Orchestra of Shadows

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Orchestra of Shadows Page 13

by Charles Nall

  “And they are correct. And the other religion is also correct. There is more than one truth. The universe is infinite. There are infinite possibilities, do not be so naive to believe there is one truth. The truth is there is more than one truth, but all the truths are the one truth. Everyone builds a different well into the same underground river. The same water is produced, but the wells are quite different.”

  “I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. One minute you say none of us have the truth, then the next you say we all have it.”

  “Then you are not listening. The Truth transcends everything. The universe is a contradiction. The main thing I want to tell you, the one thing I must tell you is that you should not fear the path you are placed on. You have been placed on this path by friends you do not yet know. Removed from a corrupted path to the path to the salvation of the entire galaxy. The new path is perfect. The looping path of destruction. Do not fear, know it is perfect. know that your path is the sum of all infinite paths and infinite truths.”

  “The looping path of destruction?”

  “You are the Destroyer,” replied Vis, “but that is not necessarily a bad thing. One must destroy to create.”

  Jacob had a bewildered look on his face.

  Sharon shrugged. “I have no idea what she is talking about either, Jacob. One day maybe it will click for you.”

  Vis bowed her head and started speaking a language neither Sharon or Jacob were familiar with. Vis lifted her head and looked to Jacob again. “Oh, Child. I understand. You have a very big decision soon, and your decision will affect another one's path as well. I know you will choose the right path but I am truly fearful of what you will become. I am more afraid of what will become if you do not choose the right path. Trust your new friends, they have no reason to deceive you. For now. Those who try to dissuade people from their faith to another are the worst sickness. Do not trust those who believe their path is the truth, when it clearly leads to damnation.”

  Jacob was having a hard time following the woman’s train of thought. “I thought you said all faiths led to the same truth?”

  “Faiths that harm or destroy other faiths are not true faiths. Those who control the weak are despicable. To alter one's path of enlightenment to a path of corruption is the greatest sin. All corrupted faiths lead to the same lie. The greatest lie in the universe.”

  “What is the greatest lie?”

  “That you will fail,” said Vis calmly.

  Vis turned to Sharon. “Sorry, my child, I have neglected you, but your friend has never been here before. Do you have any questions?”

  Sharon glanced at Jacob and stuttered, “Is my–is– Jacob, is he who you referred to in our talks? My guide?”

  Vis grinned. “Your paths have finally came together and will continue until the dragon eats the galaxy. It is ultimately up to you if this man is who you want him to be. But I can see in your eyes you have already made this decision. I do have one thing to tell you, though. My associate has told me that another thing you seek is in a junkyard in Argolis. It was just deposited there. Trace your footsteps and return and find it. If you do not find it, I fear for the entire path. That is all. Feel free to leave. I must go to sleep, there's another glorious day tomorrow under the bronze god. Oh, and, Jacob–keep the book.”

  “Oh, uh, thanks, I guess,” Jacob said as he placed the book in a coat pocket.

  Sharon stood up. “Come on Jacob, it's a long way home. We should get going.”

  They exited the shack and walked down the path together.

  “That was... something.” Jacob said. He didn’t really know what just happened.

  Sharon looked up at the planet and then back at Jacob. She wrapped her arm around his and held him close as they walked down the path. They went down the ladder and began their journey back home.

  Minutes later, they reached a fork in the passage.

  “Which way?” Jacob asked.

  Sharon looked both ways and furrowed her brow. “Um, I think we go right here. How could I forget?”

  The passageway opened up into a basin with a ten meter diameter filled with murky water. A metal bridge spanned the basin but appeared to rest right on top of the water. Rusted machinery protruded out of the water. A few dim lights were situated around the basin.

  “Damn, I took the wrong way. Oh, I think I remember this, sometimes we'd take this as a shortcut. I bet there's a reservoir straight down from here. Let's keep going.”

  Jacob looked around. “This is a pumping station or something? That bridge doesn't look that safe at all. Let's just turn around and go back the other way.”

  “No, it's fine, come on.”

