Near Perfection [Aspire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Near Perfection [Aspire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Allyson Young

  The single tail whistled behind her, and Haley felt it whisper across her back, high up near her shoulders. Again and again it fell, never in the same place twice. Warren was an expert, and he could pinken her skin from the nape of her neck to the bottom of her thighs and between them, perhaps even striping her breasts and belly if he wasn’t driven to fuck her before then. Haley slipped away by the time the lash fell on her buttocks, alive in another realm. She came back at some point when the nipple clamps were popped off, and a tiny moan escaped her and her pussy gushed as she had a small orgasm, just from the stimulation. Then a hard, hot body covered her back, and all the whipped nerve endings fairly screamed at the additional touch. The velvety feel of a lubricated cock poked between her buttocks and pressed against her anus. Warren.

  His hands slid to cover her breasts, the abused nubs responding to the contact. He pushed hard and thrust past her sphincter, opening her without mercy, and she screamed at the invasion, the bite of pain receding before the pleasure as all the nerve endings inside her awoke against the scrape of his iron length.

  “Gordon wants to fuck you, sweetheart.” Warren’s voice rasped in her ear. The height of the cross was perfect for him to impale her from behind while Gordon took position in front.

  Haley gasped her response. “Whatever you want, Master.”

  Warren bit down on her shoulder, and Haley, even in her present state of mind, wondered at what almost seemed to be a display of anger. She didn’t have time to process it though because Gordon pressed against her and spread her folds to find her opening. He pushed his latex covered cock into her in increments, battling for space against Warren. Warren must have insisted that Gordon use a condom, although Haley was on birth control because he didn’t like anything between them. Haley was glad she had the blindfold, for her eyes immediately filled with tears, and she didn’t know if she could pass them off as passion. She was feeling confused, even in the midst of the scene. She should only want Warren, and yet having Gordon, too, felt so right. She gave herself over to the sensations.

  Gordon and Warren thrust in concert against one another, and the very air around her was full of heat and lust. Haley could hear their deep male groans and the murmurs of the crowd in some tiny part of her brain, and her own cries increased as she was stretched beyond belief and her orgasm beckoned. She could feel both men alternately, deep inside her, separated as they were by such a thin membrane. Gordon held her by her waist, his large hands warm and gentle. Warren’s grip on her hips was hard, keeping her grounded. The stretching of her body pushed her faster toward climax, and suddenly Haley found her release. Mostly it was because Warren was part of this, but Gordon had seemed intent on seeing to her pleasure. More so than Warren, who hammered in and out of her, pulling right out at one point to forge in past her closing rectum. She went over again when Gordon came, and it seemed as if Warren allowed himself to climax only then. Haley felt the heat of his ejaculate deep inside her bowels. Haley slumped, and for the first time felt the drag on her wrists. Gordon must have known it, too, for he quickly released her binds, pressing a kiss on each chafed extremity, while Warren supported her weight. Warren excluded Gordon from the aftercare, and in that moment, Haley believed all was right with her world.

  “Are you all right, sweetheart?” Warren had asked as he carried her to the shower room.

  Haley simply moaned against his shoulder, too tired to take stock. She relished Warren’s tenderness as he bathed her after inspecting her for any possible injury from the lashing he had given her. Of course, there was nothing aside from a few raised welts on the more sensitive parts of her anatomy, and they would be gone by morning. Haley had been correct to trust his expertise. Warren rubbed cream gently on her nipples and on her anus, pressing kisses on each buttock after he did so. He patted her pussy dry carefully.

  “Are you sore here?” he asked. “Was Gordon rough? Were we too much for you?”

  Haley shook her head. “I’m fine, Warren, honestly.” She hesitated, wanting to ask him if this was a one-off, but the moment passed as he stood to dry himself. Was it her imagination, or did he seem regretful? Quite suddenly, he seemed to pull away from her, emotionally.

  He helped her into her clothes and took her home. They slept in one another’s arms, and Haley wanted to believe all was well. Except Warren built more distance between them each and every day after that night. He worked longer hours and found reasons to miss dinner, then left before breakfast twice the following week, citing work issues. He became preoccupied with news events and talked with her less and less. The only thing that didn’t change was the sexual connection.

  Until this morning.

  Chapter Two

  Fresh from his shower, Warren stared into the mirror as he shaved. He had just passed up morning sex with Haley, with his woman, his sub. They had a contract, for fuck’s sake, and had just celebrated a year together not even three weeks ago. So what the hell had this morning’s departure from routine been about? Routine. That was probably it. This had been the longest relationship he had allowed himself. He was getting bored with the same woman. It always happened, and now he was going to have to terminate the contract and move Haley on, while he moved on. Warren didn’t like the feeling that came over him when he thought of Haley moving on. He needed to think this through with his usual objectivity. There was something off here, and it had started around the time they had the threesome at the Club.

