
Home > Other > Starlet > Page 1
Starlet Page 1

by Fiona Davenport






  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



  Baby Daddies

  Chapter 1

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2019 by Fiona Davenport

  Edited by Manda Lee

  Cover designed by Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Nicole Callahan is an up-and-coming movie star. When she gets her big chance, the role requires her to get romantic with her co-star on screen. But there's only one man she can picture herself kissing...even if she’s never met him in person.

  Austin Hayes has been a household name since he hit it big as a child actor. His refusal to so much as kiss a woman on screen hasn't stopped him from having a successful career in Hollywood. But when Nicole wants him as her co-star, he throws all the rules out the window because this starlet is meant to be his.

  Warning: This Hollywood with Alexa Riley story will leave you seeing stars. The over-the-top possessive alpha, each of them saved themselves for the other kind.

  Alexa Riley,

  Thanks for letting us go Hollywood with you!



  “I’m telling you, Austin. Eventually, people are going to get tired of casting you in the side-kick role.” Tyson Grant, my agent, runs a hand through his curly blond hair then takes swig from the beer in his other one.

  I sit back in my chair, my arms crossed over my chest, glaring. I’m not budging on this topic and he knows it, so why is he bringing it up, yet again?

  “We’ve been friends since we were kids and you know I respect your position”—he smiles wryly—”It’s not like I’m really qualified to lecture you since I have no love life to speak of.”

  I snort, earning myself a scowl. I’ve never even seen Ty go on a date in all the years I’ve known him. I’m almost positive he’s still a virgin. I can’t judge him on that though since I’m one myself. However, at least I made an attempt to find “the one.” Granted, none of my dates had gone past a conversation. The night always ended before we even got to dessert. Although, I can’t even remember the last one I went on. I’ve been burned by all the money-grubbing fakes out there.

  “But,” Ty continues, “it’s my job to protect your career so I’m just being brutally honest.” He reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a sheaf of papers, sliding them across the table to me. It’s the two scripts he’s been after me to consider. I know both contain some small love scenes, so I’d adamantly refused to even look them over.

  The truth is, I’m a hopeless romantic, something my brother constantly gave me shit about. Until he met his wife. Now he has what I’ve been looking for my whole life. And, I’m not willing to do sex scenes that could jeopardize my future relationship. I don’t want her to be faced with knowing the world has seen parts of me that belong to her. Or seeing me give affection to another woman that should only be hers.

  I’ve been lucky in my career. At seven-years-old, my funny personality and charisma had landed me a role as the comedic side-kick in a television show. Since then, I’ve encouraged being type-cast in similar roles. The funny friend, or a lead in a comedy with no romance, etc. Besides, I’ve earned enough Best Supporting Actor awards to prove that I’m damn good at it. I’ve even snagged the lead role in a few period movies which, true to the era, have no physical intimacy. One of them actually landed me a Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar one year.

  It’s not that I don’t have the looks to be the next Hollywood heartthrob, with the tall, dark, and handsome thing I have going on. And that’s not vanity, it’s just the truth. I have the magz and rags to back it up. But, I’m happy in the path I’ve chosen. I get to do what I love without compromising my morals. I’ve never regretted my choice, even when I’ve walked away from roles that would have landed me among some of the richest actors in the world.

  Lately, Ty has been pressuring me more than normal to consider even just the smallest romantic roles. “Are you trying to tell me that these are my only two offers, right now?” I ask with narrowed eyes.

  Ty sighs. “No, but the others aren’t nearly as likely to be as successful and are a lot less money.”

  I tap a finger on the stack of paper and raise an eyebrow. “When have you ever known money to sway me, Tyson?”

  He rolls his eyes and points a finger at the scripts. “For the love of all that is holy, would you just fucking read them? As a favor to me? Then you can throw them at me and tell me to fuck off, once again.”

  I huff and mimic him with a roll of my eyes. “If reading them will get you off my back, I’ll do it.” I grin. ”Call me tomorrow so I can tell you to fuck off then.”

  “How fucking gracious of you.” Ty’s voice drips with sarcasm as he snaps his briefcase shut and stands. “I’ve got the contract for your guest spots on those two TV shows with the lawyer. I’ll bring them by your shoot, and you can tell me to fuck off in person.”

  I laugh this time and get to my feet to see him to the door of my trailer. “Thanks, Ty.”

  He lifts his chin, then steps out into the bright California sun. I’m about to shut the door when he swings back around. “Take a look at the list of actresses being considered for the lead in The First Time. Their first choice will only agree if you sign on for the film.”

  Seems like an odd request but I nod and close the door without comment. I don’t know why he thinks she would affect my answer. None of the currently popular actresses have ever caused me to have even a spark of interest. Given my reputation, why would this actress make that stipulation? She’d better prepare herself for disappointment.

