“I was doing my job, Kelly.”
“So, doing your job gives you the right to deceive someone you claim to love? I don’t know if I want to join the force if it means deceiving and lying to the people I love.”
Join the force? Did I just hear her say she doesn’t know if she wants to join the force? Kevin and Dante thought at the exact same time.
“You played a major part in my brother’s arrest and incarceration, and we can’t forget about your part in Buddah’s arrest and incarceration. Who’s next, Dante, me?” Kelly asked angrily.
Dante understood Kelly’s anger. He could see that she really did need some time to get her thoughts together. And as much as it killed him, he was going to have to let her be who she thought she was until she believed in herself to be who she was truly meant to be.
Kelly went back into her apartment and into her bedroom. She laid on her bed and cried. Seeing Dante was too much for her. It didn’t matter to her now what he had done in the past. She missed him so much that her heart was literally aching. She could tell he had been drinking; she could smell it on his breath. Kelly knew that he was hurting just as much if not more than she was.
“I guess you know what time it is, huh, dawg?” Kevin asked Dante. He was glad that his sister made the right choice.
“Yeah, dawg, I know exactly what time it is, and you better know too,” Dante told him, as he and Deborah left the way they came, through the staircase door.
Chapter 12
“I just wanna hold you in my arms, can I do that?” Dante asked.
“Yes, please, baby, please hold me.” Kelly needed to feel his strength around her. She needed his power to seep into her soul so that she could embody the strength and power that she was going to need to tell her brother that she was going to quit the drug game and become a police officer.
The day Dante left Kelly’s apartment he had taken her heart with him and she hadn’t been the same. A piece of her was missing and as soon as she had a free day she drove out to Dante’s house and used the key that she had never returned. The very moment she saw him she felt whole and she knew that there would be no turning back. The moment he saw her he knew that his prayers had been answered and that he served an awesome God.
They held each other tightly as they lay naked in his bed. Dante was so thankful for Kelly having the guts to do what her heart was calling her to do. He knew what she was made out of. He had always known. Dante released Kelly from his grip and looked into her eyes. He had missed her so. He allowed his lips to feel the tenderness of her silky skin as he ran them across her neck. He rested his head and placed it on her shoulder and looked up at her.
“I love you, Kelly Morgan.”
“I love you too, Dante Evans.”
“I’ve been waiting for you,” he told her, seductively.
Dante engulfed her in his arms and kissed her deeply. He slid his caramel body on top of her. His dick got hard instantly. Kelly smiled. She liked the way his dick responded to her presence. She parted her legs so that he could slide on in. Dante slid his hand down and played with her clit before he entered her.
“Oh, yes, I missed you, baby,” she told him. She was getting wetter and wetter by each stroke of his finger.
He dipped his finger inside of her wet pussy and slid it in and out a couple of times.
“Stop teasing me. Give me my dick,” she told him.
Dante did as his lady asked. Placing his hot dick in Kelly was like placing his arm in the sleeve of a shirt that had just come out of the dryer. He loved the warm sensation. Damn, her pussy is nice and wet, wet, warm, and wonderful, he thought. His body moved up and down and his dick moved in and out of her love. Kelly hadn’t been with anyone else sexually. She didn’t want to be. It would have been futile. Dante was the best. And she was in complete ecstasy.
“Yes, oh yes, give me my dick,” she panted.
Dante rammed his dick up in her. He wanted to make sure that she was getting all of the dick that she needed. He ran his hands from her head to her neck to her arms to her waist as he grabbed her ass and skillfully made love to her.
“Aah, ahh, I love you, Dante. I love you baby,” she said as her body jerked uncontrollably.
Dante sped up his strokes and dug his finger in her asshole and enjoyed the sensation as she came all over his dick. His cum came in waves like that of an ocean at high tide. He then guided himself to glory as his dick exploded with liquid and flooded her pussy even more.
“Oh my God, Kelly,” Dante said.
