by Charles Nall
“There's plenty of them.”
“You aren't planning on–”
Akeldamas laughed. “Oh no, my old friend, it's another matter altogether.”
“Well, that's a relief. I expect the money in my account soon.”
The assassin stood up, took one last chug from his beer, and slammed the glass on the table. “And if you’re screwing with me, a bullet will find its way between your eyes. Got it?”
Akeldamas sat silent at the table as the man walked off. Akeldamas' two guards then approached from the shadows. “Well, sir, did that go well?”
Akeldamas frowned. “As well as it could have.”
“What if he can't deliver?”
Akeldamas stood up and straightened his outfit. “He will deliver. I have a good feeling about this. Is the cargo on Freedom?”
The other guard responded, “Yes sir, they didn't even check it, we probably need better security on those ships.”
Akeldamas smiled. “No, that's perfectly fine. And is the cargo in my quarters?”
“Yes sir.”
“Excellent. Do whatever you want, but be sure to be back on Freedom when we are getting ready to leave for Artemis, but do try to stay away from the food court for now. I believe there will be some commotion there soon.”
January 29, 0270 AC - 12:00
USS Freedom in Dock, Space Station Grauer
Galactic Union Space
Captain John Devereaux stared at the holographic viewscreen in the front of the bridge. The viewscreen was zoomed in on the location of Diana, light-years away. He couldn't see much else except the twinkling of Diana's star. But he knew that many people may be making a terrible mistake in this sector of space. Perhaps he was making a terrible mistake. Admiral Akeldamas obviously sounded like he was hiding something. The transmission came from Blood Dynasty space, rivals of the Orion Confederation. The vampires may have something to gain by blaming the Confederation on the destruction of Exodus. Could this be a spark to a new war? Would the vampires ally themselves with the Union and finally be able to defeat their nemesis?
The Blood Dynasty embraced the term “vampire.” Truth was they had little similarities with the vampires of legend. One hundred and thirty years after the Cataclysm, the destruction of Earth, a disease quickly spread throughout present day Galactic Union and Confederation space. There were many rumors as to where the disease came from including exposure to an ancient disease on a fringe world, a sign of the end times, a secret weapon designed by some shady agency, or a weapon from the same forces that turned Earth into cinders.
The disease ravaged many places and seemed to be extremely contagious and usually passed by bodily fluids, although sometimes just touch or being nearby was enough to catch the disease. The disease was like nothing anyone had seen before. It evolved and adapted to treatments. The disease would alter the immune system and cause the body to attack its own organs. Eventually most people with the disease would die from shock.
Strangely, some of those exposed to the disease seemed to not be affected by the organ failure and instead just turned pale and had a sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Their immune system was still altered, in fact, the new immune system was stronger than before.
Tensions were high and different groups were blaming each other for the disease. Unsubstantiated rumors began to spread that those pale people who survived the disease drank the blood of “normals.” The derogatory term “vampire” began to surface. The vampires were blamed on the deaths since they were somehow immune to the deadly symptoms of the disease. In a joint effort to prevent more loss of life, the vampires were quarantined to their own small sector of space by both the Galactic Union and Confederation.
The Confederation were the first to devise the plan. The Galactic Union later agreed to the quarantine as well out of necessity to try to keep their citizens safe. The vampires always considered the Confederation their true enemy, but the Galactic Union had much more power.
A vampire named David Mabus was found murdered in his home on planet Babylon a few months after the quarantine was put into place. Mabus owned the extremely wealthy Mabus Mining corporation. Even though the corporation was controlled by vampires, the corporation tried its best to continue to supply the entire galaxy. His son Darius Mabus inherited the company. Using the resources of the company, Darius Mabus funded a revolt on Babylon in the name of his father and severed ties with the rest of the galaxy. The vampires rallied together under a new government, funded by the immense wealth of Mabus.
