Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18)

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Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18) Page 9

by Red Phoenix

  Brie could feel Rytsar’s muscles relax in response to Sir’s physical touch. Nodding, Rytsar kissed Hope on the head and looked out at the ocean again.

  They stood in silence, both Sir and Brie wondering what could have befallen Rytsar to leave him so bereft.

  Brie continued to listen to his racing heartbeat as the waves crashed against the shoreline. She tried to focus on the sound of the waves to keep from totally freaking out.

  Finally, Rytsar let out a deep sigh and released his hold on her.

  “I have calls to make.”

  Sir asked him, “What can I do to help?”

  Rytsar shook his head. “Nothing, comrade. This is something I must do alone.”

  “Surely, there is something?” Sir insisted.

  Rytsar shook his head sadly, leaving them on the shore as he walked back to his house alone.

  Sir turned to Brie. “What happened?”

  She frowned, looking at Sir in concern. “He received a handwritten letter from a submissive in Russia. That’s all I know.”

  Sir looked back toward Rytsar’s beach house with a worried expression. “I’ve never seen him like this.”

  A shiver ran down Brie’s spine. She knew the two men had been close ever since college and Sir had seen Rytsar through some particularly violent times.

  “I’m scared, Sir…”

  Hope started fussing in her arms.

  Sir took her from Brie and smiled reassuringly. “There is no reason to be scared. Whatever has happened, we will address it once we know what we’re dealing with.”

  He gave her a quick kiss and started walking toward their home.

  Brie took solace in Sir’s ability to compartmentalize a problem and figure out the best solution. It was one of his many talents.

  But, when she glanced back at Rytsar’s beach house, she couldn’t shake the feeling of dread in her heart.

  To stay distracted, Brie spent the day cleaning things that did not need cleaning and straightening up everything in the house twice.

  Sir finally stopped her. “You are making me nervous, babygirl.”

  Brie smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “I think I know what can quiet your mind.” He held out his hand to her.

  Guiding her toward the couch, Sir commanded she sit down, then left her alone in the room while he went to get something. She wondered what kinky thing he had in mind and was surprised when he returned with their sleeping baby in his arms.

  Brie laughed softly as he lay Hope in her arms.

  Hope wiggled momentarily without opening her eyes before settling back to sleep. Sir sat down next to Brie, saying, “I find there is nothing more calming in this world than a sleeping child.”

  He moved his hand down to Brie’s stomach, resting it there. “Especially when that child was created out of love.”

  Brie turned her gaze away from Hope. “And damn hot sex.”

  “That’s something we won’t tell her.” Sir chuckled, staring down at their child.

  Brie grinned. “I wonder how many children are the products of the hottest sex their parents have ever had?”

  His chuckle grew deeper as he turned to kiss Brie on the lips. “I say when the time is right, we should see if we can’t top number one.”

  Brie returned his kiss, her entire body thrilling at the prospect of making another baby with him. Baby-making sex with Sir was completely and mind-blowingly hot. “Do you want to start sooner rather than later?”

  Sir reached out and caressed Hope’s soft hair. “Not quite yet. This little girl deserves our full attention right now.”

  Brie loved how thoughtful Sir was as a father. He had been afraid that he was too wounded to properly care for a child, but just looking at him staring down at Hope with such love in his eyes was proof enough that he took after his father.

  She’d never doubted he would make the best kind of daddy—although she had also suspected he would be overly protective of her. It was going to be interesting to see how that played out as Hope grew older.

  “Looking at her brings me joy,” he whispered.

  Brie gazed down at Hope sleeping so peacefully in her arms and smiled. “Me, too…”

  A week later, they still had not heard a word from Rytsar about the letter. Sir reminded her to be patient, but not knowing was killing her inside.

  So, when she went on her morning stroll down the beach and saw Faelan’s blue Mustang in Rytsar’s driveway, she decided to pay Rytsar a quick visit. She figured it would give her a good excuse to see Rytsar and satisfy her curiosity at the same time.