  The metal bridge creaked as they walked across it.

  “This really doesn't seem secure,” remarked Jacob.

  “Yeah, yeah. I think you were right. We're too far now just to turn around. We can make it.” Sharon said with a tinge of fear.

  Sharon took another step and the bridge let out of metallic groan followed by snapping and popping noises. The bridge started to collapse into the basin. Jacob lost his footing and struck his head on the metal bridge and slipped off the edge. Sharon screamed, dropped her flashlight, and fell into the stagnant dirty water as the bridge collapsed.

  Sharon struggled in the water, “Help! I can't—”

  Sharon frantically splashed with her hands to try to stay afloat. She was losing the fight and began to sink.

  Jacob was disoriented. He tried to get back on the bridge, but the bridge was sinking down into the basin. He swam to the cold water's surface and took a deep breath.

  “Sharon?” Jacob panicked. “Sharon!”

  He submerged himself back into the water and tried to find some glimpse of her. He began swimming and darting his eyes around, hoping to see something. A flashlight was drifting downward in the water. Jacob grabbed it and began shining it multiple ways. Finally, he saw a figure sinking in the water. He dived down to that position and grabbed the body. He swam to the surface as fast as he could. Jacob swam to the entrance to the basin and dragged the unconscious body out of the water.

  Jacob threw the flashlight to his side and fell down before Sharon. He began pumping Sharon's chest. He put his mouth to hers to try to blow air into her body. He continued pumping her chest.

  “Please! Sharon!”

  Jacob placed his mouth on hers again.


  Jacob would not give up and continued. Tears began to collect in Jacob's eyes.

  Sharon started coughing up water.

  “Oh thank god, oh thank god.” Jacob sighed with relief.

  Sharon looked up to Jacob. “Were you touching my chest? And kissing me? You are such... you...” Sharon took some deep breaths. “You are such a pervert.”

  Jacob bent down and kissed Sharon on the lips. “I wasn't, but now I am.”

  Sharon struggled to breathe. “Ha ha. Thanks. Thanks, Jacob. I, I really don't know what to say.” She coughed.

  “Let's get out of here. That's enough excitement for today.”

  Sharon slowly rose to her feet. “So what are we doing tomorrow? No offense, but–I did not like this part of tonight's date. I'm a–nice girl, I'll give you another chance.”

  “Well, Vis mentioned something about a junkyard. I have no idea what she's smoking, but perhaps you will find something neat if we go check some out tomorrow.”

  “My lungs hurt. Yeah, that sounds good.”

  “We need to get home and rest. You are soaking wet.”

  Sharon picked up the flashlight. “Yeah you need to get me out of these clothes.”

  Jacob laughed. “I'm the pervert? Here, take my coat. I don't want you getting sick.”

  Sharon moved her wet hair out of her face. “Thanks, Jake. But I also don't want you getting sick!”

  “Don't worry, I hardly ever get sick. I don't remember the last time I was. Let's get out of here. I'm so thankful you are okay.”


  Jacob and Sharon embraced and then kissed. They walked down the passage together, leaning on one another.

  February 3, 0270 AC - 09:12

  Rapture, Turner's Salvage

  Argolis, Artemis, Galactic Union Space

  Sharon cuddled up next to Jacob. The living quarters of the Rapture were small and cramped, but neither Jacob nor Sharon minded.

  “I think I love you, Jacob Carpenter,” Sharon said.

  Jacob laughed. “You think?”

  “I’ve never been great at knowing what love is. Falling in love this fast, well, that’s new to me. I think it’s love, though.”

  “Me too.”

  Sharon and Jacob lay next to each other in the bunk. There was barely enough room for both of them. A flimsy white sheet covered them.

  “You do love me, right, Jake?” Sharon asked.

  Jacob nodded. “Of course.”

  “It’s not just because I have an adequate hole that you can fill, right?”

  Jacob smiled. “Well, that does help.”