The vampires started to embrace the former derogatory word. Since they were immune to the devastating side of the disease, the vampires believed they were superior and the rightful rulers of the galaxy. The vampires struck out against the rest of the galaxy.
The vampires used many tactics to get what they wanted, sometimes even purposely spreading the disease. Through their nefarious plots and resources from the mining company, the vampires managed to become a force to be reckoned with. The Galactic Union and Orion Confederation had enough and allowed the vampires to control a larger section of the galaxy.
The vampires wanted more. The Blood Dynasty, as they ended up calling themselves, launched an invasion. The vampires wanted Urbania, the most populated planet of the galaxy. The combined forces of the Galactic Union, Orion Confederation, and several other smaller factions eventually stopped the vampire advancement at the Battle of Urbania. The Vampire War was the bloodiest war in the history of the human race, even bloodier than the Division Wars that erupted shortly after the Cataclysm that carved the galaxy between the superpowers.
After the fires of war had subsided substantially, the Galactic Union tried to mend fences the best they could in the spirit of equality, but the Orion Confederation still longed to reclaim their former territory. Any spark could set off a conflict again. The disease has ceased spreading–only those who resided within the Blood Dynasty borders were afflicted. Children born to vampire parents were vampires, immune to the ill effects of the disease.
Only recently has hate crimes against members of the Blood Dynasty declined, partly due to their newest philanthropic ruler in the Mabus family line, Drake Mabus. “Regent” Drake Mabus succeeded his father, Damien Mabus, who supposedly committed suicide in the year 268 AC. Regent was a temporary title that stuck, no one else could actually claim the throne.
Drake's father fell from his palace window to his death on planet Babylon. Was he actually murdered? Devereaux wasn't sure, but in the end he believed that something good did come out of that particular tragedy. Drake Mabus has been a very good thing for the Milky Way. Do the ends ever justify the means?
Devereaux assumed that a tragedy above Artemis would occur soon but for a supposedly good reason. Would Devereaux allow this to happen?
“Sir, are you alright?” asked a concerned crewman.
Devereaux kept staring into space.
“Sir? Sir?”
The captain snapped out of it. “Yes? What is it?”
“I was just wondering if you were okay.”
“Oh, I think I just need to get some fresh air. Do they have a hydroponic garden on this space station?”
“Yes sir, but remember we're leaving for Artemis soon.”
“Yeah, I know. I just need time to think. The bridge is yours, Commander Freeman.”
January 29, 0270 AC - 11:55
Space Station Grauer, Expanse Sector
Galactic Union Space
“So, what brings you two to this space station?” Trevor Reynolds asked.
“Gonna say goodbye to Jerry Turner. Trevor, I'm sure you remember him, he's going to be the captain of Exodus. He knows I think Exodus is a bad idea. I told Jacob here the same thing, he's going to Andromeda too,” Teresa Day replied.
“Jerry Turner, oh, I think I heard about him,” Jacob Carpenter said.
“How about you, Trevor, you going to Andromeda as well to chase aliens?” T
eresa smirked.
Trevor shook his head. “No, I get a bad feeling about Exodus. You would think I'd love to go to Andromeda to explore a whole new land, but, honestly, there is still rich, untapped history in our home galaxy. We're still pushing frontier in the Milky Way. If there is other life in this galaxy, I'm going to find them.”
“Sure, you'll find them.” Teresa leaned a bit towards Jacob. “Get this: he thinks he was abducted by aliens!”
Trevor Reynolds sighed. “It effing happened. I will find proof there is life elsewhere. The archaeological dig on planet Abyss has uncovered some fascinating stuff! I believe Abyss is the key.”
Jacob, Trevor, and Teresa were sitting together at a table enjoying their meal, although Jacob didn't believe the burgers they were enjoying were actual beef. Still, it soothed the hunger. The group was eating in a large food court on one of the levels of the space station. Multiple shops were open with customers examining the menus. Many tables were placed around the food court. These tables were mostly occupied by the many travelers that were stopping by the space station. The space station was relatively clean and well-maintained.