  She knocked on his door and was surprised when Maxim answered it. She knew it meant that Titov had returned to Russia, which made her sad because she hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye.

  “Mrs. Davis is here,” he announced formally.

  “Enter, radost moya,” Rytsar called out from inside.

  Stepping aside, Maxim let her in with a curt nod.

  She saw Rytsar talking to Faelan in the kitchen, and walked over to greet them. “Well, this is an unexpected treat to see you here, Mr. Wallace.”

  Faelan turned to her. He looked as charming as ever with his twinkling blue eye and that stylish eyepatch. “Good to see you again, Mrs. Davis.”

  She noticed he was holding a Frisbee in his hand. “Are you giving Rytsar pointers on how to throw that America classic?”

  “Actually, I’ve come to pick up Little Sparrow.”

  Brie looked at Rytsar, her heart dropping. “Why?”

  “I’m leaving for Russia, radost moya.”

  She swallowed hard, trying to keep her tears back. “You’re leaving us?”

  “Da. There is business in my homeland that I must attend to. Thankfully, Wolf Pup has agreed to take Little Sparrow while I’m gone.”

  “Sir and I would have been happy to—” Brie began.

  “No,” Faelan interrupted. “Durov and I have a long-standing agreement. Whenever he leaves, Little Sparrow is mine to look after.” He knelt down and rubbed the dog’s furry head. “The two of us have a special bond.”

  The dog wagged her tail enthusiastically, licking Faelan’s face with obvious adoration.

  “Besides,” Rytsar stated, smirking at Brie. “I can’t imagine my comrade surviving with a dog in his new house, on top of the kot.”

  Brie giggled to herself, thinking back on all the trouble Rytsar had with Shadow in the beginning. “Still…I’m positive Sir and I could make it work.”

  “No one is stealing away my time with Little Sparrow,” Faelan declared, standing back up. “Isn’t that right, girl?”

  She ran to the door, staring at the plastic Frisbee in his hand.

  Faelan shrugged. “I never could resist those big brown eyes.” Nodding to Brie and Rytsar, he announced, “I’ll be back in a few.”

  After Faelan left, Brie turned to face Rytsar. “I’m worried.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t be, radost moya. The Wolf Pup may not compare to me, but Little Sparrow likes him well enough.”

  She knew he was avoiding the real issue by purposely misunderstanding her, but she played along with it, respecting Sir’s advice. “I thought you stopped calling him Wolf Pup.”

  “I did, but the kid insisted. Claimed he missed the nickname—something about it keeping him humble.”

  Brie looked out the large window as Faelan sent the Frisbee flying through the air and Little Sparrow took off after it.

  Todd Wallace never stopped surprising her.

  He’d grown into a remarkable man—so different from the boy who had opened the door for her every day in his pursuit of her while she attended the Submissive Training Center.

  Faelan was a fighter but, over the years, he’d proven himself not only to be exceedingly brave but also unfailingly loyal. Protecting her from Lilly, then going to Russia to rescue Rytsar and losing his eye because of it…

  Rather than retreating into himself after such a significant loss, Faelan had s
omehow become stronger and more determined. Brie suspected that part of the reason was due to his new girlfriend, Kylie.

  Not that long ago, Brie had been certain that Mary and Faelan were meant for each other, and she had worked hard to make it happen.

  Faelan even collared the girl but, in the end, Mary broke his heart.

  Brie felt personally responsible for that due to how hard she’d pushed the two together, and Faelan had every reason to resent Brie for it—but he didn’t.

  Following the traumatic breakup, he moved back to LA and threw himself into scening at the Haven, quickly building a reputation among subs and Doms alike.

  It seemed funny to Brie now that she’d thought Faelan was extremely arrogant when she first met him.

  While it was true that Faelan was confident as a Dom, she’d come to understand he was humble as a man. He’d lived under the immense guilt of having killed one of his classmates in a car accident when he was young. But, it wasn’t until Kylie entered the picture that Faelan finally faced his past and was able to move on.

  Hearing from Rytsar that Faelan had insisted that he keep calling him the Wolf Pup only highlighted how grounded Faelan truly was.

