Play Me

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Play Me Page 25

by Ivy Knight

  My eyes open as her soft lips pull away forming into a pout.

  "That's not what I want, Kai. Stop holding back," she demands.

  "Summer stop it, this isn't you," I revile.

  "No, this is what I want," she retorts full of anger. Backing away a couple of steps, she pulls off her hoodie revealing her red laced bra.

  "Summer, I've seen you in lingerie before," I state calmly. My eyes having a brain of their own refuses to take themselves off of her breasts.

  "I know," she says unclasping the back of her bra.

  Chapter 31: Part Two

  I stand there bare chested in front of Kai. His eyes fill deeply with lust changing from grey to black. My vision more defined than ever, I can see the small lines in his eyes from almost five feet away.

  "You don't want to do this," he replies distantly distracted by his own thoughts. It's clear his words are more so directed to himself than to me.

  "I do, Kai," I whisper. I look down and start to unbutton my jeans, but Kai forces my hands away and pushes me up against the door. I huff at the sudden impact.

  His lips meet mine and this time, he doesn't hold back. Kissing hard, he forcefully parts my lips making a doorway for his tongue to enter. His tongue roams every inch of my mouth and I moan feeling his hands on my bare back. His hands squeeze my ass and I jump curling my legs around his waist.

  We part lips, both heavily breathing. He takes my breath away as his lips make their way down my neck. I can feel him nibbling on my skin teasingly. His lips stop as he lays me down on the bed. I watch as he pulls his shirt over his head. My hands brush over the lines off his tattoo. He grins seeing my interest.

  "I want you, Kai," I'm so scared someone else might hear me, that the words hardly come out as a whisper.

  "I know, Summer," he says, leaning down. He starts laying soft kisses from my cleavage down to my belly button. I moan when I feel his hands pull down my jeans revealing my red lace thong.

  He brings his head back hovering over mine. His hands under the thin fabric of my thong.

  "You're high."

  "Just high off of you," I respond. Satisfied by my response, I feel Kai rip my thong off. I gasp by the sudden move and bite down on my bottom lip nervously.


  I lie still under the blanket. Kai's arm draped over me, my back is glued to his dïck. The night was unplanned and that's all I have to say about that.

  That's what those guys meant by have fun. Those brownies were laced with weed. I can't believe I got stoned. The whole time I couldn't think about anything, but Kai. There were a gazillion other things I could've thought about, but all I could think about was him.

  Even off of the weed, all I can think about is what just happened. The worst part of it all, I don't feel guilty. Not even one bit. Actually, every time I think about him, I get a smile on my face.

  He pulls his arm off of me and gets up from the bed. I get up holding the blanket up to my chest.

  "Where are you going?"

  "It was a one-time thing, it'll never happen again," he responds.

  "What? You're saying you didn't feel anything?" I ask honestly shocked. He searches for his pants and slips them on once he finds them.

  "Yeah, it was another casual fuck for me. Don't get your hopes up, Summer. If it means anything to you, you were outstanding."

  "You cannot be fucking serious?" I groan in disappointment.

  "You were high and naked, you can't blame me for what happened. You wanted it and I had the power to give to you, so I did. Be thankful," he discloses.

  "I thought you were a man, clearly not. You can't avoid the fact that what happened tonight was more than just a casual fuck and we both know it. You can walk out today, but know that next time, it'll be me walking out on you," I warn holding back the tears that dared to spill.

  "That day, I won't hold you back," he says before heading out.

  I sit there overwhelmed with a swirl of emotions. He just left me. Do I even feel something more? Maybe it's just the attention I get from him is what I like. No one could love a man like him.

  No one.


  It's six in the evening and I haven't moved an inch from this bed. There isn't any motivation to move, so I'm not even bothered. Except for now, I was supposed to be downstairs for the meeting ten minutes ago.

  "Summer, are you ready? Everyone's waiting for you downstairs," Alec speaks from the other side of the door. Not hearing a response, he opens the door.

