Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2)

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Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2) Page 7

by H. N. Sieverding

  As he undressed her, he didn't check out her amazing breasts or admire her body. Nothing. All he did was strip her down to an embarrassed, naked state. Then, he released her from his spell. He turned his head as he pointed to the tub. "Stay in this bath until the servants come for you. I do not wish to be near you any longer."

  "Then send me home." She quickly retreated into the bath, the hot water feeling wonderful on her skin. Her words were angry, but there was a wetness to her tone that showed she was holding back tears. "I'm not who you think I am. I don't remember you, and I'll never be her, no matter—"

  "I said silence your tongue." He held up a single finger, his nose wrinkling as his lip curled. His breath was rapid as he tried to keep his calm. "I do not want you to speak until I allow—"

  Her brow wrinkled as she screamed, "You stupid—" Suddenly, she couldn't say another word. Her hand went to her throat as she opened her mouth several times, but nothing came out.

  "Silence. Finally." He let out a deep exhale as he turned. His body disappeared into the air.

  She waited a few minutes to make sure he was gone then made her escape. After putting on a robe, she glanced around the next room for her purse and clothes but couldn't find them. He had taken her shoes and socks as well. This would make fleeing hard, but that didn't stop her from trying.

  She first tried the bedroom door, and it was locked. Letting out an annoyed groan, she shook the handle several times, but it didn't open. She planted a few swift kicks against the wood before trying something else. She went to the doors of the balcony, which were locked as well.

  Her eyes scanned the room then settled on a chair next to the door. She thought she could use it to break the glass, so she quickly picked it up and started slamming it against the doors. Each time, it bounced off.

  After a few minutes of failed attempts, she tried to think of something else. Closing her eyes, she sat on the bed and took a few deep breaths. There was a dress laid out on the comforter for her. Ashleigh was a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. She was not putting that on.

  Then, a noise awoke her from her thoughts. Her surprised gaze moved to the person coming in the door. Before she even saw who it was, Ashleigh bolted toward them. She slammed the woman into the wall and covered her mouth. The woman was dressed in maid's attire, a classic type that matched the atmosphere of this old place. Because she was still on a high from feeding, Ashleigh easily subdued the servant.

  Instead of asking politely for her uniform, Ashleigh quickly undressed the maid and stole it. The woman put up quite a struggle, but Ashleigh was stronger. After she got what she wanted, Ashleigh locked the maid in the bathroom.

  Ashleigh's fingers shook as she slipped into the maid's uniform. It was very tight because she was much taller and curvy than the maid. Her hefty cleavage was hard to squeeze in and overflowed around the collar. Luckily the shoes were only slightly too small, which she was grateful for.

  With a final twist of her long hair into a tight bun, she was ready to make a run for it. The door was still open a crack, but when she left the room, she shut it tightly.

  There were a few people in the hall, and Ashleigh kept her head down as she passed. She didn't know who they were, but most were dressed in plain clothes and spoke Kresterian, a language she knew little of. None of them regarded her strangely, although a few did check out her sexy attire.

  Even though her heart was racing, she was determined to escape. In the pocket of her dress, she could feel a set of keys and a cell phone. She hoped the keys were for a car parked outside. The walk downstairs seemed to take forever, and though the castle was beautiful, she didn't stop to admire the scenery.

  Once she was outside, she glanced at the logo on the keys. A small smile graced her lips when she recognized it. She tried several vehicles until she found the right one. A deep sigh was released from her lips as her bottom hit the ripped leather seats.

  Her hand turned the key, and she slowly pulled away from the castle. She had no idea where she was going. When she was a safe distance away and traveling down the dark and desolate road, she took out the phone and dialed Caleb's number.

  He quickly picked up, his voice distracted, "Hello?" There was a lot of noise in the background. It sounded like he was getting ready for a concert. A man was screaming orders.

  "Caleb!" Ashleigh's face filled with a huge smile when she heard his voice. "It's me!"

