Home > Literature > ONCE IN A BLUE MOON (BLUEBONNET, TEXAS Book 2) > Page 22

by Stuart, Amie

  "I’ll handle my sister."

  He drew back at her sharp tone. "Fine, I’ll be inside."

  "You tell him, Mommy."

  As Ty headed in the house he heard Angi say, "You look like shit by the way."

  Bee wanted to handle her sister, fine. But he’d stay close, in case things got too bad. The morning had turned very ugly.

  He left the door cracked and leaned against the wall, listening.

  "Did you come to gloat, Angi?"

  "About what? See! See! This is why I didn’t tell you!"

  "Why did you call him?!"

  Him who? Ty frowned at the floor.

  "Because he’s my dad!"

  "The hell you say! He’s not your dad. Your dad left us when you were still suckin’ your thumb."

  Ty winced again at the shouting and debated whether to step in or not.

  "No, your dad walked out. He’s still my dad and I want to know him."

  "Why? He sure as hell didn’t want you when Mom died!"

  "That’s a lie! He said he wanted me and you said no!"

  "He’s the liar—"

  Ty flung open the front door, stepping outside. "That’s enough."

  He held up both hands, hoping they’d stop long enough for him to get a word in edgewise. Both of them turned to look at him with blotchy, red faces.

  "Come on, both of you, in the house." Angelina opened her mouth and he pointed at her. "No. Enough! In the house."

  "Fuck this. I’m outta here."

  "Get your butt in this house, young lady!" He felt Bettina jump against him and tightened his grip. "You don’t disrespect your sister. Do you understand me?" He stepped aside, dragging Bettina with him, and pointed.

  Angelina stamped up the steps, her crepe soles reverberating on the wood porch.

  "Ty, I can handle this." Bettina patted his chest, her words barely above a whisper. Sure she could. That’s why she had tears running down her face and a red nose.

  "Yeah, like you handle everything else," Angi snapped as she passed them, stepping across the threshold.

  Bettina lunged for her sister and he pulled her back against him. "What?" she huffed, her lip quivering.

  “This fighting isn’t good for you and it isn’t good for the baby.”

  All her sass and snap was gone. Ever since the sonogram she’d been real touchy. He’d never seen her so upset, her eyes so sad—except for last night—and apparently, Angelina had been the cause of it.

  He gently wiped the tears from her face while he gently scolded, "Don’t snap at me and calm your ass down. I'm just trying to help."

  "Guess he told you." A smirking Angelina stood right inside the door, arms crossed.

  "What did I tell you about disrespecting my wife? And get your boots off, you’ll ruin the carpet."

  Bettina chuckled and leaned her head against his chest. One last squeeze and he led her inside, shutting the door behind him. It’s a wonder his family hadn’t come to see what all the hollering was about. "Have a seat."

  Angi flopped on the sofa and Bettina curled up in the chair-and-a-half. He looked from one woman to the other, then finally chose to sit on the edge of coffee table, so he could see them both.

  "Alright, why are you screaming at your pregnant sister?"

  "I’m tired of her telling me what to do!" Angelina scowled, waving a hand at Bee. She reminded him of Rene having one of her fits.

  "Fine—" Bettina curled up even tighter, drawing her legs up beneath her.

  "Bee." She stopped in mid-sentence at his frown. Being in charge—and caught between two head-strong women—was more nerve wracking than a session with Dr. Ritter.

  Ty slowly exhaled, counting to ten. He felt like a tennis ball, but he wouldn’t let Angi upset Bettina any more than she already had. "And you’re upset because she went to see her father?"

  "Not yet, I didn’t."

  "You’re upset because she wanted to see her father," he corrected himself.

  Bettina gave a little nod.

  "Because he didn’t help you with Angi when your mom died?"

  "He...not really." She sniffled, the last of her tears drying up.

  "What do you mean ‘not really’?" Angi snapped.

  "Angi." Ty’s head swung around. "Did you see that big brand new barn when you pulled in? The one down by the pink house?" She nodded and he continued, "Would you like to clean it?"

  "I know my way around a pitchfork," she sassed with raised eyebrows as she looked him up and down.

