Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story Page 51

by Cross, Lindsay

  “Yep.” Ranger led, the two brothers moving down the dirt road with sure feet. They’d been down here often enough as teenagers seeking a place to do some necking with a girl. The road curved on to the right, and if you followed, it would lead to an old hunting club. The other option was the boat ramp, which led straight down to the river. Amy and Shane had headed that way, so they would follow.

  Ranger stopped at the top of the ramp. He saw two figures standing at the edge of the water. That was it. “What the hell are they doing?”

  “Beats me. Maybe going for a late night swim?”

  Ranger shot his brother a killer glare and refocused on Amy. She seemed to be bending at the waist and holding her stomach. Had Shane hurt her?

  A sound drew his attention. “That’s a boat engine.”

  “Sure is. Team two, you got eyes on that boat?”

  “Roger. Merc’s locking in now. Hold.” Riser answered.

  “Who in the holy hell would know he was home? Have you told anyone?” Ranger asked.

  “Hell, no. No one has.”

  “Shit. Mavis came over this morning with Darla and her camera man. Then Cord showed up. They each saw Shane.” Ranger recalled the scene. The morning’s drama had left him wrung out.

  “Never seen Mavis on a boat, and that twit Darla wouldn’t know how to drive one.” Hunter pulled his rifle and sighted down the scope. “Can’t see a damn thing in this dark.”

  “Come on.” Ranger crept forward, pistol raised and aimed at Shane. He didn’t know who was on the boat, but right now the biggest threat was the man standing next to his woman.

  They got within twenty feet when Merc spoke. “Son of a bitch. It’s Brown.”

  Ranger and Hunter shared a look of surprise.

  Chapter 39

  “Who is that?” Amy wheezed out the words, the pain in her ribs unbearable now. She kept flickering between some sort of strange haze, walking the edge of conscious and back to her harsh reality.

  “That is the man who will help me fulfill my destiny.” Amy didn’t even cut a glance in her husband’s direction. All the way here, he’d talked about his destiny and praise to his savior and what the hell ever else. She’d done her best to tune him out and keep an eye on an escape opportunity.

  Too bad none arose. She could have opened the door and jumped from the truck when they’d slowed to turn off the highway, or on the levee, but her ribs wouldn’t hold up to that. She could have run when he’d put the truck in park at the top of the ramp, but every step she took was pure agony. Her only other rout of escape lay straight ahead, but she didn’t have the strength to fight the currents. “Hope it works out for you.”

  “It will.” Shane stepped forward and raised a hand in greeting. Amy couldn’t make out the man on the boat yet, but he waved in return. No help for her there, then.

  The boat engine cut off and it continued to float forward, stopping just far enough out so that they’d have to swim if they wanted to reach him. “You got it?”

  “Yes. Do you have the package?” Shane asked, his whole body one tight tense wire ready to snap.

  “Yep. But I want to see the payment first. Hold it up.” The man bent down and came up with a flashlight.

  “You move an inch and I’ll kill you.” Shane let go of her arm. Amy stumbled to the side without his support and barely caught herself from pitching into the water. He dug into his bag and pulled out the broken picture frame and held it up.

  The light zeroed in on the prize. The man let out a low whistle. “Alright, I’ll pull closer and throw you a rope. You set that bag down, away from the water.”

  The boat engine started again and he eased forward, pitching the rope when he was close and killing the engine again. Shane pulled him to the side, onto the grass embankment lining the ramp and river. The man hopped down and extended a hand. “Great doing business. The boat’s yours. Head up river a quarter mile, your package is in the barge.”

  He walked to the bag, scooped the straps over his shoulder and headed up the ramp. Amy watching, wondering what had just occurred and wishing the damn moon would come out so she could get a glimpse of the man’s face.

  Shane glanced at the boat and then back at the man. He then reached behind his back and pulled out a pistol. Amy gasped as he took aim at the man walking away. He pulled the trigger. A shot blasted loud like a cannon, and she slapped her hands over her ears and screamed. The man fell flat forward and didn’t move.

