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by Trish Moran

  ‘Or look around some of the other properties owned by Warner,’ Cam continued. ‘They could be in one of those places by now.’

  ‘Or they could have another place that isn’t listed in his name,’ Isaac pointed out.

  ‘They could be anywhere!’ Ruby said.

  ‘I think Cam is right. We take a look at the remaining properties then we start to look further afield,’ Celia said. ‘I’ve started to list possible places against the size and facilities they would need to take into account. When Abel returns with helpers from Reuben’s team we can make a start.’

  ‘I think it would be a good idea if Cam and me look around Etherton Hall – with back-up close by,’ Zig added hastily, seeing the look Ruby and Celia exchanged.

  ‘Perhaps we could think about that when Abel comes back. He’ll be here at the end of the week,’ Ruby suggested.

  Zig gave an impatient sigh.

  ‘I know how frustrating it must be for you, but it’s for your own safety, Zig,’ Ruby squeezed her arm.

  As they walked back home that evening, Cam turned to Zig and sighed. ‘Finding the others is like looking for a needle in a haystack.’

  She nodded her head. ‘And the more time we waste sitting around, the less chance we have of finding them safe. You know what I think we should do?’

  He looked at her.

  ‘Go back to Etherton Hall. I still think they’re there. Or that’s where we’ll find clues to lead us to where they are now.’

  ‘What? Just you and me?’ Cam said.

  Zig nodded eagerly.

  ‘How will we get there? We can’t steal a car this time.’ He looked doubtful. ‘And how will we get in?’

  ‘We’ll hire a Self-Drive,’ Zig said.

  ‘You have a licence?’ Cam asked.

  ‘Had it since I was thirteen, bought it off a girl at school,’ she replied. ‘And as for getting into Etherton Hall, well, we managed to break out of the Zoo. I’m sure we can find a way to break in!’

  Adam looked through the file again. Nothing. He was sure he had saved it in folder B112. He exited and looked through several other files and gave a sigh of relief as he found it in a different folder.

  Celia walked in and gave a cheery ‘Good morning’.

  ‘You looked worried there for a moment,’ she said.

  He smiled. ‘Yes, without reason, thankfully!’

  He explained about the misplaced file. ‘I must have moved it from D32 when I was classifying yesterday’s data.’

  ‘Hmm, I’ve found some of the data misfiled lately. I don’t think anyone from outside can access our data, but I’ll step up the security system, anyway.’ Celia said.

  ‘No Hugo today?’ Adam asked.

  ‘No. He’s going somewhere with his mother, Yvonne, today. He doesn’t seem so keen to study here lately. He works here for an hour or two then he leaves. Have you noticed how preoccupied he seems these days, Adam?’

  He looked up. ‘Hmm? Oh, maybe he prefers to spend more time with the youngsters at the Compound.’

  ‘No. Amanda was complaining about his poor attendance there. She thought he was spending all his time here,’ she replied.

  ‘Are those the results of the latest test results on Annalee’s broken arm?’ Adam said as Celia opened a file on her computer.

  ‘Yes, she met with her doctor yesterday and he is very pleased with her progress. We might have a blueprint for future cases. Dr Schultz says there’ll be a great deal of interest in several African countries if we can use the same method on Non-Lab fractures.’

  ‘Well, let’s get down to saving the world!’ Adam quipped.

  At Etherton Hall, Hugo sat in front of a computer screen with Takir, Sanjit, and the two girls looking at the same data.

  ‘It’s incredible!’ Sanjit said. ‘The bone is perfect. No sign of any fracture whatsoever!’

  ‘Yes, and using the data inputting method Adam and Angus were working on, I think we could apply this to bones in their developing stages so they are programmed to self-repair,’ Hugo said.

  ‘What age range?’ Sanjit asked.

  ‘I was thinking up to early teens in any Non-Lab trials,’ he said.

  ‘And the youngest would be …?’ Takir asked.

  Hugo spread his hands. ‘Eventually, during pregnancy. Of course it’s only ideas at the moment. I’d need to do a few trials and make a few tweaks.’

  ‘Our benefactor won’t allow us to use any traceable Non-Labs. The youngest we have used so far has been fourteen years old. Untraceable younger ones could be more difficult to obtain,’ Liz pointed out.