She giggled. She felt the same way. Their lovemaking was soul-stirring. They lay together in each other’s arms, smiling. Neither one of them had ever felt so good. Kelly wished the feeling could last forever, but she knew she had to get back to Colonial. Even though it was her day off, Kevin was bugging more than ever since Dante had showed up at the apartment. He was convinced that if Dante could get past Leek and Rich any other cop could too.
“I gotta get ready to go,” Kelly told him regretfully.
“Aw, come on, Kelly, you just got here,” he pleaded.
“I know, baby, but you’ve seen how crazy Kevin is. Ever since he saw you, he’s been even crazier. I have to keep things cool around there.”
“Kelly you’d better convince your brother to cool out around there, period. You know they’ve been watching all that shit. They’re just letting him dig his own grave by waiting to get him on something big. He’s too visible. He’s not operating in a smart manner at all.”
Kelly knew that Dante was right. She appreciated the fact that he had tipped her off about them watching her brother, although she already knew, it was nice to know that he was on her side.
“Dante, this whole thing with my brother is a big headache. I’ve been telling him to stop pumping in Colonial. He won’t listen to me,” she said. “I’m ready to get on a fuckin’ plane and just be out.”
“Running away isn’t going to solve anything. The only place you need to be running is on the track when you start training in two weeks at the academy.”
“You know, I’m really excited about that,” Kelly told him, smiling. She was extremely excited. She just didn’t know how she was going to get her baby brother to digest the information.
“You promise to come back as soon as you can?” he asked her.
“I promise,” she said, as she kissed him and left his bed.
Kelly had made it back to the hood. It was almost eight in the evening. She saw the usual people doing the usual things. A couple of niggas were getting their hair braided by some hood chicks on the bench in front of the building. Leek was in front of the building with his headset in place, playing dice with a couple of the neighborhood heads.
“Leek,” Kelly called.
Leek stopped what he was doing and came over to check Kelly.
“What’s good, Kelly? You enjoying your day off?”
“I guess, if that’s what you call it. Nigga, you out here playin’ games and you supposed to be lookin’ out.”
“I got this shit, Kelly. You ain’t the only one who can cover the front.”
“Man, Leek, fuck the front, our front, back and sides need to be covered out this muthafucka. Where’s my brother at?”
“Where is he always at?”
Kelly knew the answer to her question. She went up to her apartment, but before she went to her door, she went to Dora’s apartment and rang her bell. It took a while for her to come to the door, but she finally did.
“What the hell do you want?” Dora asked her.
Kelly pushed passed her and went into her apartment. She couldn’t take the chance of her brother hearing or seeing what she was about to do.
“Here,” she told Dora, handing her an envelope.
Dora looked in the envelope and saw more money than she had ever seen in her life. Her immediate thought was the amount of crack she could buy. She was getting ready to shit all on herself thinking of how high she was going to be able to g
“Now look here, bitch, I’m puttin’ this shit in your crackhead-ass hands. There’s five thousand dollars in there and I’m telling Buddah that I gave it to you. If for some reason you don’t get this shit to his lawyer for him to get a bond, that’s your ass. You’d better smoke your ass into an overdose if I have to come see you for my fuckin’ money, Dora, so do the right thing and go get your dick out of jail.”
Kelly looked both ways before she left Dora’s apartment to go back into her own. She wanted to make sure no one saw her, especially Kevin. If he knew that she was helping to get Buddah out of jail he would surely lose it. She knew she was taking a huge chance putting the money in Dora’s hands, but Kelly knew deep down that Dora loved Buddah and she was going to take that money—at least most of it—straight to the lawyer to try to get him a bond.
Walking toward the back of her apartment, she heard sounds coming from Kevin’s room. The moans and groans were more than Kelly wanted to hear. He was in her crib fucking some chick and she didn’t even fuck niggas in her own crib. That was it! He was disrespecting her space and she was tired of it. The operation had to come to an end and Kevin had to take his ass elsewhere and live and be the grown man that he was.
