Blue Collar

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Blue Collar Page 5

by Sean Michael

  Chuckling, Barton opened the bag and breathed in. "Damn, I'm starving--are we there yet?"

  "Almost. We don't have far."

  "And good things are waiting for us." Barton made everything sound sexual.

  "Burgers and dessert."

  "And dessert for the dessert." Barton waggled his eyebrows as they pulled up into the driveway.

  "'re incorrigible." He pulled out his ten-cent word.

  Barton laughed. "I am."

  "Do you park her in the garage?"

  "Yep." Barton pressed a remote on the passenger sun visor and the garage door opened.

  "Good deal." They pulled in, and he parked carefully, killing the engine. "She's a beauty."

  "She is." Barton was looking at him like he was dinner.

  "Uh." His cock twitched. "You hungry?"

  "I am. For food, too."

  "Well, there is food." He got up out of the car, went to get the bag of dessert.

  "Yeah. And there's you." Barton unlocked the front door, letting him in.

  "I'm not edible." Barton made him silly.

  "Oh, I beg to differ."

  They headed in, bags on the table. Barton pulled out plates and transferred the contents of the takeout boxes to them, grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge and set them down before adding utensils and condiments.

  "There we go. Eat up."

  "So what are on the burgers?" He grabbed an onion ring. Mmm. Salty.

  "Your tuxedo burger has Monterey Jack cheese and barbeque sauce, while my mechanic has lots of crispy onions and deep fried jalapenos."

  "Uhn." He blushed. Okay, that sounded like sex.

  Barton was nothing but grins and one hand slid along his thigh.

  "'s your burger?" he asked.

  "I don't know--I haven't tried it yet." Barton still didn't take a bite.

  "It sounds amazing."

  "I know it's good, but you're a much bigger draw." Barton leaned toward him.

  "I..." He found himself leaning, too. What the hell was up with that?

  Mouth pressing against his, Barton hummed and slid that hand on his thigh even higher. His quads tightened, muscles rolling. The kiss went on, Barton's tongue pressing into his mouth, hot and wet and making him tingle. Somehow it was hotter, sitting here at the table, leaning together where people could possibly see them in the windows.

  When Barton ended the kiss, he leaned their foreheads together. "You are better than any hamburger could ever dream of being."

  "I...I don't know what to say to that." He so didn't.

  "You don't have to say anything, baby. I just wanted you to know." Sitting back, Barton began to eat his burger.

  Kendall focused on his burger, too, but his mind whirled with questions, with concerns, with worries. Barton kept touching him, his legs, his arm, and when Barton's burger was finished, he sat back and considered Kendall.

  "I can see your mind whirling a mile a minute. Talk to me, baby."

  "Me?" He was so tired of being off-balance. "I just...I don't know what to do. What I need to do."

  "I'm not judging you, Ken. I want to spend time with you--I want to make out and make love with you. I want to have fun and play."

  "I know. I just... Are all gay guys like you?"

  "No, I imagine we come in as many flavors as straight guys do. You're gay and you're not like me, right?"

  "I'm not gay. I mean, not in public."

  For a long moment Barton just looked at him. "You're not out. That's different from not being gay."

  "Man, I already got cured from that. What if..." What if somehow they found out?

  "Oh, Kendall. Were you sent to one of those awful places where they cured you?" Barton shook his head, hand on Kendall's arm, petting gently.

  His mouth was dry as dust, but he nodded, not able to meet Barton's eyes.

  "Baby, you know you can't be cured, right? It's a part of who you are. No matter what those lunatics told you."

  "I hate the idea that there's something so wrong with me," he admitted.

  "There is nothing wrong with you. It's the small-minded creeps of the world who have something wrong with them." Barton's words were fierce.

  He nodded, but he knew better. Being gay got you fired, got you thrown out, got you in trouble.

  Barton's hand slid behind his head and the man kissed him. Hard. "I won't out you, baby. I promise you that. But I want you to think of my home as a place where you can truly be yourself."

  "I'm in so much trouble with you. You make me want things." Things he knew he shouldn't want.

  "Tell me about the things you want. Tell me what you need."