  Brie respected him more for it.

  “Faelan is pretty amazing,” she stated, watching as he played with the dog on the beach.

  “Da,” Rytsar agreed in a solemn voice, but then he suddenly burst out laughing when Little Sparrow jumped high in the air and caught the Frisbee between her teeth, prancing proudly back to Faelan, tail high.

  “He is the only one I trust to care for Vorobyshek while I’m gone.”

  Brie’s heart ached on hearing him mention how he was leaving again. “So, how long will you be gone?” She kept her tone light, hoping it wouldn’t sound too intrusive.

  Rytsar raised an eyebrow. “I know what you are doing, radost moya.”

  She looked at him guiltily, unable to hide her concern any longer.

  Letting out a long sigh, he said, “I suppose it’s time that I tell you.”

  “What is it, Rytsar? What’s happened that is forcing you to leave for Russia so quickly?”

  He put his hand on the back of her neck and squeezed firmly. “Go get your Master after the Wolf Pup leaves. I will speak to you both then.”

  Brie nodded, but her stomach was twisting into a knot. Based on his tone, she knew Rytsar was deeply unsettled. Her first instinct was to hug him but she stayed still, responding to the tight hold he had on her neck.

  Faelan walked in, his hair windblown by the ocean breeze. He looked relaxed and happy as Little Sparrow pranced in joyfully by his side.

  Brie heard Rytsar’s quiet sigh and suspected he was already missing the dog even though she hadn’t left him yet.

  It seemed as if Little Sparrow understood because, when he sighed, she cocked her ear up and ran to him. She started licking his hand, whining softly.

  Rytsar let go of Brie and bent down to pet her. “It’s time to go, Vorobyshek.”

  Walking over to Wallace with Little Sparrow by his side, he took Wallace’s hand and placed it on the dog’s head. “Ostat’sya ryadom.”

  Little Sparrow whined but obeyed, staying next to Faelan while Rytsar walked back over to Brie.

  “It is best that you go now, Wolf Pup, and spare us both a lengthy goodbye.”

  “Certainly,” Faelan answered, looking at him with compassion.

  “As far as my return, I’ll contact you as soon as I have a set timeline.”

  “Take as long as you need, man. You know I like hanging with this girl.” Rubbing her head again, he handed the dog the Frisbee. “Hold this.”

  Little Sparrow gripped it in her teeth and followed him out the door but stopped in the entryway to look back at Rytsar.

  “Go,” he ordered gently.

  Her tail lowered, but she obediently headed out with Faelan as Maxim shut the door.

  Rytsar looked at Brie and nodded. “Go get your Master. There is much for us to discuss.”

  As soon as Brie was out the door, she ran to their house, bursting through the front door, calling for Sir.

  He came out of his office looking concerned. “What is it, babygirl?”

  “Rytsar needs to talk with us…he’s leaving!” she cried.

  “Leaving where?”

  “Wallace just picked up Little Sparrow so he can fly to Russia.”

  Sir stood up and took out his phone, dialing it quickly. “Look, the baby is still asleep and I’m unwilling to wait. Can you come here instead?”

  Sir hung up the phone and, when he saw the worry on her face, held out his hand to Brie. “I know you are concerned, but what he needs most right now is our support.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Whatever this is, we’ll face it together.”

  Brie nodded, taking comfort in his words.

  As soon as she heard Rytsar knock on the door, she rushed to open it.

  When Rytsar saw her, he walked inside, cupped her chin in his hand, and gently grazed her cheek with his thumb. There was a wistful look in his eye.

  She had to swallow down the lump that was growing in her throat.

  Rytsar smiled faintly, then turned to Sir. “It would be best if you both sit down.”

  Sir gestured to Brie to join him on the couch.

  Rytsar stood before them, clearing his throat as he prepared to share his terrible secret.

  The serious expression on his face concerned Brie.

  “As you may know, I was contacted by a sub I know in Russia…”

  Sir nodded. “Yes, Brie told me.”

