Orchestra of Shadows

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Orchestra of Shadows Page 32

by Charles Nall

  “We'll think of something,” assured Slade.

  “No, I don't think so,” Oshiro said.

  Slade paced in his cell. “Oh come on, Captain. How was I supposed to know that Lieutenant Maeda was going to arrive right after I did the deed? How was I supposed to know that Tsukino had an effing camera in an aquarium ornament?!”

  Oshiro turned to face the prisoner. “The fact remains. You screwed up.”

  “You can't leave me here. We're on the same side!”

  Oshiro started tapping on the container he was holding. “Not really. It's a strange thing having one of these creatures in your head. You do realize the creature and myself are sometimes on the same page? Sometimes it’s not opposed to my course of action.”

  “I made you! I order you to let me out of here!”

  “That's the thing. Even if I really wanted to, I believe I could fight it.”

  “I don't follow you.”

  “Forgive me, it's hard to articulate sometimes when you are sharing one body. Of course, you don't know how that feels, do you? You throw these creatures on other people but do you have any idea what it's like?”

  “No. But that hardly matters. What are you going to do to me? Kill me?”

  Oshiro laughed. “What we're going to do you? It's worse than death. Believe me, I experienced it. You'll learn firsthand what you do to people.”

  Slade dropped to his knees and begged, “Please! No! We can work something out! We have work to do!”

  “The assassination attempt? I believe I can fight it. We won't have to go along with that plan. But you don't have any part to play in that anyways. Your work is done, my friend. It's now time for you to learn how it feels to have your life stripped away.”

  “No! You can't! What if someone finds out?!”

  “I've turned off all recording equipment in the brig. The security has been ordered not to interfere.”

  “No! Please!”

  “Oddly, I think the creature inside of me is enjoying this more than I am,” Oshiro said as he opened the container. He then sat it right next to the door of the cell. “Have a good day, Mr. Slade.”


  “Remember what you told me? It's worse if you struggle.” Oshiro smiled and exited the brig.

  A hiss emanated from the container.

  Slade eyed the silver chest. He struggled to breathe. He moved to the furthest corner of the cell. Slade continued to try to move back, as if he was attempting to move through the solid bars.

  A black, writhing creature slithered out of the container. It snaked its way right between the bars of the cell. The creature paused and turned its front part of its body toward the panicking prisoner.

  The creature leaped into the air toward Slade. It landed on Slade's face. The insect-like legs perched the creature right around Slade's mouth.

  The tail of the creature produced a stinger that stabbed into Slade's chest.

  Slade fell limp, as the creature slithered into the gaping mouth of its victim. The entirety of the creature entered the body and dug its way to Slade's brain stem.

  He convulsed. Blood trickled out of his nose and mouth. His bright white teeth were dripping with the red of blood.

  Slade slowly rose from the ground. He felt his face with his quivering palms.

  “I–I... did this to people?”

  Slade fell back down to the ground and coughed blood onto the floor. Slade then curled up into a fetal position and shivered.

  March 4, 0270 AC - 15:30

  The Paths Start to Converge

  The jumpgate near Artemis started to bloom. The three structures of the jumpgate rotated slowly and then came apart. Energy blasted between the structures. The view of the stars between the points of the jumpgate shook and shimmered. A flash of blue light burst from the center of the triangle formed by the jumpgate structures. Three Blood Dynasty ships entered Artemis space.

  Two Mjolnir-class destroyers accompanied a much larger Cerberus-class cruiser. The ships were painted a sinister black and red. The destroyers looked similar to a standard Galactic Union destroyer, but a more dark and brooding version. The Cerberus-class cruiser looked completely different than a normal Galactic Union warship. The cruiser was squid-like, with tentacle-structures growing out of the center of the ship and enveloping the bow area of the ship. These structures powered the focusing beam weapon which was a staple of the cruiser lines of the vampires. This beam weaponry was unique to the Blood Dynasty.

  In a few hours, the peace conference would supposedly start. The President of the Galactic Union, Kael Eridanys, was back on board the flagship. Regent Drake Mabus paced in his quarters. His assistant, Noctis Reek, nervously watched his master. Tobias Thorne worked on the planet killer plans in a lab on Abaddon.

