wrong time.

  Ryker has no idea, of course. No-one knows that I’m into men just as much as women. Always have been.

  I keep that to myself.

  Well-hidden. Because I’ve got a system that works for me. I can have a new woman any night of the week. That leaves weekends for the guys. It works really well and it’s just so damn easy. This city is teeming with gay clubs. I go to a new one every week, just for the hell of it.

  I have no trouble picking up men. I have no trouble picking up women either, but with men it’s just so much easier. No matter where I go, I can have whoever I want.

  And I do.

  Suzie’s skin feels good under my hands as I ease her dress open. I don’t usually think about Ryker when I’m with a woman or another man. But lately, I can’t get my mind off him. He’s the one man I want who I will never have. We’ve been best friends forever and I’d never want to do anything to fuck that up.

  Even setting aside the fact that we’re business partners and no-one could work together better than we could, I can never risk losing him as a friend. As much as I want him. We know everything about each other. Except for this, of course. Me wanting him is the one thing I can never tell Ryker.

  That, and the fact that I’m into having sex with guys. I love women, of course. Can’t get enough lately. A new one nearly every night these days. Ever since things ended with Jana.

  She was the one for me. Or so I thought. Once the business took a turn for the better and Ryker and I made billions practically overnight, I was thinking of changing it all up and settling down with her.

  Then she got an incredible job offer. In Chicago, of all places. How the hell it didn’t happen for her here in New York, I have no idea.

  It was the kind of offer she couldn’t refuse. It was her dream, and I don’t blame her. I offered her everything I could to keep her around. Even went to see about creating a permanent position for her in the company. She wouldn’t stay. That wasn’t what she wanted. And I can only respect that.

  She wouldn’t be bought. Not that I meant it that way, of course. I just didn’t want her to leave. She wouldn’t give up her dreams. I get it. I’m same way. It was for the same reason that I didn’t go along with her. I couldn’t pull back from our company, and especially not at this stage. We’re going to be expanding in a big way, and I can’t leave that to Ryker alone

  And so Jana and I ended it. It was probably for the best anyway. I was faithful to her, always. But I can’t give up men. And I would never have wanted to end up cheating on her. As much as I’ve tried to leave that kind of attraction behind me, I can’t. I need so much more than one woman. I could never do that to Jana. Never cheat on her. But holding back was doing me in. It’s for the best, being single. Sleeping around.

  Having the time of my life.

  Chapter 4


  My heart twists as I walk into the building. I’ve got a smile that’s ready to be called up at any time, even though this is the very last place I want to be.

  Kal’s office. I wouldn’t have come here if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. But I have to take this meeting myself. There’s no way to get ou
t of it. With any luck, I won’t run into him. I haven’t gotten in touch since I got back into town. He doesn’t know that I’ve been transferred back to Manhattan.

  And I have no intention of telling him.

  I don’t want to see him again. Not ever. It’s not that we ended badly or anything. In some ways, it would have been easier if we had. Once I’ve ended a bad relationship, I’m done with it. I don’t look back, I never have. That’s the problem with Kal. There was nothing bad about us. When we were together, it was very good.

  So, so good.

  I never really believed in The One. With Kal, I actually caught myself wondering how big our wedding might be.

  I still think of him. Every single day since I’ve been back in town, he’s been on my mind. But who’s counting? I can’t let myself be distracted by Kal. Back then, I always had the sense that he just wasn’t in it for the long haul. Whenever we were together, it was as if part of him was somewhere else. Like he was somehow always distracted by something, although I could never figure out what it was. Maybe I just wasn’t enough for him.

  As for me, I’m all in. For everything I do. Career. Relationship. Everything. What’s the point of half-assing something? I don’t want to date. I want a full-time, crazy in love committed relationship. I don’t know if Kal really was the guy for me. As much as I’d hoped he would be, I can’t see it happening between us any more.

  So I can’t let myself see him. If I do, it would be way too much to handle. Especially since I know what’s going on with him these days.

  Kal’s not seeing anyone else. At least, not anyone in particular. He hasn’t been in a relationship since I left town. From what I’ve heard, he’s been getting around but not with anyone who’s stuck around.

  Not that I care. Adjusting my jacket, I stride up to the front desk and call up my smile.

  Fortunately, the meeting goes quickly. I have what I need and I’m waiting for the elevator when I hear a familiar voice behind me.

  I freeze, turning around slowly. But it’s not him.

  “Ryker. How are you?” I can only hope I don’t look too relieved. Still, seeing Ryker’s sexy form coming at me isn’t much better.

  “It’s been awhile, Jana. Are you visiting?”

  I gesture at my briefcase. “Some paper work to wrap up. It’s good to see you, Ryker.”

  Fortunately the elevator slides open, and I join the crowd inside. As I turn around, I catch Ryker’s quizzical look right before the doors close between us.

  I don’t mean to brush him off like that. I like Ryker a lot. When I was with Kal, the three of us got along so great. We spent a lot of time together since he and Kal are best friends.

  Getting chatty with Kal’s hot best friend is the last thing I need to be doing. I can’t keep any connection to either one of them. Not at all.

  If I do, I’ll just get my heart broken again.

  Chapter 5


  I finally pin Kal down so we can get through what we need to discuss. I’m in the middle of a call when he sends me a message about meeting over lunch today. Good. I was planning on planting myself in his office and physically blocking him from leaving until we talked.

  At noon sharp, he actually appears in my doorway.

  “Ready, partner?” Kal’s his usual cocky self. I guess everything went like I imagined it did for him last night.

  “Let’s go.” I try to control my irritation. I didn’t get much sleep myself, but not from having wild sex.

