Breaking Fate

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Breaking Fate Page 29

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  “How could I not be?”

  “I want you to be happy—”

  “You make me happy,” she whispered.

  He slowed to a halt at a red light. Sliding his palm behind her nape, he pulled her to him, and laid his mouth on hers. Warm and possessive, he nibbled at her lower lip then swept his tongue inside her mouth.

  Lost in his kiss, it took her a moment to hear the irate honking. Growling, he let her go and cut an impatient stare through the rearview mirror before he took off again.

  As the car gathered speed and ate up the miles, Darci cast Blaéz an anxious glance. The lights from the dashboard highlighted his taut features. A fine sheen of perspiration gleamed on his brow. He overtook several cars, ignoring the flashing headlights and honking of an oncoming one.

  “Blaéz, slow down!”

  In a screech of tires, he brought the car to a shuddering halt on the grassy curb of a small moonlit clearing. The headlights shut off abruptly.

  Her heart still in her throat, Darci glanced about her. Tall trees surrounded them, cutting them off from the rest of the world. In the night, everything appeared unfamiliar. “Why did you stop here?”

  He didn't respond but stared moodily through the windshield. His knuckles gripping the steering wheel showed white. Her unease increased as more sweat gathered on his brow. Then he fumbled with the door, shoved it open and, with agitated movements, stumbled out of the Veyron.

  Darci threw open her own door. She rushed after him, almost tripping in her heels on the uneven ground. “Blaéz—”

  “Stay in the car,” he snapped the order, stopping several feet away from her. Darci watched helplessly, had no idea what was happening. He’d been fine moments ago.

  A wave of his hand, and the night air shimmered and split apart, revealing a black abyss.

  “Blaéz, nooo!” Darci kicked off her shoes and sprinted after him. She grabbed his arm. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Opening a portal. I'm going to kill that bastard!”

  “No—no you can't! If you step through that, you’ll never come back!”

  His eyes glowered eerily. “I'll always come back to you.”

  Her lungs seized in fear. Something was drastically wrong. He didn't just open this gateway on the spur-of-the-moment to go back to Hell.

  As if under a compulsion, Blaéz turned to the opening portal again. Panic exploding into terror. Darci struggled to pull him back, but it was like trying to move a brick wall. She darted to his front and seized his shirt. Buttons tore free, flying everywhere. Desperate, she grabbed him by his nape, pulled his head down, and pressed her mouth to his.

  His gaze lowered, but he remained motionless as a pylon… watching her.

  At his utter stillness, a sob caught in her throat. Oh Lord, please! She deepened the kiss. Come back, Blaéz. Please, come back!

  He blinked. Then his arm banded around her waist and he kissed her hungrily, tongue tangling with hers. He picked her up, his lips not breaking contact from hers and walked away from the black hole. He set her on the Veyron’s hood.

  Despite desire flooding her, she broke free from his kiss. Needed to see that he was fine. But his mouth found hers again.

  “Blaéz, wait—wait.”

  “No — now.” His tone low, guttural. “I must have you.” Then he shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. For the length of a breath, Darci had the feeling he didn’t really see her, even though she was right in front of him. Behind him, the place where he’d attempted to open the portal shimmered and widened.

  Her blood chilled. He was still connected to that thing.

  Seizing her chance with him distracted, she slid off the hood and ran to the open car door. Her heart in her throat, she grabbed her purse off the floorboard and snatched the small white disc inside it. There was no more waiting, it was now or lose him forever.

  Growling his displeasure, Blaéz came after her and carried her off, dropping her back on the hood. “Don’t run from me, a leannan.”

  He planted his palms alongside her hips and seemed to be back in control. But the next instant his gaze bore that terrifying, unfocused look again.

  “Blaéz, please don’t leave me,” she begged, grasping his face.

  “I'm not. I—I just need a moment.” He squeezed his eyelids tight. The portal behind him flickered ominously, opening some more. Darci knew they didn't have a moment, just mere seconds. Whether Blaéz realized it or not, she didn't dare wait.

  With him unfocused and mentally tethered to the pull of the sinister portal, tears burning her eyes, she made the decision for both of them. She slipped the disc into her mouth. It dissolved in a brisk swirl.

