Mine to Spell (Mine #2)

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Mine to Spell (Mine #2) Page 16

by Janeal Falor

  She braces herself against the counter, lowering her head. “Not well. The council has gone mad. Taking our small amount of earnings wherever they can, making the monthly check-ins mandatory, keeping track of our every move. Things can’t last like this.”

  I hurry around the counter to put an arm around her. “I’m so sorry.”

  After a large sigh, she straightens. “So am I. But we’ll keep doing our best to work around them until something better happens, or we break.”

  “I won’t let you break,” Waverly says, voice as rigid as Katherine’s posture.

  “And I will do everything I can to help.” Though it seems like there’s so little that can be done. At least I’m already on the council’s bad side.

  “Thank you both.” She changes topic as if it’s too much to think on right now, and I can’t blame her, though I do wish there was more we could do. “What if we went with some breeches?”

  “You know I love breeches.” In fact, they are all I ever want to wear now, but I still don’t dare wear them in public. I have enough problems on my hands without adding that to my list of crimes. “But I don’t know. Wearing them in front of warlocks just seems wrong.”

  Her voice is soft, but firm. “You are one of them now.”

  Only not nearly enough of one of them for it to truly matter. “Maybe. Except it feels like I don’t fit in under expectations for either warlocks or women. The tournament isn’t made for someone like me.”

  She puts her hand on mine. “I know. We’ll figure something out, though.”

  “Knowing you,” Waverly addresses Katherine, “it won’t only be figured out but will far exceed anyone’s expectations, and you’ll have to hire even more workers to accommodate the new requests you’ll have from whatever new style you come up with.”

  She blushes. “I’m sure it won’t be that remarkable.”

  But of course it will. She has a way with clothes like I have magic in my blood.

  She hurries on. “I’ll make a couple different options, and you can decide which would be best. All of them will allow for maneuverability. I assume you’ll need to move around a lot?”

  “I don’t actually know. I suppose some of them moved around a lot last year, but many of them just sort of stood there. Lukas thinks I should practice moving around, but I don’t know how it’s going to go over.”

  “Hmmm.” She’s quiet a moment, then says, “I’ll make it so you can move easily anyway. Will you need a spot to carry a gun?”

  “No. I don’t carry one.”

  Waverly raises an eyebrow at me.

  “I don’t need one. I can cast spells. That’s good enough for me.”

  “You know that Zade carries one even though he can do magic.”

  “Well, yes, but he’s an Envadi.”

  She tsks. “And what, you’re a Chardonian so you don’t need one? It’s up to you, but I think it’s irresponsible to go around without as many forms of protection as you can. Even if you can’t use it during the tournament, you don’t know what will happen before and after.”

  I grumble, pulling at my necklaces, but she’s probably right. “Fine. You might as well make a place for them, Katherine, but I’m not going to guarantee that I’ll use it.”

  “That’s fair,” she replies. “It shouldn’t take long to get them made. I’ll have them delivered, but I am hoping to come back for the tournament. I’ve never seen one before. It’s about time I do.”

  “You are fantastic! Thank you.”

  “I’m happy to help. Not only happy to, but I love the challenge and new opportunities it presents.”

  Waverly shivers. “A storm must be moving in. It’s growing cold again. I should start a fire.”

  “Can I?” It’s nice to finally have a chance to show others what I can do.

  Waverly smiles as if she knows what I have in mind. “It’s only fitting.”

  As my magic pulses through me, I think on warm things, sisters, fireplaces, and hot chocolate. And Lukas. The spell crackles from my hands in red and oranges, instantly heating the air everywhere it touches. When it’s danced across the room, I pull my magic back to me, releasing the spell.

  “It’s definitely warmer.” Waverly smiles.

  “I may have overdone it just a little.” Because it’s sweltering. There's sweat dripping from me as if it were a hot summer day. “Or a lot.”

  Katherine’s smile grows. “You are going to do wonderfully at the tournament.”

