Her Sir

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Her Sir Page 8

by Megan Slayer

  Chapter Seven

  Dean carried her perspiration-slicked body to the bedroom. He wrapped her in a blanket, then cradled her to his chest. He’d gotten out of his comfort zone with her and didn’t regret a moment of it. He’d thought he was incapable of love or having a relationship, but she’d managed to change his mind. His grandmother’s ring looked perfect on her finger.

  She whimpered and snuggled closer to him.

  He kissed the top of her head. He sat with her in silence and basked in her warmth. The rest of the world could go away. He had exactly what he wanted in his arms. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only fifteen minutes, he broke the quiet. “How do you feel?” he asked. “Good?”

  “Still floaty.” She tugged the blanket to her chest. “And sleepy.”

  “Rest. We have nowhere to go.” Plus, he could hold her forever and not tire of it.

  “We should clean up what’s left from dinner.” She sat up. “We left a mess.”

  “We did.” Not that he cared.

  “You’re not worried?” She tilted her head. “Sir?”

  “The scene’s over, sweetheart. Use my name.” He swept his gaze over her. Damn, he was lucky to have her. “I’ll take care of the mess.”

  She parted her lips but didn’t speak right away. “Si—Dean.” She shook her head. “Feels strange.”

  “It will.” He liked the sound of his name coming from her. “It’ll get easier.”

  “I know,” she murmured.

  “Why don’t you shower? I’ll grab one of my shirts, then join you.” He kissed her. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll take care of the table. I insist on both accounts.”

  “I want to argue with you, but I won’t. Thank you.” She scooted off his lap. “I wasn’t kidding, either. I love you, Sir.”

  “Andi.” He patted her ass.

  She toyed with the collar, then the ring. “Thank you.” She disappeared into the bathroom.

  Dean raked his fingers through his hair and sighed. She’d give him hell, and he welcomed it. He dressed in a pair of sleep pants and grabbed their phones, then ventured into the dining room. He left the phones on the counter. The mess wasn’t as bad as she probably thought. Within five minutes he had the table cleared and the dishes in the dishwasher.

  His phone beeped. He groaned, then tiptoed into the bathroom to sneak a glimpse of her. Water sluiced over her skin and bubbles covered her breasts. His dick hardened. He still had to hammer out a few details of the relationship with her, but he had no doubts things would work out fine. Once the shit with Trey disappeared, he’d ask her to marry him for real. He wanted to do it without the shadow of her ex looming over them.

  He slipped back to the living room and checked his phone. Opal had called. He wondered what she needed and called her back. “Yes?”

  “Mr. Meyer, Mr. Donaldson is here. He won’t leave,” Opal said.

  Damn it. The jackass needed to leave. “Did you lock the doors to the rest of the club?”

  “Yes. I’ve kept him in the foyer,” she said.

  “Fine. I’ll be down.” He tried to keep his irritation to a minimum, but Trey knew how to annoy the hell out of him. “Don’t let him venture farther into the club.”

  “Will do.” She hung up on him.

  A dull ache started behind his eyes. He had to change and keep up appearances. He strode into the bedroom and selected a pair of dark slacks from the closet.

  Andi shuffled into the room, then stopped. She’d covered her body with the towel, but the collar shimmered against her damp skin. “I thought you were going to join me.” Her eyes widened. “Why are you getting dressed?”

  “I need to deal with business.” He donned a pair of boxer briefs, then the slacks and a button-down shirt. “Trey showed up.”

  “Are you kidding?” She clutched the towel. “What are you going to do? Do you need my help?”

  “He’s on my property.” Dean kissed her, then adjusted his sleeves. “Thank you for offering, but let me handle him this time. You’re tough, smart, and strong, but he needs to know he’s not going against you alone. He’s trespassing, and if he wants a fight, then he can do it somewhere else.”

  “Okay.” She followed him out of the bedroom to the living room. “I’m sorry I brought this trouble to the club.”