Listening a little more closely, Kelly realized she recognized the female’s voice. She was trying to make out what they were saying, but they sounded like Waka Flaka to her so she couldn’t understand a word of what they were saying with the door closed. Kevin’s bedroom door flew open and Kelly confirmed her suspicion of who the trick bitch was that her brother had just bagged.
“You know, you’s a trifling bitch,” Kelly told Laquisha. “You gon’ tell Buddah some snake-ass shit about me being a snitch, and then you come in my muthafuckin’ crib and fuck my brother wit’ ya’ ho ass? Kevin you betta not give this trick-ass ho no fuckin’ money. Get the fuck out my crib, bitch.”
Kelly charged at Laquisha. Laquisha wasn’t fully dressed, but that didn’t matter when a bitch was coming at your head. Kelly’s fist landed in Laquisha’s face. She reached for Kelly’s signature ponytail and pulled it, trying to get a face hit of her own. Kevin wasn’t having it. He grabbed Laquisha by the waist to get her off of his sister.
“Fuck that bitch, let her go,” Kelly said, wanting to get some more of her.
“Kelly,” Kevin yelled.
“What?” she yelled back.
“Stop, we got too much to lose,” he told her.
“Then why you got this thieving-ass bitch up in my crib if we got so much to lose? You fuckin’ up. Out of all the bitches you could fuck, why her? This bitch got five kids working on ten and what, you want to be on Maury seeing if you one of her fuckin’ baby daddies? This bitch is a baby-maker. I hope you had a rubber on.”
Kelly didn’t want to say too much in front of Laquisha. She just wanted the bitch out of her crib. She knew that Laquisha didn’t mean her any good and she didn’t want her around any longer. Laquisha had managed to get all of her clothes back on. She didn’t care what Kelly was saying about her; she had just fucked the nigga that was getting all the paper in the hood and that was a notch in her hood belt.
“Get her the fuck out of here, Kevin,” Kelly told him as she straightened herself out.
“Ay, yo, I’ll holla at you,” Kevin told Laquisha as he walked her to the door.
Kevin quickly came back into his room where his sister was still standing.
“You know I just don’t know about you, yo. On one hand you’re one of the smartest brothers I know, then on the other hand you’re the dumbest muthafucka I know,” Kelly said.
“A nigga just wanted some pussy, man,” he admitted.
“Pussy has been a lot of niggas’ downfall. And I bet when they think about it, the pussy wasn’t even worth it,” Kelly said. “Why that bitch? You already know she ain’t shit. Why the fuck you ain’t go to a hotel? It ain’t like you don’t have the money. She’s a snake bitch. You talkin’ about me and Dante—”
“You and who? Oh, so you been fuckin’ wit’ that stickin’-ass pig again; that’s why you been actin’ all strange lately. So now what, Kelly, you gonna choose that pig over your own brother?”
“You know what, Kevin, he’s a pig and you’re a dog, what’s the difference, is one better than the other?”
“Kelly, I’m your blood.”
“Kevin, you’re getting ready to land your ass right back in jail and you don’t even see it. Fuck who I’m sleeping with.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Dante said the police have been watching everything and that they’re just waiting for the right time to bust this shit open. I told you before that we needed to calm Colonial down. It’s just too fuckin’ hot.”
Kevin took in the information that his sister had given him. He wasn’t trying to go back to jail. Maybe it was time that he shut it down and move everything out to Brooklyn where nobody was on the radar.
“So this muthafucka is gonna try to take me down again?”
“Kevin, Dante is not on a mission to fuck wit’ you. He just told me what he knew to tip us off. And he didn’t have to do that.”
“Man, fuck that nigga. I’ll kill that nigga!”
“Kill him for what, for trying to keep you out of jail?”