  Warren could now admit that he had felt a hint of jealousy in regard to Gordon fucking Haley, which made no sense to him at all. He and Gordon had shared for years, and it had never bothered him before. Besides, Gordon would never poach, no matter how interested he was in Haley. And Gordon had made it very clear to him just how very interested he was when Warren and the beautiful sub had initially connected. Gordon had actually warned him to be careful with Haley, that she was special. Well, Warren knew that. He had been with her for over a year, after all. He had included Gordon in the celebration of their anniversary. Warren had bestowed Haley on Gordon, his best friend. Haley had agreed to be shared with Gordon, although she could have refused. Maybe she should have refused. Warren gave himself a stern talking-to. It had not been a test, for he was above that kind of thing. He had chosen not to share Haley, which in itself was different for him, until their anniversary, and then only with Gordon, who was his friend and whom Haley knew and liked. Liked. There was no need to feel jealous, for God’s sake. Haley belonged to him for as long as their relationship suited them both.

  But things hadn’t felt the same since. It was as though something had changed, like someone had said or done something important and he hadn’t listened, or hadn’t been paying attention. Thinking about that night felt like poking at a sore tooth, and he had drowned his uneasiness with extra work and an interest in current events rather than talk about it with Haley. He didn’t really talk with his women very much, not that he disrespected their intelligence. He was aware of his shortcomings around communication but had always been able to reassure himself that his D/s relationships were primarily sexual and his subs knew they were short term. Besides, Haley rarely initiated conversations, knowing her place, although he knew that she was really bright and when they did talk, she challenged his intellect. He would take a week and go to his East Coast office, alone. It would help him be objective if he was apart from Haley. He was too close to this whole thing, and she distracted him. The decision made, Warren washed the residual shaving lather from his jaw, nodded to himself in the mirror, and went to tell Haley his plan. He wrote off the anxious, almost shamed look he had seen in his own eyes, burying it under resolve to manage his emotions. That was a lesson his father had taught him, very well.

  Haley was curled up in a ball on the far side of the bed, her long, thick golden brown hair and the linen sheet draping around her shoulders, effectively screening her face. Warren eyed the high round shape of her hips and ass, and his cock filled. He wanted to drive deep inside her before he told her h
e was going away for a week or so. She was perfect for him, yet he needed time to think about her and the future. He managed to keep himself in check and spoke her name.

  “Haley. Haley, wake up, sweetheart. We need to talk.”

  He watched as she jerked and then put her hands toward her face in a scrubbing motion. It seemed odd, and her voice sounded rusty when she replied.

  “Okay, Warren. Please give me a minute. I need to use the bathroom. Can it wait until breakfast?” she answered.

  “Of course, sweetheart.”

  Haley then seemed to flow from the bed with such grace and hurried past him. He admired her curvaceous shape even as he noted her drawn face. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought Haley had been crying. But Haley never cried, other than tears of passion, which was a good thing because he didn’t like any other kind of tears. They bothered him because he didn’t know what to do, how to comfort people who cried. He didn’t know what they required of him. His past subs always told him that he lacked that ability to comfort. He was excellent with aftercare following a scene, but he didn’t do real life. Well, that was the reason he did scenes. They met needs for both subs and Doms and made up for any lack in real life. Warren was more aware of his reserve than perhaps others knew. He provided for his women and took care of all their physical needs. He was polite and thoughtful, and they lacked for nothing, or so he assured himself.

  The bathroom door shut as though Haley required privacy, and Warren shook off yet another uneasy feeling. He quickly dressed and then went in search of his housekeeper to request that a light breakfast be served on the terrace.

  He was partway through the financial pages when Haley arrived for breakfast. Warren was slightly annoyed. She never kept him waiting, and he was hungry, having denied himself the fulfillment of a different kind of hunger that morning. That particular appetite still gnawed at his insides, and he really had to work hard not to strip Haley and bend her over the padded bench by the pool. She looked beautiful and sexy in a sheer blouse and flowing skirt, her choice in lingerie arousing as always. He had always been a sucker for sensual fabrics, and she always seemed to know his preferences. He didn’t expect her to be naked for him, like many Doms expected their subs to be. Warren had his own code, and he liked the way things worked. Haley totally went with his flow, and he was content with that. She always seemed to anticipate his needs and never put a foot wrong. Except he was irritated with her right now, and that was strange. He was really never irritated with Haley. She never gave him cause to be. She was perfect, when he thought about it, and Warren tamped his cantankerous feelings down.

  “Sit down, Haley. The coffee won’t be hot. You took a long time coming for breakfast.”

  Warren heard his tone and suddenly understood his irritation. It wasn’t that Haley had kept him waiting. It was because he had known there was something wrong with her earlier and he hadn’t stayed to find out what it was. And she was withholding from him, something a sub should never do to her Dom. He conveniently forgot that he preferred no real emotional involvement outside of scenes. He examined her face and thought he saw evidence of residual tears, carefully camouflaged with the light makeup she wore. His stomach clenched. He knew he was supposed to take care of his woman, although Haley had never before required it of him, except after a scene or rough sex. She was always so self-contained. He felt incompetent somehow, and it was an unsettling, and very new, feeling for him.

  “I’m sorry, Warren. I took longer getting ready today for some reason.”