  Sharon rolled her eyes. “Men... Seriously, though. I’ve never fallen this hard for anybody. I wonder why. I mean, that Vis nonsense about my soul mate and all. I don’t know if I believe that. But I do feel a connection with you. Do you think it is because we’re both orphans? Do orphans fall in love? Is that a usual thing?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Me neither.” Sharon paused for a little while as she caressed Jacob’s chest. “Was your life okay as an orphan?”

  “I guess.”

  “Mine was alright. You don’t ever talk about your past.”

  “Nothing to talk about.”

  “Were your foster parents good to you?”

  “I guess.”

  “You aren’t being very talkative about your past.”

  Jacob sighed. “I’d rather focus on my future. It’s hard to put my past into words.”

  Sharon stretched. “Alright. I understand if it’s been rough. It’ll be alright.” She kissed Jacob on the forehead. She tried to cuddle up to Jacob as best she could, considering the lack of space on the bunk. “Well, let’s change the subject.”


  A devilish grin appeared on Sharon’s face. She reached her hand under the sheet. She growled in Jacob’s ear.

  Jacob felt her hand go between his legs.

  “Round Two?” she asked.

  February 3, 0270 AC - 18:37

  Turner's Salvage

  Argolis, Artemis, Galactic Union Space

  “I can't believe that girl found a working Caelifera II hyper-drive for that cheap. I have no idea how she found it. I really don't think that ship is compatible, but I have been wrong before. Oh, look at her over there barking orders to Jake,” Arnold Lawrence said with a laugh.

  Trevor Reynolds smiled. “I was going to offer my help in installing it, but it seems they have it covered. Although I don't think Jacob knows how to use that jigger.”

  Arnold leaned back in his chair. “Hyper-drives aren't that difficult to install. Warships use the same size drives, they just have extra machinery to increase the wake output. Generally, for corvettes, hyper-drives don't have many large parts, just a lot of smaller parts–which are currently falling onto the ground.”

  Jacob was having difficulty with keeping boxes of hyper-drive parts on the pallet jack he was using. Sharon started laughing at Jacob.

  Trevor swiped his hand over his personal computer to move to the next page of the book he was reading. “Those two are adorable.”

  “I guess,” replied Arnold begrudgingly.

  “Oh? Someone's not too happy about their budding relationship.”

  “I don't know. She seems interested at times in me. We've had dates, sort of. I mean, I've known her a long time. I think she knows how I feel for her. She sort of flirts with me. I don't know. I've wanted her for so long.”

  “Women are confusing. Humanity has evolved for millions of years. We have colonized the galaxy. Many fundamental laws of the universe have been uncovered. We still don't know anything about the opposite sex. Don't worry about it.”

  “Do you have anybody, Trevor?” Arnold asked.

  Trevor shook his head, “Not anymore. I have tried several times but it usually ends poorly. I understand your plight. You think you are doing everything right and then you are sleeping on the couch. It doesn't make sense. They are so much trouble, and yet our biological instinct is to try to mate with them. It's rough, man.”

  “I'd go through trouble to be with her.”

  “Nah, she's taken. It's okay. Just move on.”

  “She's perfect, I can't just move on.”

  “I've been there, but there's other girls out there. She doesn't feel the same way for you. That's just how it is, you gotta move on.”

  “There are times I think she wants me. Conflicting messages. I don't know. Some days I just try to give her space and others I'm just too forward with my flirting. I have no game.”

  “Don't worry about it. If it is meant to be, it's meant to be. She clicks with Jacob more than you. Nothing you can do about it. Just keep on living your life. You'll find somebody else.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Don’t sweat it. You know, maybe there's still a chance. You just need to tell her how you feel. Probably should wait until the Exodus launch. If she leaves for Andromeda and you stay here, there's no reason to worry about being with her. But if she decides to stay, then you can make your move, especially if Jake is out of the picture.”

  Jerry Turner drove by the table slowly in a forklift, carrying a large set of crates. Jerry called out to Trevor and Arnold. He seemed giddy with joy. “Sails! My Rapture is getting sails for hyperspace travel! Please! Come help me install them!”