  “Oh, my God. What did you do that for?”

  “I can’t leave any witnesses.” Shane strode forward and retrieved the bag. He didn’t even check the man. By the time he returned, Amy was a big ball of shaking fear. “Get in the boat.”


  He grabbed for her arm but she resisted. He had one hand holding his pistol, the other holding his precious bag. “Get in the boat. I’m not telling you again.”

  “Never. I’m not going with you.”

  He slung the bag over his shoulder and made a grab for her, but she stepped back, barely missing his hand.

  “The lady said no.” Another voice, this one heartbreakingly familiar.


  “You okay, baby?” Ranger kept his pistol trained on Shane.

  “Yes. Now that you’re here.” She wanted to run to him. Hurl herself into his arms and never let go.

  “Move another step and she dies.”

  Amy froze as she felt, more than saw, Shane’s gun point in her direction. Ranger stopped, but didn’t drop his gun.

  “Put your gun down. Slowly,” Shane ordered and then he stepped closer to Amy and pulled her in front of him. Shielding his own body.

  “Okay. Anything you want. Don’t hurt her.” Ranger held his hand out and bent at the waist, lowering his gun to the ground.

  Amy wanted to weep. Shane would shoot him now and Ranger would be defenseless. “No, Ranger, don’t do it.”

  “How sweet, the whore pleading for her lover.” Shane’s hot breath touched her neck and Amy wanted to vomit.

  “Don’t listen to him, baby. Look at me. Focus on me.” Ranger spoke as if Shane hadn’t said a word. He held her gaze with his own, silently commanding her to look at him.

  “That’s right, baby, look at him. Watch him die.” Shane raised his arm, his pistol aimed straight at Ranger. Amy tensed, ready to knock his hand down.

  She heard a whizz past her ear, then a thunk. Shane’s arm fell. Amy turned in time to see Shane collapse backwards, a small red hole in the middle of his forehead.

  She gagged and the movement nearly ripped her in half. Ranger was there in an instant, holding her in his arms. “It’s okay baby. He’s gone. He can’t hurt you anymore.”


  “Damn, Merc, good shot.” Hunter appeared from the woods to her left. Merc, followed by Aaron and Riser stepped from the woods at her right.

  Merc didn’t verbally respond, just nodded and crossed his arms over his massive chest.

  “Thank God you’re okay. I should have never left you. Ever.” Ranger squeezed her to him and Amy cried out. Ranger immediately let go, and she almost hit the ground. He swept down and caught her, holding her loose away from his body.

  “What’s wrong?” Ranger’s sweet tone went deadly serious.

  Amy found herself surrounded by four towering men in the next second. “Check her for broken bones.”

  “Gunshot wounds?”

  “I’ve got a first aid kit in the truck.”

  She couldn’t keep up with who was saying what, all she heard was concern, for her. And for the first time since Shane came home, she felt warm. “I’m okay, really. It’s just my side.”

  “Let me see.” Ranger didn’t wait for her response but pulled up her shirt to her ribcage.

  Aaron produced a flashlight and she cringed away, the bright light hurting her eyes. “Son of a bitch.”

  She wanted to glare at Aaron, tell him to put the dang light up, but she knew how bad it looked. “I know i
t looks bad...”

  “That’s not bad. That’s broken,” Riser piped in.

  Amy stuck out her tongue and he just smiled in return. Ranger turned green. Then red. Then purple. Amy felt sorry for him. “Ranger, look at me. I swear, I’ll be okay.”

  Aaron lifted the light to their faces, Ranger’s gaze met hers and then his expression turned black. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Too late,” Merc said.

  Ranger reached a trembling hand to her, skimmed down her face without really touching her. “I’m so sorry. I can never forgive myself for leaving you there, with him.”

  “I asked you to leave,” Amy reminded him and tilted her face into his open palm.

  “I shouldn’t have listened. I’m sorry.” Ranger’s tone was ragged and raspy.

  Amy didn’t want or need it. “If you apologize one more time, we’re through, you hear me?”

