The Dark Fae: The Knights of Burana Paranormal Romance Series Book Two

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The Dark Fae: The Knights of Burana Paranormal Romance Series Book Two Page 4

by T. R. Reilly

  "Oh, your a lot of help..." she looked at Ash and rolled her eyes, pretending to be frustrated. In truth she was grateful for a little reprieve from all the worry going around the palace. Seeing Ash's handsome face smile, filled her with hope that everything might work out fine.

  "Seriously, you two. We should fill her Majesty in on the new arrangements" Roderick said. The three of them headed to the meeting room and sat down.

  Ash began to speak as soon as they were seated. "Leanna? Roderick, Tarrin and myself will stand with you tomorrow when Synne comes to meet with you. Once you have placed your enchantment on the palace, she will be unable to enter. She will approach the palace with her own men and will see that she can't go any further. That's when my men and I will tell her she must speak to you from the bridge at the door of the palace. You will remain just within the doorway, so she cannot affect you with magic. We need to find out what she wants with Burana and we aren't sure yet if she means to harm you or not. You will not be left alone with her."

  Leanna let out a huge sigh, "that's a what sort of things do you want me to ask her? What do we need to know?"

  "We suspect that she will try to convince you of Girvyns placement on the throne, if Girvyn is nothing more than her puppet, she may try to manipulate you for her own means" Ash said.

  "But why? What could Burana have that she wants so badly?" She asked.

  Roderick spoke up, "I was just telling Ash a little while ago, that I have been informed by some of the towns elders that there was a land dispute many hundreds of years ago, due to finding a huge cache of raw gemstones. It was determined that the find was on Buranian land. Although the dark Fae realms argued that it should be available to them, the land actually is between our light realm and the light realm of Etana. Apparently the towns people from both realms filled in the spot where the gems were found and would not let the other realms have access to it, for fear they would mine it and destroy the natural habitat and land. Synne was not happy. She vowed to take back the land one day."

  Ash added, "at some point when your parents were killed, she must have decided it was time to take the land. Only it seems that she wants all of Burana now. If we allow the realms of Anadar or Morholt to enter our lands, we could lose everything we hold dear. We must stop them before they bring war to us." He said with conviction making a fist and lightly putting it to the table.

  "Okay, so I ask you. What do you want ME to do when I meet Synne?" Leanna asked.

  "Ply her for information. Pretend you don't know about the gemstones, or that Girvyn is her puppet. Read her thoughts and feelings and don't give in to her." Ash said

  "Alright, I won't back down. But are you two still going to rally support from Etana and Lambeth after she's gone?"

  "Yes, but we aren't going alone after all." Roderick said hesitantly with a thin smile, "

  "What do you mean? She asked.

  "You are coming with us." Ash said calmly.

  "Me? Why?" she asked. Ash raised his eyebrows, "weren't you going to ask me earlier, if you could come with us?" he smirked.

  ""Well yes, but what makes you want to take me?"

  "We need the new Queen of Burana to meet with the Queens of Etana and Lambeth to ask for their support." Roderick stated, clearly, neither man was happy about taking her out of Burana.

  Leanna nodded her head slowly, realization sinking in at last. She had the power now, decisions had to be supported by her, or nothing could be done. She sat up a little taller, placing her hands on her thighs as she watched Ash do all the time. "Of course, yes. I will accompany you" she stated in as queenly a voice as she could manage. Both men chuckled.

  Then Leanna added, "Only, I am going to need some trousers, I am NOT riding horses in a dress!" she exclaimed and all three began to laugh, easing the tension.

  Supper in the dining hall was a very new experience for Leanna. After years of it just being her and Brendon, then just her alone, having all the knights dine with her was beyond wonderful. She sat at the head of the long table with Ash on her left and Roderick on her right. With her own personal knights seated down each side of the table. The seat at the end of the table sat empty, it was reserved for her future king. As they enjoyed a huge meal and lots of conversation, Leanna found herself filled with happiness at reaching this point in their plans. All the months of physical, magic and psychic training, as well as learning about Burana, had finally begun to make sense to her. Though she was still far from planning her coronation, she was one step closer to realizing her potential. Ash and his men had seen to it that she learn as much as she could about her family and her potential. It turned out that Fae women were very powerful and respected beings. They were honored by their kingdoms and when they ruled with a firm, yet kind heart, their people followed them willingly. She was determined to be the queen that people followed willingly and she was not going to let a dark queen get in her way. She heard her name being spoken and was pulled from her thoughts.

