Claimed: The Decadence Club

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Claimed: The Decadence Club Page 7

by Alyssa Clark

  “What am I supposed to do about her?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Do you intend to keep her?” she asked without looking at me, she took up my vigil of watching her patrons with a serious air.

  It was a blunt question that I didn’t understand. Or maybe I was afraid to understand it. “What does that mean?” I hoped she would give me a simple enough run down of what I was getting myself into, sex aside.

  “She wants you to be her Master,” she said simply, like it was obvious. “So that would make her your slave. Do you understand?”

  “That’s what all of this is about?” I gestured to the room.

  “Some of it.” She didn’t look as if she were concerned by the prospect of me subjugating a woman. “Some of it is submissives looking for dominants, some of it is people experimenting with something new. Most of the people that are here will return because it’s hard to find people that are like minded. If you pay attention, you’ll see a lot of mingling. People getting to know one another like they might at any traditional club.”

  “Making friends? That’s what this is?”

  She laughed a little. “Yeah. That and finding someone to have some sort of direction as you try to figure out what you want while you meet the needs of another person. Slave,” she looked at me, “is just a term. If you decide to keep Tabitha, you’re not actually enslaving her. You're agreeing to a relationship with her, it's based on trust. She’s trusting you to hurt her when she needs it, but not do serious harm to her.”

  “I’m not looking for a girlfriend,” I told her honestly. “If I can just get sex from her that’s what I’m gonna shoot for.”

  Her expression darkened just a little. “Just sex?”

  “She did say she wanted me to use her,” I pointed out.

  Angela shook her head and walked away, leaving it at that. I didn’t doubt she was probably going to break it to Tabitha, I couldn’t find it in me to care. After all, they both knew what they were getting into.


  I soon discovered the hard way what using Tabitha was going to be like. At the end of the night I made my way to the break room, and she immediately stood when I came into the room. Even though I was warned that she was waiting for me, I kind of expected her to leave after a while. But, I also knew damn well I didn’t see her come out, even when I took my turn through the hallway, checking out the rooms.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded. I didn’t know how to feel with her so readily available.

  “You didn’t tell me what to do after I cleaned up,” she spoke up like it was a valid argument.

  “I expected you to go home.” I clocked out then went to go change out of the monkey suit. When she was still there after I came back out of the bathroom, I found myself mildly annoyed. “Why are you still here?”

  She looked distraught. “I thought you understood. I thought you agreed to this.” She gestured between us and went on with a hint of desperation in her voice. “After that punishment, I thought you would understand that I can’t do anything you don’t tell me to do.”

  “So you waited here like a good dog?” I didn’t want her to cling to me, so I put a bit of mocking in my tone. Maybe, that would be enough to give her a hint. “Do you think you’re going to get a reward for waiting here all night for me to get off work?”

  Her eyebrows drew up, and I could see she was starting to get upset, but instead of arguing with me she dropped down to her knees. Her head bowed until her hair came tumbling into her face. She didn’t answer my questions, she just sat there.

  “Where is this supposed to go from here?” I asked, feeling ridiculous that this had stretched out this far. “What are you supposed to do? Come home with me? Clean my house and act like my fucking maid?”

  “If that’s what you want,” she snapped back, and I could see her irritation in the way she clutched at her knees. I don’t know if it was because I was mocking her or if it was the fact that I hadn’t taken any of this seriously.

  “I’m not some rich fuck that can give you whatever you want,” I grunted. “I can’t make you into Cinderella just by pulling your hair, shit don’t work like that.” I strolled over to the desk so I could drop my monkey suit on it. I didn’t know how else to do this, but maybe a slap in the face was what she needed. That’s when I decided to give in. “Come on.”

  We left the club, and I led the way to the bus stop, about a mile from the door. I watched her as we hung out until the last bus came around for its pickups. Her unease was obvious on the ride home. The length of the trip might have had something to do with it. She didn’t shy from me when we got off at the less than friendly neighborhood that I lived in.

  “You’re just trying to frighten me.” It was a soft accusation that I almost didn’t catch.

  I snorted as I led the way to the dingy apartment complex that I lived in, it looked more like a shitty motel than actual apartments. For all I knew, it might have been at one point in time. That’d explain the color of the bathroom and the matted shag carpet.

  “What makes you say that?” I didn’t bother to look at her as I scaled the stairs to the second floor. Three doors down and I had my keys out. “I hope you don’t think I was joking about this shit.” I had the door open, and I decided to play the gentleman, motioning her to enter first.

  Tabitha looked hesitant, but she stepped into my tiny apartment anyway. She stood in the doorway, taking in the one room with its dinette and the twin bed pushed against the wall. There was no couch, not that I had guests to entertain. She was the first person to come into my apartment aside from Suzanne, who was just checking to make sure I had a place.