  “Sounds like she knows what she wants,” Aaron broke in.

  “It’s Lee Brown.” Hunter approached the group.

  “Are you sure?” Riser said.

  Ranger hadn’t taken his gaze off her.

  “The one and only. What do you think he was doing meeting Shane?” Hunter said from right behind her.

  “I love you,” Ranger said and she couldn’t drag her gaze away.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered in return. The world seemed to rush around her, the lights fading as the adrenaline left her system.

  “Aaron, get that damn kit. Now.” Ranger lowered her to the ground, resting her head in his lap. “It’s okay. We will get you to the hospital.”

  Amy licked her lips, her mouth dry. “Look in his bag.”

  Hunter took off and returned a second later with the bag. He dropped it to the ground and pulled out a black frame, his face a mask of confusion.

  “Keep going.” Amy said and then coughed.

  Hunter dug in and pulled out the right frame this time. He’d shown his flashlight and a cascade of colors reflected back. “The jewels. He had them.”

  “I’ll be damned, that old villager was telling the truth.” Riser said.

  “Shane was crazy. The man that captured him turned him. He was working for someone named Al Seriq.”

  The entire group went silent and stared down at her. Amy tried to discern what they were thinking, but hadn’t a clue. All she knew was, she wanted them to quit.

  “Are you sure he said that name?” Ranger asked.

  “Yes. I remember it very distinctly. And he was supposed to give Brown the jewels in exchange for something.” Fatigue wrapped its comforting arms around her. Amy let her eyes slide shut, just for a minute.

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know, but Brown said it was on a barge a quarter mile up river.” Speaking took all her energy. She didn’t know how much longer she could resist the pull of sweet oblivion.

  “The weapons.” That was definitely Hunter’s voice. “Riser, you and Merc go check it out. I’ll call in support and Ranger and Aaron can get Amy to the hospital.”

  Amy heard footsteps, the boat crank and then Hunter talking on the phone.

  She heard Aaron unzip his first aid bag.

  She heard the crickets and the bullfrogs along the river.

  And then she heard a sound much sweeter than anything she’d ever imagined. “I love you, Amy.”


  Amy stood in the grass at the cemetery, holding Chloe. Ranger stood beside her, holding Arturo’s hand. All of Ranger’s team surrounded them. Hank and Maxine. Hayden. Cheri and Evie. The people Amy considered her family stood behind then as the preacher said the last rites over Pedro’s grave.

  Arturo sniffled and Ranger, without even asking, scooped him up into his arms. After a minute, Artie settled and laid his head down on Ranger’s shoulder. Amy wiped her tears and took Ranger’s hand.

  They stood together, united, one single unit. A few days after Amy came home from the hospital, Sheriff Lawson had come over with the news. He’d found Pedro’s body, a few miles from his house. Apparently, Pedro had made it a lot further than anyone thought possible with the amount of injuries he’d sustained.

  Arturo had been hysterical at first. But each day over the past two weeks, he got a little bit better. Amy and Ranger planned to give him all the love he needed to overcome this terrible loss. Together.

  After the funeral, everyone paid their condolences and left. Everyone but Hoyt and Jared Crowe, who’d gone on a separate mission a few days ago.

  Alone now, Ranger knelt at Arturo’s side and placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder. His big brown eyes seemed to swallow up his whole face. “Arturo, we can come here as often as you like.”

  “Why did you put him here, in this place?”

  Amy sniffled back the fresh wave of tears, shifted Chloe on her shoulder and knelt beside them. “Because, you are my family now. Pedro was my family too. And this is our plot, this is where he belongs.”

  “Do you think he can hear me?”

  “Of course I do. Your papa is up in heaven and he's looking down on you. Watching out for you. He knows what's in your heart.”

  “Is he in heaven with Mr. Shane?” Amy’s heart clinched and she glanced over to Shane's gravestone, right beside Pedro's. The now familiar mixture of anger and sadness welling up inside, thoughts that had left a permanent scar on her soul.

