Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key)

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Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key) Page 21

by J. D. Hollyfield

  My dad? Oh no! I remember now. “Where is he? What have you done?”

  She shrugs. “Nothing he hasn’t done to himself. Offering his life to save yers. It’s a shame ye won’t make it either.” She lifts her hands once again from her dress, revealing the dagger. Oh, not again. I grunt, trying to shift so I can get off the bed, but the pain in my side is so fierce. I scream in agony, causing my body to stiffen.

  “You won’t get away with this. They are going to know it’s you. And you’ll have nothing. Locke will know and he will never want you.”

  “We shall see about that. Stay gone this time, alright?” She makes it to the bed, now hovering over me. As she lifts the dagger in preparation to slice and dice me, I notice the shadow behind her. A vase is brought just above her head, and as it makes contact with her skull, the vase shatters and along with the broken pieces, Farah’s now unconscious body falls to the floor.

  “Oh that bloody tramp!” Ellie yells, standing over Farah’s still body. “Miss, are ye all right? Did she hurt ye?” Ellie looks frantic. Farah grunts, and Ellie shockingly, offers her a strong kick to the stomach.

  “Jesus, Ellie,” I groan, totally shocked by her aggressive behavior. I try and sit up to get a good look at Farah, but my body won’t allow for it. “I needed to tell you it was her. She was the one who attacked me.”

  “I know. I had my suspicions. I must go find Locke. I saw her sneak into his room once I left. Oh dear, he is going to have my head for leaving ye unattended!” She starts to panic.

  “Ellie, it’ll be fine, please find him. I need him.” Since Ellie is on the verge of losing it, and is clearly distressed on leaving me alone again, she makes it to the door and instead of fetching him, she begins screaming her bloody head off.

  There is immediate commotion outside and the door is quickly flung open, all eyes on me. “What? What is it?” I see Locke, almost naked, running into the room. He stops instantly when he sees me. Then he takes notice of the unconscious body on the floor.

  Just seeing him again causes my emotions to overflow. I want to tell him so many things right now, but instead I begin to cry. He runs over to the bed, blanketing his warm body over mine. Bringing his hands around my face, “Please tell me ye are awake and this isn’t a dream.” He bends down placing his lips over mine. Pulling away, he catches my eyes again, using his thumb to wipe away my tears.

  “Are ye in pain? Can ye speak?”

  I open my mouth to say something but my lip begins to quiver. So many emotions are flowing through me; I don’t know where to begin. But then we hear a groan coming from the floor and Locke turns into attack mode. He jumps off me as Farah begins to regain consciousness. It’s when she begins to stand that Locke brings his fingers around her neck, lifting her into the air. Slamming her back against the wall, he looks murderous. Everyone in the room surrounds us, unsure what to do.

  “How dare ye betray me and my trust.” His words are lethal, his tone chilling.

  “Locke, I love ye. I did this for us. She wasn’t meant to be yer queen. It was supposed to be us!” As she finishes her sentence, Locke roars, rattling the fixtures from their hooks.

  “She was and will always be my QUEEN!”

  “Locke, no…” she chokes out, the hold he has on her tightening.

  “Ye are dead to me and this village. And soon, for what ye have done, will be dead in this world.” She begins kicking, Locke cutting off her oxygen. His eyes are blazing. I reach out just enough to brush my fingers along his side that he snaps out of his craze to look at me.

  “She isn’t worth it. Please.” I don’t have any more strength, but it seems to do the trick.

  He nods and turns back to Farah and with one last stare; he releases her as she drops to the floor. Turning to his men. “I want her taken to the cellar. Jail her with nothing until I give ye further orders. Get her out of here. NOW!”

  His men scurry to grab for Farah. She fights and screams, yelling for Locke and screaming her love for him. Locke ignores her, trying to block me from any further injury. Turning to me, he brushes the hair away from my cheek and I allow my eyes to drift closed.

  “No, please. Don’t shut those beautiful eyes again. I cannot take it.”

  I open them to see a look on Locke’s face I have never seen before. He appears broken, almost defeated.