  And I hope she’s right, but the tournament is more challenging than warming a room. There’s performing in front of others, including Chancellor Ryan and the Grand Chancellor, and hexing others while maintaining a character of compassion and kindness. My power and growing knowledge may be useless against what I must face.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Katherine doesn’t stay nearly long enough. I miss her the moment she leaves. First my sisters, now Katherine. At least Waverly is here. Though I miss them all so much. Luckily, the feeling is tempered by how busy I am. The hours flood into days and the days into weeks. There’s much to do and not nearly enough time to do it in.

  I’m sitting on the floor focusing on the power inside me. By knowing it better and really understanding how it moves and feels, I have more control over it.

  Lukas enters the room. “I found something that needs your attention.” His grin, combined with his words, pull at my curiosity.

  Serena and Bethany stroll in the room. I jump to my feet and pull them into a hug. “What are you two doing back here? You have responsibilities, and it’s too dangerous.”

  “It is dangerous,” Serena says. “But I’ll not leave my sister without support when she needs it most. Someone from our family should be there when you compete.”

  “And you know I'm going to force her to take me with her so I can see you win,” Bethany adds.

  Not that I will. If the past holds true, Nathaniel will win. But at least they'll be there and I'll be trying.

  Lukas quietly slips from the room, giving us time to talk I’m sure, but I almost wish he would have stayed. This feels like such a big step for them. It’d be nice if he could see the development. His absence doesn’t distract me long, though. I take each of them by the hand. “Thank you.”

  With the support of them behind me, especially Serena’s when she’s been so hesitant in the past, makes me feel as if maybe I can do this. Maybe I can really show all of Chardonia what women can do.


  The sun’s rays are just turning to the dark-gold hue of a finished day. We’re cleaning up from dinner when a loud bang sounds from the front of the house.

  “Leave it,” I say, grateful we’ve been eating in the kitchen which has a quick getaway should the need arise.

  Waverly helps usher Serena and Bethany to the back door. Bethany steps out but before the rest of us can escape, a warlock storms in.

  I sag in relief as Waverly marches around the small servant’s table to Zade in the other doorway and slaps his arm. “What are you doing barging in here like that? We thought someone was attacking.”

  “At least you have some sense.” His words are cutting, sharpened by the jagged, angry lines over his flashing eyes. Eyes that are directed at Serena.

  Bethany says, “Hello, Zade.”

  The soft greeting pulls some of the edge from his expression but not nearly enough. “What are you both doing here?”

  “I think it’s clear what I’m doing here.” Serena’s back is rigid, not a hint of her playing with her skirt.

  “Cynthia,” Waverly says, “why don’t we go show Bethany how you can color your nails in my room?”

  “No.” Serena crosses her arms. “Whatever Zade needs to say, he can say in front of everyone.”

  For a brief moment, his expression softens but quickly returns to the hard look of a man who’s about to give a sound thrashing. “I warned against you coming back. Don’t you understand what could happen?”

  “I’m well aware
we could die, Zade. But Cynthia needs our support.”

  The pressure that’s always with me, tearing at my choices, now lightens, but he doesn’t share my sentiments. His hands ball into fists, and his mouth tightens. When he finally speaks, his words are choked with emotion. “I know. But you could die, Serena. Die. That can’t happen. I need you.”

  Not the emotion I was expecting. Instantly, Serena is next to him, and he gathers her in his arms where she looks so tiny but seems to be a world of strength for him. As they embrace, we quickly sneak out the back door. I doubt that’s what she had in mind when she said it was fine to talk in front of everyone. They’ll work through this as they always do. And, by the way they were clinging to each other, they’ll probably be stronger for it.

  “How about that nail practicing?” Waverly says, deterring us from the raw emotional display we just witnessed. Though it doesn’t do much to distract me from the constant guilt of bringing us all here.

  “I really would love to see it,” Bethany says.