  Rytsar took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly before he spoke.

  Brie suddenly had the irrational hope that he was playing a trick on them, allowing his sadistic side to wreak havoc on their emotions. But, deep down…she knew whatever he was going to say was about to change all of their lives.

  Rytsar rubbed the top of his head in frustration. “I never thought I would find myself in this situation.”

  When he started to pace, it only served to heighten Brie’s level of anxiety, but she and Sir said nothing, giving Rytsar the time he needed to voice this terrible secret out loud.

  Stopping, mid-stride, he suddenly turned to face them. “I found out that I’m an otets.”

  Sir looked at him, completely stunned. “You’re a father?”

  Brie couldn’t believe it. “But, when? How is that even possible when you’ve been away from Russia for so long?”

  Rytsar met her gaze, his expression grave. “Lisichka has been raising the child for two years.”

  “Two years…” Brie gasped.

  Based on Sir’s own experience with Lilly, Brie was not surprised when Sir followed her question up with a more direct one. “Are you certain the child is yours?”

  Rytsar nodded, a pained expression on his face. “Three different tests by three different labs. All have confirmed that I am the father.”

  He started pacing again, growling under his breath. “I have no idea why she kept the child’s existence a secret from me.”

  “Didn’t she explain it to you when you talked to her?” Sir asked.

  “Nyet,” he said, frowning. “She insists we meet in person first.”

  Brie could barely breathe.

  Rytsar was a father…

  This new reality was going to rip apart the comfortable world they had just built.

  Looking into his tortured blue eyes, Brie could tell he was struggling.

  She had to remind herself that this wasn’t about them; this was about the child and what was best for Rytsar.

  “How do you feel about the woman?” Sir asked.

  “Lisichka has always been a pleasure to scene with,” was the only answer he gave, letting them know he had no feelings for her.

  Brie couldn’t imagine Rytsar having a child with a person he didn’t love—especially when he was such a passionate man.

  She looked at him, full of compassion, fighting hard to keep back h
er tears, unable to speak.

  Sir asked the question she wanted to know. “When are you leaving?”

  “Tomorrow. I have to see the child for myself.”

  Brie’s heart broke knowing that he was leaving them again—and this time there was a chance he truly might not come back.

  Hope began crying in the other room. When Brie stood up to get her, Rytsar commanded gently, “Stay.”

  The crying stopped as soon as Rytsar walked into the room. Brie soon heard the delightful sound of her giggles.

  Brie put her hands to her chest when she realized that Hope was losing him, too.

  Their little girl would never understand why her dyadya had suddenly disappeared from her life.

  As if Sir could read Brie’s mind, he put his arm around her and whispered, “We need to be strong for him and think beyond ourselves and this family.”

  Brie looked at him, nodding sadly. “I know….”

  Rytsar came out bouncing Hope in his arms. When she reached out to grab his nose, he took her grasping hand and kissed it. She was not deterred and grabbed his nose anyway, making him laugh.

  “You are going to make a great father,” Brie told him, knowing it was true.

  Rytsar looked her in the eye. “I hope so, radost moya.”

  “You will,” Sir stated confidently.

  “So is the child a boy or a girl?” Brie asked, realizing he hadn’t mentioned it.

  Rytsar grinned proudly. “A boy.”

  “Another Rytsar in the world!”

  He replied with exaggerated sadness, “Poor child.”

  Rytsar then raised Hope high in his arms, looking up at her lovingly as he spun her around. “Don’t you dare forget me while I’m gone, moye solntse.”

  Brie’s breath caught and she had to look away to stop the tears from falling.

  “Do you know what your future plans are?” Sir asked, putting his hand on Brie’s back to calm her.

  Rytsar lowered his arms, cuddling Hope against his chest. “Not at this point, moy droog. First, I meet my son. Then…I go from there.”

  “How strange it is going to be to meet your son for the first time at the age of two,” Brie said with empathy.

  Rytsar growled. “Da. Lisichka had no right to steal those years from me.”

  “No, she didn’t,” Brie agreed, her heart aching for him.


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