Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story Page 95

by Cross, Lindsay

  The hood on the old sedan popped up and smoke poured from the engine. The vehicle slowed to a stop. One man jumped out from the driver seat. Hoyt stared through the scope. “Christ, it's the gas station owner.”

  “He's got a kill switch. I think he's loaded.”

  Hoyt found the guy in his scope. His shirt billowed back behind him as he ran toward the front gate. “Explosives confirmed.”


  Hoyt squeezed the trigger. The bomber dropped, the switch falling to the ground beside him. “Shit, I knew something was off with that guy. We got any more headed this way?”

  The darkness sat heavy on him and Hoyt felt weighed down and tired, so very tired of fighting. He just wanted some peace and quiet and to be alone with Hayden.

  Rowdy spoke through the comm. “Suspects down. All clear.”

  Hoyt turned to Jared. “I didn’t hear any shots.”

  “I don’t think they used their guns.”

  The night sky lit up. Machine gun fire erupted in a deafening tat-tat-tat. Hoyt’s heart rate shot off, hammering against his sternum and he dropped to the roof. “Get down!”

  Jared ducked beside him and threw his hands over his head. “Shit, where’s it coming from?” Jared shouted over the loud barrage of fire.

  Bullets screamed all around them, thumping into the sandbags surrounding their hide. Red hot streaks from the bullets rained overhead like a meteor shower across the inky black sky.

  Whizz, thump. Another bullet hit too close to Hoyt’s head. Hoyt hit the comm. “Ethan, you got eyes on? I can’t get up to spot their position.”

  “Two-hundred meters out from your position. East,” Ethan answered through the comm.

  Bullets pinged into the metal building beneath them. Hoyt dragged his rifle over to his shoulder, keeping his head down.

  Ethan came on over the comm, “Team one and two, get your asses to position alpha and bravo. Got a breach team headed to the south fence!”

  “Can’t move, we’re pinned down!” Aaron yelled through the comm.

  “Somebody’s got to take out that team before they cut the wire.”

  “Shit. Jared, cover me. I’m gonna lay down some heat on them.” Hoyt clutched his rifle to his chest and rolled to face the south. The gunfire from the east seemed to shift.

  “Now!” Jared lifted his own rifle and fired off rounds toward the machine guns.

  Hoyt hugged his rifle stock to his shoulder. He took a breath and lifted. Four body’s appeared through the night vision on his scope. He squeezed the trigger, a round exploded from his gun. The guy cutting the barbwire dropped.

  Another one took his place.

  Hoyt hit the comm, “Providing cover fire, team one and two, move into position.”

  Hoyt chambered a round, sighted in the next guy and fired. He dropped.

  “Moving into position!”

  Ethan came on, “Assault team moving in! Got at least ten enemy combatants.”

  Thank god they’d put up the thermal cameras on the perimeter. Hoyt fired another round and a third guy on the breach team dropped.

  “They’ve breached!” Riser shouted through the comm.

  Suddenly, the south side of the property lit up with gunfire. The assault team came in hot and fast, firing as they ran.

  “Jared, got a breach,” Hoyt yelled.

  He sighted in the target closest to him and fired off another round, dropping the guy before he moved to the next.

  “Holy crap, they’re everywhere,” Jared rolled to Hoyt’s left side and started firing.

  Combatants swarmed the yard in an overwhelming force. Hoyt saw team one and two firing from their foxhole below him. Bullets flew everywhere. Hoyt’s heart raced so fast it was a constant buzz in his ears.

  He chambered a round. Sighted in a combatant. Fired. Boom! Chamber, sight, fire. Boom! Men dropped like flies.

  He and Jared set up a rhythm. Lock. Load. Fire. So that there was no pause between rounds from over watch. The men in fox holes alpha and bravo laid down a steady stream of gunfire.

  Two men left. Hoyt sighted in the one on the right. Boom!

  Ethan came on the comm, “Guys, got three enemy combatants moving in from the west. Fuck. They’re fifty yards from house three.”

  Hoyt’s heart stopped. That’s where he’d set up Hayden, with Merc and Cord. “Dammit!” Hoyt crawled to the west wall of his hide and sighted in his yard. He caught the glow of three men running in a fast crouch to house three. His house. Hayden.

