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The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Cara Adams

  William stared at her and thought, You can always call us if you need us.

  I know. Isn’t that awesome!

  * * * *

  Most days when she wasn’t working in the garden, Leticia silently watched her brother at work, staying out of sight and trying to judge whether he was genuinely trying to learn and participate. Even though David was always accompanied by one or more of the men, often JB, Josh, or Pete, she could tell his skills were developing. He hit nails hard and straight instead of bending them or missing them. He assembled the precut pieces quickly and easily, seeming to have a good feel for what fit where. And on two separate occasions he suggested changes to JB that the builder thought were good ideas.

  Finally, after a week, Leticia decided it was time to talk to him. A team of men had been digging a trench to connect the wastewater pipes to the community’s gray water-filtration unit. Jill had brought them over box lunches from the communal kitchen, and Leticia took out a bucket of warm, soapy water for them to clean up in before eating. Then she sat down beside David and said, “Tell me one of your happiest childhood memories.”


  “Your hearing is fine. Answer me.”

  “But why would you want to know?”

  “Because you’re my brother and I want to get to know you.”

  “Why don’t you tell me one of your memories?”

  “All right. But when I finish I expect you to reciprocate. The summer I turned six was very, very hot. It seemed to me that all my school friends had gone to the lake for summer vacation and I desperately wanted to go, too, but Mama said no vacation. Anyway, one Friday was even hotter than ever, so Dad, Mama, and I drove up to the lake just for the weekend. It was the first time I’d ever been swimming and I loved it. My parents couldn’t understand why I wanted to swim as many cats hate water, but I had the best time ever that weekend and even my parents were happy as they said the weather was much more pleasant on the lakeshore than at home.”

  Leticia turned to look at David and he was staring at her, surprised. “My story is sort of similar. I wanted to go horseback riding and my folks said cats don’t ride horses. But one of my friends had a cowboy-themed birthday party and as part of it there was a man hired to bring along a couple of ponies for we kids to ride. I was so excited and happy and loved riding the ponies even though they were fat old things that just walked around the park. For a few years after that I spent all my allowance on horse-riding lessons.”

  “You ride well. Oliver said you rode as an extra in one of Nicholas’s film sequences.”

  “That’s right. I got paid to do that. I’d have done it just for the pleasure of being on horseback once again, but the wrangler gave us each twenty bucks as well.”

  “Have you considered going to Texas and working as a cowboy?”

  “Yes, I have, but there’re too many kids who’ve been riding horses since they were babies and know so much more about them than me. It’s just something I like doing. What about you? Do you still swim?”

  “I try to get to a lake at least once each summer. I didn’t get out much last summer, but next summer I definitely will go to the lake even if only for a weekend.”

  “Thank you for sitting with me. I hadn’t realized just how much I miss my little sister until now.”

  “What’s her name?”

  “Bethany. And my brother is Ben.”

  “Maybe one day you’ll see them again.”

  “When we left our home pack they went south, looking for a new pack to join. They could be anywhere now, and Ohio’s a long way from Colorado anyway. I’m glad you’re here, though. It’s nice to have a sister again.”

  Impulsively, Leticia gave him a hug then picked up her empty bucket and went back inside. He’s a good man. Once he gets his head on straight he’ll be a worthy member of the community here.

  * * * *

  Omar had called a meeting of all the male panthers to discuss the issue of Sam. They were in the barn, and had pulled couches and chairs into a loose circle beside the long windows. Oliver knew the panther women would be meeting somewhere discussing the very same question, and he was willing to bet they’d reach the exact same answer, too.

  Under panther law the Alpha made the decisions and the entire pack was bound by those decisions. But a wise Alpha—which Omar was—discussed important issues with his pack first.

  Omar looked around the circle, catching every man’s gaze, then said, “Sam will be out of jail in one hundred days. That means we have three months to decide exactly what we’ll do about him. First let me give you some relevant facts. One. You all know he shot and attempted to abduct the daughter he purported to adore above all things, Leticia. He followed that act by trying to kill David, the son he rejected, when he discovered his mother was half-panther, half-human.”

  Oliver was watching the men, his gaze flicking from panther to panther. So far they were all nodding. They knew this. Oliver guessed Omar would speak about Sam’s financial status next. He knew the details because of Leticia, but most of them would be surprised to hear the next point.

  “Second, Sam doesn’t have much money behind him. He did poorly through the global financial crisis. It appears his wife had the money brain in their family as her money, which she left to Leticia, not to Sam, has weathered the years much better. Leticia isn’t rich by any means, but her mother’s investments didn’t lose value like Sam’s did.”

  “Does that mean Sam was stealing Leticia’s money?” asked Frank.

  “We don’t know. It’s possible, though.”

  Again Oliver watched the people. A few men seemed to think a father using his daughter’s inheritance was fair enough, but most disapproved of the idea. Another point against Sam.

  “The third point is that he will be most unlikely to get a job in the outside world. While George was pack leader Sam helped him in running the pack and he’s fifty years old now. Too old to easily start a job with few skills and very little experience.”

  “Who managed the finances when George was pack leader?” asked Josh, who was too young to remember.

