The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Cara Adams

  “Enough. Kneel down, Leticia. William, fuck her breasts.”

  Ah, so I wasn’t really sucking him off at all. I was just getting him nice and wet so he would slide between my breasts easily.

  With the blindfold on, she couldn’t tell how aroused William was. But he’d seemed both hard and hot when she sucked him. Still, she was aware that the ice cube on her back had seemed huge until she’d understood what it was, so maybe William wasn’t as close to orgasming as she’d thought he might be.

  William braced a leg against each side of her as he rested his cock between her breasts. For a moment she wondered why he didn’t grip her breasts and push them together until she remembered he still had handcuffs on, although he wasn’t blindfolded. What an interesting conundrum. I wonder which is more incapacitating, cuffs or a blindfold? But each has their challenges and each their advantages.

  Then she felt Oliver move to them and he must have unlocked William’s handcuffs as the nurse’s gentle hands gripped her breasts and pushed them together so he could drive his cock between them, up and down, up and down, sliding his thick, hot length against her soft skin.

  But Oliver had let him attempt it cuffed first, so he could work out the challenges. As she kneeled there, unable to watch what was happening, she listened carefully to William’s breathing, noting how it soon sped up and deepened. He was very aroused. His cock felt wonderful against her breasts, much hotter and harder than she’d imagined, but so alive and throbbing with energy.

  She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, wondering if his cockhead was close enough for her to lick. Either it was or else William pushed it up higher, because on the very next upstroke she got a fleeting taste of his essence. Where Oliver’s cum was tart, William’s was more spicy, an interesting and appealing contrast. She enjoyed the brief hint of his flavor then poked her tongue out again for another taste. This time there was more cum, so he really was close. She wished she could watch but understood what Oliver was teaching her. Every time one sense or ability was removed the sub learned to use the others to bridge the gap. It made the sub concentrate on what was happening instead of taking it for granted. Also, there was the sense of arousal, imagination, and expectation.

  They must have been playing these games for an hour now and she’d been highly aroused almost every second of that time. Yet she hadn’t orgasmed, despite wanting to. By the time she did find release she knew it would be an excellent climax, because of all that had gone before. This BDSM foreplay was far more exciting than a few kisses and touches. Her entire body was sensitized. Every inch of her skin was now an erogenous zone and she was filled with love for the two men who had worked together to make the evening so exciting for her. Her wonderful Dom, Oliver, who planned and directed everything, and her equally wonderful lover, William, who so gently and patiently shared the submission with her.

  “William, come.”

  Only a second or two later, Leticia felt the splash of cum on her breasts and once again held out her tongue to catch some of William’s essence. He was panting now, thrusting hard between her breasts, breasts he held tightly together, even though they were sticky with his seed.

  Finally, he stopped pumping and loosened his hold on her although he left his hands where they were. Because Oliver hasn’t said he can move yet.

  Oliver removed her blindfold and said, “Now stand and watch him as he rubs his seed into your breasts and plays with your nipples.”

  She blinked her eyes a few times to get used to the brighter light, climbed to her feet, and looked down at William’s hands on her skin. As she did so, Oliver grabbed her hips and he drove into her cunt from behind. Slowly, he withdrew then pushed into her again. The contrast of feeling Oliver pump into her and watching William’s gentle hands rubbing her nipples was astoundingly carnal.

  Leticia was almost mesmerized as William matched the stroking and smoothing of his hands over her breasts to the speed of Oliver’s cock thrusting into her. William painted swirls of cum onto her skin in time with Oliver’s strokes, rubbing faster when Oliver moved fast, doing slow circles and spirals as Oliver slowed down. The orgasm that had been a heavy, aching need deep inside her all evening suddenly breathed fire like a dragon and demanded to be let out to consume her. Leticia wanted to scream, wanted to demand release, but William and Oliver kept their movements measured and in time with each other as the orgasm grew and grew. Just when Leticia was about to say she couldn’t last another second, Oliver said, “Come.”

  William pinched her nipples and the dragon’s fire burst from her, consuming every nerve ending in her body as it raged up her spine and out her arms and legs with intense ferocity. She couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, could only hang there in the arms of her men, totally limp and satiated while aftershocks racked her from head to toe.

  I love you both so much. You both mean everything to me.

  “We are three, but we are one. Together we are much stronger than ever we would be apart,” said Oliver.

  “Thank you for including me, Oliver. I truly respect and appreciate you. And Leticia, you hold my heart. I love you with every breath I take.”

  “Oh my God. I just realized we did that and my brother is in the dungeon next door,” gasped Leticia.

  “As long as he is in the dungeon next door, not running loose causing havoc somewhere,” said Oliver tartly.

  “But what if he heard me scream?”

  “Sweetie, the dungeons are soundproof,” said William.

  But Leticia still worried that maybe David and Sam needed her and she was too busy enjoying herself to be a good daughter and sister.

  Chapter Seven

  “Hi, Diane. Is it okay if I interrupt you for a few minutes now, or should I come back later?”