Kevin looked at his sister as she broke it down to him. He had to admit she wasn’t the same woman he had left behind before he went in to do his bid. The Kelly he left behind was an eager chick, a ride-or-die chick, who went hard in the streets for whatever her heart desired. She didn’t think about tomorrow, she was satisfied with ballin’ out for the day and then if tomorrow came she would figure out how to do it all over again. The Kelly he was looking at now was still a ride-or-die chick, but he could tell that she cared very much about her future, and his.
“So what the fuck, we just gon’ shut it down, just like that?” Kevin asked.
Kelly’s look said it all. Hell yeah, they were going to shut it down, just like that.
After arguing with her brother, she went into her bedroom and called Dante back.
“Hey, it’s me,” she said, flustered.
“Hey baby is everything okay?” Dante asked. He was really concerned about her.
“Yeah, I’m good, but there’s been a change in plans, I’ve got some things that I have to handle before I come back out there, so don’t wait up.”
“Kelly, I know you, you’re about to go and get yourself into something crazy.”
“You want me to be a cop, right?”
She knew that would shut him up.
“Of course I do, baby, you know that, but I want you to want it too.”
“I do want it. I want it very badly, but I have to bring this life to an end if I want my new life to begin.”
Dante couldn’t argue with that and he didn’t.
“Do what you have to, Kelly. But if I don’t see you or hear from you within a week, I’ll be coming to Colonial to look for you. You have a class to start.”
Kelly couldn’t argue with him and she didn’t. He had given her a week. She hoped that was enough time. She knew that he would do just what he said and she didn’t want Dante back in Colonial.
“I know I didn’t just hear you tell this muthafucka that you want to be a pig?” Kevin asked in dismay.
“Yes, I want to be a police officer, Kevin; a devil, a pig, all of the above. It’s what I want.”
“This nigga got you all fucked up. He must have really put it on yo’ ass,” Kevin said, laughing on the outside, but on the inside there was nothing funny. He was losing his money-making turf and his sister.
“Kevin, I’m just not fuckin’ with this shit anymore. It’s not worth the risk. The money was good while it lasted. We can do some things with it to legalize this shit and keep it moving. It’s time for you to decide what you wanna to do with your life, besides grind, because that’s only going to land you back behind bars eventually, and you know it,” Kelly told her brother.
In his
heart of hearts, Kevin knew that his sister was right, but he didn’t know of any profession that would lace his pockets with the type of money he was making. He was a felon. He couldn’t run get a job, like she could so his choices were a little different but he was going to make it a point of trying to figure something out. Secretly, he admired his sister for having the balls to want something more out of life than what the hood had to offer her. In the meantime, he had to figure out the best way to ease up out of Colonial.
Three days had gone by. Kelly had called Dante to let him know that she was wrapping things up in Colonial and that her brother didn’t give her as much of a fight as she thought he would. Dante was glad to hear that. He saw something in Kevin’s eyes the night they stood face-to-face. He didn’t quite know what it was then, but now he could see that Kevin had matured in his time away. The Kevin he accosted five years before wouldn’t have hesitated to pull the trigger when he saw Dante at his door.
“I’m going downstairs to finalize some shit with the boys,” Kevin told Kelly.
“A’ight, don’t be fuckin’ around with them too long, Kevin. You got shit you need to pack up too.”
Kelly began packing up her clothes. She had no idea how she was going to get all of her shoes out of there. Dante had asked her to move in with him and she readily accepted. Kelly was in a majestic mood. She was ready to start training at the Police Academy. Living with Dante would only give her more insight on the life of a police officer and she welcomed the opportunity, not to mention she would be up close and personal with the man who possessed the best dick and head she had ever had. It just didn’t get any better than that.
Kevin had made arrangements to go back to Brooklyn and live with Rayvon until he got his own place. He was still fresh on the scene from prison and since he had been held up in Colonial the whole time, he wasn’t sure of where he really wanted to live, so until he made a solid decision: he and Rayvon would be roommates. Rayvon wasn’t trying to quit grinding quite yet and Kevin wasn’t either, but he was old enough to make his own decisions. Kelly told him he would have to live with the choices he made.
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