Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18)

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Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18) Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  Her heart ached, certain now that he was going to leave them.

  Sir cleared his throat, voicing the question out loud. “So, you are determined to move back to Russia, then?”

  “How can I not and still be a true father to the child?”

  “Couldn’t they move here?” Brie asked hopefully.

  Rytsar smiled but shook his head. “Sasha will not leave her family, and insists our son grow up in Russia.” He inclined his head toward her, adding, “Which I can’t fault her for. I love my motherland.”

  Sir stared thoughtfully at Rytsar. “Brother, you must do what is best for you and your son. Brie and I will support you in however you need us.”

  It felt like the ax had finally fallen and Brie struggled to breathe.

  He was leaving…

  When Rytsar turned to face her, Brie swallowed down her sorrow, gracing him with the smile he deserved. “We’ll just have to come to visit you in Russia.”

  Rytsar held his arms out to her.

  Brie walked into his embrace, resting her head against his muscular chest. But, once there, she felt the immensity of his sorrow and could no longer hold back the tears.

  Rytsar was leaving them and the weight of it was crushing her soul…

  “I will miss you,” she sobbed.

  Rytsar didn’t reprimand her for crying. Instead, he held her even tighter. “Shh…radost moya…shh…”

  When she couldn’t stop crying, he lifted her chin and gently kissed the tears from her cheeks before pressing his wet lips against hers.

  The profound connection in that kiss instantly dried her tears.

  When he broke away, Rytsar gazed at her tenderly. “Better?”

  She only nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

  “I will not be leaving immediately. I need time to prepare.”

  She gave him a sad smile, grateful to hear it.

  Sir had watched the entire exchange. Even though Brie knew he was determined to let Rytsar go, she also knew it didn’t make the pain of his leaving hurt any less.

  Looking at the two of them, Sir stated in a gruff voice, “I think a session between the three of us is in order.”

  Rytsar met his gaze and nodded in agreement.

  When he looked back at Brie, he had a wicked glint in his eyes. “How would you like to revisit our first session, radost moya, for old time’s sake?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She remembered the cabin in Russia when Sir had surprised her by inviting Rytsar to join them in their first threesome.

  Memories of that night still made her wet.

  Brie bowed her head at Sir. “If it would please you. Sir.”

  He smirked when he answered. “Naturally, téa.”

  Tingles of excitement coursed through her body on hearing him call her by that name.

  In quiet tones, Rytsar spoke to Sir in Russian.

  Brie tried to follow the conversation. She had gotten pretty good at basic Russian with Rytsar patiently teaching her his native tongue and Sir letting her practice with him every night.

  Although she couldn’t quite catch what the two men were saying, she didn’t miss the look of lust in Sir’s eyes when he answered Rytsar with a throaty, “Da.”

  Rytsar turned to Brie with a wild gleam in his eyes, shouting, “Bezhat!”

  She backed away from him, knowing he had commanded her to run, but it wasn’t until he lunged for her that she understood he was serious.

  Her heart pounding in her chest, she looked at Sir and saw the same wild look in his eyes.

  When both men started toward her as one unit, she suddenly understood what was happening. They didn’t want to relive that first time in the cabin.


  This was her warrior fantasy being played out. Only, instead of one warrior wanting to claim her—she had two.

  Brie immediately kicked off her sandals and turned, bolting toward the door. She flung it open with an excited squeal and she raced out of the house with both of them pursuing her.

  Feeling the thrill of the chase, she ran as fast as she could down the sandy beach, trying to stay out of the reach of both men. She remembered how quickly Rytsar had captured her the first time and was determined not to be caught so easily this time around.

  She could sense Sir and Rytsar drawing nearer and felt chills when one of their hands brushed against her skin as he reached out to grab her.

  Remembering that the waves had tripped her up last time, Brie did her best to keep close to the edge of the shore on the firmer wet sand without getting too close to the water’s edge. She looked back and saw they were starting to fall behind, slowed down by their restrictive dress shoes.

  Brie smiled to herself but couldn’t afford to waste the breath to laugh while running at full speed. It felt great to be in the lead!

  Unfortunately, it didn’t take long before her lungs began to burn.

  Slowing down momentarily was enough to give her pursuers the advantage. Brie cried out when she felt the tight hold of Sir’s hand gripping her arm. She twisted around, trying to free herself, only to feel Rytsar wrap his arms around her waist as he carried her toward the water and flung her into the ocean.

  She was hit by a wave as she scrambled back to the safety of the shore. An intoxicating thrill of fear took over when Rytsar grabbed both her feet and pulled her to him.

  Brie let out a terrified scream when he flipped her over and Sir held her down by her wrists. Rytsar crushed her body with his weight.

  She gasped for breath as another wave swirled around them and she looked up into her captor’s intense blue eyes.

  There was a hint of fierceness in his gaze that caused her heart to race even more. Rytsar was a dangerous man, capable of great violence, but he was also a man of extreme passion and fierce love.

  No matter how savage his soul, Brie would always trust him.

  He leaned down and bit her neck while Sir tilted her head to get better access to her lips, claiming her mouth. His lips tasted of salt from the ocean water.