  "Leanna" Ash whispered as he leaned closer to her. "Are you with us?" he smiled as he took a drink from his silver goblet. She nodded, "yes, I am ...I am just so happy to be surrounded by so many great people," she smiled and grabbing her own goblet she raised it, "Excuse me?" she spoke slightly above the crowd to interrupt. There was a sudden hush in the room. "I just want to raise my glass to you wonderful men, my knights. You have made my return here so much easier than it might have been without you. I want to thank each and every one of you." She smiled as she glanced around the table at the warm and friendly faces of the knights of Burana.

  "To our Queen" was their response as they too raised their glasses.

  They all sat around chatting for a few more hours until Leanna began to grow sleepy. Slowly one by one the knights made their way to her chair to kneel on one knee and bow their heads. "Goodnight your Majesty" they said before leaving to go to their posts or their rooms. When it was only her and Ash left, she smiled at him and waited anxiously to hear what he was going to do for the night. Ash looked at her reassuringly, "Leanna, most of the men realize I am your personal guard. They won't question me being in your room tonight. With Tarrin outside, they likely won't even know." He stood, moved toward her and leaned to kiss the top of her head.

  She suddenly felt a burst of energy and stood up as Ash backed away pulling out her chair.

  "Wonderful!" exclaimed. "I was so hoping I wouldn't lose my sleeping buddy." She giggled.

  Ash took her hand and they headed upstairs to the queens chambers. Tarrin was seated outside her room and smiled when he saw them both approach. "Have a good night" he said as he stood and bowed his head.

  "Goodnight Tarrin" Leanna said as she entered her room, with Ash following behind her.

  Leanna got ready for bed in her bathroom and when she returned to her bedside Ash was laying on the bed, with his hands tucked behind his head grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes widened when she saw that he had removed his shirt and was just wearing trousers and nothing else.

  "What's this?" She said with a cheeky grin, looking him up and down, pointing at his chest with her finger, playfully. She hadn't seen him undressed before and though she'd felt his muscular body through his clothing when she held him, she had never really thought about how much sexier he would be naked. Well, mostly naked, she reminded herself. Ash smiled a sly smile as he clearly read her thoughts.

  "Hey, what did I say about you reading my thoughts?" she warned jokingly as she sat on the bed, moving close to him and leaning on one side to face him.

  "Hard not to when you are staring at me like that. I had to know if you approve," the corners of his mouth turned up and the cleft in his chin stretched a little. She took a deep breath in then sighed in admiration of his magnificence.

  She couldn't help herself she had to touch him. Placing her palm and fingers against his chest, she ran her hand down it, feeling the rock hard abs and smooth soft skin. She felt her body go warm and sensed Ash was okay with her touching him as well. Le
aning down to kiss his full lips, she continued to rub her hand along his chest and abs, careful not to drift down any further, even though she was aching with curiosity. Ash reached a hand from behind his head and grasped the wrist of the hand she was using to touch him and lifting it, he rolled toward her. He pulled her close so that their bodies were nearly touching. With one hand on the small of her back he continued to kiss her deeply and passionately. Leanna moved even closer to him, hoping that this would be the night he would finally be with her, completely. Ash moaned and pulled his head away to look at Leanna.

  "I don't think we should go that far...not yet," he panted as he spoke. Leanna's brow furrowed as she wondered why he'd undressed if he didn't want to do THAT with her. Naturally he read her thoughts, "I'm sorry, it's not that I don't find you beautiful...god knows I do. I just think we should wait. I want us to be close, but not...well you know what I mean."

