Claimed: The Decadence Club

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Claimed: The Decadence Club Page 3

by Alyssa Clark

  “Modest?” she asked, curiosity obvious. “Alright, just try not to wrinkle it. I’ll be right outside the door.” She stepped around me then out of the room without further complaint.

  I didn’t make me feel better, knowing she was close by. I wasn’t self-conscious, I wasn’t worried about her seeing me in the buff. But, I didn’t want her to assume anything like she did with the other two men in the club. Aside from her bossing them around I couldn’t tell what the real dynamic was outside of what she said. I kicked off my tennis shoes and shucked my jeans. I tugged my shirt over my head, and I got to work getting the monkey suit on.

  I had the slacks on, they were a little loose, and if I had them up around my waist instead of on my hips, they would be a little short. I’d need my belt to make sure they didn’t fall down. I was in the middle of looping my belt into it when I heard the door open. I looked up to catch the damn woman watching me.

  “I didn’t ask for help,” I glowered at her.

  “You didn’t,” she agreed but stepped in anyway. “But you were taking too long. For a second there I thought I had hired a woman instead.” Her sarcasm was biting, and I grimaced.

  “I don’t usually wear shit like this,” was the only thing I could think to say. Seemed like a good excuse.

  “All the more reason for me to come in and help.” She pulled out the long sleeve button down out next. Then she turned back to me, and I could feel her eyes taking me in. “I have to ask if all you want to do is be a bouncer now.”

  “All because I have my shirt off?” I raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m not looking to get in the fetish shit. If you want a ride, all you need to do is ask right.”

  She rolled her eyes and offered me the shirt. “I’m not asking for sex nor will I ever.”

  I took it and snorted at her, doubtful. I’d gotten looks like that before. I slid into the shirt and marveled at the light linen. This shirt was expensive, something I definitely wouldn’t buy for myself. She stepped forward and began to button me up. “I want you to look good. I guess I like the idea of you being a temptation without actually giving into other people. Did Mr. De Santego offend you when he flirted with you?”

  “I’m not gay,” I told her evenly, letting her help. It was a shame she said she’d never ask for sex. It’d been a while, and while she wasn’t necessarily my type, I wouldn’t mind bending her over. She smelled sweet, like something that would be an indulgence, and I wouldn’t mind giving in for a taste.

  “That doesn’t answer my question.” She took one of my wrists firmly, buttoning and adjusting the cuff. “I want to know if it's going to be a problem. Even with the type of club that I am running, sexual harassment isn’t something I will tolerate.”

  “But it's okay to punish your employees?” I asked because it seemed backward.

  “It seems like it makes little difference.” She was adjusting the cuff on my other wrist now. “Considering they signed a contract that specifically asked for that kind of treatment.”

  “You didn’t offer me a contract like that,” I pointed out, not that I would have signed it.

  “You’re not a submissive, Mr. Davis.” She adjusted the shoulders of the button down, frowning as she went ahead and tucked them into my damn pants. “This shirt is too big. Tomorrow,” she met my gaze as if she were completely unaffected by the domestic act of her dressing me, “we’re going to meet at the tailor to get another suit that will fit you right as well as get this one tailored to fit you better.” She turned to grab the jacket and tie.

  “Not a--” I started before she cut me off.

  “Shut it.” She took me by the collar and met my glare with one of her own. “We’ve already discussed the issue of charity and the fact that this is not it. If you’re uncomfortable with my decision to have my employees projecting a specific image, then you can go back to washing dishes.”

  Damn. I could see why Kenneth and Nico were kneeling at her feet. Not that this gave me that temptation.

  I let her slide the jacket on to me so that she could cluck at the fit and adjust it to her liking. I tried not to let it make me feel like a jackass. When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t recognize the asshole looking back at me. The suit didn’t fit perfectly, but it made me look like I came from money. I was distracted by it, not at all sure how to feel. What would I be like if I hadn’t been arrested?

  I almost didn’t notice her putting the tie on me until she stepped in front of me, it pulled me out of my reverie. She adjusted it so it wasn’t too tight and I had to wonder how she was so familiar with how to handle a tie. I didn’t bother to ask, I figured it would probably lead to an answer I’d rather not know.

  Angela took a step back and eyed me up and down. “You clean up well.” She stopped at my face, and I figured this would be the time she told me to shave. She hummed lightly. “But the tie seems off.” She stepped forward, and with a little adjustment she whipped it off. She unbuttoned the two buttons at my throat and then took a step back again. “That looks better.”

  “Kenneth is still wearing a tie,” I pointed out. “This going to cause a problem?”

  “Actually I thought this might be a good way to signify who is dominant on staff and who is a submissive.” She started to walk out then paused at the battered tennis shoes on the floor. “Please tell me you have something other than these to wear.”

  It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.

  I shrugged at her. “Only shoes I got.”