  We head down to the small sandwich shop on the main floor of the building. Nearly everyone gets their lunch to go, so it’s easy enough to get a table in the corner where we won’t be overheard talking business.

  Shockingly, he and I get through everything we need to before we’re even finished eating. Thank fuck. I was about to murder him for delaying for so long.

  Now I can go back to just wanting to fuck him.

  That’s so much better.

  “So, that’s it. Right?” Kal asks.

  I nod as I take another bite of my sandwich. It’s unexpectedly good.

  “So why are you still pissed off?”

  I’m not. Not pissed off. More like tense from lack of sleep. And thoughts that I shouldn’t be having about him. I must’ve spent half the night tossing and turning, thinking of Kal and Suzie.

  It didn’t help either, running into his ex earlier. I’d never admit it, but I thought about her as well as him the entire time they were together.

  Messed up, I know.

  But there it is.

  Kal’s looking at me like he can see right through me. But he can’t. Not about this. He has no idea what I’ve been thinking about, or he might have punched me. But he can figure out that something’s up with me, and if I don’t toss him a bone, he won’t leave me alone. I know it. He’d be after me just like I’ve been after him lately. Good thing I know how to throw him off, at least for a little while.

  “I saw Jana this morning.”

  And I didn’t expect his reaction. He looks like he’s seen a ghost. Huh. I didn’t think he’d mind that much.

  “What? Where? She’s here in town?”

  “She was here in our office. Said she had something to wrap up.” I polish off my sandwich, trying to hide my surprise at his shock. What was up with that? He seemed fine when she left.

  “Right.” Kal sets his jaw. Like he’s trying to hide how he’s feeling. “Her firm still represents us. But I didn’t think she’d still be involved.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I leave the legal stuff to legal.”

  “Is she just here on business?” Kal’s trying to sound casual. And failing.

  “No idea. She was gone before we could talk much. She hasn’t gotten in touch with you?”

  “Haven’t heard from her. Maybe she’s just in for the day.”

  I shrug. “I have to get back to it. I’ve got a conference call.”

  Kal doesn’t say a single word, not the entire way back up to our office. That alone isn’t like him. He’s never quiet for more than a couple of minutes. Seconds, really. I wonder what’s up with him, until I have to turn my mind back to the work at hand.

  Chapter 6


  “You wanna hit the gym?” Kal pokes his head through my office door. Normally by now he’d have come in and taken over the sofa as if it was his office, not mine. He’s been acting weird ever since I told him I saw Jana.

  “Yeah, sure.” I shut down my computer. It’s earlier than I’d usually leave, but I’ve read the last line of this brief three times already and I still can’t take it in. Time to get out of here.

  Kal’s eyebrow lifts. “Thought I’d have to waste time convincing you.”

  “Not today.”

  I like working out to stay in shape. But now, I need to work off some steam. I’ve got to get over this crazy attraction to Kal. Because if I’ve noticed how off he’s acting about Jana, he must’ve noticed how strangely I’ve been acting around him.

  We have a gym here in the building, but when he and I want to get in a hard workout, we go to our regular one. It’s the best in the city, and it’s not far from the office.

  “Good. I’ll meet you there.”

  Traffic’s terrible, but it’s going to be worth it.

  Except when I swing the locker room door open, it hits me that this isn’t the best idea. I should’ve changed in the office. But there’s no sign of Kal. It’s a dead time, with everyone who’s coming after work already here or gone. I change quickly, happy that I won’t be tempted by watching him strip down next to me.

  It’s happened before. These days I almost don’t have enough willpower to avert my eyes from him as he unbuttons his shirt, revealing his muscled chest and arms. It’s already bad enough that I know what he looks like under his obscenely expensive, perfectly-tailored suits.

  When we’ve changed together before, it’s too much. Having his bare flesh flaunted right in front of my eyes is hard to en
dure. It takes everything I have not to grab at him. Pin him against the wall and tear his clothes off for him. All of them.

  Yeah. Okay. That’s not good to think about right before we’re about to work out together.

  I adjust my swelling cock inside my shorts and force my thoughts back to work. It does the trick, and by the time I reach the gym, I’m all good to go.

  Kal’s over on the treadmill, running like we always do to warm up before we get into lifting. Instead of his usual slow jog, though, he’s pounding the rubber like he’s trying to outrun something. Or someone.

  Climbing onto the machine beside his, I set my pace. Again he’s not talking, and it’s weirding me out.

  After a few minutes, I can’t stand his grim silence anymore. “Something on your mind?”

  He flicks his head my way, but only for an instant. “I called Jana.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I wanted to find out why she’s here.”

  I wait while he downs some water from the bottle he has slotted into the machine.

  “And?” I prompt when he’s done.

  “And, she’s back. Transferred back to the city. Got an apartment already, and everything.”

  “And that’s a bad thing…?”

  He shrugs, slamming his hand down on the control panel to ramp up his speed even higher. “I don’t care.”

  “Right.” I laugh out loud, and he shoots me a vicious look. “You’ve been pissed off since I told you I saw her. Do you want to get back with her or something?”

  “That’s not possible.” Abruptly, Kal shuts his treadmill down. He’s panting as he turns to face me, and he doesn’t look me in the eye. “You ready to lift?”

  “Sure.” At least he’s still pissed at something. For now, that’ll work in my favor. He’ll be too distracted to notice me checking him out.

  Because it’s impossible not to. He lies down on the bench, expecting me to spot him like I always do. I can’t get out of it. Just because I want to strip his shorts and t-shirt off and fuck him right here in the gym without caring who sees, that’s no excuse.


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