  “Are you okay?” I ask him, as if I’m not the one with stab wounds in my side.

  Locke begins to laugh, shaking his head at me. “Ye are the one fighting for yer life and ye ask me if I am okay? Yes. I am now that ye are awake.” He brushes his fingers gently down my cheek, guilt in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m so bloody sorry for what I said. I was angry. But I should have believed ye. I will never forgive myself for what I have done.”

  He bends his head down in shame. I lift my arm as best I can, without causing intense pain, and I cup his cheek. “You don’t need to be sorry. I understand.”

  His head lifts in shock at my words. “Ye cannot mean that. I need to be sorry for so many things. What I said. What I caused. I trusted someone, who almost caused me to lose ye. My life would not have gone on if I knew that it would have resulted in losing ye.”

  “But you didn’t lose me. I’m here.”

  “And by God, this time I am never letting ye go.”

  I’m slow moving but able to get out of bed on my own. Everyone continues to fuss over me, including Locke, but I threaten and swear any chance I get that I’m fine. My dad has to return home today and I refuse to be held up in my bed.

  With Ellie’s help, I dress in a sheer-patterned tea gown, with a soft sash to cover my shoulders. The corset rubs against my still healing wounds, but I refuse to let that stop me from looking my best. I hear the thunder sound, which means the door has already been summoned.

  “What? Why have they summoned it so early? I’m not even ready!” I cry, grabbing for my dress and running out of my room.

  Ellie is behind me, trying to keep up. “Miss, ye will strain the stitches, please, slow down.” I can barely even hear her. The thought that my time with my dad is so short has me in a state of panic. Fighting not to cry before I even see him, I view them in the short distance, a small group crowded around him. Locke is standing next to him, along with Greta, William, and Faith.

  When I was able to speak without breaking down, they finally explained to me what had happened. How my dad had found me. How it took some time, but thankfully he realized what had happened and brought me back to Wren. He saved my life. He also risked losing his. As thankful as Locke was for bringing me home, it still didn’t cancel out all the hurt and pain my dad caused. He wasn’t sentenced to death or anything, but from the small-talk of the maids, it was said that my dad took a not so nice beating from Locke.

  I only started talking to him yesterday, because he broke down and confessed that he needed to make my dad feel the pain he felt every day he was without me. That he didn’t start feeling alive inside until I returned back into his life. He was lucky I was such a sucker for his sappy words, so I allowed him to show me how sorry he was. And you would be amazed at what someone can do, or how they can bring you complete pleasure, without interfering with a few minor stab wounds.

  Berta wasn’t as forgiving as I was. Dad tried his best to make amends with his mom, but she sure was one stubborn woman. With a scowl the whole time, she cooked him his meals, and talked with him about his children and his wife, but never did she accept his apology or offer him penance. I did hear he hugged her and for a quick moment she hugged him back. I guess sometimes some burnt bridges can’t be fixed. I just hope that Berta doesn’t regret missing out on that opportunity to make peace with her son.

  As I make it to the crowd, they all look my way. I stop as I see my dad smiling sadly at me.

  “Why is the door summoned? I’m not ready. I thought we had more time?” I step up and into my dad’s awaiting arms. I wrap my arms around him as he hugs me tightly to his chest.

  “It’s time fo
r me to go, Addie Bear.” I can’t stop the tears that flow. I begin to cry into his chest.

  “But I’m not ready. I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.” I knew that once my dad walked through that door; I would never see him again. The skeleton key would have finished it’s journey. The moment the door disappeared, so would the key, and the chance to ever enter this realm again.

  Locke didn’t pressure me this time to stay. He asked me. He gave me a choice. I could leave with my dad and live the life I wanted, or I could stay in Wren. With him. It was unthinkable that I was being asked to make this decision: Locke or my family. But in my heart I knew my destiny. So as I cried, I announced that I was going to stay.

  “I will always love ye, baby. Just because we are apart doesn’t mean I will ever stop thinking about what ye are doing. What such greatness ye will blossom into.”