  "No!" I yell, but it's too late. He walks in and looks at all the clothes scattered along the floor. Standing out the most, is my bright red lingerie. I stuff my head into my pillow and groan as he picks up my bra.

  "So I was right. Looks like you had a banger night. Get it?" he laughs.

  "Shut up, Alec!"

  "I'm guessing it wasn't good?"

  "It was with Kai, you tell me."

  "I wouldn't know, I don't have sex with the same gender, Summer," I roll my eyes. He knew exactly what I meant. "Okay, sorry. We'll talk about it later, but no more fooling around. You need to be downstairs now."

  "Fine," I groan. I wrap the blanket around me and grab my clothes off the floor. I throw Kai's clothes at Alec. "Fucking give them to him, he's having after sex withdrawals and is most likely going to avoid me for the rest of his life."

  "Hey, maybe if you knew that before, you would've done it sooner," he grins.

  "Get. The fuck. Out of my room."

  He doesn't need be told twice as he disappears behind the door within seconds. I quickly take a shower and wear a loose t-shirt with a pair of grey sweats.

  I leave my hair open letting it air dry and head downstairs. I spot everyone silently waiting for me.

  "I apologize, it's unprofessional to be this late. I won't make any excuses, but I promise you, it'll never happen again," I say the last part looking at Kai. He knows exactly what I meant. Even though I want it to happen again, I know I can't let it.

  "No worries April, we have the whole night."

  "Well then, let's get started," I announce. "We came here to create an alliance between the Italian mafia and The Black Killers. As you know, there is a war going on between all the gangs and in lead with the most states under their control are none other than Nicholas and Kai Black. Yes, both of them are bothers, but they both work for their own causes."

  "Nicholas is reckless and untrustworthy. He does anything to gain power. I watched him kill nineteen gang leaders in one room without even the slight hesitation. All of whom trusted him profoundly. Kai on the other hand, gives what he promises. In exchange for closing down his camps I told Kai that I would give him all of America. He kept his end of the bargain and now I'm doing mine. If you ally with us and we end up winning, we will give you freedom of your own rights. Any mafia decisions will not be intercepted by gang matters or members unless it affects us directly. And because of Kai's deal with me, all the prostitute business will be yours and no camps will be run by gangs."

  "It's quite an offer Miss. Salvatore," Giuliano says.

  "We realize that this gang is mostly dependent on you," Alessio says. "Am I correct?"

  "It's a team effort Mr. Tieri," I acknowledge.

  "Mm," he thinks. "I have an offer for you. I have one task, you complete it and you have your new allies."

  I look at Kai, Alec and Cole.

  All of their eyes say the same thing.

  You can do it.

  "Sure," I reply.

  "Great, then come with me," he gets up from the table and starts walking. I follow in his footsteps.

  "Do you know what it is?" I hear Kai question Giuliano.

  "No, my son is very secretive with these kinds of things," he says.

  We go down to the basement where Alessio pulls me into a room painted in all white. He locks the door. Inside the room, are three people: Alessio, a man tied to the chair and me.

  I look to my right at the one-sided mirror. I know Kai, Alec, Cole a
nd Giuliano stand on the other side as spectators.

  "This man belongs to one of our enemies and knows some vital information. I want you to get it out of him," Alessio orders.

  I look at the man sitting on the chair. He reeks of blood and sweat. His white shirt stained with crimson blood and his face shines with purple bruises. A stubble growing on his face makes him look thirty when he's probably only twenty-five.

  "Getting a girl to do your work. What a man you are, Alessio," the man taunts. Alessio glares at the man, but returns his eyes on me.

  "I'm not going to torture the man. I don't know anything about him: why he's here, who he works for, what his name is, his background, nothing. I'm not going to take your word for it either. My victims are not just random people, they've been researched on and made sure that they deserve what's coming for them. If you need information that only he has, then you can do the dirty work yourself," I dispute.

  "You don't have a choice."

  "Stop being delusional, we always have a choice. We just say that we didn't to make ourselves feel better. I'm not going to hurt the man."