  Caught off guard, Ty barked with laughter, then turned back to Bettina, his tone much softer. "What did you mean by ‘not really,’ baby?"

  "I told him about Mom dying, and that I had a scholarship and what did he want to do with Angi. He said...he had two kids of his own to raise. Then he just sat there behind his big, black, shiny desk in his big, fancy office looking at me." She scowled down at her hands, then looked at her sister, more tears filling her eyes. "I never told you any of this, Angi, because I didn’t want to hurt you."

  "That doesn’t give you the right to be a control freak and try to run my life!"

  "I am not a control freak!"

  "Yes you are!" Angi snapped, leaning forward.

  "I pay for your college, young lady. I think that gives me some say so."

  She paid her sister’s college, too? No wonder she was so bent out of shape.

  "Daddy said he does." With that, Angi pursed her lips and crossed her arms and legs. As if that settled matters.

  "Daddy? Daddy?! Haven’t you heard a word I’ve said about Daddy? He’s a sleaze-ball who kicked us to the curb for a trophy wife and a Benz!" By now Bettina had uncurled herself and leaned forward, shouting at the top of her lungs.

  "Hey!" He resisted the urge to duck, pointing at Angi instead. He could almost see the words hovering on the tip of her tongue. "One...one more. One more word and you can trot your ass to the big barn." He turned to Bettina. "Finish."

  "I can’t."

  "Bee, the truth, no matter how bad, is better than a lie." Dr. Ritter strikes again. He swallowed a chuckle as well as a twinge of guilt. He had his own sins of omission to clear up.

  She took a deep breath and fiddled with her fingers before continuing, eyes raised to meet her sister’s. "He said he’d send me to some sort of trade school and give me five grand to start my own business."

  "And," Ty gently prodded. He knew there had to be more.

  Bettina sighed and continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "He’d only pay me Momma’s child support and only until you were thirteen. Then we were on our own. Sink or swim, no handouts, ‘cause he wasn’t the welfare office so don’t come knock on his door, even if hell had froze over. Those were his exact words, Angelina."

  "You’re a fucking liar, Bettina! If this is all true, how come I didn’t know you had a scholarship?"

  "Because I never told you, Angi," she said softly, her eyes locked with his.

  "So you made the ultimate sacrifice for me."

  Ty glared at Angi, angry at her lack of sensitivity.

  "Fuck you! I did what I had to!" She swiped away a tear. "I can’t believe I didn’t raise you better than...why the hell would you think he was paying for your college?" Bettina demanded.

  "He said he sent you money for my school."

  "He’s a liar, and you ain’t my sister. No sister of mine would be that damned gullible."

  "Bee," Ty scolded softly.

  "Well! Why Angi? Why all the sudden did you feel the need to contact Mr. Blanchard?"

  Angi leaned back, as if to escape her sisters temper. "I just thought it was time I got to know him."

  "After twenty-two years?" she snapped.

  Bettina was jealous, he realized, and scared that she’d lose her baby sister, who was obviously more than just a sister. And to her father, of all people.

  Angi was her Kryptonite. Her weakest link. She’d given up her dream for her sister—because she had such an ingrained sense of responsibility. Not bec
ause it was any type of grand sacrifice. She’d done, out of love, what her own father refused to do. No wonder she felt threatened. She’d raised a child when she was no more than a kid herself and run a business and sent that kid to college. Bettina was a survivor, and he realized just how lucky he was to have her as the mother of his child.

  His respect for and understanding of his wife increased tenfold.

  "Yeah. You’re married now, and you’re having a baby. You don’t need me hanging around."

  Angi was jealous, too. As his heart sunk in his chest, he glanced at Bettina for her reaction. If anything, she was paler than before. All those two had in the world was each other—and him, he silently vowed.

  "Oh, Angelina," she said softly, a frown wrinkling her forehead.

  "I’m gonna leave you two alone now," Ty said, standing.

  "No!" Bettina lurched from the chair and pushed him back down on the coffee table, sitting beside him. "Angi-Sis, you’re my baby sister. I changed your diapers, I wiped your ass, for crying out loud. You cried on my shoulder when Dale Gruder pushed you off the jungle gym in the fifth grade, and I took you to the ER to get a cast on your arm. I told you about boys and sex. Sorry, honey," she added, smiling.