  “How is it--” she stopped herself and shook her head. “Wear them. Hopefully, I’m the only one here with a shoe obsession.” She left me with that, confused in the bathroom.

  I slipped my shoes back on and awkwardly came out of the bathroom. It was going to take getting used to, being in the suit. I felt like I had been fitted with a new skin that was just a little too big in some areas. I wasn’t in my usual raggedy jeans and t-shirt, which I stuffed into a locker. But, I also didn’t have an apron on... and I had to make an impression. What the fuck was I doing here?

  The break room was empty, so I went out into the main room so I wouldn’t have to get distracted by the uncomfortable thoughts. I found that more of my coworkers had arrived and I was faced with the fact that three of them knelt at Angela’s feet. Was this a fucking cult?

  She didn’t seem fazed by it all. Instead, she barked out commands, and the people parted ways from her immediately. Kenneth had already parked himself at the door, despite that conversation we had before. I glanced at the cheap digital watch that I had on; we had an hour, and I was sure I could make my point to him about positioning in that hour.

  “Mr. Davis,” Angela spoke up to me from where she was standing by the chandelier, “I’ll need you to help Mr. Lau get this into place. There,” she pointed to a knob that stuck out from the wall,” is where the pulley is.” She turned to look at Kenneth. “You get the other one. As soon as Ms. Sullivan is ready.”

  Two of the people still at Angela’s feet were women. One, a blonde with stark green eyes that seemed to stand out in her pale face straightened a little, “Can I go to the restroom? I’m a little nervous, and I need to get my shakes out.”

  “If you’re having second thoughts we can just go ahead and hang the chandelier.” Angela’s went from being dark and commanding to soft and soothing in the blink of an eye. “You needn’t do anything that you are uncomfortable with.” she even got down on the level with the other woman as she spoke. “It is entirely up to you.”

  “I want to.” I watched as the blonde’s eyes got bigger. “I want to be on display.” She glanced at the chandelier. “I want to be strung up and helpless. I want this.”

  I couldn’t understand it, I watched the girl’s expression go from fearful to fervored as she looked at the chandelier and I knew there was something I didn’t get going on here.

  “Go do what you need to settle yourself,” Angela responded like she understood. “Undress and kneel here then we will get you taken care

  It wasn’t thirty minutes later that the girl came out and did as she had been told. I was struck, trying my damnedest to not taken in the fact that she was nude. I’d have to get used to this, I’d have to face a lot of things I wasn’t prepared to see. The girl wasn’t unattractive if anything she was gorgeous. Her pale skin had freckles sprinkled across her shoulders, and I was sure she had them on her face, probably covered with makeup. Her breasts were full and something I couldn’t help the way my eyes lingered.

  I could bury my face between those tits and not care about getting any air. They looked fucking perfect. Her hips were round and gave a clue that the likelihood of her tits being fake was slim. My mouth went dry, and I found myself faced with a woman that had me stiff without an effort.

  Stiff and thirsty.

  A throat cleared and I looked up from the nude woman. Angela had spotted me staring, I wondered if she could see the wood I was sporting, too. “Are you going to be able to handle this?” I couldn’t tell who she was speaking to, but I nodded anyway.

  It was a small favor that she had decided against the tie. I’d probably be choking now if she did make me wear it.

  “Yes, Mistress,” the kneeling girl spoke softly. What was her name? “I’m ready, I can handle this.”

  Angela’s gaze left me, and she looked down at the girl. “Then stand, Ms. Sullivan, and step into the chandelier. Get comfortable, you will be up there for a long time.”


  I watched Sullivan get up and do as instructed, stepping into the metal frame. She maneuvered herself so that she was managing to stand on the floor before she crawled into position. She laid face down, and I found myself stepping forward without thought.

  “What the fuck?” Where before I had said it in disbelief, now it felt like venom pouring out of my mouth while I glared at my boss.

  “Is something the matter, Mr. Davis?” Angela didn’t look like she was on the defensive or anything, just looked like she was prepared to answer any of my concerns with clinical attitude.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  “It’s a cage,” she answered slowly. “One that we will suspend overhead. Ms. Sullivan approached me with this idea, and I thought it was a great one. You, also, heard her say that this was something she wanted. Why are you protesting?”

  I opened my mouth, but I didn’t have an argument. I let out a breath when I didn’t have anything to offer, then I looked between Sullivan and the cage. “Is it safe? What if it falls?” I didn’t think how my words could be offensive until after I said them. “Don’t take offense to that, sugar. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  Sullivan blinked at me, her expression showing her surprise. “What?”

  I don’t remember the last time I blurted out something without thinking, I took a breath in and tried to will blood back to my brain. “Safety.” I looked to Angela now. “Is it safe?”

  I had a smirk looking back at me, and I felt my blood boil. Of course, she would be on to me. “Don’t worry, Mr. Davis.” Angela purses her lips. “I made sure that I had a reputable company install the system. It will hold up to five hundred pounds. In case you’d like to take a turn?”