“Oh, that's him,” said a man looking from a level above down at the food court. He stashed a photograph he was examining in his coat and walked by some oblivious travelers. The man found a position next to a large, glowing orange crystal. The crystal was mined from a fringe world and was now on display. There was no one around the crystal, so the man assumed it was not a main attraction. He decided that setting up position here would not bring him any unwanted attention. He sat his briefcase down and adjusted his hat. He retrieved pieces of a sniper rifle out of the briefcase and began assembling it. When the man had finished assembling the weapon, he placed it on the railing overlooking the food court and took aim.
Trevor continued, “Archaeologists on Abyss found what could only be described as some sort of insect leg buried under some pyroclastic flow. Bugs on Abyss! Amazing!”
Jacob laughed. “Bugs aren't that amazing.”
Trevor replied, “Well, bugs on another world, light-years away from Sol–that is amazing. Perhaps the first sign of some sort of real life. We've found bacteria-like life on some worlds, but that is hardly as exciting as an insect leg. Basically, that's why I'm here. I'm supposed to meet someone about a potential job here in a few minutes. We're gonna go to Abyss and do some archaeological work. Can you imagine what would happen if we found a completely fossilized alien insect? It's exciting!”
“Where exactly would you look for more of those bugs?” asked Jacob.
“The insect leg was found under pyroclastic flow. There’s an area near some active volcanoes where no one has excavated yet.”
Teresa groaned and rolled her eyes. “I wonder why? You do know how violent the volcanic activity is there, right?”
Trevor nodded. “Yes, but the volcanism stems from gravitational stress from the moons of Abyss. There are times when the volcanism isn't very strong. We can hopefully get some samples during one of the dry spells.”
“All that lava, though, how will samples even be intact?” Jacob said.
“Doesn't matter if there's a lot of lava, we just have to dig deep enough, and my potential employers have some great ideas. We're gonna do it. I'm sorry Teresa, I know I bet you want to help me, but I won't need the Mad Cats to escort me there this time. The vamps are being very nice when it comes to allowing archaeological digs,” Trevor said.
Teresa laughed heartily. “As opposed to the locals on Tyson VI?”
“Listen, Tyson VI is backwater. There were rumors that I would be digging on some sort of holy ground. I needed protection in case the backwater locals rose up against me!”
“Most boring week of my life. Nothing happened.” She took a sip of her drink. “Nothing at all.”
“Getting paid for nothing though, that has to count for something,” Trevor said.
Teresa pushed her meal away from her. “Ugh, even though I haven't eaten in days, I'm getting full. And no, I'd much rather shoot something. You didn't pay us anyways. The Explorer's Corporation did, and well, I think that led to their bankruptcy.”
“I had a good feeling about Tyson VI, I really did...”
“So I guess you found nothing?” Jacob asked.
“Nothing,” Trevor said resting his hand on his face, “I've never found anything. It's out there, though, I know it. Abyss, though, that's the key to everything. I've never been more sure about anything. I just get the feeling that whoever abducted me years ago, that's where they were from. Well, at least, they had something on that planet. They did... something there.”
Teresa laughed. “I do feel sorry for you. Believing such crazy notions. I do sincerely hope you find something, but, honestly, it's a lot like you just point somewhere and try to find something and if it doesn't work out you just point elsewhere.” Teresa laughed and acted out what she was saying. She pointed one direction, “Aliens are over there!” pointed another, “Look, their home planet is over there!” pointed another, “Oh, just joking, alien bugs this way!”
Trevor sighed. “Yeah, yeah, I know, keep laughing.”
Jacob laughed and pointed another direction. “And what's over there, Teresa?”
Teresa put a finger over her lips. “Shhhh! Don't wake the sleeping Boogeymen that live there!”
Jacob pointed another direction. “Over there?”
“More aliens!”
Trevor crumpled in his seat and put his face on the table. “Keep going, this is still so hilarious, really.”