  “Nah.” He shook his head. “Trey had a good thing and knows he lost it. He’s decided to make an ass of himself—to get you back or what, I’m not sure—but don’t worry about him. Besides, you’re not trouble, nor did you bring it.” He stepped into his loafers. “I meant what I said and what I’ve done. You’re priceless.”

  “Sir?” She stared at him.

  He winked, then tucked his key card into his pocket. “Give me ten minutes, then we’ll grab a snack and maybe go for round two.”

  “Three.” She smiled and blushed. “It’d be the third time.”

  “Then three it is.” He hated to leave her, but he detested Trey. Dean left the penthouse and made his way to the ground floor. Opal waited for him in the office.

  “I called Randy just in case.” She laced her fingers together and stood. “He’s out there with Mr. Donaldson. Randy says the police will remove Mr. Donaldson if you’d like.”

  “Good, but let’s wait until after I’m done.”

  “You’re going to do something rash,” Opal said. “Dean.”

  “It’ll be okay. Trust me.” Dean strode into the foyer. He nodded to Randy, then turned his attention to Trey. The man annoyed him, but he refused to show much emotion.

  “What is the meaning of making me wait?” Trey shouted. “My time is important.”

  “I just got the call.” Dean kept his voice even, despite wanting to plant his foot straight up Trey’s ass.

  “Where is she?” Trey glared at Dean.

  “Who?” Dean widened his stance and hooked his thumbs in his pockets.

  “Andrea is my ex-fiancée,” Trey said. “We still have business.”

  “Andi is upstairs, and she has no need for you.” Dean gritted his teeth. “If that’s all, then Mr. Cook will show you to the door.”

  “Not until I talk to Andrea. We need to talk and without you present.” Trey notched his chin in the air.

  “She’s indisposed. I’m here, and this is my establishment, so you’ll deal with me.” Dean refused to back down.

  “Jesus,” Trey said. “She put you up to this, didn’t she? She’s conniving. Get someone else to do her dirty work—that’s her MO. Forget her. She’s not worth your time. You were a puke in school, but you never stooped this low.”

  “Are you done?” Dean asked. His patience had worn thin.

  “No.” Trey curled his lip in a sneer. “Fine. If she’s not coming down, then you can deliver a message. Tell her to keep her damn mouth shut. If she doesn’t, I’ll sue her for libel.”

  “On what grounds?” The man had lost his mind.

  “She’s lied to the media. What she told them today was crap.” Trey’s grimace turned smug. “I won’t stand for it.”

  “Seems to me she said no comment.” He had no idea what she’d said, but he doubted she’d lowered herself to lying.

  “I hate you,” Trey spat.

  “I don’t care.” Never had.

  “Send her down,” Trey growled.

  “No. You’re not welcome here, and you’re harassing me. I will not expose my wife to this.” How’d the jackass like that revelation?

  “Wife? What?” Trey paled. “I saw you today, and I didn’t get the impression you were anything to Andrea.”

  “Who says we have to act like you expect?” Dean asked.

  “Jesus. Why would you marry her? Why would she lower herself to marrying you? You’re in porn.” Trey gagged. “I know what people do here. It’s disgusting.”

  “You throw the word ‘porn’ around like it’s the truth.” He rested his hands on his hips. “You don’t know me and shouldn’t presume to, Mr. Candidate.”

  Trey pal
ed again, then regained his poise. “Let me see Andrea. She’ll tell me the truth.”

  “No, and if you have no other business here, you need to leave.” Dean stood firm. “I’m done dealing with your harassment.”

  “She’s going to ruin my chances for election,” Trey said. “She married you, and you’re … beneath me. She cheated on me with you. I need to stop the bleeding and get ahead of this problem. I can do that if I talk to her.”

  “I don’t know how. She married me and is ignoring you. She hasn’t commented about your candidacy or the election. She’s keeping her head down. Why don’t you conduct your business and life, then do your thing? Forget her. Look ahead. This won’t be an easy election. Focus on the fact that she moved on and you can, too.”

  “She’s a liability,” Trey said.

  “Married to me?” Dean stifled a laugh. “You should thank me. According to your estimation, she’s trouble, and I bit the bullet for you.” He’d gladly take Andi off Trey’s hands. The jerk hadn’t deserved her in the first place.