  “Don’t worry. It wasn’t Sam. George held the purse strings himself.”

  “So, Omar, what you’re saying is effectively if we throw Sam out he’ll have no means of supporting himself. We’re basically casting him off,” said Frank.

  “Just like we got left with his son. We’re becoming the dumping ground for all the losers in town,” grumbled Paul, a half-panther.

  Oliver stayed silent, watching the faces of the men as they spoke or listened. Just as with David, they would end up accepting Sam, he decided. And just as with David, this may or may not be a good answer. To Oliver, Sam seemed to have mental health issues, whereas David was more a misguided young man who simply needed a good-quality mentor and an aim in life. David’s only goal had been to be accepted. If Carnal Connections accepted him, Oliver could see he may turn into a contributing, useful citizen. Although there were no guarantees of course.

  But with Sam the water was muddier. He’d been loved by two women, the first one of which he’d callously discarded along with his son. He’d even been the brother of an Alpha, and then an Alpha himself for a while, but he hadn’t been able to do the job. This time in jail he’d be obliged to attend counseling, but whether or not he’d come out with his head on straight was anyone’s guess.

  Leticia would want to love and forgive her father. She was that kind of person with a generous and forgiving nature. But what if Sam used her kindness as the means of getting close enough to her to kill her?

  Yet they couldn’t just turn the old man out onto the street to starve without giving him the chance to get his life back under control. Why couldn’t the fucking judge have ordered him to stay in jail for a year or two instead of just one hundred days?

  “Very well. I have decided we will give Sam another chance. If necessary, part of the condition of him staying with us will be attending counseling and cooperating with his counselo
r. He will also have to wear an electronic bracelet so we know where he is at all times, and at least for the first few weeks he will never be left alone. That’s my decision,” said Omar. Oliver watched as Omar looked at each man in turn and they all nodded or replied to him.

  The men relaxed back in their chairs and began chatting to each other. Oliver looked up at the doorway to the barn as a tall blond man entered, looking all around before walking over toward them.

  “Omar. I went looking for George’s pack at the farm and some neighbors sent me here. I understand y’all’ve been having an exciting time with rogue panthers and whatnot.”

  Oliver jumped to his feet. This was the man who’d left the pack three or more years ago when Sam hadn’t wanted him dating Leticia. “Galen. Where’ve you been all these years?”

  Galen came over and shook his hand. “I headed south for some warmer weather but found I missed the snow, so I came right on back.”

  “Man, you’ve grown six inches and put on fifty pounds. Life must have been good down south,” said Frank, clapping Galen on the shoulder.

  The other men all came and spoke to Galen, too, but Oliver noticed he didn’t tell much of his story at all. Not another fucking troublemaker! Haven’t we got enough with Sam and David already? And what if Leticia decides she still likes him? Well too bad. The mental telepathy between the three of us proves we’re united for life even though the three months isn’t finished yet. He can just go away again if he’s come back for her.

  * * * *

  Leticia knew Oliver had planned something interesting for them as soon as she entered the dungeon. She was also relieved to know that David was now living in one of the guest bedrooms—although he was still locked in at night—but she felt more relaxed knowing he wasn’t next door while she was playing some kinky sex scene.

  A big sheet of plastic was in the center of the floor, and there was a pile of packets and tubes on the floor beside the sheet. Silently, she undressed and joined William, who was already standing, head bowed, waiting to start the scene.

  Oliver said, “William. Place your feet in the manacles.”

  Leticia hadn’t noticed that the sheet had been laid out so the sub’s feet could be strapped into manacles which were bolted to the floor in this dungeon until Oliver spoke. She watched as Oliver tightened them around William’s ankles.

  “Come here, Leticia.”

  She wondered if he would manacle her feet, too, but instead he handed her two tubes of body paint. “You seemed to enjoy it when William drew on you with his cum, so now you can draw on him.”

  Happily, she settled down, squeezing the tubes of red and blue body paint and decorating William’s body with circles and spirals, coloring some in then coloring red squares inside blue triangles until his chest, arms, and legs were a mass of colorful artwork.

  “Now lie on your front and put your feet in the manacles, Leticia, but keep your body close enough to William’s that he can reach you.”

  Wiggling with happy expectation, Leticia lay down, pulling her hair off her neck to give William more room to play.

  But when he started smearing ointment on her back it was warm. “It’s warm,” she said.

  “Did I say you could talk? We’re in the dungeon and you must be submissive,” said Oliver firmly.

  “Sorry. I forgot.”

  This time a paddle came down hard on her ass. Leticia blinked but remembered not to say anything as Oliver paddled her ass with hard, flat thumps. She liked the paddle. It was quite a different feeling from the flogger or the cane, a much flatter stroke covering a lot more territory, but the sudden thwack still made her belly clench with desire and cream drip from her pussy. I bet he’d have found something to smack me for whatever I did. But I don’t mind. I like it.

  Then William’s hands were on her again, rubbing the warm oil into her shoulders and back, smoothing it down her spine and over her butt. Her ass was already hot from the paddling and the warm oil on it heightened the effect of the heat burning into her. She realized the first areas William had touched were still warm, too. It must be some kind of long-lasting, slow-release massage oil. Most unusual but good.

