Hold Me: Music For The Heart - Book One

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Hold Me: Music For The Heart - Book One Page 21

by Faith Starr

  “Head back.” Swiping my hand through her locks, ever so mindful not to pull it, I rinsed the suds clean. I took the conditioner and repeated the same procedure. Her body came next. That task required a little more time and attention.

  Holding the bottle of body wash over her breasts, I squeezed it, allowing the creamy white liquid to fall on top of them. What a sight. Definite food for thought.

  Rubbing it in was even more enticing, something that took an immense amount of focus and some massaging to go along with it.

  She snaked her arms around my neck and brought her lips to mine. I pulled back. She frowned.

  “Uh-uh. I’m not finished cleaning you yet. You’re a dirty, dirty girl.” I got down on my knees and applied more body wash to her abdomen. She took a deep breath when my hands moved lower.

  I cleaned the velvety skin between her thighs. Being that the soap had such a pleasant fragrance, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to taste the aftereffects of it on her body.

  First, I rinsed her clean, then I swiped my tongue between her folds. Mmm, the taste of her so much better than the smell of the soap.

  She reached for my head and arched her back.

  I flicked her clit and curved a finger inside her. She closed her eyes, meeting it thrust for thrust. I sucked on her swollen nub, a delicacy in itself.

  Her breath picked up speed. Her eyes remained closed, her head resting against the tile wall behind her.

  The telltale signs of her impending orgasm were upon her: she breathed harder, her pussy pulsed against my finger, and her body shook and trembled.

  Then boom! She lost herself to the pleasure overtaking her.

  But that didn’t stop me from continuing to feast on her engorged flesh. She pushed my hand away. I chuckled.

  “You are a dirty, dirty girl.” I rinsed my mouth.

  “I guess something about you is bringing it out in me.” She draped her arms around my neck.

  “Good. I like it that way.”

  A knock sounded on the door. Of all times for room service to show up, it had to be now.

  “Rain check?” She pouted, regarding my hard cock.

  “You better believe it.”

  “I’ll let room service in so you can finish up.”

  She stepped out of the shower, toweled herself off, and put on one of the insignia robes hanging on a hook on the wall. She wrapped herself in it then off she went.



  Yummy. The tray of food the attendant delivered smelled delicious. My stomach gurgled, hungry. I decided to wait for Joey to finish showering before lifting the lids off the plates to preview what he’d ordered. I also wanted the covers to keep the food hot so we could enjoy it together.

  “Something smells good in here.” He strolled into the main area looking sexy as hell in a matching white robe.

  The tray of food rested on the small dining-room table. The suite was much larger than I’d expected. I didn’t understand the purpose of him booking us a two-bedroom. But I had to say, I had never seen a nicer hotel room, let alone stayed in one. The floors were marble, the sofas plush leather, the bathroom covered in granite. This hotel room put my apartment to shame. It must’ve cost him a small fortune to reserve it for us.

  “I think you ordered enough food to feed a small army.” I motioned to the multiple plates set up on the table.

  “Like I said, I wasn’t sure what you fancied, so I got a little of everything.”

  He was the warmest and most considerate man I had ever met. I couldn’t believe I sat next to a big-time celebrity, someone who catered to the masses with his outgoing and charming personality, yet who, when we were alone together, acted subdued and overly attentive to my needs. I guess musicians were similar to actors in a sense. They played a role onstage, but once off, they could be their true selves.

  “You’re such a kind and thoughtful person, Joey. Come.” I patted the cushion on the chair next to me.

  “I think I already did.” He winked.

  His playful and sexual innuendo made me smile.

  He plopped next to me and lifted the lids off the plates to reveal a shrimp appetizer, filet mignon with roasted potatoes and asparagus, Caesar salad, and chicken Parmesan. Holy shit.

  “Who is going to eat all this food?” I gestured at it.

  “Don’t worry about it. Eat whatever you want. We can save the rest for later, or tomorrow, if it makes you feel better. I myself hate wasting.”

  “I do too.”

  He opened his eyes wide. “Then dig in.”

  Joey helped himself to some shrimp. I took a serving of salad, a piece of steak, a few potatoes, and some asparagus.

  “This is delicious. My goodness, I haven’t had a meal this great in ages.”

  “Then I’ll have to change that.”

  “I just meant I’m used to eating hospital food, and when I get home, I’m usually too tired to cook. On my days off I do homework and have no desire to break out the pots and pans.”

  Joey nodded. “I hear you. We eat a lot of shit while touring. It feels good when we actually go to hotels where there are gyms and decent food. You should see three guys trying to do P90X in the small sitting area of the bus. It’s not a pretty sight.”

  I giggled at the thought.

  “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” I set my fork down.

  “With the look you’re giving me, I guess it all depends on the question. Go ahead, shoot.” He reached for a roasted potato and popped it into his mouth.

  “After the show earlier, Logan said something about meeting him at a place called Hilltops. Your sister seemed disturbed by it and walked away. What’s Hilltops?” I figured it was a strip club of some sort. I’d soon find out.

  He shifted uneasily in his seat, rubbing the back of his neck. “Hilltops is an adult club.”

  So my gut feeling had been correct. He got off on watching strippers dance. What man didn’t?

  “Do you go to strip clubs often?” I had no right to feel jealous, but I did.

  He shifted again, which made me feel I was somewhat off base in my assumption about this club.