  "Hey! You're okay! Where—"

  "I need help." She glanced at the street sign, but it was in a language she couldn't read. "I just ran away from the Count and stole someone's car. Now, I have no idea where I am." She tried not to cry as she sniffled. "And I-I'm so scared, Caleb."

  "Just calm down, babe." The sounds in the background grew fainter. "Where are you?"

  "I don't know." Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly and were the only part of her body that wasn't shaking. "I'm in some foreign country."

  "Maybe Krest?"

  "Maybe." She glanced at another sign she passed, squinting as she struggled to make it out. "Caleb…" She began to whine, her voice wet, "Help me."

  "I will. I just don't know where you are. Let's figure that out first."

  "Don't you know where the Count lives?"


  "Why not?"

  "Are you in town?"


  "Can you get to one? When you get there, ask where the nearest airport is. If you get to the airport, I can help you from there."

  "What about a passport? I don't have one of those."

  "Don't worry about that stuff. Just check out the nearest town and find the airport." He let out a small sigh. "I've got to get back, but I'll find a way to get you home. I promise."


  He attempted to sound upbeat, "I love you, babe."

  "I love you, too." She paused at a stop sign. Her eyes darted quickly back and forth. "Do you think everything will be okay?"

  "Sure it will. Tomorrow night, I'll be banging you in my dressing room." He forced a laugh. "Before and after the concert."

  "Sounds good."

  "Sounds awesome!"

  "But what happens after that?" She started driving down the road again.

  "I don't know yet, but it'll involve you sucking my dick."

  "Stop playing around." She didn't laugh at his joke as she briefly glanced down at the gas gauges. Her hand reached down and turned up the heat because she was freezing. "I meant with us."

  "Well, I still want to marry you, but—"


  "Okay?" Someone was screaming his name in the background, but Caleb was more focused on his phone call. "Really? You will?"

  "Yeah. I'm ready now." She bit her lip as she thought of what his face looked like right now. She wanted to be there with him. Right there, in the front row of his concert, and then feel his warm arms around her that night.

  "I can't wait! This is awesome! Love ya, babe! See ya soon!" He hung up. Ashleigh made a sour face and set the cell into the cup holder.

  She drove for another ten minutes then caught some bright lights in her rearview mirror. She moved her mirror so they wouldn't blind her. She slowed down a little for them to pass, but they didn't.

  Rolling her eyes, she swore under her breath. She messed around with the stereo as she tried to find a station she liked. Unfortunately, most of the stations were either static-y, or in a language she didn't understand. Finally, she turned down the radio and let it play in the background instead.

  She could still see the lights in her mirror. It was making her nervous, but she tried not to think much of it. They stayed close to her bumper, which infuriated her.

  Rolling her bottom lip, she captured it with her top teeth. She squeaked when they pierced the skin, and she quickly released it. She glanced in the rearview mirror, bearing her teeth at her reflection. There they were—a small set of fangs.

  "Ooohhh…shit." Letting out an annoyed sigh, she turned back at the road. Her fingers ran over the ne
w set of incisors. This was something she had never seen on a female vampire.

  The phone began to ring. Ashleigh glanced down at it, recognizing Robert’s number. She quickly answered, "Hello?"

  "What road are you on?" Robert's voice was deep and lacking emotion.

  "I don't know." She read the next sign. "The sign I just passed says SVK twelve."

  "Follow that until the main highway comes up. It should say HVK thirty-six. Follow that until you reach Neuval, where there’s an airport. Turn off the highway when you see the sign for the airport. I've arranged for you to be on the nine o'clock flight, so make sure you're there on time."

  "How far is Neuval?" She glanced back at the truck behind her then studied the road signs. She smiled when she saw one that said HVK thirty-six. She turned and was soon on the highway.

  "About five minutes, I think." Robert was typing something, the sound of clicking keys in the background. "When you get to the airport, go to the front desk, and tell them who you are. They have all your information there, so you don't have to worry about having your ID."

  "Are you sure?" She bit her lip then quickly released it when her fang pierced the surface. She could taste blood and involuntarily sucked.