  John Devereaux and Bradley Akeldamas stood on the bridge of Freedom. Serafina Freeman, Xan Draeden and Jaxon Knight worked on their consoles. Ember Skyrift also worked at her console, but was not feeling well due to the cancer treatments. Ashara Cinderflake talked to her medical staff about what was expected of them during a battle. The entire crew were ready for anything.

  Only a couple hours away in the flux of hyperspace, Rapture continued its journey toward Artemis. The crew tried requesting access to the Artemis jumpgate, but it was not accepting access.

  “It's not accepting anything,” Trevor Reynolds grumbled.

  “Probably because of the peace talks,” Arnold Lawrence said.

  Elijah Shepherd sighed. “Well, supposed peace talks,”

  “Can we make it to Artemis with our current charge?” Jacob Carpenter asked.

  “Yeah, I think so,” replied Sharon Rose Turner. “Hyperspace is relatively calm. We should make it in two hours.”

  Hyperspace was calm, but a storm was brewing in hyperspace near the border of Orion Confederation space. Iriguchi was en route to Artemis with six warships.

  Tanari Oshiro and Yamato Koizumi stood watch over the bridge of the hypership. Oshiro turned to Koizumi and said, “You know, this isn't right.”

  “Even if it isn't right, there's not much you can do about it,” Koizumi replied.

  “There might be. I can't take this. Riko was like a daughter to me. I meant that. I can't keep doing this.”

  “Don't worry about it, we're doing a good thing.”

  Oshiro took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his nose.

  Koizumi shook his head. “Don't fight it, sir. Everything will be alright. The sky will burn over Artemis.”

  March 4, 0270 AC - 17:38

  The Battle of Artemis

  Rapture broke into standard space over Artemis.

  “We're four thousand kilometers away from the jumpgate. I am detecting three vampire warships and five Galactic Union warships that are hovering near the jumpgate,” Trevor said.

  “How soon will they notice us?” Jacob asked.

  “They already have,” Trevor said.

  “Artemis Defense Grid fighters are en route to our location,” Elijah said.

  “It's possible they'll just shoot us out of the sky. There's a reason the jumpgate was not accepting any traffic,” Arnold noted.

  “Jake, we need to let them know we're here to help,” Sharon said.

  Jacob nodded. “Yep. Trevor, link me with every single ship that will listen to me. Tell them it is a priority message.”

  “Do it fast, those fighters will be upon us in twenty seconds,” Elijah said.

  “Agamemnon is accepting our vid link. Isn't that–”

  The viewscreen of Rapture interrupted Trevor by showing a video display of the President of the Galactic Union on board the heavy cruiser.

  Jacob was surprised to see him. “Oh. Mr. President...”

  The President smiled. “Hello. Priority message for us? And you are?”

  “Jacob Carpenter, sir.”

  “Hmm, another ship is accepting us.”

  “Overlay that as well, Trevor,” Jacob said. “Make it a three-way link.”

>   The video display of Rapture split down the middle. On the left, the President awaited Jacob's message. On the right, Devereaux and Akeldamas bickered on the bridge of Freedom.

  Admiral Akeldamas growled, “President Eridanys! Do not talk to that ship! Destroy it!”

  “And why can't I have a chat with them? They have an important message,” President Eridanys said. “I am not afraid of them. Do not attack.”

  The Artemis defense fighters flew by Rapture. They did not fire upon the corvette and continued on their way.

  “Thank you, sir,” said Jacob. “We bring troubling news. The Confederation is sending a force to disrupt the peace conference. Mr. President, your life is in danger.”

  “Quite the claim,” said Eridanys. “Do you have any proof?”

  Devereaux glanced at Akeldamas. Akeldamas continued to growl, “Mr. President! This ship was seen leaving the area of Artemis when Exodus was destroyed! They have connections to that tragedy! They are probably Confederation agents! They are up to something!”

  “I doubt that, Admiral. Please contain yourself, let us see what they have to say,” Devereaux said.

