1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 4

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1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 4 Page 10

by Nikhil Parekh

Strip me of my love; and I’ll fight you with the thunderously palpitating beats of

  my profusely aggrieved heart,

  Strip me of my blood; and I’ll fight you with the astronomical energy horrendously trapped in my battalion of veins,

  And you can strip me of my life O ! satanic devil; but I’ll still fight you with the inevitable power of self defence; and the blessings of my Omnipotent Creator;

  from beneath my corpse.


  40. CAN YOU ?

  You had the power to procreate your own progeny; but can you recreate man after death?

  You had the power to construct a gigantic building; but can you provide compassionate shelter to every tangible organism wandering in inexplicable pain; on

  the mud of this Universe?

  You had the power to save a single life at a time with your prudently imbibed prowess of artificial respiration; but can you save the entire planet tottering precariously towards the brink of absolute extinction?

  You had the power to silence an innocuous child; but can you conquer the infinite battalion of devils trying to metamorphose God’s earth into a treacherous paradise ?

  You had the power to emboss thousands of exquisite lines; but can you sign for the boundless illiterate on this globe; for whom the most cherished possession was their bohemian thumb?

  You had the power to silence your critics; but can you pacify the perilously vindictive storm brewing outside; ready to ruthlessly swipe celestial traces of blissful civilization?

  You had the power to philander merrily through the hills whenever you desired; but can you free humanity from the vicious stranglehold of brutally augmenting terrorism?

  You had the power to memorize several formulas of arithmetic; but can you scrupulously recollect the uncanny miseries prevailing in each abode on

  this planet?

  You had the power to pray till times immemorial; but can you grant every single wish of God’s countless created entities?

  You had the power to earn fathomless wealth; but can you substitute the eyes of unsurpassable blind men; with your coins of pompous silver?

  You had the power to defeat the mightiest of armies with your contemporary techniques; but can you massacre the voice of your guilty conscience?

  You had the power to fantasize even beyond the most unprecedented limits of imagination; but can you perceive what was circulating in the minds of unfathomable people; boisterously busy in tackling monotonous life?

  You had the power to handsomely placate your own hunger; but can you fill every plate clattering in domains of desperation for those indispensable morsels of food?

  You had the power to stare at your own reflection in the mirror for unbelievable hours on the trot; but can you look at those billions of faces engulfed with satanic droplets of blood; deprived of their sole love in life?

  You had the power to dream about the most incredulously mesmerizing objects on earth; but can you bring back a smile to the face of a mother; who had just lost

  her newly born child?

  You had the power to dig a million kilometers beneath soil; but can you heal the insurmountably agonizing trauma which the earth was besieged with; as

  you ruptured its belly?

  You had the power to assassinate unsurpassable number of trees in a single minute with your modern machines; but can you spawn the incomprehensible greenery on

  this soil; which kept astoundingly proliferating; even after the Sun had

  disappeared from the horizons?

  You had the power to sagaciously advice hordes of profusely afflicted masses; but can you enter their shivering persona; to bear their suffering even an inconspicuous trifle?

  And you had the power to be an absolute human till the time you existed in physical form; but can you ever dream of being even an infinitesimal reflection of the Omniscient Creator? 



  I didn’t wish to be saved even an infinitesimal iota;  if the hands of uncouthly unforgiving destiny; treacherously pushed me from the 200th floor of the astronomically colossal edifice,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure;

  that my philanthropic neighbors weren’t disturbed the slightest; by my ghastly fall and inevitable cries.

  I didn’t wish to be saved even an inconspicuous inch; if the palms of inexplicably traumatic destiny; hurtled me face on towards the; overwhelmingly speeding monstrous truck,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the shrubs sprouting blissfully in vicinity; weren’t camouflaged the slightest; with my rampantly spurting fountains of crimson blood.

  I didn’t wish to be saved even a capriciously remote whisker;   if the clouds of ominously penalizing destiny; buried me infinite feet beneath my coffin; without ostensibly no fault of mine and when I was in pristine prime of life,

  But is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the soil surrounding my grave wasn’t affected the slightest by my disdainfully decaying carrion; instead perennially continued to proliferate into a paradise of exhilarating newness.

  I didn’t wish to be saved even an obliviously obsolete trifle; if the winds of salaciously pulverizing destiny; barbarically drowned me to the rock bottom; of the fathomlessly swirling ocean,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the fish swimming merrily beneath; weren’t hindered the slightest in their celestial path; by my grotesquely cumbersome caricature.