  ‘In Western countries, yes. It depends on where we relocate to,’ Sanjit added.

  ‘This line of research is certainly worth continuing, Hugo! You are already a valued member of our team,’ Takir slapped his shoulder. ‘Make out a detailed plan and be ready to start your research when we relocate. It all goes towards our ultimate aim – to produce the perfect person.’ They all nodded in agreement.

  ‘Well, let’s get to work. Liz, you’re continuing with the enhancement adjustments with Helen, aren’t you? I am going to assess our new intake with Angus, see how they can be used. Sanjit, have you got the latest test results of our current Zoo inmates? How are they managing in such cramped conditions, especially the Muscles?’

  As he walked to the door, Hugo came up beside him.

  ‘Can I have a word for a moment?’

  The older man stopped and faced him.

  ‘I’ve an idea, it’s only an idea at the moment, about our ultimate aim,’ Hugo began. ‘It’s just that, when we begin to create the perfect human, what will we start with? A Hybrid, an Independent Lab, an original clone?’

  Takir frowned. ‘Yes, I see what you mean. Originally we had planned to clone one of our team, one judged by their physical and mental attributes, but since we have seen the degeneration of Sanjit and others like him we haven’t really given it much thought at this stage of our research. It is something that we will need to consider in the foreseeable future. Have you any thoughts on the subject, Hugo?’

  He nodded. ‘Actually, I have. We know for a fact that Labs, because of their programming, have a much higher IQ than their Non-Lab donors, and also that Hybrids so far have shown an even higher IQ levels in certain fields than their Lab parents. So it seems logical that a Hybrid would be the most suitable candidate.’

  Takir frowned. ‘The Hybrids are all too young. The oldest one, Frankie, is only a year older than you, isn’t he? Who knows how they are going to turn out? We’d be taking too much of a risk with a Hybrid clone.’

  ‘Of course, Hybrids need time to prove themselves, but as you said earlier; we do have time for them to show everyone just what a Hybrid can achieve,’ Hugo continued. ‘On the practical side, we need to set out the attributes we want for our ideal being. I’ve started a database of possible male and female candidates, both Hybrid and Lab, based on my own criteria. Would you like to take a look at it?’

  ‘Yes, Hugo, we need to start giving this careful consideration from now on. Email me your ideas so I can take a look.’


  Zig drove the hire car past the main entrance to the Hall and parked in a lay-by nearby. They walked back towards the hall, ducking into a field as a silver BMW sped past. The tinted windows hid the occupants from view. They waited until the taillights disappeared, then stepped back out onto the narrow lane.

  Cam closed his eyes, sniffed the air, and shook his head. Zig walked forwards, scanning the hedgerow for a possible entrance. Finally she stopped and crouched down in front of a small gap made by a fox or rabbit. Pulling on a pair of gloves, she broke several more branches until she had a glimpse of the grounds.

  ‘There aren’t any guards this side, just two near the front door,’ she told Cam. ‘We could make our way around the back of the building and see if we can get in there.’

  ‘Don’t you think we should tell someone before we go in?’ Cam asked her.
br />   She shook her head. ‘They’ll say no! I’ve got my mobile if we need to get in touch, and anyway, we’re both armed.’

  ‘Two metal pipes against we don’t know what!’ Cam raised his eyebrows. He used his pipe to push back some of the thick brambles. ‘There! That should do it.’

  Zig pushed through the narrow gap and peered about her. ‘No sign of anyone,’ she whispered, helping Cam struggle through after her.

  They both made their way silently towards the house, then slowly around the grey stone walls. As they crouched under a large bay window there was the sound of voices.

  ‘Angus!’ Zig mouthed.

  ‘… for a youngster, he has pretty sound ideas …’ he was saying.

  ‘Who is on his Hybrid list?’ a female voice questioned.

  ‘Has he included many Labs?’ a second female voice joined the conversation.

  ‘It might be an idea to have a selection of both to choose from,’ a second male spoke up.

  ‘That’s true.’ Angus’s voice sounded louder as he neared the window. With a clatter the blinds were drawn and only a low hum of conversation could be heard.

  ‘I wonder what that was all about!’ Zig said.