  "Thanks, Robert." She let out a small sigh then searched for the correct sign.

  "You’re welcome. Have a safe trip home." He hung up.

  Her face filled with a huge grin. Ashleigh followed Robert's directions until they led her to a small airport. Her smile faded when she saw the same vehicle still following her. The tailing didn't seem to be just another car on its way home. However, she had to get home, and she had no choice but to press on.

  She parked and grabbed a coat she had seen in the backseat. It was a man's, tattered, plaid coat. Though she drowned in it, it was better than running around in only her tight, maid's attire. She quickly grabbed the cell and jogged toward the entrance.

  She was slightly out of breath when she reached the front desk. "Hello." She spoke her own language and tried to sound upbeat. "My name is Ashleigh Brown. I need to pick up my ticket."

  "Ashleigh." The woman smiled, her accent thick but understandable. She picked up a stack of papers near her then laid them out in front of Ashleigh. "Here is a temporary ID and passport, so hold onto that. And please sign this for me."

  As she signed her name, Ashleigh could feel someone walk up behind her. Though it scared her, she didn't acknowledge them. "Thanks." She handed the slip back to the woman.

  "I must say, you have a very generous boyfriend. Arranging all this for you."

  "He's a keeper, that's for sure. I'll have to thank him when I see him." Ashleigh grabbed the ticket and papers from her hand. "Thanks again."

  "Five minutes to boarding." The woman pointed down the hallway. "Terminal fifteen."

  Ashleigh took off toward the gate, her feet aching from the shoes she was wearing.

  * * * *

  Ashleigh quickly sat down on the plane. A great excitement washed over her at the thought of going home. The cabin was filled with people, but luckily, she had found an empty seat in the back.

  She peered out the window and onto the dark runway. Her legs bounced up and down nervously as she waited. Her tattered-looking jacket made her look very out of place, but she didn't care, she was going home and that's all that mattered.

  She glanced briefly at the man who sat down next to her. He spoke to her in his language, his voice friendly as he tried to start a conversation. She didn't answer him, instead, she looked down at her phone when it started ringing. She checked the number, and not recognizing who it was, didn't pick up. She then called Robert.


  "Robert." She smiled when she heard his voice. "Can I talk to Caleb?"


  "Hey!" Caleb's voice was so loud, the man next to her could hear everything he said. "Did you make it on the plane okay?"

  "Oh my God, thank you so much Caleb. You're amazing. Super, super amazing."

  He laughed. "I know."

  "It's going to be okay, right?" Her eyes turned to the stewardess, who was standing near the front of the plane. She was talking to a few passengers as they got ready to take off. Pushing her lips together, Ashleigh tried to hold back her tears.

  "Of course, it is. Just hang on. You're almost home."

  "How are you feeling?" Gazing down at her lap, she pulled at the tattered edges of her coat.

  "Cell phones off please!" the stewardess spoke. "We'll be taking off in a few…"

  "Better," Caleb answered.

  "I'm sorry about everything." She sniffled as her voice lowered. "I've messed everything up."

  "No, you haven't."

  "I have to hang up." She looked up at the stewardess. "But one more thing."


  "Make sure my laptop's charged. I've got to finish—"

  "Right, babe." Caleb laughed. "I'll charge it for you."

  "Thanks." Her face filled with a gentle smile as she glanced down again. "I'll call you when I get to Stockton."

  "I'll have someone pick you up and take you to the hotel. I won't be there till Friday, though."

  "Miss?" The stewardess pointed to Ashleigh's phone. There was a slight anger in her voice, even though she was trying to be polite. "Please turn off your cell phone."

  "Knock 'em dead tonight, baby. Bye." She hung up then powered it down. Letting out a deep sigh, she shoved it into her pocket and put on her seatbelt.

  "I'm Jake." The man next to her spoke, his eyes settling on hers.

  "Ashleigh." She glanced at him briefly then back at the front of the plane.