  He grasped her cheek with his large palm and held it. Leanna felt his sincerity and was grateful that her psychic abilities were trustworthy, because any other woman might feel rejected, she thought as she leaned in to kiss the man she loved. "You're such a tease," she whispered as she continued to kiss him.


  As the mid day approached, the anxiety buzzing around the palace felt like an entity of its own accord.

  Leanna and her men waited inside quietly for the outside guardsman to notify her of Synne's arrival.

  Finally when the moment came, Leanna and Ash stood at once and taking a moment to center their energies so that they could communicate telepathically, they nodded and headed outside to meet the Dark Fae Queen of Anadar.

  Leanna stood at the entrance to the palace, in the doorway. Synne stood about five or six feet away. Synne smiled but Leanna sensed only malice behind the smile. The Fae queen had snow white hair and olive skin, her hair was tied back, her dark brown eyes filled with age and darkness. She was dressed in a blue satin knee length tunic with tight blue matching trousers and black knee high boots. Stylish, Leanna couldn't help thinking. She could feel the animosity seeping from Synne.

  "Synne? I presume?" Leanna said calmly, before Ash had a chance to introduce her or warn Synne about coming closer.

  " we finally meet." She said sarcastically. "I see you wasted no time in taking over the castle. Nice move...enchanting it so I can't go inside." She raised an eyebrow and looked at Ash who was standing on Leanna's right side.

  "I assume that was YOUR idea," she snarled at Ash.

  He didn't respond. His face still as stone, he stared at her with no reaction.

  "What do you want Synne" Leanna asked.

  "I've come to tell you that Girvyn is with me. Seems he is too afraid to remain here. He tells me that you have swayed the people in your favor"

  "I should think so. I am the rightful ruler, after all. I didn't need shape-shifters to put me on the throne."

  Synne's eyes widened, " just need, what? About ten knights to fight your battles for you?" she said cynically.

  "Actually there are eight... but who's counting" Leanna smirked. "I ask again, What do you want?"

  "I want what is ours. My spies tell me that you are not even aware of the treasure you are seated upon?" she said slyly.

  'Here we go' Leanna heard Ash's thought.

  "What treasure would that be?" Leanna asked innocently.

  "Suffice it to say, Burana is not your land. I have come to claim what is rightfully mine and if you don't grant me access to this treasure I speak of, I will take it by force" she took a step closer, her chin thrust out in defiance.

  "Ha! You would take an entire kingdom, just to destroy it... for what? A few trinkets?" Leanna said.

  Synne narrowed her eyes, "So you know about it then?" she sneered.

  Uh oh, Leanna thought.

  "I know nothing, except that, if there is something on our land that you would take, you would not respect nature. You would destroy us with your greed."

  Synne eyed Leanna suspiciously and then settled back before bringing a hand to her chin, rubbing it. Her other arm at her side.

  "So you are saying you don't know about the gems that your people buried long ago?" Leanna shook her head, refusing to say anything else.

  "Would you be willing to just hand over the piece of land that the stash is buried in?" she asked attempting to sound courteous.

  Again, Leanna shook her head and then responded, "where is this land you speak of, what part of Burana is it in?"

  "The north east, near Etana. It is of no consequence to them of course." She said dismissively and Leanna knew then that Synne was lying.

  "So the Queen of Etana has no issue with you going through her lands to access ours then?" Leanna asked, already knowing the answer.

  "Of course not!...she fears me...she will allow me whatever I wish!" she said trying to sound convincing.

  Leanna nodded as she sent a thought to Ash, 'Shes lying. She is worried about Queen Avalonia of Etana, I can feel it'

  "So?" Synne awaited a response from a seemingly silent Leanna.

  "No" Leanna said firmly.

  "No?..what do you mean no! You can't stop me from taking those armies will destroy you" she yelled.

  'Find out if she will be working with Morholt as well' Ash sent the thought to Leanna.

  "I suppose you think Morholt's Queen will agree with you then? Or have you bothered to ask her? I have heard she is to be feared!" Leanna said, confidently.

  'Good one.' Ash thought.

