Hold Me: Music For The Heart - Book One

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Hold Me: Music For The Heart - Book One Page 11

by Faith Starr

  Another finger joined the first one, doubling my pleasure. He probed deeper. I pushed my body forward into his mouth and hand, wanting him to consume me in my entirety. I think his head must have been supporting and keeping me upright by this point, because my legs had turned to jelly.

  “Please…don’t stop.”

  He smiled against my flesh, his tongue never ceasing its torment against me. He withdrew his fingers.

  No! Please don’t be finished yet!

  Luckily, I had nothing to worry about. His tongue started doing its thing inside me, and his fingers began playing with my clit.

  My hands balled into fists again. I’m sure I probably took a chunk of his hair out in the process, but I had now lost all coherent thought. My body shook and quivered around him. I wanted to scream his name, but I didn’t want to wake Lily.

  He didn’t release me until the last of my tremors subsided, holding me long enough until my legs could keep me upright on their own.

  Still kneeling on the tub floor, he rinsed his mouth. I stuck my hand out to assist him up.

  He held me. “I think you’re all clean now.”

  “I think so. You’re quite thorough.”

  I wanted an opportunity to soap him up, so I squeezed some wash into my palm and began with his broad shoulders. What a body he had, slim but athletic. He must’ve worked out for hours every day to have such a fine physique. Fine? Ha ha! I inwardly laughed at my pun.

  Dr. Shithead’s physique had resembled the old version of Chris Pratt from his Parks and Recreation days, whereas Joey resembled the Jurassic World and Guardians of the Galaxy version, but a bit thinner. Yummy!

  My hands moved across his pecs slowly, wanting to explore every nook and cranny of his chiseled body, pausing to play with the small patch of hair covering his chest.

  Desire took hold. I leaned forward to kiss him because I could. I skimmed my fingers down to his abs of steel. Shit, talk about a six-pack.

  He must’ve appreciated how my eyes ate him up, because his chest rose and fell more rapidly.

  Why make the guy suffer any longer? He had certainly taken care of my needs.

  Our kiss became more passionate, full of tongue. I wanted to throw him off-balance. While he buried his fingers in my hair, I reached down for something more substantial to hold on to—something long, thick, and solid.

  He thrust forward into my hand in the same manner I’d done to him a few, short moments ago.

  I broke our kiss. His eyes were hungry with lust when I dropped onto my knees, my free hand skirting his chest and abs during my descent south. I watched him the entire time, watched as his hooded eyes became darker, adding need into the mix.

  The cold, hard porcelain didn’t make for happy knees, but fuck ’em. I introduced my mouth to another part of his body, one desperate for a meet and greet. I considered my choice of words appropriate for the occasion.

  While my hand pumped him, my mouth joined in. I flicked the tip of his cock a few times before taking him as deep as my mouth would allow without causing me to gag. I’d never want to hurl while giving a blowjob. No, thank you.

  Our roles had switched. He now tugged on my hair. I became aroused by the effect I had on him.

  I swirled my tongue around his shaft and down to his sac, which I cradled in my mouth while continuing to stroke him. I kissed the soft meaty flesh, only to let it go and lick my way back up, taking his length fully in my mouth again. Well, about three-fourths of it. The man was well hung.

  Salty fluid teased my taste buds, signaling his impending release. I felt like the Queen of the Universe, that I could make a man feel so good.

  Joey locked my head in place, tilted his head back, and closed his eyes. He stiffened in my mouth before warm liquid shot inside and slid down my throat, both tangy and sweet. Some of it dripped down my chin. How attractive. He cleaned my face with water.

  “That was incredible. You continue to surprise me nonstop.”

  His comment caused my heart to race. He kept saying and doing the most endearing things. I only hoped he meant all of it.