  “I love you,” she whispered, the words sticking in her throat swollen with grief. This could be her very last moment with him, their last kiss.

  He blinked, staring at her with hazy eyes. “A leannan?”

  “Forgive me…” She kissed him.

  Blaéz slid his hands to her bottom and dragged her over the warm metal surface closer to him. She wrapped her legs around his hips, his erection pressing into her center. The fiery expression in his eyes as he took her mouth with a ferocious need scorched her to the depths of her breaking heart. His lids lowered. She tightened her arms around his nape. Tears slipped down her face. Warm and salty, it mingled with their kiss.

  Then she felt it, like the very life force being pulled from her chest. An excruciating moan tore from her.

  Blaéz stilled. His eyes snapped open in confusion… then horror filled them. He grasped her arms and fought to break off the kiss, but could do little, trapped by the power of the transfer.

  More tears flowed, in pain, in sorrow, as the warm light residing inside her dimmed. He finally tore free, stumbling several feet away. Darci flew back, hands flailing, and sprawled on the hood.

  Chest heaving, he charged for her. Rage distorted his features, his eyes a burning cobalt blue. He grabbed her upper arms, fingers biting into her flesh and shook her hard. Her hair dislodged from the topknot, spilling down her shoulders. “What have you done?” he choked out. “What the hell have you done!”

  “I saved you,” she whispered, his image blurring through the tears. But she saw, too, how fast the change in him occurred. He no longer appeared linked to the open portal.

  “Now you’ll die!”

  “You opened a portal,” she cried. “You would have never come back from that!”

  He slammed his fists on the hood, making her jump. “You will fucking die!”

  Not if she could help it. She wasn't just going to lie down and let the damn Grim Reaper make off with her paltry soul or whatever was left of it. Breathing hard at the weakness taking hold, she grasped his gaping shirtfronts. “I didn’t die, I'm still here aren’t I? We have time. You—”

  “Time?” he snarled, snatching her hand and almost crushing it in his with the intense force of his desperation. “You have none. I already feel your weakness! How much longer, Darci? Another hour, a fucking minute?”

  She wrestled her hand free, balled her sore fingers, and raised her chin in determination. “Damn your stubborn hide, Blaéz. You left me no choice. I love you, I could never let you go back there, can’t you see that?”

  “Don’t you dare use that damn word, don’t you dare—” His chest heaved as he pulled in a ragged breath.

  God, she had to make him understand, to see past his anger. She slipped off the hood and took a step toward him. “Blaéz—”

  Shaking his head, he turned away. “I won't watch you die, I won't!”

  At his tormented words, Darci stood there, struggling to breathe against the pain rolling through her. With a shaky hand, she dashed away her tears. And knew she’d do it all over again if she had to, to save Blaéz an eternity trapped in Hell.


  Christ, this can't be happening — it just can't! Blaéz stared at the dark silhouette of trees surrounding him, his entire being splintering with an agony he had no idea how to fix.

  The tattoo on his right biceps stirred as an insidious, icy air slithered over his skin. It made little difference to him at the evil closing in — unable to deal with the unending pain. Or the emotions raging through him like a windstorm…

  The portal! He spun around and waved a hand to close it.

  Too late. A shadowy figure was already stepping through.

  “Well, well, well. Most entertaining, I must say.” Maloch’s sly tone slithered over him like a damn serpent. “Mortal females, so weak. Pathetic little deceivers, aren’t they?”

  The urge to tear through the bastard’s throat flooded Blaéz, but terror had him spinning back to Darci, who stared at Maloch in horror.

  “Get into the car!” he yelled, flashing to her. Summoning his obsidian dagger, he grabbed her hand and pushed the weapon into her palm, forcing her gaze back to him. “If anyone gets near you, use it. Aim for their heart. Kill them, you got me?”

  When she didn't accept the weapon and just stared at him with bruised eyes, he fought the vicious urge to put his fist through something.

  He wrapped her fingers around the hilt. As he stepped away, Blaéz realized he no longer felt that warm connection — that stirring in his gut. He no longer felt her. It was as if their bond had severed.