  I drop down onto the comfy, grey couch and pull out my phone. I call my brother over video chat and smile when his wife’s face appears with a wide grin. “What’s up, Hot Shot Movie Star?” Shelby greets.

  “You better not be calling another man hot, my little muse.” I hear my brother call out. Shelby rolls her eyes then yelps and throws my brother a disgruntled frown but her face flushes red. I wrinkle my nose, not wanting the image of my brother spanking his wife in my head. He leans in and whispers something, making her blush deepen.

  “Later, Austin,” she squeaks before disappearing off the screen.

  Theo watches her go with an expression that makes me envious. He and his wife are crazy about each other, disgustingly so sometimes. I’m beyond thrilled to see my brother so happy and Shelby is perfect for him, but it reminds me that I’m going home to a cold empty house and a cold empty bed tonight.

  “What’s up?” he asks when I have his attention once again. Something in my expression must clue him in because he guesses, “Tyson’s still harassing you over those scripts?”

  “I promised him I’d read them just to get his panties untwisted,” I grumble. “He seems to think my career is going to begin sliding downhill if I don’t loosen up.”

  His brows rise. “Are you considering it?”

  I immediately shake my head. “No.”

  Theo nods approvingly. “Good. I think you’d always regret it.”

  “What’s weird though, is he specifically told
me to take a look at the actress they want to cast in the lead for one of them.” I scratch my chin and lean back into the cushions.

  “I agree, it’s odd. But you know Ty, he wouldn’t ask without a reason. I suggest you just do what he asks and get it over with.”

  I sigh and roll my suddenly stiff shoulders. “Maybe you should send me my own singing telegram,” I joke. My brother met his wife when I had a service send him a singing telegram. He is a world-renowned composer and was in a slump. I teased that he needed a muse. Turned out, I was right. He always says that the moment he met her, he heard music and fell in love.

  Theo’s expression darkens. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I made sure they are no longer in business.” I should’ve figured. The owner had been a sleaze ball who treated his girls almost like he was their pimp.

  “Good move.” I groan dramatically. “I guess, I better get to it.”

  Theo rolls his eyes. “I don’t know why anyone would want a diva like you in their movie anyway.”

  “Because I’m so pretty,” I say with a wink and grin. “Just ask your wife.” I hang up immediately. Theo is going to kick my ass the next time I see him, but it’s totally worth it.

  Someone knocks on my door and I yell for them to come in. It’s my assistant Benny. “They’re running behind and want to reschedule your scene for tomorrow morning. You’ve got your evening free.”

  Great, now I have zero excuses for getting out of reading this shit. I thank Benny and get my stuff together before heading home. I take the scenic route to my house in Malibu. It’s out on the beach in a quiet neighborhood and not too far from my brother’s place. Although he lives on so much land it’s like being in the middle of nowhere and that’s a little too much solitude for me.

  Once I park my Bugatti Veyron in the garage, I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer before heading out to the deck on the back of the house, taking the scripts with me. I stretch out on one of the loungers and listen to the sounds of the ocean.

  Figuring it’s time to bite the bullet, I pick up the top script from the table beside me and it’s The First Time. I flip to the back and see the list of characters with the names of the actors for the roles they’ve already cast, as well as suggestions for those they haven’t.

  The female lead, Jillian, has a list of possible names. The first is Nicole Callahan. Beautiful name.

  There are always new actresses coming on the scene and it’s impossible to keep up with them all. But, the second I read her name, I knew this one was special. I don’t know why. Something inside me has to know more about her.

  I run inside and grab my laptop then return to my seat outside. One quick email and a few minutes later, I have her CV and audition tape.

  Nicole Emily Callahan

  Age: 18

  Height: 5’3”

  Weight: 106 lbs.

  Body Type: Petite, dancer

  Hair Color: Blonde

  Hair Length: Long

  Eyes: Blue

  I’m shocked when my body begins to react to the picture I’ve created in my head. What the fuck?

  She graduated high school only a few months ago and had some bit spots in a few TV shows and commercials. This would be a break out role for her.

  I hit play and something inside me roars to life. I’ve never felt anything like it. It feels like…possession.

  My eyes go to her CV again. She’s rep’d by…TAG Management. Can I get a double WHAT THE FUCK?

  TAG—Tyson Allen Grant Management. Her agent works for Ty? I’m reminded of the way he specifically brought her to my attention. Is he trying to boost her career because he wants her? The question causes rage to explode, practically making my head spin. Too fucking bad. She is mine.

  I snatch my phone from the table and stab at it until Ty’s phone is ringing. “I knew it,” he says in lieu of a greeting. His voice is smug.

  “Knew what?” I grit through clenched teeth.

  “She’s yours.” There is laughter in his voice, and it just pisses me off further.

  “Damn fucking straight,” I snap. “Lock her in for the role, Ty. Don’t give her any other fucking choice.”