  "Fine," Alessio walks around to the back of the man’s chair and unties his hands. "You kill her and you walk out of here alive."

  "What?" I watched baffled as Alessio exits the room. Before closing the door, he throws a knife in the middle of the room. The man grabs it without a second thought.

  I stand their boiling with anger. How fucking dare he? I've had a horrible day and this is how repays me for bringing his mafia such a great offer. I'm so over this day, but I'm getting this deal no matter what. Without this, I don't even have a chance at winning.

  The man swings the knife at me and I dodge grabbing his arm in the process. I bring it down onto my knee and hear it snap. The man screams in pain. Clutching onto his arm, he kneels down on the ground sobbing in pain.

  "I can help you with the pain," I crookedly smile before driving the knife into the man's throat. He chokes and gargles on the blood before losing all conscious.

  I hear the door open and look back at Alessio approaching. His sleeves rolled up, reveals his veiny arms.

  "Ah, you must be next."

  "I am. You beat me and you have this deal," I smirk at his offer. I throw the knife at him. He catches it in surprise.

  "I think you'll need it more than I will," I say.

  "I'm not the weapon type," he says dropping it onto the ground.

  "Mmm," I kick my leg up at him, but he catches it and pushes me back. I crash on the ground, but don't have time to sob because when I look up, I barely dodge his punch. Still on the ground, Alessio aims a punch towards me again and gets me square in the eye.

  "Fuck," I groan. With closed eyes, I feel Alessio's legs close to mine so I kick them causing him to fall. Instantaneously, I climb on top, straddling him.

  To keep him calm and as pay back, I punch him twice. Once in the eye and another time on his jaw. He tries to respond back to my action, but I pin his hands down on top of him. I get low, my lips brush his ear.

  "I'm Xavier White's daughter, okay? I am the Summer White that you knew," I harshly whisper into Alessio's ear. He stops struggling under me and glares with pure anger.

  I gulp getting off of him. Everything's in his hands now. He knows who I am.




  He slowly gets up regaining his six foot five height. Grabbing my wrist, he pulls me out of the room and up to a room locking it. Kai tries stopping us, but Alessio doesn't have it.

  "Thanks for the eye once upon a time husband," I exaggerate. I wince when I try to pat down on the sore spot. Tiredly, I take a spot on the cushioned chair in front of his desk. He takes a seat on his chair opposite of me.

  "I could say the same, wifey, but I need proof that it's actually you," he says.

  "Well, what do you wanna know?"

  "What did you ask for, on your fifth birthday, from me?"

  "My mother," I sigh.

  "So it is you," he talks to himself and comes to a realization. "What the fuck is wrong with you and what do you think you're doing?"

  "Okay, fuck that hurt," I say shaking my ear with my finger. "And second of all, lower your voice no one else knows."

  "This room is sound proof."

  "Well, my ears aren't. And what I'm doing here is none of your concern. All you need to know is that I have a reason and the reason will be exposed when shit gets real. Now, I have a request: don't tell anyone. Like I said, no one and I mean no one, in this whole universe except for you knows. What will it take for you to close this alliance with Kai and to keep your mouth shut?"

  "I want you to cut Nick's dïck off," he responds.

  "Metaphorically speaking, I can do that. Literally speaking, hell no I don't wanna see that thing in my life ever again."

  "What do you mean again?" he inquires.

  "Nothing, it's a long story for another time. After this is all over, I hope you know that I'm not the same daughter Xavier White promised to you."

  "Is this your way of saying we're not to get married?"

  "Pretty much and I can tell it won't bother you, because of the women's perfume you're reeking of," he clears his throat hiding his rosy cheeks.

  I stand up from my seat.

  "What you're about to do is going to play a big role in taking me to where I want to be, Alex. Thank you so much."

  "Anything for my fighter."

  "Not yours, but okay," I bob my head. "That was a wink, but my eye's already swollen shut so... I bobbed my head to emphasize it."

  "Ah... makes sense," we both burst out laughing.