  I pull away, wiping at my soaked face. “I love you, Daddy. Please tell Mom and Liam I love them too. I will always have you in my heart.”

  It’s those words that break my dad. His eyes fill and a tear falls down his face. “Ye are the best thing to ever happen to me, Adeline McAllister. I want ye to always remember that. I know ye will strive and become someone yer family will be so proud of.”

  I can’t say any more. I throw myself back into my dad’s arms and cry. I cry that this will be the last time I ever see my dad again. That I will miss him terribly. I will miss out on seeing my mom healthy. My brother grow up. But in some sad way, I know it’s meant to be this way.

  “It’s time, Addie.” I feel Locke’s hand on my shoulder. I pull away, making eye contact with my dad.

  “It’s never forever, okay? We will see each other again in this life. Be safe. Be loved. And be unstoppable. Ye always have been.”

  I nod, trying to force down another breakdown. “I will. I Promise.” Trying to sound brave.

  With that he steps to the side of me and shakes hands with Locke. “Take care of my daughter. I trust that ye will watch over her and keep her healthy and happy.”

  “Every day that my heart beats in this life, she will be loved and cherished. I give ye my word.”

  My father nods. He hugs Faith and William and as he bends down to hug Greta, I watch her whisper something into his ear. He nods and then stands straight. As Locke wraps his arms around me, we all watch as my dad, for the last time, use the skeleton key and walk through the door.

  Just before it closes, he turns and with one final blow to my heart, he waves goodbye.



  “I said, yes!”

  “And I told ye, no!”

  “Well then, you better change your answer!” I yell, throwing the candlestick at his head. If he hasn’t learned by now, he is not going to boss me around. I go for another object but he beats me to it.

  “Ah, ye think yer going to bash my head in? Just to get yer way? I don’t think so, lass.” He takes the candle and tosses it across the room. It knocks over my bouquet from our wedding, taking it to the ground. He knows instantly he’s done wrong, and he sees the tears well up in my eyes.

  “How… how could you do that?” I whimper, my lower lip quivering.

  “Come on now, I didn’t mean to hit that. Ye were trying to go to Greta’s, and ye know ye cannot.”

  “But I WANT to go to Greta’s! She’s my friend!”

  “And she is making ye crazy with all those reality shows she forces ye to watch! Every time ye come home yer babbling about men handing out roses, mob wives, or how I’m going to leave ye for a blasted real house wife, which, may I add, have no idea what any of that is! Yer hormones are out of control and ye are a second away from losing yer blasted mind!”

  I go to swing at him again. Sadly, he catches my arm as if he knew it was coming.


  “Did I just prove my point?”

  “You can’t keep me captive in this castle, Locke! I’ll find a way out! You can’t stop me!”

  “Aye I will. And if ye want out, I can always take ye to the lake.” He grins, his devious smile angering me more.

  “If you even think about throwing me into that lake one more time, I will take your balls and feed them to your horse!” He doesn’t show the fear that I had hoped, but only laughs at me. Since we married and he knocked me up, I have been thrown into the lake more times than I can count on my hands, fingers, and toes.

  I started to learn that it was Locke’s way of, first and foremost, shutting me up, calming me down, or in the one special way, which I will never forget, forcing me to confess.

  Some of you are probably gagging thinking how perfectly our story ended up. But you see, this story wasn’t about insta-love. The prince didn’t snatch up his willing princess, and on the way back to their big, almighty castle confess their love for one another. That only happens in fairy tales. For Locke and me, yeah we shared something. We were bonded by the mark. The two chosen. But that didn’t mean we were instantly in love. I mean maybe we had been. Okay, whatever insta-haters, we totally were! The problem was that neither one of us budged on the topic or admitted it. Two stubborn people waiting for the other one to say it first. Childish. I know. I’m tsking at myself with you.