  And when he met Maloch’s smirking gaze, his fury exploded. The urge to kill — to destroy — took hold. For the century of degradation forced on him by this bastard who lusted after him, and more for the agony inside of him that just wouldn’t quit, knowing he would soon lose Darci, Blaéz dove for Maloch, smashing his fist into the demon’s face with the impact of a jackhammer. Bones crunched, blood streamed from his broken nose. Pain vibrated up Blaéz’s hand.

  Roaring, Maloch flew several steps away. A snap of his fingers, and a long black whip appeared in his hand. The thing sizzled a fiery gold in the night air.

  The fucker had to know a demonic weapon of that power couldn’t be on the mortal realm without the others sensing it. It sparked and crackled with flames.

  A cruel smile split Maloch’s bloody face. “Did you really think you could win against me?”

  Blaéz shoved into Maloch’s mind, wanting to turn the fucker into ash, but hit a psychic block. The bastard had shielded himself against his ability. Blaéz summoned his sword. The tattoo shimmered and took form in his hand, the ancient script settling into the gleaming black blade in a flare of power.

  He swung his sword as Maloch lashed out. The whip whistled through the air and recoiled in a hiss as Blaéz struck, slicing the hellish weapon in half. Just as fast, it rematerialized into a new one, but the cut off end licked Blaéz across his belly before disintegrating. Pain spread. Teeth grinding down, he leaped into the air, his weapon coming down hard in a deathblow.

  Maloch evaded, got slashed across the chest. He snarled, mumbled a few words, and a portal shimmered open in the ground. His minions climbed out of the gateway, scuttling around their master like dung beetles.

  His fear for Darci growing, Blaéz mind-linked with one of the warriors — had no idea who, trouble — get here!

  He shoved into the minion’s mind and let loose his power. One by one the demons exploded, turning to dust as he beheaded the ones coming at him.

  A familiar vibration in the air and the other Guardians appeared, flanking him. They would have sensed the insidious sensation wherever they were and tracked it here.

  Snarling, Týr plunged his sword into a demon’s chest. “What the fuck is that thing?”

  “Hell’s whip,” Blaéz snapped, shooting a sharp look over his shoulder at Darci who still stood frozen near his car.

  “Freakin’ shitheads!” Aethan grunted from his left, evading a demon bolt. “Go. Get her to safety, we have this.”

  As they dove into the horde, Blaéz spun for Darci, but the fiery whip lashed out like lightning and lassoed around his arm, yanking him back. Unbelievable pain spread as the taint of the evil slid though him… damn bastard!


  Nooo! Darci watched in horror as the pale-skinned demon who’d haunted her childhood dreams yanked Blaéz back, the whip wrapped around his arm. He stumbled. Regaining his balance, he switched hands with his sword, and sliced the whip. The cut off end loosened and fell. Blood seeped from the wound on his bicep, drenching his slashed sleeve.

  She shuddered at the agony he must feel, yet Blaéz didn't even flinch. Oh, God, please. Her fingers tightened around the hilt of the dagger he’d given her, barely aware of a dull warmth coursing through her palm.

  A familiar fragrance of candy and roses drifted from behind her. She spun around. Her gaze widened in surprise. “Nora?”

  “Yeah.” Her friend folded her arms over her chest and continued to survey the brutal fight. Instead of the cocktail dress, she now wore cargo pants and a t-shirt, her hair pulled in a ponytail.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Making sure this confrontation ends the way it should.”

  “No, you can't be here, it’s dangerous!” Then Nora’s words sunk in amidst the guttural cries and clashing swords. “Why are you interested in how this ends?”

  “Because I'm under orders. Find you, and trap the warrior. It’s one of my abilities to find mystical missing objects.” Her flat dark gaze met Darci’s. “And you, my dear friend, are mystical — possessor of a god’s soul. You are an excellent vessel in shielding, I must say. At first I wasn't sure, but when I hugged you, I knew.”

  Darci stepped back, feeling like she’d fallen off a cliff as it all began to make sense. Nora’s brother searching for an artifact… a vessel… Her? But they were friends, how could Nora deceive her like this? “Why?” she rasped.