  Akeldamas turned to the captain. “What are you doing?! We can't let that corvette–”

  Devereaux laughed. “What's that lightly-armed corvette going to do? Let's hear what they have to say.”

  “I agree with Devereaux, Mr. Akeldamas. Please just let us hear what they have to say,” President Eridanys said.

  Akeldamas yelled, “Devereaux? What are you doing? Mr. President, we have to capture them, at least, for questioning.”

  “Be quiet, Admiral. That's an order,” commanded the President. “Alright, Jacob, what do you have to say?”

  Akeldamas seethed and looked over at the captain.

  Devereaux smirked.

  “It's possible that it may not happen. Honestly, I hope it doesn't happen, sir,” said Jacob. “Trevor, upload Elijah's sensor settings to any ship that will accept them.”

  “They are uploading some sort of computer virus! Don't do it!” Akeldamas yelled.

  “I told you to be quiet, Admiral. Our firewalls are more than capable of handling themselves. Let's see what they are uploading,” replied the President.

  Devereaux nodded. “Lieutenant Draeden, please accept the transmission and tell me what you can make of it.”

  Jacob continued, “If you use those sensor settings, you'll be able to detect the stealth hyper-drive of the Confederation.”

  Akeldamas laughed. “Stealth?”

  “What do you mean?” Eridanys asked.

  Jacob replied, “Sir, they have developed a technology to mask their hyper-drive wake. Please upload those settings as soon as possible. Those settings will allow you to detect the wake.”

  Lieutenant Xan Draeden called out, “Captain, it seems they are telling the truth. The sensor protocols seem to emphasize graviton filtering from the relay network of listening posts. Shall I upload it to our system?”

  Devereaux nodded. “Yes, do it and began scanning.”

  Akeldamas grumbled, “It's a bunch of hogwash. These criminals are postponing the peace talks! It's supposed to start in only a few minutes!”

  “Admiral! Control yourself. Stop. Talking,” commanded Eridanys.

  “I'm not detecting anything yet on the sensors,” Lieutenant Jaxon Knight said.

  “Because there's nothing out there,” Akeldamas said under his breath.

  Jacob continued, “Mr. President, I, uh. Don't know how to say this exactly. And we do not have any proof of this. But we believe that Admiral Akeldamas has been in contact with the Confederation. He knows about the upcoming attack.”

  The admiral nervously laughed. “Oh come on. This is ridiculous.”

  “That's another large claim,” Eridanys said.

  Devereaux looked over to Akeldamas. “Is this true, Admiral?”

  “Of course not! What's going on here?!”

  “Without proof, I can't do anything. However, I'd like all ships over Artemis to raise their shields. Make sure you are at Con-2. Launch all fighters of the Artemis Defense Grid. All pilots need to be ready to launch from their respective warships,” Eridanys commanded. “Notify any warships that are in nearby sectors. We need as much support as possible.”

  Devereaux nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  Akeldamas shook his head. “I can't believe this! We're going to waste power on shields and fighter fuel? For nothing?! This is ridiculous!”

  Devereaux looked over to Akeldamas. “You know. When we first met, I intercepted a transmission and threatened to decrypt it.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Mr. President, I think we can potentially prove Jacob's claims by searching our records for any transmissions into Confederation space.”

  “It's happening, guys. We did well,” Jacob said.

  Sharon smiled. “Great job, everyone.”

  Trevor shuddered in his seat. “It's not over yet.”

  “Not even close,” Elijah said.

  “I'm not sure if that's necessary, Captain Devereaux,” Eridanys said.

  “Thank you!” Akeldamas said in relief.

  “Well, I defer to your judgment. Mr. President. Just in case, though. Lieutenant Draeden, please search for any transmissions to Confederation space in the last few weeks from a console that Akeldamas would have access to. Just to be prepared,” Devereaux said.

  Draeden tapped on his console. “Wait, that was easy, I found one from the afternoon of February 19 th. It's already decrypted.”

  Akeldamas looked at Draeden then back to Devereaux. “What? It's not encrypted?”

  Devereaux smiled. “I suppose someone already did all the heavy work. Perhaps someone who already knew your access codes.”