  "I can't." He wanted to touch and be touched, he wanted to know how to make that heat in Barton's eyes.

  "Why not? I won't judge you, baby."

  "I'm ashamed."

  Barton shook his head. "No. There is no shame here."

  He wished. Kendall was so fucking confused and he wanted to just scream with it.

  "Well, I want to do a lot of things to you," Barton told him. "And I'm not ashamed of a single one of them."

  "Not one?" How much more did Barton want to do?

  "Not one." Barton leaned in again and brought their mouths together, tongue slipping in to touch his.

  Kendall shook, leaned in, and kissed him back, desperate for contact. Deepening the kiss, Barton cupped his head, fingers warm and solid as they held him. He wanted to feel this, wanted to know everything, now. The kiss went on, Barton pulling him from his chair to his knees and drawing him in between Barton's legs. That changed the angle of everything, had him tilted and pushing up into the caress.

  One of Barton's hands slipped down to rub over his nipples, stroking them through his T-shirt. Oh. Oh, they were sensitive, tingling. Hard. Barton pinched the left one, the pain sudden and sharp and it went straight to his cock like they were attached by a live wire. His eyes went wide, his thoughts fleeing from his head. Barton pinched the other one, too, then pushed a hand up under his shirt and gently touched the tips, making his balls ache, and his cock push hard against his zipper.

  "What... We shouldn't." He wanted to, though. He really did.

  "I told you that you don't have to hide here. It's safe." Barton pulled his shirt up over his head, then began touching him again, fingers leaving delicious trails everywhere they touched.

  "I..." Oh. Oh, he couldn't breathe.

  "Shh. This is good."

  It wasn't good. It was huge. Desperate. Needy. And it only got bigger when Barton began kissing him again, tongue plundering his mouth. Oh, God. God, yes. Please. The kisses continued, Barton wrapping a hand around him and dragging him in closer, Barton's hard prick pressing against his belly.

  Barton's free hand stayed between them, working his nipples, making him insane.

  "Take your prick out," Barton ordered, voice deep, rough.

  "Here? At the table?" Despite his words, his hand was already moving to free his cock.

  "That's right, baby. Right here at the table."

  His mouth was dry and he pulled out his cock, hiding it under his hands. Barton didn't let him keep them there. Barton pushed his hands away, wrapping Barton's own around Kendall's needy cock.

  He arched, ass cheeks tensing. Oh, fuck.

  "So hot," murmured Barton. "Like a fire in my hand."

  His entire body ached, cock sliding on Barton's palm. Up and down, Barton tugged on him, making a shudder go through his entire body.

  "There are so many games we can play, Ken. Things you haven't even imagined." The words sounded like a promise.

  Humming, Barton pressed against the tip of his cock, rubbing and making him ache at the same time that his nipple was tugged. Kendall cried out, arched, almost overbalancing.

  Wrapping an arm around him, Barton kept him from falling. "I've got you."

  "Sorry. Sorry." He was out of his mind.

  "You don't need to apologize, baby. There is no wrong here." As if to prove his point, Barton
pressed against his slit, his other hand smacking Ken's ass.

  "What?" Oh. Oh, God. His cock jerked in Barton's hand.

  "That's it, baby, you just enjoy it all."

  "I... Fuck." He couldn't do this.

  "No thinking." Barton's hand felt so good on his cock.

  "I..." He had to. When he didn't think... Oh, God.

  Barton's mouth covered his, the connection making everything but Barton and him disappear.

  Maddening. This was maddening and Kendall moaned, almost whining with the pleasure. Barton's hand continued to move on him, sometimes just stroking, sometimes playing with his slit or bumping his balls with a finger or two on the downstroke. All the sensations together made him nuts.

  "You going to come for me, baby? Let me feel and smell you?"

  "Oh, God. Oh, God, please."

  Nodding, Barton increased the strength and speed of his strokes and Kendall twisted, trying his damnedest not to lose it. Barton wasn't helping, touches pushing him closer and closer to the edge. His balls drew up, hips jerking restlessly.

  "Come on," whispered Barton. "Give it to me." Then Barton bit his earlobe.

  Seed poured out of him in waves, spurting from his cock.