  They had left a scar on Ranger’s too.

  “Yes. He is,” Ranger said. Since Shane’s real death, Ranger hadn’t left her side. He’d tended to her injuries. Taken care of the kids. The house. Everything.

  “I want him back,” Arturo cried out and lunged for Ranger, crying.

  Amy watched the tender way Ranger cupped Artie’s head. The way he rocked side-to-side holding him in his arms. Ranger met her gaze and the look of adoration made her feel strong. She could do this. She could be strong for Arturo. They would be strong together.

  Arturo quieted down some after a few minutes. Amy soothed a hand down his arm as Ranger continued to rock him.

  Ranger rubbed comforting circles over Arturo’s back. “I won’t ever try to replace your father. No one can do that. But I’ll be here for you, just like your dad would want.”

  Amy took Ranger’s free hand and kissed his palm. “We will be here.”

  Ranger’s eyes watered and he cleared his throat before speaking, “That’s right. Nothing will tear us apart. We’re a family now.”


  Want to see what happens next with Jared Crowe? Click here to get his book: Reckless River: Men of Mercy

  They say you can’t go home again. Jared Crowe never wanted to.

  Home meant facing memories of abuse and neglect. Of dark closets and evil nightmares. Of his own relatives intent on killing him. But now his brother’s kidnapping forces him to face those demons. Only this time, Jared isn’t a scared little boy. He’s a full-grown Special Forces operative bent on revenge.

  As a little girl, Sparrow Pickney risked her life to free two abused boys. As a grown woman Sparrow needs to earn a place in her adopted family’s business or be forced into a life of degradation. The chance to prove her family loyalty comes when she catches Jared spying on the compound and captures him.

  When Jared sees his captor, he realizes she’s the girl of his dreams and vows to rescue her from a life of poverty. What Jared doesn’t know is Sparrow may not be the savior he remembers…but the one responsible for abducting and torturing his brother.

  Jared is determined to find the truth. But that truth may be more than his heart can take.

  Click here to get his book: Reckless River: Men of Mercy

  Reckless River: Men of Mercy

  They say you can’t go home again. Jared Crowe never wanted to.

  Home meant facing memories of abuse and neglect. Of dark closets and evil nightmares. Of his own relatives intent on killing him. But now his brother’s kidnapping forces him to face those demons. Only this time, Jared isn’t a scared little boy. He’s a f
ull-grown Special Forces operative bent on revenge.

  As a little girl, Sparrow Pickney risked her life to free two abused boys. As a grown woman Sparrow needs to earn a place in her adopted family’s business or be forced into a life of degradation. The chance to prove her family loyalty comes when she catches Jared spying on the compound and captures him.

  When Jared sees his captor, he realizes she’s the girl of his dreams and vows to rescue her from a life of poverty. What Jared doesn’t know is Sparrow may not be the savior he remembers…but the one responsible for abducting and torturing his brother.

  Jared is determined to find the truth. But that truth may be more than his heart can take.



  A branch of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)

  Ft. Grenada, MS

  MACK GREY: Detachment Commander, Captain

  ♣Recruited from the 75th Ranger Regiment, Ft. Benning, GA

  ♣Specialized Skills: direct action, unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, interrogations specialist, psychological warfare

  ♣First in Command. Responsible for ensuring and maintaining operational readiness.

  ♣Height: 6’

  ♣Weight: 195lbs

  ♣Combat Experience: Operation Gothic Serpent, Somalia. Operation Desert Storm, OIF, Operation Crescent Wind, Operation Rhino, Operation Anaconda, Operation Jacana, Operation Mountain Viper, Operation Eagle Fury, Operation Condor, Operation Summit, Operation Volcano, Operation Achilles

  HUNTER JAMES: Warrant Officer, Detachment Commander

  ♣Recruited from the 75th Ranger Regiment, Ft. Benning, GA

  ♣Specialized Skills: direct action, unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, psychological warfare

  ♣Responsible for overseeing all Team ops. Commands in absence of detachment commander.


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