  I loved Locke and I know he loved me. I sound pretty sure of myself, right? But with Locke, there was no doubt. It’s just that he preferred using actions instead of words. Whether he was taking things slow and cherishing me, or consuming every part of me and making me want to explode, he told me. Just never in words. So therefore, I still refused to say it. I didn’t want to be one of those cliché insta-love stories everyone hated. I also wanted to be sure. But the longer I held out, the more irritable Locke became. He would push me a little further each time, trying to get me to break, but it was him who one day finally snapped. And by snapped, I mean lost it.

  One day, while I was working on lesson plans for Maria, he stormed into the library about ready to murder someone. Concerned something had happened, “What? What’s wrong?” I stood, instantly worried.

  Throwing his hands in the air, “Everything is bloody wrong!”

  “Well, that’s being very specific, Locke. Wanna break it down a bit more for me?”

  Locke grunts, a childish pout covering his face. “This morning, did I not please ye?”

  I stop, trying to understand his question. “Um, we scared Ellie into thinking I was screaming for dear life. I think that is a clear indication you pleased me.”

  “But how did I please ye?” Now I’m giving a peculiar look.

  “Where are you going with this, Locke? Seriously, I’m in the middle of these lesson plans for Maria—”

  “Jesus woman, just SAY IT!”

  “Say what, Locke? What’s gotten into you? Maybe you should go cool off and come back and start over with this conver—”

  He cuts me off by charging at me, and I squeal as he throws me over his shoulder. “Jesus what are you doing? Put me down!”

  “Ye suggested I cool off. I find that to be a grand idea.”

  As I’m slumped over his shoulder, I see suspicious eyes of the castle keep staring at us. “Yeah, I meant leave me where I was and come back later.”

  “No, ye need to cool off, as well.” What is he talking about? Then it suddenly hit me.

  “Locke, put me down.”

  “I plan on it.”

  “No, Locke, put me down NOW!” I see us approaching the lake. “I swear—”

  He tosses me straight into the lake. As I pop my head back above the water, I wipe my now sopping wet hair away from my eyes. You’re gonna—”

  “I LOVE YE.”

  What? “Huh?”

  “I said, I love ye, dammit. Why won’t ye say it to me?”

  “I… I…”

  “I have done everything. Shown ye. And ye won’t say it. Do ye not love me?” he asks, looking completely disheveled. It’s then I begin to laugh. Not just giggle laugh, but all out bellow.

  “What is so funny?” Now he is fuming, wh
ich causes me to laugh even harder. “Oh that’s it,” he barks and takes off his shoes. He whips his shirt over his head, exposing his muscular chest. A squeal escapes me as he dives in. I try and swim away, but his arms wrap around my waist and he brings our wet bodies together. As our noses brush, Locke presses his hard self into me. He grazes his lips slowly against mine and pulls away. “Tell me that ye love me. Or I will go insane. I know ye do. Why are ye torturing me?” His face almost childlike. My heart swells and I lift my arms, wrapping them around his neck.

  “Because I wanted you to say it first. To make sure you loved me. I wanted to know you meant everything you said that day. I needed to make sure it wasn’t out of guilt for what happened to me.”

  “Ah, Addie, I would have never kept ye out of guilt. I have loved ye my whole life. I just didn’t understand it. Sometimes there aren’t words to explain people like us. The special bond we share. I know love is the proper word, but it just feels like more. I want to tell ye I feel more than just love. I just don’t know how.”

  How does a man so rough on the outside have such tender words? Such power over me and my heart? I lean in and press my lips to his. As I release them, I offer him my full attention, staring into his eyes.

  “I’ve always loved you. Since the first time my dad spoke of you, I knew it. That feeling never faded, and the older I got, the more attached I became to a man who I dreamt about. The one who would one day, come for me. And you did.”

  “Don’t ever leave me again, Addie. I am scared out of my mind ye will get sick of my moods and want to go home. I fear the day. Because I won’t be able to go on without ye.”

  Tears instantly well up in my eyes. After everything, I could never think about leaving him. I made a choice that day. I knew, no matter the sadness I would live with for not being able to see my family again, I knew it was the right decision. I knew Locke was my future. My forever. My destiny.

  “I promise I will never leave you. Unless…” I pause, causing a look of panic on his face.


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