  Haley’s voice was bright and cheerful, and Warren dismissed the idea of tears as being fanciful. Nothing was wrong. Nothing was ever wrong with Haley, and that was why he had kept her with him as long as he had. Warren worked hard at finding the relief that should have come from her response. He waited until she had chosen some fruit and a piece of toast, and added cream to her coffee, before he spoke again.

  “I’m going to New York later today, Haley,” he advised. “I’ve neglected that office over the past months, and I need to get out there.”

  Haley kept her eyes on her plate but said, “I’ll be ready….”

  Warren cut her off. “I’ll be gone about a week, Haley. There is no need for you to come along. I’ll be working the whole time. It’s better that you stay here. You can sort through your clothing or something and make a list of what you need for next season. The weather will be changing soon.”

  Haley carefully set her fork down across her plate, balancing it with great precision. She looked into his eyes, and for a moment, Warren couldn’t get a complete breath following what he saw there. He wasn’t really good at interpreting a wide range of emotions. He didn’t need to in his world of business where everything to him was black and white. After all, he had the power. People needed him and came to him. But he knew pain when he saw it. He knew sadness. It was a look his mother had when his father was around. She tried to hide it from him until he was older, but Warren knew it for what it was. He couldn’t stand the fact that he saw it in Haley’s eyes, although he had seen it in the eyes of his other women and it had not really affected him. Warren knew he would have to brace himself for the tears and recriminations that would inevitably follow should he have to tell Haley their relationship was over when he returned from New York. He found he regretted the thought, but for her sake, not his own.

  “Tell me the truth, Warren,” Haley said quietly.

  Warren nearly tipped right back in his chair. He couldn’t have been more surprised if she had reached out and slapped him. Haley wasn’t reacting like his other women. They pretended, and became upset, and hung on until he released them. He was reading something in this sub he had never seen before and hadn’t expected. He didn’t like this kind of confrontation unless he was the one doing the confronting. Haley never questioned him, never challenged him. Those women who did were released immediately. Warren wanted to remind her of her place and tell her to go to his room for correction, but something stopped him. He found he wanted to continue this conversation and see where it led. However, once he set a course, he never deviated.

  “I need to think about us, this relationship, Haley,” he said evenly. “I find myself questioning things, and I feel uneasy. You should know that there is a possibility that I will release you from our contract when I return from New York.”

  He hesitated and then added, “There is the honesty you requested.”

  Warren waited for Haley to become emotional, and suddenly wished he had simply gone to New York to think things through as he had originally planned and not given her any idea of what he was thinking. Damn her. She had made him speak before he had time to weigh his words.

  The blood drained from Haley’s face, and for a moment, Warren thought she might faint, and he pushed back from the table to get up and reach for her, but she raised a hand and gestured for him to remain sitting.

  “Thank you, Warren. I won’t be here when you return. We can either sign a termination of the contract or tear up the one we have.” Haley stood and placed her napkin on the table.

  Warren couldn’t find words. He had just told her that he needed time to think. He hadn’t totally committed to releasing her. No woman had left him before. It totally discomfited him, and he heard himself lash out like a bad-tempered child.

  “If that is your wish, Haley, by all means. I will honor the terms of the contract. I’ll deposit the money into your account by the end of today, and Madeline will help you pack your things.”

  The latter slur was unmistakable. Warren had just inferred that Haley might take items that she mistakenly thought belonged to her, and he found himself wishing he could take the words back. That had been unforgivable.

  “Stick your money and your things up your tight ass, Warren. You are a totally ignorant boor and an asshole to boot,” he heard Haley reply, to his total astonishment, and his regret vanished. Haley was a lady and never, ever, used crass words or epithets. Ladylike behaviour was one of the things he expecte
d from his women. When she continued in the same vein, he thought his cock would beat its way out of his zipper. Where had this side of Haley been hiding?

  “I didn’t fuck you for money or for things. But then you wouldn’t know anything different. You don’t let yourself feel because that would be taking a risk. You’re a coward,” Haley said and then turned to stalk into the house.

  Warren sat, as though glued to his chair, staring after her for several minutes. He tried to eat his breakfast and ignore his confusion. He just wanted to pretend nothing had happened. He found that he couldn’t think, couldn’t process what had just taken place. Haley had quit her job, at his request, when she had moved in with him. He knew she didn’t have much money saved. He didn’t like money-grabbing women, and Haley never asked for nor demanded material things from him, although accepted what he gave her. When he really thought about it, she had been perfection, and yet only this morning he had been questioning that perfection, wondering if he was becoming bored. And what did she mean that he wouldn’t know anything different? What the hell was going on? He meant to find out.

  He marched through the house, looking for his impertinent sub. He even poked his head inside her bedroom when she didn’t answer his knock. Her room was off-limits to him, but since she had broken the contract, he reasoned that he could at least look inside. She wasn’t there. The blouse and skirt she had worn to breakfast were on the bed, the lingerie tossed carelessly on top. He cautiously walked into the room, noting her little sandals on the carpet by the bed, probably right where she had stepped out of them. His caution in entering Haley’s bedroom caused him to marvel at being such a creature of habit, so bound by some code. A code he rewrote to suit him because it kept him comfortable. Warren wasn’t feeling so comfortable now.


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