  It felt fantastic to be lying next to her. I usually didn’t do the sleep-over thing. When the guys and I were on the road, girls would be gone before the bus took off. When we were on break, I didn’t bring women to my place. I considered it a sacred space for me and Dani. Besides, I didn’t need my sister knowing explicit details about my extracurricular activities.

  Later that morning I awoke with Teva’s body cradled into mine. I had my arm slung over her, holding her tight. It was an odd sensation to wake up with a woman lying next to me.

  I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom. After taking care of business, I went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Believe it or not, I had slept exceptionally well. I’m sure the sex played a major role in that. Then again, maybe it had been because Teva slept next to me?

  Where the hell were these thoughts coming from?


  Teva called for me from the bedroom. She sounded a bit panicked. I rushed toward her room. We bumped into each other in the hallway.

  “Good morning. I was about to make myself a cup of coffee. Would you like some?”

  She sighed. “Oh. Yeah. Sure. Coffee sounds great.“

  “You didn’t think I left, did you?” Why I bothered to ask was stupid on my part. She had insecurity written all over her. I pulled her close, so that we were virtually nose to nose. “We already spoke about spending the day together. Why would I leave?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I had one of those moments.” She looked off to the side.

  Uh-uh. I brought her attention back to me. “We all have them. Coffee?”

  She nodded, and stepped around me. She led me to the kitchen, where she began opening cupboards, taking out cups, a storage container filled with a variety of coffee pods, two flavored creamers from the refrigerator, and sweeteners.

  “Shit, who needs Starbucks when you have all this?” That was all it took to have her back at ease and acting like her cheerful self again.

  “Which flavor do you want?” She gestured to the assortment displayed on the counter in front of us.

  “How about this one?” Instead of choosing a coffee pod, I took her in my arms and kissed her, something she didn’t expect by the sudden tension in her body. She had definitely spoken the truth when she’d said she wasn’t a one-night stand kind of girl. I didn’t know what her past relationships consisted of, but I could tell she hadn’t played the field often. Something else I respected about her.

  As the kiss lengthened, our tongues meshed together in both soft and bold movements, and her body relaxed into mine.

  She must have brushed her teeth, because the mint flavor filled my mouth. She tasted divine, in a variety of ways.

  I lifted her up onto the countertop, her body giving me free will to place it how I saw fit. I stood between her legs, my cock tightening with anticipation, or maybe that was just me who couldn’t wait to devour her.

  Her legs hugged me.

  The remnants of her body wash lingered in the air and had my sense of smell as entranced by her as all the rest of my senses.

  Her silk robe glided down her shoulders when I inched it down. She shivered, goosebumps making their presence known, to reveal a nightie.

  Fuck. I hadn’t given the thing enough consideration last night. My eyes zoomed in on her hard nipples that played peekaboo through the sheer fabric. What a major turn-on to see her so responsive to my touch.

  My mouth wanted some of that innocence doing a poor job of hiding from me. Screw removing the clothing. I gently bit one of her nipples, teasing it from outside her nightgown. She leaned into me.

  Being her cream-colored, satin-and-lace getup had a V-neck, I had no trouble removing it with an effortless slip of the spaghetti straps.

  Speechless, I literally froze for a few seconds, taking in the glorious sight in front of me. I didn’t think I had
ever seen a more beautiful woman, which shocked the hell out of me because I had seen many topless in my day.

  While cupping her breast, I flicked the erect peak before sucking on the whole damn thing, lush and plentiful.

  I couldn’t get enough of her. I considered myself to be a short-attention-span kind of guy, but when it came to Teva, she did a magnificent job of holding it.

  Her other breast was equal perfection, just as magnificent. I took a hefty mouthful of it. Hey, I believed in playing fair. I didn’t want anyone, or in this case, anything, to feel left out.

  She put her hands behind her to balance herself on the granite countertop, almost falling off the counter in the process, crashing into the bulge in my shorts. I caught her and moved her farther back so she wouldn’t fall.