  I didn’t wish to be saved even a frigidly diminutive inch; if the vagaries of savage destiny; reduced me to an abominably ludicrous heap; of gruesomely charred and nonchalant ash,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the perpetual fertility of mud enveloping my lifeless countenance; wasn’t affected the slightest by my penuriously impoverished human form.

  I didn’t wish to be saved even a ridiculously nonexistence fraction; if the wings of perfidiously corrupting destiny; chopped me into a boundless pieces of raw bone; before eventually dumping me for the dogs,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the blades of voluptuously nimble grass encapsulating my pathetically disoriented demeanor; weren’t terrorized the slightest; by the devastatingly gory remains of my countenance.

  I didn’t wish to be saved even an lackadaisically minute iota; if the cloudbursts of vindictively tyrannizing destiny; squeezed every droplet of blood like a ferociously untamed parasite; from each pore of my dwindling body,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the hordes of innocuously impeccable children around weren’t perturbed the slightest by my cascading skeleton; instead marched unflinchingly on the path to unequivocal righteousness.

  I didn’t wish to be saved even a tenderly obscure bit; if the ungainly feet of murderously vengeful destiny; indiscriminately trampled and diabolically annihilated every speck of my poignantly seductive breath,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the chapter of life wasn’t condemned the slightest by my sordidly premature demise; instead life indefatigably continued to spawn into bountiful fireballs of ecstatic radiance; with every unfurling instant of time.

  And I didn’t wish to be saved even a parsimoniously mercurial thread; if the

  ghastly spirit of ruthless destiny; ominously snapped the fangs of my passionately palpitating heart; into the domains of hell and sadly forever,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the beats of eternally immortal love weren’t violated the slightest by my disappearing soul; instead relentlessly continued to bond with beauty; to bond with romantic timelessness and vibrant life.



  Normally I would have swooned to e
ven the most extinguishing reflections of blood; collapsing in a bedraggled heap as I heard the word torturous pain,

  But today I fervently guzzled gallons of heinous poison presuming it to be most Omnipotent panache of life; as I was at your immortally magnanimous doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your supremely celestial aura towering for times immemorial.

  Normally I would have puked out every ingredient of food lingering in my famished stomach; the instant I heard even the tiniest of incoherently disgruntled sounds,

  But today I ardently trespassed barefoot on a battlefield of relentlessly lethal thorns presuming it to be a silken carpet of paradise; as I was at your immortally philanthropic doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your charismatically enigmatic fragrance making me feel the richest organism alive.

  Normally I would have blended with non-existent wisps of obsolete oblivion; the very moment I sighted even the most diminutive of ants being mercilessly squelched; by the monstrously speeding truck,

  But today I exuberantly buried myself a countless feet beneath my grave presuming it to be the true elixir of life; as I was at your immortally unassailable doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your Omniscient eyes casting their rays of bedazzling enchantment; upon the trajectory of this entire planet.

  Normally I would have tremblingly stifled every iota of my voice; as even the most capriciously frigid beam of darkness; attempted to take a vicious stranglehold

  of the brilliantly sweltering day,

  But today I willingly trespassed through the most acrimonious mountains of fire presuming them to be oceans of unprecedented love; as I was at your immortally righteous doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your stupendously Omnipresent voice; miraculously pacifying the agony of the disastrously impoverished planet.

  Normally I would have withered like a pack of nimble matchsticks; as even the most fragile winds of dolorous depression; insidiously chose to drift my way,

  But today I greedily devoured a tunnel of pugnaciously hostile scorpion presuming them to be the ultimate fruits of Mother Nature; as I was at your immortally boundless doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your Omnipresently sacrosanct blessings; astoundingly procreating countless new; upon the circumference of this remorsefully dwindling earth.

  Normally I would have brutally asphyxiated to a gory death; even as mere reflections of imprisoned orphans; vacillated on the mammoth silver screen,

  But today I obligingly blinded my eyes with swords of blistering iron presuming them to be magical wands of spell binding harmony; as I was at your immortally marvelous doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your tenaciously scintillating radiance; enlightening every dwelling; besieged with lackadaisical disgrace.

  Normally I would have metamorphosed to inconsequentially minuscule ash; as I witnessed even the most diminutive speck of widowed white on destitute bodies,

  But today I compassionately shot myself in the center of my head presuming it to be the most mesmerizing gift of blissful creation; as I was at your immortally melodious doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your magnanimously unconquerable grace; magically granting wish of all those innocently deprived.

