Zoey's Place

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Zoey's Place Page 7

by E M Bannock

  Mickey was noticing how uncomfortable things became for her, and he knew she picked up on the turmoil and danger without realizing it. He really noticed what a negative effect it was having on her during Thanksgiving dinner at Dave and Carol’s, and it worried him. He hated doing this to her. He planned to tell her he was going to quit at the end of the coming summer. He would work only one more year and then retire.

  He hoped she would quit her legal business, too. He figured she could stop taking new clients, and within the year wrap up everything she had going on and find another attorney to refer her current clients to. He had observed that, when it came to child custody, the final divorce decree was just the beginning. It seemed like they all needed adjusting every few years due to life changes of the parents. Zoey felt personally responsible for every one of her clients. It would take time to find the right attorney for each of them.

  Mickey knew they both needed to unwind, to disentangle from the outside world for a while. He took advantage of their time together and they did fun things like they used to do back when they were first married.

  They spent a whole afternoon at the Detroit Institute of Art. Mickey played dumb and took pleasure in listening to Zoey explain a particular piece of sculpture that he saw no value in. He watched intently as she interpreted a modern art piece after he called it scribble. They ended the day with dinner in Greek Town. Another day, Mickey took her to the zoo.

  The home time also gave them a chance do things that normal couples do. They rented a couple of movies and watched them while snuggling together on the couch, munching on popcorn or chips or nibbling on the homemade Christmas cookies Stella had given them. They actually went out for dinner and a show, just like they were on a real date. Zoey thought it was romantic.

  One day Zoey played hooky from work and they took a road trip to Frankenmuth, Michigan. They had fried chicken at the famous Zehnder’s restaurant. Zoey couldn’t resist doing a little Christmas shopping for stocking stuffers while there.

  But the topper on the cake was all the sex they were having. They had, as Mickey liked to say, fucked themselves silly in the first week. It started with a marathon two-day session the day after he came home. That turned into a couple of times a day. Within a week they’d had sex in every room of the house at least once, and gone through most of their favorite role-playing scenarios and a fair amount of their toys. By now, two weeks before Christmas, they slowed down to a quickie in the morning or real sex at night. Weekends were still a free-for-all of debauchery.

  It had been years since they’d done those kinds of things together. Mickey loved to see Zoey smile and hear her lighthearted laugh. It made him feel good to see her so happy. Her sparkling eyes warmed his heart. He loved her more now than ever.

  Zoey noticed the stress lines in Mickey’s face ease as the days went on. He seemed more relaxed. The best part of him being home was being able to snuggle together at night and fall asleep cloaked in his love, knowing she wasn’t alone. They were together. One heart, one love.


  It was Thursday, December 23rd. The decorations in the house made it look like a Currier and Ives Christmas card. There were presents galore under a huge, heavily- decorated tree. Zoey was on her way home. Just an hour before, Mickey picked up one of her favorite meals from her favorite restaurant. Shrimp a la Zoey, the chef called it. It was a special meal he’d created just for her many years ago. Mickey was having a rib- eye steak—his favorite. Tomorrow was the big Christmas party and he wanted to help her unwind. He knew she would be going full steam ahead all morning, preparing for the party guests.

  As for tonight, everything was ready. The table was set and a sexual clue to the evening’s merriment was waiting on her chair—a cowboy hat. That meant she was in for a rootin’-tootin’ good time. There would be a lot of yipees and yee-haws once things got started.

  It was about seven o’clock before the sound of the garage door opening woke Mickey from his cat nap in the living room recliner. He greeted Zoey with a kiss and a hug as she walked into the house. “How was your day, babe?” he asked as she hung up her coat.

  “Not bad, just long,” she replied. She walked through the dining room on her way to the kitchen. She noticed the table was set and saw the cowboy hat on her chair. She picked it up and looked over at Mickey.

  He gave her a salacious grin. “Yippee-ki-yay, darlin’,” he said in his best western drawl.

  She grinned from ear to ear and set the hat back down. “How am I ever going to get through dinner knowing what dessert is?”