  Synne's face suddenly got darker and Leanna could feel her frustration and caged rage. Oh, I've hit a nerve, Leanna thought. Ash let out a small chuckle and quickly disguised it with a hand to his mouth, pretending to scratch at itch.

  Synne didn't seem to notice, she was too busy puffing up her feathers trying to bluff her way with Leanna.

  "Morholt's queen is none of your concern. I can take Burana with my own people. I can see that you will not be reasoned with, child." She took a few steps back, clearly not wanting to turn her back on Leanna. "If you will not give me the land I request, I will take it by force." She turned sideways to get on the black horse that one of her soldiers had brought over to her. Rising onto the horse, Leanna watched as Synne fiddled with the reins for a moment, as if waiting for Leanna to plead with her for mercy. That's not going to happen. With barely a glance back at Leanna she rode off followed by the small band of men that had arrived with her.

  Sitting around the oval table in the meeting room, there was a buzz of anticipation. Roderick hushed the group so he could speak first.

  "We have just been given some insight into what Synne is looking for gentlemen..." he turned to Leanna, "and Your Majesty. It seems we are right about the gem stash. She wants it, but can't get to it from Etana and thinks she can intimidate us into allowing her access."

  There was a buzz of voices again and Ash put one hand up, palm out, requesting silence.

  "It's urgent that we go rally help immediately. Roderick, Myself, Tarrin and Cage will accompany Queen Leanna to Etana for a meeting with Queen Avalonia and then to Lambeth to meet Queen Charmaine. We have always been on good terms with these kingdoms and they have substantial armies since their lands border the dark kingdoms. I would ask for volunteers who are prepared to meet up with us in Lambeth, should we get the support we are seeking. From there we will march on Anadar within the coming days."

  "Sir, will the Queen be joining us in battle as well?" Cage piped up.

  "No, once we gather the support needed, I will see that she is escorted back to Burana safely. We haven't much time. Synne's kingdom of Anadar is only a days ride from here. We will leave now for Etana, but must be ready to fight within the next two days. We must not let Anadar's army reach Burana. Who is with me?"

  "We all are!" said all the male voices in unison. Ash stood proudly and placed a hand on Roderick's shoulder. "We must leave shortly. Ready the horses please."

  Roderick pressed his lips together firml
y and nodded twice. The room was emptied within minutes as everyone began to prepare for travel and war.

  "Ash, can I see you in my chambers?" Leanna asked as the men moved past her. Leaving the room.

  "Sure, what is it?" he asked.

  "I need a pair of trousers to wear and...well, I don't know what is appropriate to wear to meet another Queen."

  She asked, slightly embarrassed. Ash laughed quietly and placed an arm around Leanna's shoulder.

  "Not to worry my Queen, I will help you gather a few items and don't worry. Avalonia may scare Synne, but she is a pure hearted Queen and a good Fae ruler, you have nothing to worry about.

  "Okay, thank long will it take us to get to Etana?" she asked as they walked toward the stairs to the upper level and her bedchamber.

  "Half a day, their kingdom borders ours" he said reassuringly.

  "Will I have my own weapon on the journey?" Leanna asked.

  "You will have a dagger with you, since that is what you mainly used in training. Don't worry though, you won't have to fight anyone. We four are there to protect you. Besides, your magic is your most powerful weapon my love." He rubbed her back reassuringly. Leanna smiled and hoped that it would be enough. Her studies of the realm had not really prepared her for a war with the dark Fae and she had really only focused her learning on Burana and read only fragments of information about Etana and Lambeth, their nearest neighbors.

  In the bedchamber, Ash handed her a pair of trousers that looked a little too big for her and she laughed.

  "What, too big?" he asked.

  "Only, slightly" she laughed as she held them up in front of her small hips they were large enough to fit Ash's athletic build but not her more delicate physique.

  "I'll get one of the staff to sew something up for you quickly" he took the trousers and left the room, returning a few minutes later empty handed, as Leanna was packing a small bag.

  "The trousers will be ready for your shortly," he said.


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