  Her chest rose and fell. I knew it had nothing to do with the near-falling incident. Or maybe it did. I preferred to think it had more to do with the intense chemistry we had going between us.

  I hiked the fabric up her thigh, the goosebumps all but vanishing, yet her body still shuddering.

  She watched me lift her to get the material up and over her hips to reveal no underwear.

  Yes. It didn’t get better than this.

  Again, I moved her farther back on the counter, this time for a different reason: my taste buds required a sampling of what lay right in front of me, glistening, shining like a dazzling star.

  Lo and behold, soaking did a better job of describing her desire. I licked my lips in anticipation. My heart picked up speed, my cock couldn’t get harder if I wanted it to. This little scenario needed a better background, and I planned to do something about it pronto.

  Her body felt light in my arms during the trek across the apartment to her bedroom. She wrapped her legs around me for support. I kissed her. For what I had planned, protection would be mandatory, something located in the pocket of my joggers.

  Mindfully, I placed her on the bed, her chest rising and falling at rapid speed. I knew the spike in her adrenaline matched mine.

  Scanning the area, I spotted my joggers parked on the floor in the corner. I indicated with my finger that I’d be right back.

  After securing a condom, my boxers made a disappearing act. I pumped myself a few times, her eyes wide. I ripped the packet open with my teeth and sheathed myself.

  The fact she spread her legs with no prompting had me so riled up I had to take a deep breath to slow myself down. I didn’t want the fun to be over before it even started.

  She reached her arms out for me. I climbed on top of her but changed things up by rolling us over so she could take charge and be on top. I wanted to watch her fuck me this time.

  Again, I had to slow my breath.

  She leaned forward and kissed me, making small circles over my aching dick.

  The kiss became aggressive, fervent.

  Fuck, I didn’t want to prematurely ejaculate. We needed to get busy and soon. I lifted her enough so I could position myself between her folds. She lowered her hand and fisted my erection, shoving my hand aside.

  Shit, when I said it didn’t get better than this, I lied. This was ten times better.

  She aligned me and lowered herself on top of me, removing her hand before sucking me in whole.

  There was nothing I reveled in more than seeing a woman fuck me. Teva’s breasts shook and bobbed up and down while she lost herself to the feelings overtaking her. Her movements were so erotic, using my body to pleasure herself.

  She placed her hands on my chest and sat upright, riding me like a wild beast. I could no longer sit back and relinquish control. I gripped her hips, my fingers digging into her baby-soft flesh, tighter than intended, and pulled her body down on top of mine with raw, lustful energy, for a minute forgetting who I dealt with. Her eyes sprang wide-open and stared into mine with concern.


  I flipped us over, desiring a change of pace, one where I could maintain better self-control.

  “You feel so good, baby. I kind of lost myself. I hope I didn’t scare or hurt you.”

  She blinked a few times. “You didn’t hurt me. You…surprised me is all. I didn’t expect that.”

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  “I’m so sorry. Slow and gentle. We’ll go slow and gentle.” I think I repeated the words for my ears more than hers.

  “I didn’t mind it the other way. Like I said, I just didn’t expect it, that’s all.”

  What a kindhearted and tolerant person, probably too good for the fucked-upness I had inside me. I didn’t want to tarnish such perfect gold, twenty-four carats of pure magnificence.

  We kissed.

  She snaked her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around me again. I had slipped out in all the excitement.

  I wasn’t sure whether to continue or not. It killed me to think I had possibly frightened her.

  “It’s okay, Joey. I want to do this with you.”

  Her words were mere whispers next to my ear, her warm breath hitting me, causing me to do everything in my power to take things down a notch.

  Again, I positioned myself and eased myself back inside her, this time thinking of her needs instead of my cock’s. I could deal with a bout of blue balls later if necessary. What I couldn’t deal with was her thinking I would ever harm her because that wasn’t even a possibility.

  At first her body tensed. Nothing some kissing and heavy petting wouldn’t take care of.