  “Lie on your front, William.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Leticia wondered how he could do that with his feet cuffed, and she could hear metallic noises, so either he found a way, or else Oliver had uncuffed him then cuffed him again. She wished she knew and wondered if she could try mental telepathy to find out but then decided not to waste it. Anticipation and not knowing was quite erotic. Finding out everything that was going on might spoil the suspense.

  As she’d expected, she heard the thud of the paddle on William, and more cream dripped from her. Once she knew what it felt like herself, imagining how it was on William and how he was reacting to the paddling added to her own pleasure.

  Oliver’s fingers breached her ass and the warm oil stretched and softened her tissues. Once it was inside her the feeling was more intense, a burning rather than just warmth but still incredibly arousing. Leticia hardly even noticed when Oliver inserted a butt plug into her ass, she was concentrating so hard on the warming oil and the sensations it was arousing deep within her.

  “Sit up, Leticia, and massage William’s shoulders.”

  She instantly rose to her knees, only to have the manacles around her ankles knock her flat onto her chest again. “Dammit!” However, her second attempt was a lot better as she wiggled her ass around before getting a knee under her body to help her rise. Putting her weight on the butt plug was interesting, too, as it seemed to stretch and fill her even more after that.

  Oliver handed her the massage oil and she rubbed it into William’s shoulders, trying to use the deep, helpful strokes the men used on her. The kind of pressure that loosened any tension knots and made her feel so good.

  She was still concentrating on William when the paddle thumped on her ass again.

  “You’re a bad sub who swore,” said Oliver, paddling first her right cheek then her left. They were burning now. With the previous paddling, the massage oil, and now more paddling, she could feel the heat lifting off them. But it was still good. Good enough to distract her from massaging William. Purposefully, she concentrated on pleasing him instead of the sensations throbbing deep inside her.

  “Why don’t you decorate his ass?” suggested Oliver.

  Leticia took the red and blue tubes of paint he was offering her and began drawing spirals on William’s pink ass. Soon she’d filled her canvas and was wondering about painting his back. But her own ass was quite hot and she’d likely been paddled enough for one night.

  Just then the butt plug inside her began to vibrate, making her gasp and stop moving. Boy howdy! I wasn’t expecting that!

  Oliver moved around and undid the manacles. “I think we’re ready to move on to the next part of the program.”

  Oh yes, she was ready for an orgasm. The butt plug stopped vibrating right then, and for a few seconds she really missed it but then decided she’d much rather have a real cock inside her. Who would it be tonight? Oliver or William?

  Oliver lay down on the big sheet of plastic now, which was smeared with blue and red body paint, and said, “Climb on me now, Leticia.”

  Contentedly, she did so, sliding down on his cock, loving the way it stretched her wide apart, her inner muscles clenching tight on his cock.

  “You can take out the vibrating egg and enter her now, William,” said Oliver.

  “Thank you, Sir,” said William. Leticia could hear the relief in his voice. He must have been finding it hard to wait. After all, she’d spent quite a lot of time teasing and arousing him so far tonight. Well, now he’d be rewarded. They all would. Nothing was better than when they all fucked together like this. Like a triad. A unit. A family.

  Leticia was determined not to explode the moment William entered her. If he was that aroused he’d come, too, and he deserved better from her than that. He’d waited patiently for this moment, so the
least she could do was let him get a few decent strokes in first.

  And Oliver. He truly was the most patient Dom she’d ever met. Once again he’d aroused his two subs, let them play with body paint, and heating massage oil, and a vibrating butt plug, with no touching of himself or any kind of relief at all. Here he was, still patiently waiting for her and William to get organized so he could fuck her. He had to be the most patient and thoughtful Dom ever.

  William wiggled the butt plug as he removed it, causing her heated tissues to send shards of delight through her body. Then he pushed his cock at her entry and slid deep inside her, his cock far better than the butt plug, wider, thicker, warmer, and more enticing, more real. Yes, real. She liked the realism of the men over toys. Not that toys weren’t a lot of fun as well, of course. But her two men were way better than any toy could ever be.

  Sometimes they thrust in and out together. Leticia liked that. It was very powerful. So powerful that often the bed rocked on its legs. But part of the intensity was because for brief seconds she was left empty before being filled. So it was an emotional ride as well as a physical one. But she also liked it when one moved in as the other moved out. To her that symbolized the two of them taking turns, being a team, sharing her. Which made that an incredibly powerful mental image, too. So whatever they did, she liked it.

  Face it, Leticia. You just like being fucked by Oliver and William.

  Why yes, yes I do.

  I really need to stop talking to myself! What if they can hear me? That would be embarrassing.

  Tonight the two men moved together, powering in and out of her together, their sweaty bodies sticking to the plastic sheet and causing it to move over the stone floor in time with their thrusts. Deeper and deeper still they drove into her, causing the orgasm building inside her to coil tighter and harder, demanding to be set free. Determinedly, she held on to her control, not wanting to spoil it for William and Oliver. Not wanting the exquisite pleasure of being held in their arms, of being physically loved by them both, to end so soon.


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