  “Just make sure she keeps her mouth shut.” Trey shook his head. “Got that?”

  “Out of curiosity, why?”

  “Because she won’t like how I’ll handle it if she doesn’t. I will get elected, and I will be the mayor.” Trey puffed out his chest. “Got that?”

  “I do.” He half-smiled. “We won’t stop your campaign.” Wouldn’t want to.

  Trey’s bluster dissipated for a second, then returned. “Good. I knew you’d see things my way.”

  “Oh, I do, but if I see you on my property ever again or hear you threatening my wife, I will involve the law.” Dean kept his voice level but glared at Trey. “Understand me?”

  “Don’t do this,” Trey said. “If you brought the law in, they’d see the disgusting things that happen here and will arrest you all.”

  He shrugged. Trey didn’t have any reason to involve the cops, but he did if Trey showed up again. He doubted Trey cared, though.

  “I still hate you.” Trey sneered again, then left the foyer.

  Once the doors closed, Dean sighed. Randy glared from his position by the club entrance. “I’m glad you had him in order.”

  “I knew you’d beat the hell out of him if he stepped out of line.” Dean rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand. “If he comes back, let me know. I highly doubt he does, but he’s creepy enough to try anything. He’ll keep this up until he’s either elected or I swat him down.”

  “Swat,” Randy said. “I’d help.”

  “Nah. He’ll dig himself in deep, and everyone will see who he really is.” He pointed to Opal. “Lock up for the night. No one comes in if they don’t have a membership. No visitors. I’m not in the mood for shit tonight.” He turned to Randy. “I’m going back upstairs. Call if you need me.”

  “But don’t need you,” Randy said, his smile tight. “Understood.”

  Dean nodded, then left the foyer. He hated that he’d given Trey power—even a tiny bit. The man wanted to do damage to anyone who stood in his way. Andi wasn’t a threat. All he had to do was steer the interviewers away from her and they’d leave his past alone. If the opposition cared, they’d dredge her up, but what good would that do? Andi moving on with Dean didn’t constitute anything detrimental to Trey’s chance of becoming the mayor. They both had a past and she’d changed course with her future. So what? Dean groaned and stepped into the elevator. He hadn’t seen the last of Trey, not by a long shot.


  Andi waited for Sir to return. She’d put on the shirt he’d left for her and curled up beneath the sheets. Her mind raced. She could only imagine what Trey had said and threatened. She didn’t like that Sir was fighting her battle, but she loved the protection. She could do whatever she wanted on her own and make her way, but having someone in her corner helped.

  She heard voices in the other room. Was Sir back? She crept over to the doorway but didn’t venture down to the living room.

  “I know. I got rid of him,” Sir said. “Even if he does threaten us, what can he do? We’re not operating outside of the law. I’ve seen the contracts and permits. Unless you’re doing something shady that I don’t know about and Delana is operating on the level, we’re fine. I personally talked to the police chief. There’s nothing illegal about a fetish club.”

  Her blood chilled. This was what she’d worried about—bringing danger and hardship to Sir. She sat on the top step and continued listening in. She’d probably earn punishment for eavesdropping, but oh well. She had to know how much damage she’d done.

  “We’re legal. No question. I’m just worried you lead with your heart and not your head,” the other man said. “I know you. Romance and love aren’t your thing. You hide from relationships. What’s the deal? You love your girl, don’t you?”

  “Justin,” Sir said. “I’m still figuring it out.”

  He wasn’t lying. The relationship was still new-ish and they had a lot to talk about. She couldn’t wait to explore the new dynamic between them.

  “Yet, you collared her.” Justin groaned. “You’re not thinking straight.”

  She tensed. Wait, what? How was Sir not thinking straight?

  “Who is?” Sir asked. “Jesus. When you met Kel, you told me you were leaving the lifestyle and wanted out of the club. She was just what you needed and you’re still here—because this is your lifestyle and you belong together. Maybe I’ve found someone who isn’t afraid of my surly attitude and still likes me. She’s a good sub. One of the best I’ve ever had. Yes, her ex is a piece of work, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be with her.”