  “Eat fast,” was his reply as he followed her into the kitchen. Zoey pulled the already filled salad bowls out of the fridge and pulled off the plastic wrap. She grabbed a couple of bottles of salad dressing as well and placed it all on the table. Mickey opened the heating oven and pulled out the plated dinner he was keeping warm and followed her out. He placed the shrimp in front of Zoey.

  Her eyes got wide. “Shrimp a la Zoey? Oh, you shouldn’t have. Now I don’t know what I’m going to enjoy most this evening—the shrimp or your dick.”

  “Both, I hope,” he quickly added, placing another kiss on her lips. He reached for the bottle of wine from the table and poured them both a glass.

  After he sat down she raised her glass to him. “I love you, Mickey,” she said sincerely. “You are the best husband in the world.”

  He raised his glass to meet hers. “Can’t argue with that,” he boasted.

  They chatted and laughed while they ate. Life was good. She was in Zoey’s Place again and there was no place either would rather be. After they were done, he helped her clear the table.

  She stood by the sink, rinsing off the plates and loading them into the dishwasher when, suddenly, she felt him behind her. She reached back and grabbed a rock-hard cock protruding from his unzipped jeans. “Is it playtime?” she asked.

  He bent down and whispered in her ear, “Time to get on your pony and ride, girl. Twenty minutes, room number one.” Then he backed away and disappeared out of the room.

  Her heart skipped a beat with anticipation. The cowboy was her favorite. She quickly ran upstairs to shower. Room number one was their bedroom, and as she passed through she could see that Mickey was busy preparing the room. He had laid out her attire for the evening in the bathroom. It consisted of a black lace g-string, a black and red tightly fitted corset bustier that unhooked in the front and left her breasts exposed, and a dance-hall-style red satin dress that fastened with ribbons in front.

  She quickly showered, dressed, and braided her hair. She was applying a coat of red lipstick when she heard Mickey fussing in the bedroom; the sound of country music twanged through the air. It was Alan Jackson singing his song ‘Gone Crazy’. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror and readjusted her braid. Her breasts were flowing out of the low-cut dress. She dabbed some Chanel No. 5 on the back of her neck, each wrist, and down her cleavage. She was ready. She waited until she heard Mickey give the signal.

  “Whose pussy does a guy have to eat to get a whiskey around here?” It was on.

  She pushed opened the door. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the glowing red lighted room. She looked over at the bed and saw him sitting on the edge. He was wearing his cowboy hat and was looking down at the empty glass in his hand. He glanced up at her and tipped his hat. “Howdy, ma’am,” he said, speaking in a thick western drawl as he stood up. “You own this joint?”

  He looked delicious. He was wearing a black leather vest over his bare chest. A red bandana was tied around his neck. She could see the cowboy boots poking out from the bottom of the fringed leather chaps. He wasn’t wearing pants underneath so his genitals were exposed. “I’m the owner,” she said in her best dance hall gal voice.

  “Got any whiskey?” he asked.

  She sauntered over to the dresser by the window and grabbed the bottle of Maker’s Mark from the dresser. “Will this do, stranger?”

  “That’ll do fine,” he sa
id, still in character. “You all alone?” he asked.

  “Sure am,” she answered. She walked over to him and poured him a drink.

  “You smell good, pretty lady. I don’t like to drink alone. Why don’t you join me?” he said as he picked up another glass from the nightstand and held it out to her as he sipped his drink.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” she replied seductively as she held out the bottle and filled the empty glass. She set the bottle down, took the glass from Mickey, and gulped down the whiskey. It burned the back of her throat as it went down and took her breath away. “You know, I’ve been alone for a long time,” she said. “A woman has needs.” She looked him straight in the eye. “Do you know what a woman needs?” she asked.

  “No, ma’am,” he answered. “But I’m willing to find out. Why don’t you tell me what your needs are and I’d be happy to oblige.”