  Ty leaned over slipped an arm around her, kissing the curls at her temple while she talked. "That doesn’t stop because I have a husband and a baby on the way. You’ll always be my sister! Hell, you’re practically my first born."

  "Yeah, but you don’t need me hanging around." Angi slumped forward, arms dangling between her legs, and looked from him to Bee, her face tight and anxious.

  "You said that already," he gently teased.

  Angi frowned at him and opened her mouth to speak.

  "You know," he interrupted, his voice low, "when I asked Bee to marry me, one of the first things she asked me was how many bedrooms my house had. Because she wanted to make sure there was a place for you when you came home. If you wanted it."

  Ty watched Angi’s head dip lower as her shiny dark curls nearly covered her face.

  "Stupid, jealous little shit." Bettina reached out and yanked on one of her sister’s curls.

  "Bee." He laughed, moving to sit beside Angelina.

  "See how she treats me?" Angi mumbled, giving him what had to be her best "pitiful" look.

  "I won’t let her treat you like that anymore," he whispered, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her temple. "I saw that," he added as she stuck a tongue out at Bettina.

  She giggled and leaned against him, and he hugged her tight, enjoying the idea of having another baby sister.

  "Where’d you learn to be so bossy, cowboy?" Bettina softly teased, squeezing his knee.

  He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her, not bothering to give any other answer. He still had so much to tell her.

  Tomorrow though. He didn’t want any more secrets between them, but it could wait one more day. He didn’t want to do any more damage to their first holiday together. "Go get your bag, Angelina, and I’ll show you where to put your things."

  "You can call me Angi."

  He gave her another squeeze then released her. "Angi then."

  "Should we call your mom?"

  "I’ll call her. You go get fixed up, or do whatever you have to do. Angi and I will be just fine."

  "Yeah, Sis. You look like hell."

  "You said that already, Angi."

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Please, God, let the rest of the day be peaceful. I shut the bedroom door and sagged against it, releasing a huge sigh of relief. I just didn’t think my heart could take anymore. How could my sister be so stupid?

  And I had no idea if my husband was happy with me or not. I hadn’t been able to hear his answer, and I suppose, that’s what I got for eavesdropping. Not that I’d meant to.

  To top everything off, I’d broken Rule Number Fourteen: Never Ever, Under Any Circumstances, Say the "L" Word During Sex. Oops.

  He hadn’t mentioned my little boo-boo, so I could only hope that meant he hadn’t heard. And I never would have said it but for Angi upsetting me so bad. Somewhere along the way, I’d entered the deepest pit of Dante’s Inferno.

  Someone please tell me things won’t get worse.

  A shower. I wanted a shower with lots of hot water. I headed for the bathroom, dropping clothes as I went.

  Forty-five minutes later I emerged dressed, and semi-ready to face the day, and followed my nose to the kitchen where Angi was cooking French toast. I probably would have stayed in the shower longer, but the hot water had run out.

  I snitched a piece of syrup-soaked toast off Ty’s plate and popped it into my mouth. "Did you make me some?"

  As if on cue, Angi turned and handed me a plate. My prenatal diet was in serious trouble. "Did you call your mom?"

  "Yeah, she said it's fine if Angi joines us for Thanksgiving dinner." He pulled out a chair for me, and I sat, suddenly starving.

  "Did you call him?" I asked, turning to Angi.

  She nodded with a grin. "He said I was an ingrate."

  "Whatever," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Loser."

  * * *

  After an hour of six women tripping over each other, Thanksgiving dinner was finally served. All the adults settled in at the big table while Travis and Rene occupied a card table by the kitchen door, but not until after Rene made her unhappiness known as only a pre-pubescent girl could. I made a note to spend some quality time with my new niece real soon.

  I watched Zander, who sat beside his mother and directly across from Rowdy. From the narrow lines around his mouth, he didn’t look like a very happy camper. So, why had he bothered to come home? I sat between Rowdy and Ty while Angi and Delaney sat between Ty and his father. Zander, Jessa, Zack, Susie and Tim sat across from us with Maggie at one end and Jerrod at the other. Right smack dab in the middle of the table was a golden-brown, thirty pound turkey.