  Barton kept stroking, palms sliding slickly along his prick now. "Fucking love the way you smell, baby."

  Oh, fucking hell. Kendall was lost. Screwed. Something. Every touch to his sensitive cock made him whimper. And he wasn't going down. Like at all. Barton's touch and the feeling of Barton's breath against his face enough to keep it all up and eager.

  "I never." Not once.

  "You never what, baby?"

  "I just jack off and it goes down."

  "Well, yeah, but that's usual, boring. And you're not as motivated as I am." Barton gave him another hard stroke.

  Kendall jerked, almost lost his balance, swaying dangerously on his knees.

  "Careful, baby." Barton's arm went around him, steadying him. "We don't want you wearing bruises I haven't given you."

  "Sorry. Sorry." He felt dizzy, like he was swimming in molasses.

  Barton's fingers slid away from his prick to cup his face, rubbing come into his right cheek. He was given a long, slow kiss. It was insanity. Wonderful, dangerous, amazing insanity.

  "I want to take you to bed," Barton whispered against his lips.

  "Okay." He thought about dessert, about heading out before he got in deeper, but... "Okay."

  "I was hoping you'd say that." Barton ended the words with another hard kiss. "Love kissing you."

  "Never knew what the big deal was."

  "And do you know now?" Barton asked.

  Kendall nodded. Oh, yes. Kissing was...fascinating.

  Barton smiled widely for him.

  They got to their feet, Barton helping him up off his knees and it was Barton who did up the top button on his jeans so they didn't fall down, but they left his shirt behind as they went upstairs, Barton's hand resting on his ass.

  "Should I clean up?"

  "I have a housekeeper twice a week. Come upstairs." Barton swatted his ass, hurrying him along.

  "You shouldn't spank." His ass tingled.

  "Why on earth not?" Barton rubbed where he'd hit, making the tingles increase.

  "Because!" Did there need to be a why? It was spanking.

  Laughing at his answer, Barton swatted him again. "If it feels good--do it!"

  "Stop it." That made him...unnerved.

  "Why?" They got to the top of the stairs and Barton turned, walking backward and watching him.

  It took a moment for his reply to come to him, to make it out of his mouth. "Because, that's bad."

  "Says who?" Barton grabbed his hands and tugged him the last few feet.

  "Everybody." Duh.

  That made Barton snort. "You've taken a poll, have you?"

  He shrugged, a little stung. He couldn't be any more weird and fucked up. He couldn't.

  Barton stopped and cupped his cheeks. "Oh, baby, I was teasing you. And trying to make a point."

  "I don't want to be a freak."

  "You're not a freak. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are."

  "I try not to give anyone a reason." He tried not to be noticed. It made life easier.

  "You need to not care what they say. You're a good man, Ken, a strong man. A sexy man."

  What was he supposed to say to that?

  Barton didn't ask him to say anything, though, instead Barton tugged him close and brought their mouths together. The kiss started light, but grew deeper by the second. He let himself relax into it, humming softly. Tongue stroking his lips, Barton licked into his mouth, bringing with him the flavor of meat and man mixed together.

  Barton's free hand brushed his ass, teasing and caressing gently. Then that button on his jeans was tugged open again and the material slipped off his hips to bunch up around his ankles. His briefs went next, his cock bobbing and hard in front of him.

  Barton pulled out of the kiss and stood back, looking him up and down. And Barton was licking his lips like he was a full-course meal. Kendall's hands immediately covered his cock, hiding it.

  "Baby, please. You've got a gorgeous prick."

  His cheeks were on fire.

  Barton took his hands, bringing his arms out to his sides. "Mmm. Yeah, that's a thing of wet dreams."

  "Barton!" He had to laugh, because Barton looked so hungry.

  Barton just grinned at him and went to his knees, slurping Kendall's cock in noisily.

  "What?" His body knew what, hips arching forward.

  Barton didn't waste any breath answering him, simply kept sucking on him.

  "I... I... This... You... God." He moved, hips restless and needy.

  Barton grabbed hold of his ass and encouraged him to thrust. He shook his head, then his body took over, knowing just what to do. Barton hummed around his prick, sending vibrations along it and to his balls. They drew up tight, aching, and he couldn't come again. He couldn't.