  February 4, 0270 AC - 17:44

  Rapture, Turner's Salvage

  Artemis, Galactic Union Space

  Jacob stared at the glass cylinder in the engine room. The cylinder went from the bottom of the engine room to the top and seemed to transfer pulsing energy. A small rounded catwalk went around the edge of the curved engine room near the top of this energy channel. Wires and pipes exited the top section of the channel onto the sides of the room. These pipes and wires led to the wings of the craft where the ion thrusters resided.

  Consoles and machinery surrounded the cylinder's bottom. Pipes led to the reactor proper which was toward the bow of the ship. The reactor was in a recessed alcove of the engine room. The reactor was a toroidal shape of metal components. The magnets inside the toroid kept energy flowing through the energy channel. A low hum was emitted from the toroid of the reactor.

  Jacob glimpsed over at Sharon Rose, who was working on the new hyper-drive system which was placed next to the energy channel. Jacob called out to her, “You know, I never really understood how hyper-drives worked.”

  Sharon fastened a hose onto the side of the hyper-drive. “Oh, it's not that complicated. We should start from the beginning. Hyperspace is another plane to our universe where the laws of physics are different than what we’re used to. Moving a few meters in hyperspace correlates to moving much, much farther in standard space.

  “To enter hyperspace requires a jumpgate or a ship with a hyper-drive. The jumpgates have fusion reactors built on them and constantly charge off solar wind. Using jumpgates takes a lot of stress off the reactor system. These gates are typically built on stable LaGrange points.”

  “LaGrange points?”

  Sharon continued, “LaGrange points are locations where objects pretty much stay stationary relative to other larger objects in the gravitational configuration. Beyond that, gravitational forces are weaker in those areas and it is much easier to pierce space. The jumpgate weakens the barrier to hyperspace. A ship then fires a beam of exotic energy at a certain frequency. We had some room for the hyper-beam emitter on the nose of the ship. It's all hooked up and ready to go.

  “Once in hyperspace, a ship creates a hyper-conduit around them using a field gen
erated from the hyper-drive. This conduit is basically a safe haven from the danger of the crushing pressures of hyperspace. Other ships in the conduit are also safe if they stay within the 'wake' of the ship creating the conduit. There are still occasional bumps in the ride, which is usually taken care of by normal shielding. Still, without the hyper-drive, the ship would be easily torn apart by the forces of hyperspace.”

  Jacob placed his hand on the cylinder. It was cool to the touch. “Okay, this is sort of making sense. Does the ship just head to whatever coordinates it's going to and drop out of hyperspace back into our space?”

  “Yes, the ship can drop out of hyperspace by de-initializing the warping field. Don’t worry about the technicalities. To the outside observer the ship just materializes into view, with a sort of blue tinge due to hyperspace physics. If the ship passes through a jump gate’s signature in hyperspace, the ship’s hyper-drive will automatically de-initialize due to the weakened space around the jumpgate.”

  Jacob glanced around the engine room. “Could a ship without a hyper-drive be potentially... lost at sea?”

  Sharon connected some wires from a panel into the hyper-drive. “Pretty much, you'll need to send a rescue team. But with the gravitational storms and pressure–you probably will not be able to rescue them. That’s basically it. Oh! There are ships that are basically mobile jumpgates as well. They are usually called hyperships or jumpships and have multiple, large hyper-drives. They lead the charge for a squadron or division of warships. Many ships can use their wake.”

  “So, a California-class ship usually doesn't have a hyper-drive, but you put one in it! So it can form its own conduit and travel in hyperspace without any help?”

  “Yeah, that's the hope. I doubt the wake will be big enough for any larger ships to come with us and we'll usually use jumpgates. I basically upgraded Rapture to a California II-class. I'm not sure if Rapture can handle this new hyper-drive, but, hey, we'll see!” Sharon said while patting the side of the drive.

  Sharon flipped a switch on the hyper-drive and Rapture lurched. Sharon approached a nearby computer console and wiped some dust off of it.


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