  Hoyt took a deep breath and chambered a round. They were twenty feet from the front door. He sighted center mass on the combatant closest to him, blew out a breath and squeezed the trigger. “One down.”

  Hoyt heard a pop, saw the burn behind a bullet coming from the house and another guy fell. “Two,” Merc said through the comm.

  The third guy disappeared around the corner of the house, out of Hoyt’s line of vision.

  “Got a breach,” Cord yelled through the comm. Hoyt heard Hayden scream in the back ground and before he knew it, he slung his rifle over his shoulder and abandoned position.

  “Hoyt, where the hell are you going?” Jared asked.

  “Hayden.” Hoyt skimmed down the metal ladder, hit the ground and hoofed it over to his house. He rounded the corner. Glass shattered and a man flew out of the front window.

  Hoyt ripped his rifle around to his shoulder, ready to blow the fuckers head off.

  Merc dove out after him, his huge body covering the enemy’s. There was a struggle, the guy flashed a knife. Hoyt held him in his sights. As soon as he had a clear shot he’d take him out.

  Merc locked arms on the guy’s hands and Hoyt watched as his teammate slowly turned the knife on the combatant on the ground. A second later, the enemy stopped moving. Merc fell sideways and lay out flat on the ground.

  “Merc.” Hoyt ran for him.

  “I’m good. I’m good. Check on Hayden.” Merc panted but gave him a thumbs up.

  Hoyt took off through the open front door and down the hall to the safe room he’d set up for her. The door was shut.

  Their orders were for Cord to fall back and protect her in the event of a breach. Breath sawing in and out of his chest, Hoyt said, “Cord, it’s me. We’re clear.”

  Silence followed. No gunfire. No speech. No nothing.

  Fear hit him hard and fast like a damn eighteen-wheeler and Hoyt grabbed the knob. “I’m coming in.”

  Locked. Shit. He pulled back and lifted a foot, ready to kick it down. The door clicked open and Cord stood in the doorway, pistol raised, his expression fierce.

  “It’s me. We’re clear.” Cord was breathing harder than Hoyt and staring at Hoyt like he didn’t recognize him.

  “Cord, the fight is over. Lower your weapon.”

  Cord blinked, his pistol wavered and then dropped. He nodded and stepped out into the hall, “I thought – “

  “Where is Hayden?” Hoyt cut in.

  “Right here.”

  Hayden sat on the floor, knees to her chest, her eyes wide. Relief screamed through him and he went to her and put his arms around her. Her whole body shook.

  “Is it over?”

  “Yes, honey.”

  Ethan’s voice came through the comm. “All clear.”

  Colonel Grey’s voice followed, “Maintain 100% security.”

  Hoyt glanced at Cord. The guy wavered in the doorway like he’d seen a ghost. “Hey, can you take my position at over watch?”

  Grey wouldn’t understand Hoyt’s need to stay with Hayden or his decision to leave his position in the middle of a fire fight. As a matter of fact, Hoyt would bet his commander would chew his ass out. But he didn’t care about his job right now. All he needed was in his arms. Safe.

  “Yeah, I’m on it.” Cord disappeared.

  Hoyt leaned back and took Hayden’s face between his palms. “You okay?”

  She nodded, her lip trembling. “I never imagined anything like that. Is this what it’s like overse
as, when you go on missions?”

  “If we go into a combat situation, yes.”

  “What am I going to do?” Tears filled her eyes and she latched onto his wrists.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Now I know what you’re doing every time you leave me; I’ll never be able to function when you’re deployed.”

  “Tonight isn’t usual. I promise. We are usually doing recon and helping out locals when we go on missions.” Tonight’s raid wasn’t the worst he’d experienced, but he wasn’t about to tell Hayden that. Not when she looked ready to pass out at any minute.

  “You promise?”

  “I swear.” Unable to resist another second, Hoyt lowered his head and took her lips in a gentle kiss. “I love you.”

  Chapter 34

  Two weeks later…

  The hot May sun glared down nearly straight overhead with a heat closer to that of a mid-day August. Hayden shifted, her arm starting to throb slightly from sitting in the metal folding chair in the middle of the Mercy University football field stadium.