  She smiled. In this scenario she called the shots. It was all about pleasing her. She gave the orders and he obeyed. She looked at the toys he had arranged on the cedar chest at the foot of the bed: lubricant, g-spot vibrator, a feather tickler, a vibrating dildo, a small pleasure whip, and a cock ring. She loved the cock ring. It slowed the flow of blood from his erection to make his cock hard for a much longer period of time. She grabbed the whip and slapped it against her hand a few times before she spoke.

  “Okay, cowboy, let’s see how you do taking orders from a woman. Stand up in front of me,” she commanded. He obeyed.

  She reached out and cradled his penis in her free hand. “Nice,” she said as she manipulated his hardening manhood. She let it drop. “Now turn around.”

  He obeyed. The chaps left his backside exposed. She found herself inches from the most beautiful man butt she had ever seen. Reaching out, she ran her hand over each cheek before slapping it with the whip. The stinging took him by surprise and he flinched. Zoey laughed. “Scare ya?” she asked.

  “Just a little,” he replied.

  “Good,” she said as she stood up. “Now I want you to undress me.”

  He turned to her and pulled the satin ribbons that lined the front of her dress. He gently pushed the dress off of her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He could feel his hardness growing as he gazed up and let his hungry eyes take in the view and smell of her standing in front of him, naked except for the corset and g-string. Her breasts were heaving as she breathed, inviting him to touch. He reached out but felt the sting of the whip on his ass.

  “I didn’t say you could do that,” she reprimanded.

  He bowed his head and said, “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”

  She stretched out on the bed and spread her legs wide. “Now I want you to go down on my muffin and keep at it until I tell you to stop. Got it?”

  “Whatever you say, ma’am; you’re the boss.”

  She smiled. “That’s a good cowboy.”

  He positioned himself between her legs and obeyed her command. Years of experience had taught him exactly what she liked. His tongue performed its magic as it worked its way into her female folds and coddled her secret places. She wriggled with pleasure as she felt her passion rising. He could tell she was close to climaxing and performed his task with more intensity. She let out an orgasmic moan and pulled him closer with her hands as she scissor-gripped him with her legs, riding the waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

  She loosened her legs’ grip and pushed his head away, motionless until her heart stopped racing. “Did I do good?” he asked sheepishly.

  “You did fine, cowboy. Now pour me another drink, and one for yourself, too. You’ve earned it.”

  He smiled. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  She drained the second drink in one gulp. She closed her eyes and felt the burn as it went down, heating her from the inside out like hot iron. She was starting to feel the effects of the first shot and this one should intensify the sensation.

  “Cowboy!” she commanded. He stood at attention. “Get buck naked but leave your hat on.” He quickly stripped down. She reached over to the end of the bed and grabbed the cock ring. She looked over at him and could see he was smiling. The cock ring prolonged the love session and intensified his orgasm. This was going to be fun. She threw the ring at him and said, “Put this on.”

  Two hours had passed before she had her fill of him and he of her. It was a rip- roaring, down and dirty sexual rodeo. The last event ended with Zoey in cowgirl position, wearing the cowboy hat. The events of the evening left the two naked and spent on the bed. The blankets and sheets lay on the floor in a jumbled pile. The Maker’s Mark was nearly drained and the toys Mickey brought out were scattered around the room.

  She looked over at her husband with blurry eyes. “Mickey, do you think other people have as much fun with sex as we do?”

  “Some, probably,” he replied as he sat up on his elbows and pushed his dark hair back in place. “But not enough, or else the world wouldn’t be as fucked up and filled with so many assholes.”

  “Their loss,” she said. “I can’t imagine not having sex. Maybe it’s because they’re not as good at it as you are.” She rolled to her side to face him. He lay back down and looked into her eyes. They embraced and he kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that because I plan on making love to you every chance I get,” he said tenderly.

  “Oh, goodie,” she squeaked, and then yawned. “But I’m afraid it will have to wait until tomorrow. I’ve been rode hard tonight. I’m plum tuckered out, cowboy. Goodnight, my love.” And with that she curled into the fetal position, closed her eyes, and dozed off.

  He looked down at her, his sleeping angel. He picked up the bed covers from the floor and swathed his exhausted lover, now sound asleep, tucking the blankets in around her. He walked around the room, blowing out the candles. He turned off the red light and the stereo, crawled into bed, and spooned his wife before falling asleep.