  "Jerrod, are you going to say grace or just sit there all afternoon, a silly grin on your face?" Susie teased.

  He stood at the head of the table, a smile plastered on his face. I giggled and winked at Susie, then glanced up at Jerrod who’d cleared his throat. Beneath the table Ty took my hand and I leaned against him, daring to enjoy a little of the peace that suddenly crept into my soul.

  Jerrod released a deep sigh and smiled. "I want to do something different this year. I have so much to be thankful for. I thought it might be kind of nice if each of us stood and gave thanks for something we’d been blessed with this year."

  "I got a mom," Travis offered up from his spot at the little card table.

  "Shut up, dork."

  "Rene," Tim barked.

  "Yes, young man, you did get a mom, and quite a mommy she is, huh?" Jerrod smiled and Travis nodded. I giggled and glanced at Jessa who sat mooning at Zack.

  "Can I go first, Daddy?" Delaney asked.

  "I think Travis beat you, but you can go third, right after me." We all chuckled.

  "First, and most importantly, I think, we have the whole family together for the first time in two years. I have my beautiful wife, who still loves me after more than thirty years. And my beautiful baby girl here with me, where she belongs, for our very first big holiday together."

  I sagged against Ty, swallowing a grapefruit-sized lump in my throat.

  "Two sons who have found happiness."

  That one caught me a little off guard. So did the firm squeeze Ty gave my fingers. He heard me last night. Looks like I had some explaining to do in the near future.

  "And two new daughters-in-law with two granddaughters on the way. I’m not sure life can get much better. Delaney."

  Delaney stood and immediately began to sniffle. Oh Lord. With an embarrassed chuckle, I gave up, and swiped at the tear that escaped. Across the table from me, Jessa joined in.

  "Oh suck it up already," Delaney teased. "I’m thankful for my Daddy, who’s just the greatest, and my new family, especially Maggie for putting up with me the la
st six months."

  "Now, sweetheart—" Maggie began.

  "I know it hasn’t been easy." Delaney’s voice wobbled.

  Zander’s snort caught my attention. The pure ugliness in his face caused me to tighten my grip on Ty's hand.

  "Don’t be rude, Zander," Rowdy growled from beside me.

  "Alexander, maybe you’d like to go next?" Susie asked, eyebrows raised.

  He slowly unfolded himself from the chair and stood, a sneer on his thin handsome face. Ty’s grip on my hand tightened even more until I winced and wiggled my fingers. "I’m so thankful that my aunt and my brothers dragged me home for this lovefest."

  "That’s not necessary," Jerrod said. There was a ring of steel beneath his soft voice.

  "Yes, it is."

  "Zan," Ty warned softly.

  "Future Farmer of America," he sneered, looking Ty’s way. "And his fashion victim wife."

  I opened my mouth but winced when Angi beat me to the punch. "You better watch how you talk about my sister, asshole."

  "Angelina Monique!" Both men on either side of me shook with laughter. "Apologize!"

  "I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Boudreaux for swearin’ at your dinner table." She plopped down in her chair, shaking the table in the process. She’d apologize to Ty’s parents for her rudeness but not to his brother for her words. I didn’t blame her. Since he started it.

  "I can’t do this." Zander threw his napkin down.

  "You can’t sit and have one meal with your family?" Tim leaned forward to see past the heads between them.

  "Not with her." He nodded in his father’s direction and the bottom fell out of my stomach.

  "Me?" Angi asked.

  "Angi," I hissed, suddenly feeling very queasy.

  "Well?" she replied in her best "I Love Lucy" voice.

  "He means me," Delaney said softly.

  "So that’s what this is all about? Delaney? She's the reason you didn't want to come home?" Maggie frowned, the hurt visible on her face.

  "Not just her. Everything she represents. Momma, how the hell can you stay with him? How the hell can you look at yourself in the mirror knowing your husband is an adulterer? You think I buy all this love and happiness bullshit?"


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