  She sagged against the wall and sighed. He might not be able to say he loved her, but he did. She felt it. Soon she’d help him become comfortable enough to admit the words out loud. But Justin’s words caught her attention.

  “Just think about what you’re doing, and if you’re willing to expose everyone here to scrutiny because of that dipshit running for office, then know I’m not thrilled. I don’t want anyone to push into my business. I don’t care if we’re legal. People will talk and make assumptions,” Justin said. “One snoop will lead to another. The wrong publicity will fuck us up.”

  “Or it’ll blow over because no one cares. She’s his ex. She’s not trying to get in on his fame—quite the opposite,” Sir said. “She’s my girl, my problem, and I will not let anyone take what the three of us have built. This club is my life. It’s yours, too. We stick together.”

  Justin wasn’t happy, but Sir hadn’t doubted her. Not the greatest thing they could say, but not horrible.

  “Jesus,” Justin said. “I’m not convinced this won’t be bad.”

  She’d relaxed a bit too soon. She bowed her head and willed the tears not to fall. Sir’s opinion mattered the most, but if Justin wasn’t pleased, then he had the potential to change Sir’s mind.

  “You trusted me when I was your Dom. You trusted me when we set up this club. I’m solid.”

  “You’re in love,” Justin said.

  Her ears perked. Had Justin just—nah. She had to be hearing things.

  “Just, stop,” Sir said. “I don’t want to do this right now.”

  “Really?” Just asked. “Fuck.

  “Let me handle this,” Sir said. “We’re getting worked up for nothing.”

  “Nothing that could turn into something if Donaldson gets the wrong idea.”

  Embarrassment, irritation, and frustration welled within her. She’d put Sir on the spot, even without being in the room. This wasn’t Sir’s fight. She should be down there giving them both a piece of her mind. Why didn’t Justin understand Sir had given her the ring and the collar? Those items had to mean something more, but Sir only stuck up for her so far. She inched down the stairs and into the living room.

  Sir stood with his back to her. Master Justin’s eyes widened, and his jaw slackened.

  “Sir. Master Justin.” She clasped her fingers together. “I couldn’t help but hear what you’ve said. I
think I need to go. I know when I’m not wanted.” She started away from them, only to pause and face them again. “I might not be a perfect sub, but I’m not going to let you treat me like dirt. I didn’t beg Trey for this attention or do anything for notice in the media. I’ve done my best to avoid notoriety. If that’s not good enough for you, then I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry. I made some bad choices, but they’re mine. I accept it.” She trembled but didn’t regret what she’d done. “Now, I need to go.”

  “Andi.” Sir held out his hand. “Give me a chance.”

  She’d seen Master Justin plenty of times, but never out of his leathers. She kept her distance from him and didn’t come closer to Sir.

  Justin switched his gaze between her and Sir but said nothing. He shook his head and left the penthouse.

  Sir closed the door behind Justin, then strode up to her. She expected him to lose his temper. When he simply looked at her, her blood chilled again. His expression stayed blank. “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” he said.

  “But I did.” She folded her arms. “I think you want to drive me crazy.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Then what? I’m a liability.” Her voice cracked. Damn it. Her veneer of toughness had worn thin. “You said it yourself. You’re worried. He’s worried.”

  “I’m not worried.” He paused. “The special election is in a month. You aren’t accusing him of anything, right?”

  “Right.” Why would she? Trey had cheated on her, but she was better off without him.

  “You’re trying to have a life, correct?” Sir asked.

  “Yes.” Where was he going with this?

  “Then get your things in the morning and let me help. We’ll set you up in the atrium here. The light is fantastic, and you can do all the art you want. Trey doesn’t have to know the marriage isn’t real just yet, but he needs to think we’re moving in together so we can start our life. Once the election is over, we can revisit what we’re doing.” He grasped her shoulders. “I’m not ready to let you go.”

  She reeled. She wanted so much to believe him, but a shred of her didn’t. “What about Master Justin? His opinion matters.”


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