  She peered into the darkness and, taking Cam’s hand, led him around to a small back door. Rubbing at the layer of grime on a glass pane in the top half of the doorway, she peered in.

  ‘It looks like a storeroom,’ she said. ‘I can’t see signs of anyone.’

  Cam sniffed the air near the door. ‘I can’t smell anyone, either.’

  Zig unwound the scarf from her neck and wrapped it around her hand. With a sharp blow she shattered a small pane of glass. They stood and waited for a moment, then, hearing nothing, she put her hand through the glass and opened the door.

  Trembling, they both stepped inside and took a few tentative steps forward. They were in a low-ceilinged storeroom. A narrow strip of light shone from under a door which opened onto the main part of the house. Cam sniffed the air near the door and signalled Zig to stay still. Soon they heard the sound of approaching voices. Both stood back against the wall until the sound faded into the distance.

  Zig looked at Cam, who nodded as she slowly turned the handle of the door and gently pulled it open. A glance up and down revealed an empty corridor. They turned to the left where the voices had originated and walked along a narrow corridor with white painted plaster walls. The narrow strip of coir carpet on the grey tiled floor deadened the sound of their feet. Cam stopped suddenly and pushed open a small wooden door and pulled Zig in behind him, just closing the door as the sound of footsteps went by. Looking around, they found themselves at the foot of a small stone staircase that wound its way up above them. Exchanging glances, they were soon creeping quietly upwards. Cam felt Zig pull his sleeve as they came to a small landing with a large wooden door. She leaned down and peered through a large old-fashioned keyhole. On the other side of the door was a wide, well-furnished reception area. Two white-coated women chatted as they crossed in front of the door and walked along a corridor leading off to one side. A man appeared from another corridor and stopped to read a notice board on the wall opposite. He then left. Zig gave Cam a questioning look, pointing to the door and then up the staircase.

  ‘Up,’ he whispered, leading the way.

  After climbing the stairway for a further five minutes, Cam suddenly stopped and clutched Zig’s arm. He sniffed the air and spluttered, ‘Brit, Jez, Rhys!’ He hurried up the staircase to another door which had two large boards nailed over it. He was grabbing the side of one of the boards when Zig pushed in front of him, shaking her head.

  ‘Wait!’ she whispered. She leant down and peered through the keyhole. She smiled as she saw their old friends sitting around in a shabby lounge. There were two new faces; they could be brother and sister. They were both dark-skinned. The girl was tall and slim and was striding up and down with Tyler and Rhys behind a long chintz-covered settee. She looked about sixteen. Sitting next to Jez on the settee was a scared-looking boy of about twelve or thirteen. Zig smiled as she watched Cam’s expression brighten as he took in the scene.

  ‘There’s no staff around, let’s go in!’ he whispered.

  ‘There are probably cameras,’ she replied.

  ‘How long do you think we’ll have to stay in this place?’ Brit grumbled. ‘It’s ages since the Compound Labs came. They didn’t find anything, so why are we still stuck up here?’

  ‘Yeah, it’s too cramped!’ Rhys complained as Tyler nodded.

  ‘At least we could get out and run in the other bit,’ the new girl added.

  ‘They must be worried about the Compound Labs coming back,’ Lynne said.

  ‘I wish they would!’ Tony commented. ‘It’s as if they’ve given up on us.’

  ‘Yeah, so much for “we’ll be back for you”. Some friends Zig and Cam turned out to be!’ Otis said.

  ‘Wait!’ Lynne said, her ears twitching. She stood up and walked near the door, beckoning Jez to join her.

  As they reached the door, Zig put her mouth to the keyhole. ‘It’s us! Zig and Cam. Are you being watched?’

  Jez leaned down and smiled as she saw her friends. ‘No. This is a temporary arrangement, there are no cameras. We’re all alone until morning!’

  Cam explained how the doorway was nailed up. ‘But don’t you worry; we’ll get you out!’ he said.

  Using the metal pipe as a lever, he eventually managed to prise the boards from the door. Soon they were inside, Jez and Zig hugging each other, Cam standing with a grin on his face as Otis slapped his shoulder.

  ‘Hey, man!’ he spluttered, ‘you came back for us! Hey! They came back!’

  ‘Meet Shiva, the new Muscles, and her brother Zane, new Ears,’ Jez said.