Jacob pointed up towards the level above them. “And over there?!”
Teresa looked that way. “Lilith! The first! Queen of the Vamp–wait–” A look of horror went across Teresa's face. “Get down! Everyone get down!”
Jacob noticed it too; the light of an orange crystal was causing a bright reflection off something. The entire food court heard Teresa's yell, and although some people looked at Teresa bewildered, everyone at Teresa's table ducked under it, as a bullet impacted and tore through the flimsy chair Jacob was sitting in.
Jacob, under the table, stammered, “Were–was he shooting at me?!”
Teresa tried to position herself so that she could see the assailant. “Maybe, or he was trying to get me–he missed though if that's true. You up to anything, kid? I mean, I could be on a hit list, but are you bad news?”
“No, no, of course not,” Jacob said.
“Holy shit! Teresa, you always bring tidings of joy, you know that?!” Trevor chastised.
Another bullet pierced through the table and impacted near Jacob.
“Well, I don't know who the target is, but I don't think we'll get very far arguing under a table,” said Teresa as she pulled out an automatic rifle from her suitcase.
Jacob's eyes grew wide.
Teresa smiled. “When in Rome...”
A security guard ran to the food court to see what the commotion was about. Jacob called out to the guard, “Get back!” The guard then collapsed to the floor, clutching his chest. A puddle of blood coalesced around the body.
“Eff!” Trevor yelled.
Teresa Day quickly rolled out from under the table and began firing upon the sniper. The sniper took cover behind the orange crystal. The hail of bullets from Teresa shattered the crystal into pieces. Crystal shards rained down onto the level below.
Teresa noticed the man darting to the west. She screeched, “He's running, I'm after him!”
Teresa saw an escalator that would bring her up to that level, closer to her target. She bolted toward the escalator.
“Wait, do we stay here?” Trevor asked.
“She’s our friend and has a gun. I'm sticking with her if I'm getting shot at!” replied Jacob as he took off running from under the table.
Trevor stood up from under the table, grabbed another bite from his burger, and took off in pursuit of Teresa and Jacob.
Teresa reached the top of the escalator and looked around for the sniper. She noti
ced him running along some potted plants near some terminals of departing flights. “You aren't getting away...” Teresa darted off after him, Trevor and Jacob close behind. Teresa noted that were no innocents near the sniper at the moment and fired a few shots toward his direction.
The sniper was running for his life. He threw his weapon down and pulled out a small communications device and yelled into it, “You failed to mention she was armed! You son of a—” bullets impacted all around him, fired from Teresa's rifle. “Dammit, this situation has gone south, I need my exit, now!” The sniper noticed a crowd of people and ducked in between them.
Teresa hesitated to fire into the crowd. She lost sight of her target. “Dammit!”
The sniper looked behind him and did not see Teresa pursuing. He found a terminal with both of Akeldamas' guards standing guard. Akeldamas was nearby sitting in a chair, reading his personal computer.
The sniper yelled, “Get me out of here–off this station– out of this sector, I couldn't get him, but she's after me!”
The guards looked puzzled.
Akeldamas put his computer down, “And you are?”
Space station security approached. “You there! Halt! Sir, is this the gunman? He killed one of our men!”
Akeldamas nodded. “Yes, I believe so, he stopped here. He wants transport or something? This man is confused, take him away. ” Akeldamas glanced at the assassin and back down to his computer. “...Good for nothing. ”
The sniper snarled, “What, what is this? Was I set up? Was I ever getting transport? I had no exit?! You mother-effer!”
“Officers, this man is not with us. Akeldamas would never hire someone like this to do anything, it is not within his character,” said one of Akeldamas' guards.
The station security approached the sniper. “Come with us, please, you have the right to remain–”
The sniper angrily glared at Akeldamas who resumed reading his computer. Before he could be handcuffed, the sniper bolted away. “Eff you, Akeldamas! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"