  Leticia stood hesitantly in the doorway of Diane’s office in the main building at Carnal Connections. Oliver had walked her to the building before heading off to yet another meeting about David and left her with strict instructions to stay inside unless she was with another person.

  Not that she thought David would hurt her. But then again, she’d never imagined her father would shoot her, either.

  Diane looked up from her computer and smiled. “No, come on in, Leticia. None of this is urgent. Just bills to pay as always.”

  Leticia didn’t know Diane very well. She was a human member of the BDSM community and worked as the accountant not just for Carnal Connections but also for many of its members. Oliver had retrieved the small metal box with her father’s business papers in it and given it to Leticia. She handed a manila folder to Diane. “These are my father’s financial accounts. I don’t know anything about law or accounting, but it seems to me that some of this money is mine because my mother clearly left her investments to me, not to my father. Ever since she died more than nine years ago, the money has been paid into my father’s bank account, and it’s time I had it directed to me. Is that something you can handle for me please?”

  “Have you got a copy of her will?” asked Diane.

  “It’s in the folder, too. I figured you’d need it.”

  “Okay, just give me a minute to look through these papers, please.”

  Leticia sat and watched as Diane pulled the papers out of the folder, reading each one then laying it upside down on her desk as she moved on to the next, occasionally going back to a previous one to reread something.

  Leticia had spent half a day reading all the papers in her father’s lockbox then talked about them to Oliver and William. William had pointed out that since she was a child when her mother died, it was reasonable of Sam to manage her money.

  “He should have established a separate bank account in your name though, to keep everything nice and tidy. He also should have told you about it,” William had said.

  “Not only that, he should have given her access to the money to spend on things she wanted and she should have had control of it once she turned twenty-one,” Oliver had added.

  “Yeah, I don’t think
he ever acknowledged that I’ve grown up,” Leticia had said.

  Leticia fidgeted with her charm bracelet. She couldn’t tell what Diane was thinking. She had strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes and didn’t wear a collar. Although that didn’t mean she wasn’t in a relationship, Leticia didn’t think she was. I really must get to know the human women here better. Now that I’m living here they are my neighbors and I’d like them to be my friends as well.

  “Yes, this is all quite clear. Your mother’s money is yours alone, although it would have been fair for your father to take a small annual fee to cover his expenses in managing it for you. She invested it wisely. It’s made a small but steady profit every year despite the financial downturn. You aren’t rich, but you aren’t starving, either. If you like, I could help you tweak your portfolio to get slightly higher returns with no more risk.”

  “Thanks, Diane, I’d like that. Also I’ll need to withdraw some of it for my share of our house extensions. I’ll want to buy curtains and some furniture and so on.”

  “You should be able to do that unless you were planning to buy top-of-the-range fabrics.”

  “With two men in the house I was thinking plain but sturdy, actually, just in a color we all like.”

  “Very sensible of you. Now what about your father’s money? It looks like he’s made some poor financial decisions over the years and lost quite a lot of his own money. Would you like to apply to take control of his funds while he’s in jail and move them into a portfolio where he’ll do better?”

  “I don’t know. Since he never even mentioned money to me likely he won’t want me touching his finances. But then, if he’s losing money now, what will he live on when he gets out of jail?”

  “I’d be inclined to try to get him on a steadier income basis and hope he is pleased later on, but it’s totally up to you to choose. Since he’s in jail, as next of kin we can get a court order for you to take charge of his finances.”

  Should I reorganize Dad’s finances for him? What would Oliver say? Or William?

  He’s not going to be welcomed back into the pack or into Carnal Connections. He’ll need his money to support himself.

  It’s your decision, sweetie, but I agree with Oliver.

  Leticia jumped. They’d both answered her, and she hadn’t even realized she was asking the question to them. This mental telepathy thing was really cool, but it was going to take some getting used to. “Thank you, Diane. Yes, please sort out my money first then do his.”

  “No worries. I’ll keep some of your money in a cash account so you can do your shopping and I’ll text you when I need you to sign any paperwork.” Diane gathered the papers into two piles. “Let me just scan these ones so I have a copy, then you can have the originals back.”

  “Thank you so much for helping me and advising me, Diane. I know you’re busy and the work you do here is important. It’s so wonderful being part of this community. It’s just like a big family, and I’m so happy to be part of it.”

  “It’s been good having the panthers here, too. Since we already had a couple of wolves I wondered how you’d all get on. That old story about fighting like cats and dogs, you know. But it’s worked out really well so far,” said Diane.

  “As long as David behaves. I’d love him to settle down and be happy here. I always wanted a sister, but a brother will be fine.”

  “We’ll need to wait and see about that,” said Diane, handing back the folder of papers to Leticia.

  * * * *

  William stood and stared at his house. My house! He’d only ever lived in an apartment before, and to see the tiny apartment he was sharing with Oliver and Leticia grow into a house was the most astounding experience ever. And it wasn’t costing the earth. Oh sure, they’d be paying it off for years. He was a nurse, not a billionaire. But even so, a modular home was way cheaper than building from the ground up. And it was theirs.