  Brie was overwhelmed by the sense of helplessness caused by Rytsar’s teeth bruising her skin and Sir’s tongue ravaging her mouth. It was so fucking hot, knowing both men desired her—an exhilaration she never grew tired of.

  The fact it was out in the open like this made it that much more arousing for her.

  Brie realized she still needed to play the role of a frightened maiden, so she struggled against them. “No, no, no…”

  Rytsar’s eyes widened, his wicked intentions easy to see as he stood up and grabbed Brie, flinging her unceremoniously over his shoulder before starting toward his beach house.

  Sir walked behind, staring at her hungrily.

  I bet he wants to nibble some Brie, she giggled to herself.

  Struggling not to smile, she had to turn her head to keep her composure. That’s when she noticed three women in the distance staring at them, their phones held out in front of them.

  Not wanting to relive the “Faelan Incident” again, she broke out of character momentarily, waving at the ladies with a big smile on her face as she bounced against Rytsar’s back with her ass in the air.

  He slapped Brie’s buttocks for good measure, making her yelp before she broke out in giggles.

  Brie watched the women put their phones down and talk amongst themselves. Hopefully, the police would not visit them like they had the first time when Faelan thought she’d been kidnapped.

  Once they were safely inside and the door was locked, Rytsar set her down on the floor and placed his hand on the back of her neck in a possessive way that sent chills through her. He then ordered Maxim in Russian to get the rest of his men.

  Maxim immediately left, returning with three more men from Rytsar’s entourage. Rytsar left her alone with the four bodyguards, ordering them to watch her, while he and Sir excited the room.

  The four men stood with arms crossed, staring at her.

  She couldn’t help feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable under
their intense gazes, and it made Brie smile to herself.

  She had to hand it to Rytsar. He was an expert at evoking the emotions associated with her favorite fantasy—a captured girl, frightened by the fierce warriors around her.

  In her original fantasy, she had a rival warrior who had fought to claim her, but in this version, the two warriors were friends and planned to claim her at the same time.

  However, as a virgin, she knew such an act should cause her great fear, no matter how handsome her warriors were.

  Brie knew it would be easy to fall into the comfortable dynamics of their long-term threesome, but tonight Rytsar and Sir were role-playing with her, and she wanted to make certain she played her part well.

  Brie’s desire was to fully embrace this gift that they were giving her, so she closed her eyes and refocused her thoughts.

  As she plotted out a new version of her fantasy, she found it amusing that she hadn’t really changed since her days at the Training Center. She still needed her fantasies to be detailed, and the people who populated them had to have interesting backstories.

  Rather than filtering herself, Brie allowed her imagination to run wild…

  I’ve lived alone with my parents ever since we left the safety of Pennsylvania to stake a claim in the West. We’d lost my oldest brother to dysentery during the arduous trip, only to lose my other brother to a snakebite once we’d arrived.

  He was off hunting for jackrabbit when a rattler bit him. I will never forget his horrifying scream as he died in my father’s arms…

  This place has cost us everything that mattered to us, but I’ve been determined to help make something of this farm to honor my brothers’ memories.

  Through blood and sweat, and against all odds, the three of us have created a thriving farm and a future for ourselves. But, my pride in our accomplishments is tainted by the fact that I have no one of my own—and it’s beginning to weigh heavily on my soul.

  My parents have agreed to hire help so I can start life of my own but, just when my dreams are within my grasp…

  Our homestead is targeted by a raid.

  My father sees the men on horseback first and orders me to run back to the house and hide.

  Instincts kick in and instead of running into the house, I run past it, making a beeline for the safety of the creek.

  I don’t hear screams or war cries—only silence and the crackling of burning wood as I shake uncontrollably in my hiding place. Soon, the smoke swirls in the air around me. I send up silent prayers for my parents, terrified they might already be dead.

  After what seems an eternity, I’m certain the warriors are long gone and emerge from the safety of my hiding place to check on my parents. I’m frightened of what I will find.

  As I climb the embankment, I suddenly stop cold.

  There are two warriors on horseback staring straight at me as if they’ve known I was hiding there all along.

  Even though I know there is no escape, fear takes over and I turn to bolt. I hear the men jump off their horses and hit the ground, and it spurs my flight instinct. With the agility of a deer, I spring up and weave my way through the brambles next to the stream, but it is not enough and soon I feel their hands on me.

  I scream as I fall to the ground. One restrains me with the weight of his body while the other secures my wrists above my head. I struggle against them, afraid for my life, and cry out for help that I know will never come.

  When I meet the gaze of one of my captors, the intensity of his stare makes me mute. It’s as if he can see into my soul.

  I’m defenseless when he leans down and bites me on the neck as the other presses his lips hard against mine.

  I do not know what kind of dark magic they possess but, for some unfathomable reason, my body responds to their dual embrace. The bite relaxes me while the kiss draws out an internal fire I have never known.

  I whimper, scared that they will take me here.

  But, they do not.

  Instead, they release me. One ties my hands behind my back, while the other lifts me up and carries me to his horse.