  I just stood outside, watching her take in what made me truly pathetic. “Still want me to use you?” I asked because I was betting after seeing where I lived she would be clued in on what I was, she would walk away. There wasn’t a woman in her right mind that would want this. There wasn’t a woman in her right mind that would want a man while it was at his lowest.

  She didn’t answer, she didn't even look at me. Instead, she stepped further into my apartment, giving me room to come in behind her. I stepped in and closed the door, locking it behind me. I didn’t pay her any attention as I wandered into the back so I could hit the bathroom. I should shower, wait to see how long she would wait for me, but it was pushing four. My day was catching up with me.

  I had the idea on the bus ride home about maybe taking advantage of this situation because I was ready to fuck her again. It seemed like a great way to end the night. When I came out of the bathroom, I realized I didn’t have any rubbers. I wasn’t going to be dumb about this.

  I doubted she’d even -- I pulled up short when I came back to the front of my apartment. She was kneeling by the door where I’d left her. I was hard, pressing uncomfortably against my zipper. The temptation was hard to resist. “Going to bed,” I told her. “It’s a tight fit.” I waved a hand to my bed. “But there’s nowhere else for you to sleep.”

  She didn’t say a word. I pulled my shirt off and tossed it into my growing pile of laundry. I kicked off my shoes and shucked my jeans. I was tempted to take it all off, but then that would make shit too easy. So, I sat on the bed with nothing but the briefs I pulled on this morning. “How do you normally sleep?”

  “I will sleep however you want me to sleep,” she said it gently, even though it was something that should have been obvious.

  I nodded. “Strip down to your shirt. I don’t have any rubbers, so as much as I’d like to go to sleep empty, it's not gonna happen tonight.”

  She didn’t argue, she just stood and slipped out of the shoes she had been wearing. She then wiggled out of her jeans, treating me to a view of the bare curves of her ass. She was wearing a thong. Fuck me. I couldn’t look away as the length of her legs was exposed. I groaned, and I had to cup my cock as it started to insist that rubbers weren’t entirely necessary.

  Your pull out game was good enough. You know how good it feels to be between those legs.

  “I can take care of you,” she said, her voice was a soft beckon.

  I looked up from where I had been contemplating her legs and ass. “Take care of what?”

  Now that she was only in her shirt and panties, she came down to her knees in front of me. Her eyes were dark, and there was nothing but lust looking back at me. “This,” she breathed as she brushed her knuckles against the hand I had covering my erection.

  I wanted it, I wanted her. Especially right now.

  “No,” I managed to surprise myself with my answer. “Sucking me off ain’t gonna be enough,” I said after a length. “I’d need more.”

  “Take it,” it came out in a rushed breath. She didn’t get to cum the last time we were together.

  I caught her chin with my free hand, pulling her a little closer just so I could growl at her. “No.”

  “Please,” she whimpered. “Let me do something for you.”

  I considered it, I didn’t doubt that she’d probably give me the best head I’d had in years. But its like I said before, it wouldn’t be enough. And I wasn’t dumb enough to fall for the lies my dick tried to sell me.

  “Get in the bed and get as close to the wall as you can,” I said evenly. “I’m gonna go to sleep, and if you so much as cop a feel, you won’t be cumming for a week. That’d be just the beginning of it, too.”

  I got a whimper, but she pulled away to do as I asked. I turned to see her curled up on her side facing the wall. It would be a tight fit, but it was something I’d have to manage. At least this would keep her from wanting to come stay the night again. I laid back, and my shoulder brushed up against her back. There was a sharp intake of breath, but other than that she didn’t move.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I had a woman in bed with me. I’d never been so hyper-aware another person since I got out. I could hear every breath she took, and I felt the shift of them from where my shoulder was against her back. It's a tight fit, as I thought it would be. I usually take up the majority of my bed anyway. I heaved a sigh and turned onto my side so that my back pressed against hers.

  It was damn hard to get to sleep, but eventually, exhaustion won out over everything else.

  A noise woke me, something that stood out from the commotion that bled into my apartment. It's not the usual thing that I’d expect to hear then it was joined by a smell. I inhaled sharply, and I realized it was a sizzle like something was cooking. Did I leave the stove top on?

  I grunted and rolled over, spreading out on the bed. Shit didn’t smell like it was burning. That’s when I noticed I was in bed by myself. I wasn’t supposed to be. I wasn’t ready to fucking wake up. I sat up with a groan and squinted at my kitchen.