  He belonged. He was accepted and loved and a part of not just a family but a community. He was the happiest man alive, no question about that.

  The plumber, the electrician, and the tiler were working on the kitchen and bathroom at the moment, then JB and his team of volunteers would do most of the rest of the work, keeping the costs down further. A wall was to be removed so their old bedroom became part of the kitchen as a meals area and with space for a full-size refrigerator and freezer.

  Buying a refrigerator big enough to hold meat and salads so they could invite friends over for a barbecue on their deck was something he was really looking forward to. Of course, first they’d have to build the deck, but hey, how hard could it be to nail a bunch of timbers onto struts? Someone was sure to have a nail gun he could borrow.

  Meanwhile, during the renovations, all their furniture was in the living area and it was nearly impossible to find anything. Once again his car was the main repository for his work things and his trunk was full of boxes of his things just to get them out of Leticia’s way. But this was only for a little while. Soon they’d have a house.

  He saw Omar and Larry coming toward him but ignored them, assuming they’d be wanting to talk to Oliver.

  “Hey, William, are Leticia and Oliver inside?” asked Larry.

  “Oliver is. He’s looking at the renovations. Leticia was just finishing up in the garden. She’ll be here soon.”

  “I’ll tell Oliver to hurry up. This may take a while,” said Omar, entering the apartment.

  Uh-oh. What now?

  William followed Omar and Larry inside. Larry was staring at the piles of boxes against the walls and the big bed pushed against the bookshelf. “I guess that makes it easy to choose something to read in bed,” he said.

  William grinned. “Since the only place to sit right now is on the bed it is kinda useful.”

  “Not true. You could sit on the floor,” objected Oliver.

  “Yeah? Where?” joked Omar, pulling a mountain of stuff off William’s armchair and dropping it on the floor before sitting in the chair.

  Larry leaned against the doorjamb. “I’m not coming any farther in. It’d be just my luck to stand on something and break it.”

  Leticia and JB arrived just then. William smiled at her—she was so beautiful even with dirt smeared across her cheeks like now and mud on the seat of her jeans. “You don’t want to sit down in here in those jeans,” he warned her.

  “Yeah, I don’t want to touch anything until I’ve washed my hands, either. Can I use the bathroom, or should I wash here?” she asked.

  “Here would be best,” JB replied. The muscular man moved smoothly into the house and leaned against the bookshelf. He was human yet moved with as much grace as any of the panthers, William decided.

  Oliver entered the room, wiped down the kitchen counter, and then jumped up to sit on it.

  Once again William grinned. All these Doms marking their territory. It was really quite entertaining. One pile of boxes held some of his books, so he knew the boxes were solid and sat on the top box.

  Leticia appeared in clean jeans, her hair neatly brushed. She stepped carefully into the room and sat on the floor in front of the kitchen counter.

  Larry and Omar looked at each other, and Larry said, “The community is not very happy about having David here. He’s made no apology for causing all the trouble and leading a pack of rogues. He doesn’t even seem to completely understand that what he did was both legally and morally wrong.”

  Now Omar spoke. “However, it appears he was treated very badly by his pack, being expelled for something out of his control and having never been taught things every panther should know. Consequently we have a problem.”

  That’s a massive understatement and doesn’t even touch on Sam.

  “JB, over to you,” said Larry.

  “Obviously I can’t teach him how to be good panther, but this community has plenty of work available for any strong, willing workers. One of the things he’s said is that he has neither the education, nor the skills, nor the training to get a job out
in the world. I’m prepared to teach him basic building skills. Working on your house is a good place to start as he’ll see much more variety of tasks than he would by doing general maintenance. He’ll be closely supervised all the time. Basically I’d be treating him as an apprentice, at least until I can see if he’s any good at the job.”

  “Oliver?” asked Omar.

  “My primary concern would be Leticia’s safety. I wouldn’t ever want her left alone with him.”

  “He wouldn’t be left alone period. He’d always be with me or someone I trust implicitly,” said JB.

  “William?” asked Larry.

  William was a bit surprised. He hadn’t expected to be asked his opinion. He’d thought he was simply being included to give him the information. However, he knew what he thought. “As long as Leticia is completely safe, I like the idea of teaching him and giving him a purpose in life. It seems to me he’s been badly treated and deserves at least one chance to go straight.”

  Everyone looked at Leticia. “I want to get to know him. He’s my brother,” she said simply.

  “Keeping him here is not going to be popular with the community. If he attempts to touch one of the women I’m not sure I can guarantee his safety. And if he runs away I won’t be chasing after him,” warned Larry.

  “I understand. I’m grateful you’re prepared to give him even this one chance,” said Leticia.

  “Very well then. Tomorrow JB’ll bring him here and get him started. Omar and I will make sure he understands what is expected of him,” said Larry.

  Larry, Omar, and JB left and William looked at his partners, his mates. “I hope this works out, but Leticia, promise me you won’t trust him. He doesn’t seem to understand the rules, and it’s possible he will never play by the rules.”

  “Don’t worry, William. I’ll be careful. I’ll mostly be at the garden when he’s here anyway.”


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