  Chapter 9

  It was Christmas Eve at last. Party guests would soon arrive. As promised, Zoey and Mickey did a quick walk through the house, making sure there was no obvious evidence of their many anything-goes love sessions lying around. Good thing, too, because behind the recliner in the living room he found the red g-string he had flung over his shoulder the last time they played Naughty Nun.

  “Hey,” he called out to her in the next room. “Look what I found.” She came rushing to the sound of his voice in time to see him hold the lingerie up to his nose and take a sniff. “Ah! That’s my girl.” She couldn’t help but laugh. He motioned to pocket the underwear.

  “Give me those,” she demanded as she made a reach for the panties, but he was too quick. He balled them up and shoved them deep into his front jean pocket before she reached him.

  “No,” he insisted as he turned away from her. “We have to be on our best behavior tonight and I want to be able to pull these out and remind myself of what else I could be doing.”

  “You are such a pervert,” she replied with a smile, shaking her head. “I appreciate the sentiment, but if I know you you’ll pull those out when Dave and Lenny are around and rub it in their faces that we have so much sex.”

  “Rub it in their faces,” he laughed. “I love that.”

  Zoey got flustered. “Oh, you know what I mean.”

  “So what, babe,” he said. “I want the world to know we have the best sex this side of the Mississippi, maybe beyond, and lots of it. We were both blessed with high libidos.”

  She hugged him around the waist and breathed in the clean, crisp scent of his aftershave. It was his unique musk and it filled her with comfort and safety. She missed that when he was gone. Sometimes she would keep one of his shirts from being laundered just so she could ‘smell’ him when she was lonely. Looking up into his dark eyes, she said, “You are the best,” and kissed him. She could feel him getting hard as he pressed himself against her and kissed her back with open mouth.

  “Oh, baby,” he said. “Do we have time t
o knock one off before they get here? How about right here?”

  “Mickey!” she admonished. “Much as I would love it, darling, no, we don’t. Besides, Stella is in the kitchen. Give me that g-string. It’s dangerous in your hands.”

  He looked sad and rejected. “How ‘bout a rain check?” he asked sheepishly.

  “How can I resist,” she said sympathetically. “Of course, lover. Now hand them over.”

  Reluctantly, he relinquished the prize.


  The house was aglow inside and out with hundreds of Christmas lights, and plenty of sparkle and shine. It had snowed a couple of inches the night before, which just added to the holiday atmosphere. Zoey checked in with Stella to make sure the food was ready. Mickey decided to watch some TV until the guests arrived. They were ready for the festivities to begin.

  Right on time, both families arrived with armfuls of gifts and suddenly the house became a flurry of activity and sounds. Christmas music was heard throughout the house on the built-in sound system. Eggnog was flowing. Everyone helped themselves to the appetizers and plates of Christmas cookies Stella placed throughout the house.

  Dinner went off without a hitch and no one brought up Mickey’s job. Everyone opened their presents during dessert. Zoey outdid herself and, to the chagrin of her two women friends, she bought several items from the Christmas lists and more, from trendy clothes to the latest, most popular video games. She even bought a new laptop for each child. She figured they seemed to be becoming a must for every student. She knew her friends couldn’t afford them so, what the heck.

  Little Jon was outfitted for the next year in the latest baby couture and got a dozen or more new toys to keep him busy.

  For her friends, the gifts ran the gamut. There were movie and restaurant gift certificates, Kitchenaide mixers, golf balls, silk scarves, and leather driving gloves. She topped that off with small baskets full of bath products and large baskets filled with gourmet food.

  Their friends returned the favor with a bottle of aged single malt Scotch and two bottles of Zoey’s favorite wine. Zoey and Mickey also were given new driving gloves, gift certificates for massages, sweaters, and crystal wine glasses. Carol included four ‘Carol Coupons’, which entitled the bearer to a homemade treat of choice from desserts to main dishes. She was a terrific cook, and Zoey and Mickey looked forward to cashing them in.


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