  Tabitha was at the stove, immersing herself in cooking whatever she had in the pan. “What are you doing?” I didn’t think she assumed that I was still asleep. I know I made enough noise for her to know what was up.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, but didn’t stop what she was doing. She kept idly stirring what was in the skillet. I tried to gauge what it was, I knew I didn’t have much in my fridge, and my cooking skills were for just the basics. Did she leave to get something? I eyed her hard, she was still just in her t-shirt, and I could see the curve her ass peeking out from beneath it everytime she reach forward a little too far. “I didn’t think you would mind. It was something I used to do every morning. I hope it doesn't bother you that I did this,” she said in a meek tone like she wasn’t sure how I would take this gesture.

  “I don’t normally eat breakfast,” I answered honestly. I was still blurry with sleep, and I would have liked nothing more than to flop backward on the bed. “What time is it?”

  “Ten fifty-eight,” she supplied. “Would you like for me to throw it out?”

  “No,” I rubbed my eyes. “That’s a waste. What’re you cooking anyway?”

  “You had eggs, ham, and cheese, so I made an omelet.” She carefully put it onto one of the plastic plates that I had stashed away in my one cabinet. “I didn’t use much,” she spoke as she went about getting me a bottle of water and a fork. “I didn’t think you would appreciate me using everything you had in your fridge.” She brought it to me in bed.

  I looked at the plate she offered me, the omelet was in a neat little fold, and I could see little slivers of ham in the orange-tinted eggs. I felt confused as I took the plate and fork, I hadn’t ever had someone take care of me before. Not since I moved out of my parents' house and that was forever fucking ago.

  “Thanks,” I said awkwardly before I carefully cut into it and gave it a cautious taste. It was good, even with the limited shit she had to work with she figured out how to make it delicious. “How the hell did you do this?”

  She looked at me helplessly. “You want me to tell you how to make an omelet?”

  I shook my head and kept eating, still marveling at the taste. “What do you do outside of this?” I waved at her, where she was kneeling by the bed.

  “I’m a sous chef,” she told me quietly, and that explained how she managed to make this.

  “You have your own place?” She nodded. “Don’t cooks work a lot? How do you find time to be this?” Another motion to her position.

  She looked down at the floor she was kneeling on, her expression carefully schooled. “Before,” she started slowly, “I lived with my master, and I would take care of him after I finished my shifts.”

  “Where’s your master now? Why aren’t you still with him?”

  She hesitated, it looked like this was something she didn’t want to talk about. But, she forged ahead closing her eyes as she spoke. “He began to push boundaries that I wasn’t comfortable with. When I used our safeword, he would often ignore it. It was to the point that he tore something and I had to go to the hospital.” She paused for a beat. “They thought I had been raped and called the police. That’s when I realized that he had taken my fantasies and turned them into abuse.”

  “And you came to me because you thought it would be different?” I eyed her, trying to figure out where she might have come up with that idea. “What makes you think I will be? What’s gonna keep me from just fucking you and dropping you?”

  “You could do that,” she shrugged a little. “There’s nothing I could do about it. I doubt you’ll do some of the things that Randy did. He cared about no one but himself, and everything was for his amusement,” she explained lightly like she was so sure she had me pegged.

  “How do you know I won’t?”

  She looked at me then, intelligence shining in her big green eyes. “If you were like Randy, Angela wouldn’t keep you around. You wouldn’t be in the position you’re in, and you wouldn’t have been so bothered by me being the chandelier on opening night.”

  She had me there, at least for part of it. “How do you know I’m not just there for the money?”

  “If you were, why are you living here?”


  She continued: “My apartment is big enough--”

  I cut her off, having finished my breakfast. “I don’t take handouts.”

  “This,” she started carefully, clearly not wanting to overstep some sort of expectations that I was unaware of, “is about you taking care of me as I take care of you. It's not uncommon for subs and doms to live together. It wouldn’t be a handout.”

  “Look.” I stood and went to deposit my plate in the sink, my bottle of water forgotten. I turned back to her. “We hardly know each other. This is the first time we’ve actually had a conversation. After all of that, why does it sound like a good idea for me to move in with you?”

  I had her there, she looked away from me and seemed to finally consider what I was saying. It's like she didn’t think any of this through she was just driving on something she wanted. It was an effort to not let this shit go to my head. The last time someone wanted me this much was only because they wanted a free ride into the club. What was it with this one?

  “Why me?” I asked her.

  She loo
ked at me again, her eyes going up my form with a hunger I could feel from across the room. She was still probably humming from the night before. Her eyes connected with mine and I had lust looking back at me. “When you pulled me out of the cage I felt your concern. You were looking after me.” Her breath caught a little. “Randy never did that for me.”

  “You’re gonna need to figure out all the shit you want from me,” I said evenly. “Everything you want me to do, as punishment and as reward. I’m riding into this shit without a clue as to what I’m doing. Rules, all that shit.” I don’t know what made me decide to give in. “You understand that I’m gonna take what I want from you when I want it.”

  “That’s the idea,” she breathed. “That’s what I want you to do.”


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