  The president of the college, a balding middle-aged man, had already droned on for thirty minutes about their futures and how they should be so proud of their achievement and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, she was proud of her accomplishment and she wanted her diploma, she’d worked hard for it, even passed her final research project. But more than that, right this very second, she wanted to walk up those bleachers to her left and sit next to Hoyt Crowe.

  Her man sat tall, and straight, in a pressed deep blue button up shirt that made his golden hair glimmer like honey in the sun. It wasn't as long as it used to be, but Hoyt had let it grow out over the past two weeks just for her. Already her fingers itched to run through it.

  His hair wasn't the only thing that had changed. After the night of the raid, Hoyt had turned all sweet and caring and Hayden was soaking up every minute.

  The only bad part was his over protective attitude that made her over protective older brothers look like little puppies.

  The team hadn’t yet cleared one hundred percent of the threat from the terrorist, she’d learned his name was Zafar, and any time Hayden needed to run up to school for a final, Hoyt had gone all bad-ass military guy.

  In the process, he’d been absorbed into her family like he’d always been there. Hank and Maxine sat directly behind him. Hunter, Evie and Hank Jr. sat to his left. Ranger and his fiancée, Amy, and her children sat to his right. Effectively trapping him in a circle of James’.

  Any other man might have been intimidated. Any man except Hoyt. He stared straight ahead, arms crossed, back straight, constantly scanning the stadium for threats. Until his gaze locked on her. So serious and unbending.

  He’d even tried to talk her out of walking in the ceremony at first, convinced there was still a threat lurking in the shadows, but Hayden put her foot down. She refused to be scared out of accepting her hard earned diploma.

  As if reading her mind, he gave her a scowl. In answer, Hayden blew him a kiss. He didn't blink, but his hand shot out and grabbed the air-kiss and he drew it back to his chest. Her body warmed in response, and this heat had nothing to do with the sun.

  If it wasn't for the empty chair on the stage at the end of the stadium, this day would be perfect. That and the fact that Malik had pulled a no-show at the last minute. After so much time working for his Doctorate in Psychology, his chair a few rows up remained empty.

  Hoyt had even apologized to Malik for his suspicion that Malik was a terrorist. Gracious as usual, Malik had shaken his hand and congratulated Hoyt on finding Hayden.

  “And now I'd like to introduce Professor Kathy Rhoden. She would like to say a few words in honor of our dearly departed Professor John Latham,” President Matthews said.

  Hayden’s gaze snapped to the front. Professor Rhoden stalked across the stage in her trademark black boots, her shoulder’s punching forward with each step. That woman could give a bull-dog a run for its money.

  What had Professor Latham ever seen in her?

  “Hello, I'd like to thank the president for his introduction. I won't take up your time. John wouldn't like that. He was always thinking about others, and I'm sure he's looking down right now telling me to hurry it up. You kids don't want to sit here listening to boring speeches.”

  Professor Rhoden cleared her throat and for a brief moment her mask fell. “John Latham was a good man with a kind heart and a loyal soul. He stayed faithful to his wife even in death. He consistently sacrificed his personal time to help his students succeed.” Rhoden’s voice cracked and Hayden jerked in reaction.

  “He had the ability to always look past a person's exterior and see the goodness on the inside. I didn't get the opportunity – I take that back – I didn't take the time, to get really close to him, but I know many of you did. So I want you each to take his memory with you and remember to always look for the good in people, even when they don't want you to.” Rhoden shoved her hand over her mouth and quickly walked back to her seat, keeping her head down.

  Hayden’s throat closed up, burning with the effort to keep the tears down as she came to the realization that Kathy Rhoden was right.

  President Matthews resumed his position at the stadium. “Thank you Professor Rhoden. I'd like to begin the ceremony please. If you will please come forth when your name is called out and except your diploma.”

  * * *

  After the ceremony, Hoyt stood with Hunter and Ranger at the edge of the turf on the football field, the three of them watching Hayden as she hugged and shook hands with more people than they could keep count.

  “You better take care of my little sister,” Ranger said.