  Pushing past the emotions that leave me feeling like ice, I chuckle. “Only if we sneak in through the front.”

  “We can agree on that,” Waverly adds. “As much as I love seeing them together, the last thing they need is us hovering.”

  “Is it normal for relationships in Envado to be like that?” I ask.

  “Zade has always been bossier than most, and Serena’s still learning how to communicate with him, but all relationships have ups and downs like theirs.”

  It’s strange to think about. Relationships I’ve seen consist of men ordering women around, not struggling to work together. “That was something.”

  Waverly snorts. “My brother never did learn to control his temper. Especially around those he loves.”

  I stop walking. “He’s your brother?”

  She puts a hand to her mouth. “Great. One more thing for Zade to be angry over when he finds out.”

  “Why should he be angry over us knowing?” I ask.

  “With him on the council, and just being an Envadi, there’s a lot of threats and stress directed at him. He’s afraid if word gets around that I’m his sister, it will make things even more dangerous for me. So even though I trust you both with my life, I wasn’t supposed to share.”

  Bethany smiles. “Don’t worry, I already knew.”

  “What do you mean, you knew?” I say.

  She shrugs. “They’ve always been familiar with each other but never had the same draw between them that he and Serena have. I figured it must be something else, and what else is there that close except siblings?”

  Waverly smirks. “Yup. I’m related to the hot-tempered oaf. But please don’t tell anyone. He worries about my safety as it is. If word gets out about our relation, he’ll probably send me home.”

  “We definitely don’t you want to leave,” Bethany says.

  “I said he would send me, not that I would go.”

  I laugh. “Still, we won’t say anything.”

  “We all know Cynthia’s good at keeping secrets,” Bethany says with a smile.

  “You know I would have told you if I wasn’t worried about endangering you.”

  “You did what you thought was best. And maybe it was the best thing. Only I have to wonder what things would be like if I had known women can do magic when we were younger.”

  The fluttering in my chest is a fantastic mix of happiness and fear. “You want to learn?”

  “I think it may be a good idea,” Bethany says.

  Her words send a rush of happiness through me brighter than when I gained my freedom.

  Waverly says, “Maybe we can try teaching you the nail spell then, instead of just showing you.”

  Bethany's expression lights up the night with its intensity, and I return it, feeling just as bright.

  “What are you ladies doing out at this hour of the night?” Lukas’s stern voice makes me start.

  Once my initial shock wears off, a little happiness flares in my chest. Except we shouldn’t be discussing magic outside, but at least it was just Lukas who witnessed my mishap. Thinking his name makes the flare brighter. “We were just giving Zade and Serena some privacy. They were, uh, blocking the hall from the kitchen so we’re sneaking around.”

  His expression doesn’t ease. “Let’s get back inside. Quickly.”

  He motions toward the front of the house. We hurry along. Silence replaces the previously joy-filled moment with its heaviness. The night air feels more dangerous now somehow. The threats that always linger close.

  A tall shadow comes into view, stopping us. My heart pounds. Do we need to run? Fight? Scream for help?

  Before I decide, Waverly says, “Chadwick, is everything all right?”

  “Get in the house. Now. Something’s coming.”

  Fear sprints through me. I grab Bethany’s arm, and we take off with Waverly. The night air is cold as it rushes past. Behind us, Lukas is close with his hands up, ready to cast a spell at a moment’s notice. I want to follow suit, but how powerful my magic is supposed to be under wraps still. What if whoever or whatever is coming heard us talking about magic?

  “Where are the other guards?” As much as I dislike having them all around, I desperately want them now.

  “Spread out across the grounds. None of them are close.” Lukas’s words are quick and full of regret.

  Suddenly, Chadwick stops and throws an orange shield spell in front of us, which protects the entire group. As we turn toward the back entrance, Waverly grips both my wrist and Bethany’s, who is on the other side, closest to the house.

  Lukas jumps in front of us, hands up with palms out. “Wait.”