  I can’t remember ever being more nervous than I am right now. Meeting with Sarah about representing me hadn’t fazed me this much, and neither did my very first Hollywood audition. But knowing I’m up for the starring role in a major motion picture film? And there’s a chance that Austin Hayes might make it his first ever starring role in a romantic movie? Nervous doesn’t come close to describing how I feel.

  I’m pressing my hand against my thigh in an attempt to stop my leg from bouncing when the receptionist calls my name, “Nicole Callahan?”

  “That’s me,” I answer as I jump to my feet.

  “Sarah’s ready to see you now.”

  She points me in the direction of my agent’s office, but I already know where to go since I’ve met with her about a dozen times since I signed on with TAG Management. Each time, the girl manning the front desk acts like she’s never seen me before. I refuse to let her catty behavior get to me, not when I’m lucky enough to be a client while she’s stuck working behind a desk at TAG. Especially when I’m so close to making two of my dreams come true—landing a role that’ll make me the envy of every Hollywood starlet and meeting the guy I’ve had a crush on all through high school. I swear, he ruined me for other boys.

  I rap my knuckles against her partially open door before walking inside. She usually waves me towards one of the seats in front of her desk, but this time she jumps up and rushes over to give me a hug when she sees me. “Nicole! I’m so glad you were able to come in today.”

  I barely hold back a snort. There isn’t even the tiniest chance that I wouldn’t do whatever it took to meet with Sarah any time she calls. I’m too new to showbiz to pass up opportunities without at least hearing all the details. “You know I’m always available for you.”

  “That might be true today”—she pauses to pick up a folder from her desk—“but in the very near future it’ll be me coming to you because you’ll be too busy to make the trip to my office.”

  My eyes are glued to the green folder in her hand. I learned early on that Sarah uses a color-coded filing system. All of my rejections have been in red folders, but each time I received an offer the details have come out of a green one. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yup.” My legs feel like rubber, making her grin when I drop down into a chair. “They want you for the female lead in The First Time.”

  She sits across from me and holds the file out for me. I grab it and open to the first page of the contract. My eyes go wide when I see my name at the top, and I can’t catch my breath when I see the dollar amount they’re offering me for the role of a lifetime. She gives me time to read through the entire thing without interrupting me. I’m tempted to sign on the bottom line without asking any questions, but there is one pesky detail that I absolutely must know before I can accept. “What about my little request?”

  “Is that what you call it? A little request?” Sarah laughs and shakes her head. “Saying that you wouldn’t take a role that most studios wouldn’t even consider giving to a newbie like you is more like a gigantic requirement, if you ask me.”

  “I know, you made your point of view quite clear when we talked about it during my last appointment.” We’d gone round and round about it, with Sarah doing her best to convince me that it would ruin my career. But I don’t just have a major crush on Austin; I respect the line he’d drawn in the sand when it comes to refusing roles which would put him in a compromising position. There’s also the fact that I can’t imagine kissing anyone but Austin, even if it’s just because we’re pretending to be other people who fall in love with each other. His lips are the only ones I want to feel pressed against mine.

  I know it’s risky for me to refuse the role unless he’s the leading man. It might ruin my acting career before it has the chance
to really take off, but I’m not willing to sacrifice my future happiness for a job—no matter how badly I want it. Deep in my gut, I have the feeling that kissing anyone but Austin on screen would be a decision I’d regret for the rest of my life. This is why I’d dug my heels in and refused to listen to reason. Now I just have to hope that my gamble has paid off. “But did it work?”

  “Shockingly enough, it did! But only because I devised a brilliant plan to make it a fait accompli for the studio,” she brags.

  I lower the papers to my lap and narrow my eyes at her. “Plan? What plan?”

  “I believe that’s where I come in,” a masculine voice declares. I swivel in my seat and find Tyson Allen Grant walking towards me. I quickly rise to my feet, stunned to see him. Although Sarah works for his company, she’s a junior agent whose client list is full of actors and actresses like me who don’t have a lot of credits to their name. But her boss is a whole different story. He only represents the hottest Austin Hayes.

  “Mr. Grant,” I gasp. I wish I’d known he was going to be here. I would’ve spent more time on my hair and makeup so I looked my best.

  He flashes me a grin and nods at Sarah before moving around her desk to claim the chair behind it. Then he rolls forward and leans an elbow on the desk, propping his chin under a fist as he scans me from head to toe. There’s masculine appreciation in his eyes, but it seems...distant somehow. When he speaks, there isn’t a hint of flirtation in his tone. “Sarah came to me before speaking with the studio. She explained your reservations about accepting a role with a love interest unless you’re cast opposite the actor of your choice. Demands like this would normally result in you being unofficially black-balled by all of the major production studios. Following that, of course we’d be forced to drop you as a client.”

  “I—” I can’t get any more words out, not that I even know what I want to say.


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