  Normally I would have dithered like an infertile leaf towards lackluster soil; as I encountered even the most tiniest of whipping; of the haplessly orphaned child,

  But today I smilingly placed all my fingers under the heinously slicing butcher knife; as I was at your immortally invincible doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your grandiloquently luminescent persona; bestowing upon its unfathomable splendor; upon all rich and penuriously devastated; alike.

  And normally I would have profusely maimed each cranny of my intricately nimbly senses; as I witnessed even the most ferociously unruly chicken being slaughtered;

  for becoming the toast of nocturnal delight,

  But today I proudly relinquished even the last traces of my life standing on the corridors of hell presuming it to be gloriously resplendent heaven; as I was at

  your immortally beautiful doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your unbelievably divinely smile; making me perpetually feel blessedly alive



  Change irascible hatred; into bountiful winds of benevolence,

  Change hideously horrendous entities; into marvelous rainbows inhabiting the animated skies,

  Change disgustingly abominable decay; into an overwhelmingly fragrant festoon of pearls; cascading from the cosmos,

  Change morbidly debilitating blindness; into stupendously optimistic beams of fresh light,

  Change baseless chapters of mocking incoherence; into exquisitely grandiloquent mirrors; as articulate as framework of God’s language,

  Change perilously obese; into a robust complexioned fountain of blissful health and celestial happiness,

  Change the precariously menacing edge of knife; into a golden carpet of profusely glistening silk,

  Change the frigidly soggy matchstick melting like a pack of cards; into an audaciously valiant warrior; sacrificing his every belonging for his divinely motherland,

  Change the solitarily dilapidated pool of fetid water; into a garden of incredulously rejuvenating and poignant tea leaves,

  Change the pertinently buzzing parasitic mosquito; into a charismatically dainty fairy; leaping with exultation on the satiny cushion of paradise,


  Change the agonizingly traumatized volcano’s; into placid fountains of impeccable peace,

  Change the garbage deluged gutter; into a fabulously redolent rose; blossoming into untamed exuberance every unfurling second,

  Change the miserably dwindling and hopeless leper; into a royal eagle soaring majestically through crimson clouds,

  Change the utterly dilapidated speck of battered stone; into the unfathomably luxurious castle; glistening splendidly under fiery rays of Omnipotent Sun,

  Change the cowards who were ungainly dumb; into boisterously delectable and

  lion hearted humming bees,

  Change the viciously twisted pathways; into enchanting tunnels leading to the absolute summit of paradise,

  Change the diabolically blood sucking devils; into philanthropically benign beings; disseminating the true splendor of mankind,

  Change the perfidiously plotting heart; into a perpetual epitome of ultimate belonging,

  Change the manipulatively corrupt and dead soul; into the most wonderful gift called; priceless humanity,

  But O! Almighty Lord; let true love; remain immortal forever and ever and ever and ever.



  Give me  hands;  only to achieve my ultimate mission in life; do my best to alleviate despicable suffering from impoverished mankind,

  Give me legs; only to explore every region of this mesmerizing planet; trespass into pathetically dilapidated territories; reaching those shunned from all quarters of society,

  Give me eyes; only to absorb the most inconspicuous of beauty lingering profoundly in celestial atmosphere; transport my ailing mates in despair; to their safe abodes

  by the river side,

  Give me voice; only to  sing the most mesmerizing rhymes in this Universe; infiltrating my melody into every household; trembling and profoundly depraved of

  bright light,

  Give me brain; only to encapsulate all majestic beauty in each of my dreary senses; evolve ingenious ideas; to metamorphose mother earth into a blissful paradise,

  Give me hair; only to profusely relish poignant draughts of breeze on my scalp; bounce with untamed exhilaration with impeccable children left stranded on

  the streets,

  Give me smiles; only to rhapsodically blend with natures bountiful endowment; instill optimistic rays of hope in the lives of those; without an iota of sight,

  Give me fingers; only to write countless lines of spell binding poetry; indefatigably propagate the message of peace; through the sacred essence of my verse,

  Give me scent; only to bask in the aisles of romantically tanta
lizing desire; diffuse my enchanting fragrance to those; withering towards an island of utterly hopeless submission,

  Give me phelgmatism; only to blend each cranny of my demeanor prudently with corridors of prudent wisdom; commiserate with destitute in diabolical distress,


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