  “Yeah, you ever break her heart again and I'll make you regret it,” Hunter chimed in.

  Hoyt rolled his eyes. “I will protect her with my life. Both of you know it.”

  Ranger relented, Hunter grumbled a bit and then settled down. “Too bad none of those guys survived the raid.”

  Hoyt tensed at the reminder of that night. That made two close calls for Hayden. “Yeah, would've been nice to see what we could have found out about Mr. J.” Regardless, Task Force Scorpion was going after him. If they didn't take him out, there'd be nothing stopping him from sending more assassins.

  TF-S had already started construction on a new fence around Hank’s property perimeter, this one was eight feet tall and constructed of solid iron with spikes on top. As soon as their commander got the all clear, the team would deploy hopefully on the last mission dealing with their old liaison.

  “I don't want to leave Amy, but I sure as hell am itching for a chance to kill that bastard,” Ranger said.

  Maxine and Hank strolled by, arm in arm. “If you boys don't quit glaring at everyone, this entire stadium’s going to empty out.” Maxine propped a hand on her generous hip and gave Hoyt a pointed stare, “You should be out there with her.”

  Hoyt loved Hayden more than he loved anything in this entire world, but he had no intention of wading into the cesspool of bodies crowding around her. Too many people made him nervous, tense. And he didn't want anything to ruin Hayden's graduation. He intended for her to have the most carefree happy laid-back day of her entire life, even if it meant he had to stand on the outside looking in to do it. “I can see her fine from right here.”

  “Maxi, leave them alone. They'll take care of Hayden.” Hank pulled her over for a quick kiss on the cheek. He’d actually donned a suit jacket and tie with his blue jeans. “We’re going to head home and get the barbecue started. How much longer you think she'll want to stay here?”

  Hunter answered before Hoyt could open his mouth.

  “She's got five minutes. Tops.”

  Hoyt faced his team leader, arms crossed and legs splayed shoulder width apart. “She can stay as long as she wants.”

  “I’m roasting out here.”

  “Then go sit your ass in the air conditioner with the other weaklings. I'll bring her out when she's ready to leave.”
r />   Ranger burst out laughing from behind them. “Back off Hunter, she's the first James to graduate from college, she needs to enjoy this moment.”

  “I see she’s in good hands. I’ll see ya’ll guys in a little while.” Hank held out a hand and Hoyt shook it before Hank and Maxi left.

  Hoyt got back to business. “Where is Malik? Hayden's been looking all over for him.”

  Ranger shrugged, “Tried to call him earlier but didn't get an answer. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.”

  Malik had been spending all his extra time working on helping TF-S wrap up the intel on the men from the raid. He’d not only confirmed the mercenary’s connection to Mr. J, but also the earlier attackers. The whole failed attempt to eradicate the Team and their families had been a complete failure, in part, due to help from Malik.

  Hunter elbowed Hoyt and pointed into the crowd. “Hey, isn’t that the punk that’s been sniffing around Hayden?”

  Hoyt followed Hunter’s finger to see Chance enter the stadium at the far end, dressed in a loose gym shirt and pants. He stood at the entrance, scanning the crowd. “Yeah, that’s him.”

  “I thought you told him to stay away from her.”

  “I did.” Hoyt tensed, ready to cross the field and shove Chance back outside where he belonged. He took a step in that direction. His phone rang. Hoyt snatched it to his ear. “What?”

  “Hoyt? Where are you?” Malik’s breathless voice came over the phone.

  “At the stadium, where the hell are you? Hayden’s been worried sick.”

  “I’ve been at my house, on the networks. Do you physically have eyes on Hayden?”

  Hoyt’s spine shot straight and his gut pulled tight. “Yes, why?”

  “I finally found the source.”

  Hoyt’s breath expelled in a whoosh and he gestured to Hunter and Ranger to hold. This could be their big break in the search for Mr. J. “Tell me.”

  “Chance Bekham is dead.”

  “I’m looking at him right now. He’s not dead.”

  “No, the real Chance Bekham is dead. That is Chaborz Bekhan, Elberd Bekhan’s only son. And he’s just posted a video claiming he’s going to take out the men responsible for killing his father last year. Task Force Scorpion.”


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