  We found our groove, my body steadily rocking into hers. My thoughts remained on her the entire time, making sure she only experienced pleasure. It became a difficult task at times, because being at one with her was sheer nirvana.

  When the telltale signs of her impending orgasm gave way, I let go with her, making sure to keep the fucking tiger inside me caged while allowing my dick to relieve itself in a controlled manner, a somewhat challenging feat.

  I continued to pump into her until she lay limp beneath me. I wanted her to relish the experience until her last tremor. And she did. She rested listlessly against the mattress.

  My cock softened, and I pulled out. The condom got placed on a tissue on her nightstand after being knotted at the end. I’d toss it in the trash when we got out of bed.

  “I’ll take that flavor of coffee anytime.”

  She blushed, smiling and caressing my cheek. I rested on my side, propping my head on my fist, watching her, her loving touch sparking things inside me I hadn’t felt before.

  Fuck. What is she doing to me?

  She rolled onto her side and played with my hair, running her fingers through it. She really had a thing for it. It didn’t bother me a bit, except for when she’d tried to pull a chunk of it out in the shower last night. But that didn’t stop me from loving the feel of her hands touching me. A crazy realization, maybe, being we hadn’t met that long ago.

  “Hey.” I stroked the silky skin on her arm.

  Our faces were mere inches apart.

  “Hey yourself. Tell me how you got into music.”

  She didn’t waste any time jumping aboard the conversation train. I went with it.

  “I don’t think you ‘get into’ music. I think it’s something you’re born into, like in your DNA or something.”

  “How did you meet your bandmates?”

  So, she wanted to do a question-and-answer session. I figured a little show-and-tell wouldn’t hurt, especially since we had engaged in plenty of the show part so far. It was only fair to give her an equal share of the tell part. I never spilled too much info about how I handled my life behind the scenes, preferring to keep my private life pretty much that, private. But oddly enough, in this case, I wanted to open up to her.

  “The guys and I met in high school. We all lived on the same street. I discovered Trevor was a musician when I walked my dog by his house one night and heard him playing the drums in his garage. The door happened to be open, so I approached and started a conversation with him. Even back then, he was a master musician. I had played the piano for years, t
oying around with songwriting as well. Some songs I would write solo, and some Dani and I would write together. I’d then put the lyrics to music. When I told Trevor about my interest in music, he informed me Logan played the guitar. I knew Logan from school, but we had never spoken much. The following weekend the three of us jammed in Trevor’s garage. And the rest is history.”

  While I spoke, I stroked her hair. I loved how her soft brown curls cascaded around her head on the pillow. As stupid as it sounded, she looked almost angelic.

  “Did you go on to college, or did you decide to pursue music as a career choice?”

  This part got touchy. The high school years had sucked for me and Dani at home. We were eighteen when we graduated, so theoretically, we were both adults and could provide for ourselves. The problem was we didn’t have the resources to do so, which meant no college for either one of us. We had to get full-time jobs. I’d have to dance around this topic.

  “The guys and I had a lot of songs written but didn’t have the money to go into a studio and record. The only way to get our sound heard was to play gigs. We rehearsed and created music for a while before performing publicly as a band. During our senior year, we played any chance we got, heavily over the summer months. We gained quite a following and as a result, got offered steady jobs. Dani became a waitress at the bar where we performed regularly. Trevor and Logan attended community college because their parents insisted they go. The guys agreed, especially since their folks footed the bill and paid for all their living expenses. But in their hearts, they wanted to see how far we could get with our music. It’s fortunate both of them have understanding parents who allowed them to pursue both.”

  She took my hand in hers and played with my fingers. “What about your parents? Were they as understanding?”

  Now came the time for creative tap dancing. I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling in the dimly lit room, the sun peeking through the closed blinds covering the window.

  She scooted closer to me and rested her head on my chest, still playing with my fingers.


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