  “What? Who? You?”

  Lieutenant Jaxon Knight called out, “Sirs. I'm detecting something.”

  Commander Freeman walked up behind Lieutenant Knight. “What do you see on your sensors?”

  “Well, it's like they said. I'm detecting a lot of unusual graviton discharges in a gravity storm.”

  “Where is it?” Freeman asked as she paced back into the middle of the bridge.

  “The gravity storm is heading this way, it will be here in forty or so seconds.”

  Elijah called out, “I'm detecting the stealth wake!”

  Jacob said over the still-open link, “Are you guys detecting that?”

  “Yes, we're detecting it here, too. All ships–be prepared for anything. Devereaux, play the transmission to Confederation space that was discovered,” Eridanys said.

  The transmission started playing over the link.

  Akeldamas began to sweat. He nervously laughed. “This is a waste of time.”

  Akeldamas appeared on the transmission. “Captain Oshiro.”

  The captain of the hypership greeted the admiral. “Admiral Akeldamas.”

  “Oshiro, you do realize I hate the fact I am doing this? We used to be friends. I know you are in pain, but this will all be over soon. You will bring warships to Galactic Union space to kill President Eridanys and end the peace talks. Violently.”

  “Can you guarantee the safety of my crew?”

  “That's enough, turn it off,” Eridanys yelled. “And put that traitor in the brig!”

  “There's more, sir,” Devereaux said.

  “That's all I need to hear! Get him off your bridge!”

  Draeden stopped playing the transmission.

  “I can explain!” pleaded Akeldamas. “Please! I can explain!”


  Security rushed the bridge and apprehended the admiral.

  “Devereaux!” Akeldamas growled, “How are you–how are you able to do this?”

  “Do what?” Devereaux smiled.

  “Not even a drop of blood? How are you–”

  Devereaux walked up to the apprehended admiral. Devereaux whispered to him, “You have been replaced.”

  Devereaux grinned as th
e shocked admiral was dragged out of the bridge. “Take him to the brig! The dirtiest cell you can find!”

  Jacob talked to the President, still linked with the corvette, “Sir, I suggest you leave this area. Retreat in a escape pod or something! We can’t lose you.”

  “Jacob,” Eridanys said, “I am much more safe inside this fortress of steel. I'm dropping the link for now. We need to be ready for battle. You are free to assist us in any way. Thank you for giving us this information, we would have been easily destroyed if you did not arrive. You are welcome to the Galactic Union. Consider all of you pardoned. I don't believe you had anything to do with Exodus. Godspeed.”

  The crew of Rapture cheered as the link closed.

  “Alright. Now what?” Sharon said.

  “The first battle,” Elijah said.

  Trevor tapped on his console. “Oh, detecting a huge graviton spike. Oh my god. They're here.”

  Lieutenant Commander Ember Skyrift yelled, “Detecting a major spike of gravitons!”

  “Sirs, the Blood Dynasty ships have jumped away!” added Lieutenant Jaxon Knight.

  Commander Sera Freeman walked over to Knight's console. “What? Why?”

  Captain Devereaux sighed. “Peace talks are over for now. They don't want to be caught in this. We should start spinning up our hyper-drive.”

  Confederate hypership Iriguchi jumped into Artemis space. Three Confederate cruisers, Futen, Raijin, and Yatagarasu, accompanied the hypership. Three destroyers, Akisame, Takanami, and Yukikazi, rounded out the Confederate attack force.

  “No! Captain, Agamemnon is not spinning up their hyper-drive. We stay and defend the President and Artemis!” exclaimed Freeman. “Even if we did open a jump point, do you want to risk a jump point collapse?!”

  Devereaux nodded. “You're right. Launch all fighters! Assume Con-1 across the entire ship!”

  Captain Tanari Oshiro started to bleed from his nose. “This isn't–right. Hold your fire. Open a link–to any ship that will take it–I just want them to surrender. This will be enough...”

  Lieutenant Yamato Koizumi hesitantly looked toward the captain. “Alright, Ensign Miyamoto, vid link us with every ship.”


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