  I look back at my home as they start out. I am relieved to see my parents holding each other as they watch the house and our barn burn to the ground. I try to cry out to them, but the warrior swiftly covers my mouth and growls a warning.

  The raiding party has claimed our livestock and burned down our homestead but, mercifully, my parents are alive.

  Unwilling to jeopardize their lives, I stay silent as the warrior kicks his horse, sending us off in the opposite direction…

  Now that Brie was in the right headspace, she opened her eyes, accepting the intense gaze of Rytsar’s bodyguards as she waited for her warriors to return.

  When the two reappeared, she saw they were dressed only in leather pants, their muscular chests enticingly bare.

  Brie glanced at them, biting her lip nervously. She was finding it difficult to hide how completely turned on she was. Her nipples stood at attention and were clearly on display through her thin, wet clothing.

  The two men spoke to each other in low tones of Russian as their eyes traveled brazenly over her body. Brie had to translate everything they were saying in her head, which added an interesting element to the scene.

  Along with their words, Brie used their facial expressions and the tone of their voices to discern the meaning behind what they were saying.

  It was obvious to her that they had already discussed how the scene would play out, but there was something different in the tone of their voices and the way they were looking at her that made her heart race.

  Brie had a feeling that in this scene, they would challenge her with something completely new, and the idea of that made her extremely wet.

  Rytsar produced a knife and made quick work of Brie’s wet clothes and panties, leaving her standing naked before them.

  Now that she was fully invested in her virginal role, Brie looked down at the fragments of her clothing, and blushed.

  When she felt Rytsar’s fingers graze her skin, she actually shivered.

  No one had ever touched her intimately before…

  When Sir joined him, she closed her eyes. Having two men caress her naked body was both frightening and strangely exciting at the same time.

  Their touches were featherlike, not rough as she had expected, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. Those intimate touches were igniting a longing—a deep, unfamiliar ache—at the core of her being.

  The butterflies started when Sir suddenly picked her up and carried her toward Rytsar’s bedroom with the four men following behind.

  Brie had a moment of real panic. She’d never taken six men at one time, nor did she want to.

  To her relief, Rytsar barked an order and the four men headed outside, splitting up to guard the perimeter, with their backs to them.

  Brie giggled to herself, realizing the guards were there to prevent another misunderstanding with the authorities.

  Sir carried her to the center beam in Rytsar’s bedroom, setting her down beside it. Staying true to her role, Brie whimpered when Sir produced a leather tie and grasped her wrists.

  Her heart fluttered as he stared at her with the same melt-worthy look he’d given her the day they first met.

  Her body could not deny the natural chemistry they shared as he secured her hands behind the pole, and she felt a trickle of wetness between her legs.

  Sir stepped back and stood next to Rytsar, the two of them staring at her hungrily.

  Brie shivered, noticing the sexual energy in the room seemed heightened and a little dangerous.

  The two men started out with nibbles and kisses, loving Brie’s body with their lips while grazing her bare skin with their teeth.

  As a virgin, she naturally tensed at first, unused to the intimacy of the contact, but her body soon gave in to the sensual feel of their mouths.

  When both men grasped her breasts and started sucking on her nipples at the same time, she felt a gush of we
tness between her legs.

  Brie was completely entranced by their dual attention.

  That’s when her warriors switched things up on her. Brie held her breath when their hands traveled to her pussy at the same time. One of them rubbing her clit while the other swirled his finger around her wet opening, teasing her.

  She closed her eyes as he slowly penetrated her with his finger. In her mind, it was her first time—with all those feelings of how new and strange it felt to have a man’s finger inside her.

  With the focused attention on her clit added to it, Brie had no chance of controlling the climax that crashed over her. Both men grunted in approval when her pussy started pulsing with her first orgasm.

  Rytsar whispered sexy Russian words in her ear while Sir ravaged her mouth with his tongue, helping to prolong her orgasm.

  Oh. My. God.

  Already flying high, she whimpered in pleasure when Rytsar nuzzled her ear before biting down on it lightly. He growled possessively, murmuring something she did not know the meaning of, but what he said instantly set her heart racing.

  Brie was surprised when he untied her wrists and picked her up, taking her to the bed. Apparently, there would be no fucking on the floor this time around.

  Goosebumps rose on her skin as she lay there with both men staring at her, the impressive state of their arousal clearly outlined in their pants.

  They wanted her.

  Brie watched with bated breath as the two stripped in front of her, showing off their rigid cocks. Based on the hardness of their erections, whatever they were planning had both men seriously turned on.

  She watched as Sir picked up a tube of lubricant and liberally covered his cock with it. After wiping his hands, he threw the towel on the floor and stared at her. The wildness in his eyes made Brie shiver.

  Climbing onto the bed with the grace and focus of a predatory cat, he came to claim her.

  But the instant he started to spread her legs, she remembered her role and balked, trying to escape. Sir was ready for it and held her down firmly as he positioned himself between her legs.

  Brie liked the sexy thrill of being forcefully taken and struggled even more so that his grip became even tighter.

  She fully expected Sir would force his cock into her ass, but he surprised her by thrusting into her pussy. She cried out, taking the full length of his cock in that first stroke.


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