  ‘I’m Zig, I’m Eyes,’ she held out her hand to Shiva.

  ‘And I’m Nose – in working order, Brit!’ Cam smiled at her.

  ‘We’d better get out of here before anyone finds out about us,’ Zig said. ‘I’ll call Abel first; let him know what’s happening.’

  The others could hear Abel’s reaction as she explained where they were.

  ‘What were you thinking, the pair of you? Just stay out of sight! We’ll be there as soon as we can!’

  Zig explained where they had made their way through the hedge and the route to the attic room.

  ‘OK, just stay there! We’re on our way!’ Abel shouted.

  ‘If we could get out of the building and the grounds we’d be a lot safer,’ Zig suggested to the others. ‘Otis, Jez, Tyler, and Lynne, follow Cam; the others, follow me. We have enough enhancements between us to notice anyone coming.’

  Brit sat trembling on the sofa as the others made for the open door.

  ‘Come on, Brit,’ Cam walked towards her and held out his hand.

  ‘No! I’m not going!’ she cried, hugging her knees.

  ‘What? Don’t be afraid. We’ll look after you,’ Cam continued.

  ‘Yeah, we all will, Brit. Come on!’ Tony added.

  ‘No! No! I’m not going! Why did you come here and wreck everything?’ she shouted at Zig. ‘We had a great home at the other place until you came along!’

  ‘Hey, she’s trying to help you, help all of us!’ Lynne said. ‘We’re all going back to the real world.’

  ‘Yeah, out of this prison,’ Otis muttered.

  ‘Well I don’t want to be helped!’ Brit sobbed. ‘I don’t want to go back to my real world. What you call a prison is a hundred times better than any place I’ve ever been in!’

  ‘Brit, we’ve talked about this loads over the last weeks,’ Jez said gently. ‘They’re nervous. They’re talking about moving to Eastern Europe any day now …’

  ‘But they’ll take us! After all the time and money they’ve spent on us, they’re not going to leave us behind, are they?’ Brit looked around her with wild eyes.

  Tony shook his head. ‘They’ll just get replacements. We’ve served our purpose. We’re the first step on the
ladder. Look at Shiva.’ He turned towards the tall girl who moved restlessly between Tyler and Rhys. ‘She can outrun and outjump both the boys by miles. And Zane, he can hear better than the other Ears. They’re the next step up and there will be more steps after them, until they get what they’re aiming for.’

  ‘Yeah, we’ve got to get out while we can,’ Lynne agreed.

  Jez stepped forward but Brit drew back. ‘I’m not going! And if you try and make me I’ll scream the place down! I’ll have the guards up here!’

  Tyler stepped forward and gave her a sudden jab on the back of her neck. Brit slumped to the side.

  ‘Old army trick. She’ll be out for a while. Hope I don’t have to do it again.’ He slung her lifeless form over his shoulder. ‘Let’s go!’

  Zig and Jez led the way down the staircase. As they arrived at the small landing, Brit began to come around. She groaned and pushed out her hand, knocking against the door. They all looked at each other with bated breath as they heard a woman’s voice say, ‘what was that?’

  A second woman replied, ‘I’m not sure. It came from behind the door.’

  ‘Get onto security, quickly! They said don’t take any risks after last week!’ the first woman ordered.

  ‘Run, quickly!’ Zig screamed as they heard the sound of an alarm going off. ‘We’ll stand a better chance if we get out of the building!’

  Takir stood stern-faced in the reception hall as Angus appeared. ‘The guards are going for the kids. We’re just taking the two new ones. Our priority is saving the data! Destroy the computers once you’ve downloaded everything. There’s a helicopter on its way. It should be here any minute. They’ve arranged to have a plane scheduled to leave from a private airport in twenty minutes.’ Takir issued several more instructions to the people around him. Angus reappeared at his side carrying a large holdall followed by Liz and Jackie.

  ‘We already backed up the data this evening. Only Sanjit has added anything new since then, so he’s taking care of that now.’

  There was a loud shout followed by a scream. Angus pushed the holdall into the girls’ hands and set off with Takir to follow the sounds. Two guards were pulling Shiva along with them, while a third was carrying a screaming and kicking Zane. Behind them, Zig and Cam appeared followed by some of the others.


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