  "We're gonna be riding fourteen hours next to each other, so I thought it'd be polite to introduce myself." He ran a hand through his messy blond hair, his brown eyes almost hazel in color.


  "So, where you from?"

  Her voice was snippy, showing her sour mood, "Not here."

  "I live in Nueval. This is my first visit to the mainland."

  She turned to him and laughed, the word "mainland" sounding humorous. "You mean Morgan."

  "Yeah." He laughed too, studying her. "So, why do you hate it here?"

  "It's not here that I don't like." She forced a smile then peered out the window and watched the plane move forward. "It's the—" She turned toward the front of the plane when it stopped. "What's—?"

  "Excuse me," the stewardess spoke. "Is there an Ashleigh Brown on this flight?"

  "Oh fuck." Ashleigh let out an annoyed sigh. She closed her eyes as she slumped down in her seat.

  "Is that you?" The man glanced at her then the stewardess.

  "Ashleigh Brown?" The stewardess looked down the aisles and waited for someone to stand up. "Please come to the front of the plane."

  Ashleigh peered out the window at a black limo parked on the runway. "Errr…that stupid, fucking—"

  "You in trouble with the Count?"

  She quickly turned to Jake. "Huh?"

  "That beauty out there." He chuckled as he gestured toward the vehicle. "Belongs to the Count."

  "Ashleigh Brown?" the stewardess spoke again.

  "Ooo…" Jake laughed as his eyes settled on four large men standing near the limo. "You must be a tough little girl to get an escort like that."

  "Not tough enough." Ashleigh glanced back at him. "Do you have a suggestion on how to avoid them? I have to get to Stockton."

  His gaze settled on a big man that had come onto the plane and stood next to the stewardess. "How fast can you run?"

  "Not fast." She slumped farther into her seat.

  "Lady Brown?"

  Ashleigh quickly turned to the source of the question. One of the Count's men motioned for her to come with him. She knew she had to do it, so she followed him off the plane. He walked her to the car, and she got inside reluctantly.

  "Can we just say you were kidnapped?" the Count spoke.

  "Umm…" She glanced at him then at the other faces in the
limo. "Kidnapped?"

  "Because if you ran from me on purpose then—"

  Her answer came quickly, but her voice was soft and mousey, "I was kidnapped."

  "Kidnapped and dressed like a maid." Letting out a small sigh, the Count glanced at her attire. "What creative hunters." He took off the plaid coat she was wearing and tossed it to the man across from him. "This is more suitable." He took off his suit jacket and placed it around her shoulders. "For a queen."

  The phone in her coat pocket stared ringing. Ashleigh grabbed for the coat, but the Count got to it first. He reached in and pulled it out. "You want this?" He saw her eyes fixate on it, and his grin widened. "Fine." He slammed it against the interior of the car, the phone's screen cracking. "Take it." He then tossed it into her lap.

  "If that was my laptop, I'd slap you." Pressing her lips together firmly, she turned from him.

  His tone was cocky as he observed her angry expression, "I would catch your hand before you could even lift it." He pushed open the jacket she was wearing, his eyes scrutinizing her maid's outfit. "Such an ill-fitting dress. It makes you look—"

  "It wasn't supposed to look good." She pulled the coat shut and turned her body toward the window so she didn't have to look at him. The limo started to move, the ride soft and gentle as if they were floating on air.

  "Why can you not get along with me?" The Count sat back in the seat and placed his hand over his forehead and eyes. "You frustrate me to no end, my love."

  "Good." She pushed her hands into the pockets of the suit jacket and felt around for anything inside. "Then, maybe you'll grow so frustrated you won't want to keep me."

  "If it grew to that extent, I would simply kill you."

  "Why keep me, then?"

  "Why are you being so difficult?" He still covered his eyes, only the perfect ridge of his nose peeking out from behind his hand. He wore a wedding ring on his left finger, his nails fresh and pink.

  She leaned closer to him, her proximity making him lower his hand slightly and peek at her. Baring her fangs, she screamed, "Because I want to go home!"


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