  Everything is going as planned.

  Chapter 32

  "What happened in there?" I try to close the door on Kai, but he forces himself in. I pull out my suitcase and start packing for the flight we have in less than two hours. "I asked you a question."

  I continue to ignore his presence walking over to the cupboard and taking out my clothes.

  "Summer!" he grabs my elbow spinning me around. His touch sending vibrations of anger.

  "Don't you dare touch me," I hiss.

  "You didn't seem to have a problem with it last night."

  "That was before you walked out on me and I realized that you might be considered an adult in the eyes of the law, but you are far from being a man, Kai."

  Aroused by rage, Kai shortens the distance between us as his hand moves past my head hitting the back of the cupboard.

  The shelf of the cupboard positioned itself perfectly in between two of my vertebra. I try to breathe deeply not showing the amount of pain I'm in as I lift my head meeting eyes with the devil.

  "What happened in that room?" he speaks slowly through gritted teeth. His eyes darker than I have ever seen them before. It's clear he's not going to hold back if he doesn't get an answer from me soon.

  "He wanted full disclosure, so I gave it to him. He thought that I might be holding something back because of you, so he dragged me into that room. We talked," I make sure to look him in the eyes as I said every word. Every word I said is one hundred percent true and there isn't a hint in my voice that would indicate that I was lying.

  "What did you tell him?"

  "Everything that I knew."

  Before Kai can reply, there's knock on the door.

  "Hope I wasn't interrupting anything, but we need to leave for the airport in thirty minutes," Cole says.

  "I was just telling Kai the same thing."

  "Go, we'll be down in ten," Kai doesn't lift his eyes off me, but the words are indicated towards Cole. Cole clears his throat and leaves replying with an unassured okay.

  "It was too easy, Summer. If I find one thing that proves that your intentions towards us are detrimental than I won't even blink before killing you."

  "I don't die easily," before Kai has a chance to reply, my phone starts to ring. His viperous eyes trail down to the phone tucked into my pocket.

  "You might want to
answer that, don't want Jayce hating me for thinking I killed you or something," with a snarky smirk, Kai takes a step back and exits the room. I pull out my phone. Reading Jayce's name, I throw the phone across the room.

  "Fuck!" I yell watching the phone dent the wall and then falling into its own death onto the ground.

  How does Kai know about Jayce?


  "What?" my tone harsh, I look towards the door. I swallow hard, meeting eyes with Giuliano.

  "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have-"

  "No, it's quite alright. We all have bad days," he approaches me. He pulls out the handkerchief in his coat holding it out for me. "Some, are simply worse than others."

  "Thank you, but I can wipe away my own tears," I say using the back of my hand to wipe them away. He nods. Understanding where I'm coming from, he puts the handkerchief back in its place.

  "Mind me asking, but did you want to talk about something?"

  "Oh, yes. I'll be straight up, I never was in favour of this alliance and I never will be. My boy persuaded me to give you a chance, and made the decision himself. Nonetheless, he has proven his worth many times and I respect his decisions. His words are mine, but one wrong move made on behalf of The Black Killers and I will end the alliance in a heartbeat, understood?"

  "Understood," I extend my hand out and he shakes it.

  "Well, I hope you had a great stay. Have a safe trip home Miss. April."

  "Thank you, I will Mr. Tieri. You have a good night," I smile before turning around to attend to my suitcase.

  As I start folding my clothes, I hear the door close and I sigh heavily. Tears start to make their way down my cheek. Trying to calm myself down, I take a seat on the bed.

  I shouldn't have taken things that far with Kai. If I had known that it was a weed brownie, I would have never eaten it and things would just be less complicated today. Alessio wouldn't know who I really am and Kai wouldn't have a reason to doubt my attentions yet once again.

  I can't let things get any worse and that starts with letting Jayce go as soon as I'm back to school. Kai warned me once already. I'm not going to wait for him to do something to get fully comprehend his message. I'm not willing to put Jayce on the line for selfish purposes.


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