  “We’re surrounded,” Chadwick whispers. “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know.” But Lukas isn’t taking chances. He zaps a shield spell as well, bright green with shades of blue.

  Nothing. The darkness around us seems to deepen, filling the air with dread, but still no sound or movement. Perhaps all our fears are forcing us to think things are worse than they really are. Yet… there is something out there that makes goose bumps skitter across my skin.

  “The back door is closer,” Lukas says. “Let’s stay together as a group and make our way there.”

  He takes a step forward, but as we all follow suit, Bethany lets out a squeak. My gaze follows hers. The shadows are moving toward us, very much in the shape of men wearing dark cloaks.

  Lukas curses. “Chadwick!”

  “Two more on my side as well,” he calls back.

  After a second bout of cursing, Lukas says in a rush of faint words, “Let us fight, Cynthia. Don’t show your power unless there’s no choice.”

  The shadows move closer, and a yellow bolt darts for us, slamming against Lukas’s spell with a sizzle.

  “Zade, help!” Waverly screams.

  Movement out of the corner of my eyes makes me turn toward my exposed side. “Another one on our right.”

  Both Lukas and Chadwick’s spells dart to cover the unprotected flank, but before they can meet in the middle, a pulse of silver snakes through and swirls itself around my ankles. The shields meet just as my ankles burn with icy pain. My magic itches to free itself, to attack the spelled chains that are causing pain to creep up my legs, but Lukas’s warning stops me.

  Waverly helps me move closer to the house, further from the threat as the pain shoots up my legs. The attackers are thrusting spells at us while Chadwick and Lukas throw spells back. The zip of lights and the rainbow of colors are smashing together in a cacophony so wild I can’t follow them.

  As the spell around my ankles tightens to blade-like pain, I realize even if I could show my magic, it wouldn’t make a difference. How can I know what to throw at whom and how to shield when it is all lost among the reds, greens, and yellows hurtling across my vision?

  The pain grows so intense, links so tight, that my feet become numb. I sway. Suddenly, Bethany is at my other side, helping Waverly to keep me up. I pinch my eyes shut again
st the blinding array of colors.

  “Hold on, just hold on.” Bethany’s voice is distant.

  We’re losing. I’m losing. My entire weight slumps onto tiny Bethany. Her grunt at the suddenness of it is far off. The lights continue flashing, but with my eyes closed, there’s no telling what colors they are, or if any of them are doing good or ill.

  “I’ve got her,” Waverly’s voice hovers above me as my weight is shifted.

  Something touches my face.

  “Stay awake.” Bethany’s command is quiet and firm, yet I can hear the fear she’s trying to hide.

  The numbness crawls up my legs, almost blissful as it replaces the aching chill. I lean back, letting my weight shift on whatever’s behind me. I force my eyes open. Bethany’s face hovers in front of mine, eyes tight with worry. Behind her, the sky is alight with the rapidly-flashing spells.

  I lull my head to the side. Lukas. There are fewer attackers now, but they’re still flaying at the shield. This feels like one of those no other choice times I'm allowed to use my magic. There must be something I can do to help. What?

  A fiery orange and red, puckered with teal, hurtles toward Lukas's shield in a giant ball.

  I cry out, but too late. It slams into the shield with obliterating force. The ball flying toward Lukas is smaller but still strong. He throws up a second shield, a small olive-green covering only the area in front of his chest.

  The light splats into it, demolishing the shield and most of the spell. A few remaining sparks spit onto Lukas. From behind, it’s impossible to discern how much damage has been done. I reach my hand toward him while calling my magic together in a burning ball, imagining it forming a shield. If nothing else, I can help protect them.

  An arm darts from behind me and slaps my hand down.

  “Look,” Waverly says, and I realize it was her that slapped me away.

  I want to ignore her, to cast the spell that will give Lukas the aid he so desperately needs, but movement catches my eye. Zade, running toward the attackers with bright yellow and green flares shooting from him.


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