  Slipping one hand between his legs, Barton jostled his balls, then rubbed the strip of skin behind them.

  Kendall sobbed, coming so hard it hurt.

  Barton drank him down like he was the finest wine. His legs were shaking, his knees barely holding them. Barton stood and caught him up in a hug, the man's clothes rough against his skin. He cried out when his nipples, the tip of his cock touched.

  "I've got you," murmured Barton.

  "I can't... It's all so big." Kendall couldn't process it.

  "Don't think about it--just enjoy it."

  "Everything aches. Is that normal?"

  "Is it a good ache?" Barton asked.

  "I don't know."

  "I bet it is. I bet your balls are aching from pleasure and your skin is so sensitive you almost can't stand it." The things Barton said.

  Kendall caught himself nodding, half crazed.

  "Good." Barton was kissing him again, and he felt like he was drowning. He couldn't feel anything else. Not one thing.

  Barton drew him down onto the bed, lying him out and pressing down on top of him. He shook and shivered, trying to be calm, relaxed, easy in his skin. Barton kept kissing him and touching him like he was fascinating. Every time the man touched his cock, his nipples, he pulled away. It didn't stop Barton, not for a moment.

  "I can't..." He couldn't anything.

  "Sure you can, baby." Barton traced Kendall's right nipple with the tip of his very hot, wet tongue.

  Kendall groaned, gritting his teeth.

  "You could make me crazy right back," murmured Barton.

  Kendall pushed up, mouth fastening on Barton's shoulder.

  Barton moaned softly for him. "That's it, baby. Don't be shy."

  His mouth moved to Barton's throat, tasting the skin. This time Barton's moan vibrated against his lips. It also distracted those fingers, stopped the maddening pinches.

  Barton rolled them, pulling him up and over so he was on a mattress of all those muscles. His hips pushed forward and hi
s cock dragged on Barton's clothes again. Groaning, Barton bucked up against him, rubbing against his cock. He tugged at Barton's belt, pulling hard.

  "Want me naked, baby?"

  "Yes." He didn't want the rasp of the fabric.

  Grinning, Barton started helping him with the getting naked thing. When he had Barton naked, he relaxed down, groaning at the sensation. Barton's legs spread on either side of his thighs, cradling him between them. His cock touched Barton's, caressed it.

  "Ken!" Barton pushed up into his touch.

  "Uh-huh." It was amazingly hot, to get this reaction from an amazing, experienced man.

  "Don't stop."

  "Okay." He stayed close, body sliding and rubbing on Barton's.

  One of Barton's hands wrapped around his ass cheek, holding on. They found a rhythm, rocking and rubbing together.

  "Love your body. Love all these muscles. Love the way you need." Barton's words were low, rumbling through him as they moved.

  It was only their second...meeting. Could Barton feel that way already?

  One of Barton's legs wrapped around the backs of his thighs, pulling him in harder. The heat was delicious, and he cried out, lips dropping on Barton's. Barton sucked his tongue right into the hot mouth, pulling on it rhythmically. There was no way his balls were going to survive tonight. No way.

  Barton's fingers drifted back to his chest, pinching his left nipple. He cried out in surprise, the sound pushing into Barton's mouth. Barton bucked up against him at his cry, and tugged at his other nipple, then twisted it. He shook his head, over and over, just lost, hips jerking furiously.

  Rolling them again, Barton put him beneath the strong body. He found out why a moment later, Barton's mouth closing over his right nipple, suction strong, wicked.

  "Oh, God!" He convulsed, struggling, screaming.

  Barton's teeth grazed his nipple, then let go, but only so the man could suck his left tit.

  "Stop. Stop. It's so big."

  Barton shook his head, Kendall's nipple still in his mouth, tugging. Kendall grabbed Barton's head, trying to regain some control. The only thing he regained was another bite, Barton's teeth scraping over his flesh.

  "No!" He groaned, world spinning about him. "Barton, please. I..."

  Barton drew slowly off his nipple, tugging it all the while until it slipped completely from between Barton's lips. "You what, baby?"


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