  Because she’s a demoness, her mind chanted. Maloch's her brother.

  “Not why — but how I tracked you.” Nora rubbed her forearm. “Your warrior’s soul left a trace of its essence after it slipped Maloch’s hold all those centuries ago. He trapped and bound it with a spell to our blood moon to summon your warrior. It was all I needed. Oh, you did get your warrior to drink that whiskey you took him, right? See, it strengthens the tie between him and Maloch. It’s why Blaéz opened the portal for him. He can't kill Mal. Well, you know what will happen if he does… your warrior dies, too.”

  Blindsided by Nora yet again, Darci could barely get the words out of her constricting throat. “Wh-what did you do?”

  “Whatever I had to, for this moment to occur. I put a little something in his drink.”

  Fury exploded in her head like a volcano, Darci struck out with the dagger. Cursing, Nora ducked and knocked the blade from Darci’s hand. With everything in her, Darci punched Nora in the face. Pain vibrated up her arm but made little impact to the one crushing her chest. “I trusted you — you were my friend!”

  Rubbing her jaw, Nora snapped, “Next time don’t trust so blindly! You invited me into your home, dropped everything when I called. My brother tasked me with the job of finding the warrior’s lost soul, I accepted. It led me to you… I didn't expect the friendship that sprung up between us. But I had a job to do. Mal—” she yelled to her brother, “let’s get this done with!” She grabbed Darci. Before a scream tore from her throat, everything became an opaque blur as Nora flashed them away.

  Back on her feet a few moments later, Darci wavered unsteadily and found herself on a deserted pebbly beach with tall trees looming on one side. The water lapped gently on the sands on the other. There was no place to run, except through the forest.

  “Don’t even think it,” Nora said, lowering onto a fallen tree trunk.

  Darci faltered as unexpected exhaustion took hold, and stones poked her bare feet. A grim thought invaded her; was her soul too fragile to sustain any exertion? Just great.

  But she damn well wanted answers. She picked up a long piece of driftwood, wielded it with both hands. “Why?”

  Nora looked at the decaying wood and didn’t seem bothered by the new weapon. She turned to stare at the silent waters. “Because this has to ta
ke place without any distraction, as per instructions.”

  Maloch’s instructions? So Blaéz would follow her and they’d be helpless as sitting ducks. Her mouth thinned. She may not live for much longer with her fragmented soul, but she’d be damned if she’d let them trap him. “I was so wrong when I thought we were friends. You’re just the lowest kind of scum that ever crawled out of Hell.”

  Nora cast her an unreadable look and said nothing.

  A shimmer took place in front of them.

  “Well done, sister.” Cruel laughter. The sound grated on Darci’s ears. She inched back, chills spreading through her body. Maloch grabbed the wood from her like it was a toothpick and flung it away. “Now, I will have what is mine while the warrior is trapped, trying to destroy my legions of soldiers, and wondering what I'm going to do to his little slut—”

  He grasped Darci’s wrist and jerked her to him, his elongated black talons piercing her flesh. An agonized cry tore free.

  “Careful, brother.” Nora rose, dusting the seat of her pants. “You don’t want things to go wrong when everything is coming to pass. I'm sure you want to make the warrior suffer, make him watch what you’ll do to his woman after the way he humiliated and hurt you the last time he was down under?”

  Maloch’s eyes filled with hatred. “Yes…”

  And here she’d thought nothing about Nora could surprise her anymore. Darci had never felt such a primal urge to kill someone like she did right then.

  A furious blast of icy breeze swept over them, frosting the air around her as Blaéz took form. Maloch yanked Darci by the hair, she whimpered.

  Blaéz nailed Maloch with a deadly stare. “For that alone, I’ll make you scream, then you will die.”

  Ominous laughter rippled in the night air, churning the once calm waters. Maloch’s minions appeared, surrounding him like a black fog. He snapped, “How fast you came for her.”

  A screech erupted and a minion grabbed his head. Darci realized then what was happening, her gaze flew to Blaéz’s cold hard face. Another demons followed suit. They exploded one by one — like muted fireworks going off — heads shattering. Blood and gore turning to ashes before it rained to the ground.


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