  “No,” I growled. She was making fun of me.

  “Then allow me to secure her, please,” she said in a mocking tone.

  I stepped back awkwardly and watched with a knot in my gut. For some odd reason, she found it necessary to cuff her into the metal cage. At least the cuffs were leather with buckles. There were padded bars that her stomach and hips rested against, so that was some comfort.

  Yeah, fucking right.

  Once she was secured in the cage, Kenneth and I hoisted her up into position. Angela went as far as to adjust a table under her like she really was a piece of decoration that might start a conversation.

  What the fuck kind of depravity did I get myself into?


  After the ‘chandelier’ was hung, everything seemed to move at a quicker pace. Caterers arrived with a spread that put the meals I’d had over the last month to shame. I took up the position at the door, Angela having agreed with my earlier assessment.

  “I would rather Mr. Davis watch for obvious details, things he’s familiar with. If he takes watch on the rooms it's likely he will get confused and barge in on something he shouldn’t,” she said to Kenneth.

  The other man looked as if he were pouting because he didn’t get his way. Seemed petty, but I decided not to care. When the club opened, I was surprised by just how many people walked in it. There were couples, some sporting what looked like collars and chains, and there were also individuals. There were women that wore little to no clothing and men in suits.

  I didn’t know what to say to it all. So I stayed stoic, watching the crowd and trying to keep from looking up. It was hard because I couldn’t forget Sullivan was there, just… on display in the room. I strained my ears just to hear if she had a protest, if there was a cry for help. Instead of looking at her, I noticed all the other people that did. For some reason, it burned me to see a couple of men look up from their table and take in her curves. I didn’t bother to analyze why I was irritated by their looks. I just used them as a focus, so I wasn’t looking up.

  Even as the hours passed, I didn’t hear a peep from her.

  Everyone seemed to forget about the conversation piece over their heads, even when things went from mingling to something progressively sexual. I watched people pair up or go in groups of threes to the back rooms. I stayed at the door, but I still kept a watchful eye on the people leaving my view. No one looked like they were being forced, no one looked like they didn’t want to venture further down the rabbit hole.

  I was relieved when Angela clapped her hands a little 2AM to get the attention of those still in the main room. “Ladies and gentleman. We greatly appreciate your patronage on our first night, but all good things must come to an end. We will be open tomorrow evening at the same time for you to your exercise your more adventurous wants. Again, we thank you for visiting us tonight, and we wish you a safe, good night.”

  Of course, not everyone left immediately. It was a slow trickle. I saw Kenneth step out of the hallway. “Rooms are still in use,” he informed Angela.

  “That’s fine.” Angela motioned to me. “We need to relieve the chandelier, Ms. Sullivan has been up there long enough.”

  I was already at one of the knobs where ropes that held the girl in the cage aloft were tied off. I looked to Kenneth, and I made sure that we lowered her in unison. The table beneath her was tugged out of the way, and we had the ‘chandelier’ on the floor. I didn’t wait after that, I didn’t think. I came forward and helped the girl roll over, then I scooped her up and held her close. Her hands knotted into my jacket, and I didn’t know if it was because she was afraid I’d drop her or if she just needed something to hold on to.

  “What do you need?” Because I had to ask, I was out of my element and I couldn’t fathom what someone might want after spending so long in a cage.

  “Bathroom,” she said. It came out of her in a whisper, and I realized that should've been obvious.

  I cradled her carefully as I marched through the small group of onlookers, I couldn’t tell if they were customers or coworkers, but I didn’t give a fuck all who they were, just that they were in the way. I carried her back to the break room and didn’t bother to drop her off at the bathroom door. Probably too forward, but I went as far as to deposit her on the toilet.

  “I’m at the door,” I told her as I backed out. “You need something I’m in earshot,” I assured her before closing the door behind me. I couldn’t figure out why it felt necessary to do all of this, but I felt the pull and the draw to make sure the girl was alright.

  I turned to find Angela had followed me. Her hands were on her hips, and she raised an eyebrow at me. “Everything alright with Ms. Sullivan?”

  I didn’t have an answer, I just nodded back towards the bathroom door. “She’d been in a cage for
seven hours. How is she supposed to be?”

  “Did you miss the part where she said she wanted that?” Her arms folded across her breasts and she still challenged me. “Did you miss how she spoke about wanting that? Did you hear her at all ask to be let down?”

  I didn’t have an answer for that, so I just glared at her.

  “Master,” it was soft and from behind the door. I didn’t give Angela another look, I opened the door and found Sullivan standing in the bathroom looking timid. Not necessarily afraid, just unsure. It was like an echo of my own feelings. “Master,” her voice caught as she spoke, “I’m okay.”

  Was she calling me master? “Easton,” I corrected her.

  “Are you going to finish taking care of her?” Angela asked from behind me. “Are you going to give her a reward for staying in that cage so long without a complaint?”


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