  “It’s not a strip club, Teva.”


  I repositioned myself in my seat, so my knees touched the side of his chair. “Then what is it?”

  He didn’t give me direct eye contact. Instead, his eyes darted left and right. “It’s a place where people go to fulfill sexual fantasies.”

  My mouth fell open. “A whorehouse? I thought they were illegal except in Nevada.”

  He chuckled at my reply. I didn’t see the humor in my comment. Was I that naive? “Why are you laughing at me?”

  “I’m not laughing at you. I think you’re really cute is all.”

  “Thanks. Can you please tell me why you find my question so funny, though? I’m at a total loss right now.” I bounced my feet on the marble floor, making my knees bob up and down.

  “Hilltops is a place where like-minded people get together to engage in fetishes and sexual fantasies. It’s a private club that only members can attend.”

  For a second there, his answer knocked the wind right out of me. I swallowed hard, needing clarification. “You’re into S&M?” Crap. I hadn’t meant for my question to come out in such a judgmental tone.

  “I’m into experimenting. Sometimes that involves using props or watching others engage in sexual acts.”

  Somewhat in shock, I covered my mouth.

  “There’s nothing wrong with it, Teva. I’m not hurting anyone. It’s something I enjoy. Don’t you have any fantasies you’re curious about bringing to life?”

  This conversation had become uncomfortable for me on so many levels. I wasn’t a virgin, but damn, the two of us were speaking in an entirely different language.

  “Sure, I have fantasies. But I’ve never acted them out… I mean, other than in my head.”

  “I’m sure you’ve masturbated with a dildo before, am I correct?”

what? Mr. Composed had me utterly mortified. I covered my face in embarrassment, my cheeks burning up.

  He reached for my hands and held on to them, exposing my vulnerability. “We’re both adults. It’s okay to have a conversation about our preferences in the bedroom. In fact, it makes for a better relationship.”


  I think we were equally stunned by the blunder that had fallen out of his mouth. He retreated into his seat, a bit of unease collecting in his easy-going demeanor.

  “Yes. I have.” Short and sweet answers, and yet I still felt discomfited engaging in this discussion, mostly about the topic. Hell, the topic period.

  “What’s the difference?”

  “The difference is one is in the privacy of my bedroom, whereas the other is in front of an audience using who knows what on God knows whom.” My tone and gestures became louder and more animated.

  He faced me, so that our knees touched. “It’s safe and consensual. What’s the difference if you’re fucking yourself or I’m doing it to you?”

  The man was starting to lose his cool and patience with me. He swiped his hand through his hair, his lips tightening.

  “I apologize if I’m coming across as being judgmental. This is big news to me and unexpected.”

  “I get it.”

  “So…do you engage in threesomes and things like that?” I slouched in my chair, not believing the words that had left my mouth. God, this was getting so personal. But he had piqued my curiosity, and now I wanted to know his bedroom preferences before we took this thing between us any further. There were certain boundaries I wasn’t willing to cross.

  “I’ve engaged in quite a few. Never with a man though, only women.”

  Holy shit. Again, not the answer I anticipated. I stifled my sudden urge to cry. I could never be enough for Joey. He went to sex clubs and had threesomes with models. What the hell was he doing with me?

  I rose from the table and went over to the couch to sit down. I didn’t want him to see my crying. A lot of good it did me because he followed me over.

  He sat next to me, our legs touching. He wiped my tears. His being upset made me feel worse as a result. I’d judged him, something so unfair of me to do.

  “Please tell me why you’re crying.” His words came out serene and comforting.

  “I’m not the girl for you, Joey.” I shook my head, hating how pathetic I sounded.

  “Hey.” He guided my face in his direction and held my chin between his fingers. “I disagree. If I wanted someone else, I’d be with someone else. The two of us here together should speak for itself.”

  “We barely know each other. I don’t expect anything from you. I certainly don’t expect you to change who you are for me. I…”

  He leaned in and kissed me.

  “I like you. I like that you’re different from what I’m used to. I’ve experienced a lot, some good, some bad, but I know what I want. And right now, it’s you. I don’t expect you to be someone you’re not for me either. I would never push you into doing anything you’re not comfortable with. If you’re open to experimenting, I’d be happy to engage in play with you. But I won’t force you. If you put aside your judgments, I think you might be surprised at how pleasurable play can be. But again, I’m not trying to force or sway you into doing something you have no interest in.”

  My head dropped forward, my gaze on my fingers, which I twisted in knots. “I appreciate that.” I didn’t know what else to say. The only thing I could focus on was the circulation I squeezed out of my fingers.

  “Teva, please talk to me.”

  I leaned back against the sofa cushion and focused my attention on the ceiling. “I don’t know. I like you, Joey. The other night when you left, I have to admit, I was upset. I’m confused as to what we’re doing. I’m not sure if it’s only physical for you, or if you want something more. What I do know is I don’t want to get hurt.”

  He mimicked my posture, leaning back with his head resting against his enclosed fingers. He too looked up at the ceiling.

  “I felt like a shit the other night when I left your place. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. It’s important for you to understand that I rarely do the relationship thing, if ever. I’m constantly on the go, in different places all the time. It makes things challenging. But I can assure you, I’m not only with you for the sex.”

  We both rolled our heads to the side and stared at each other.

  “Then what is this?” My heart started to ache.

  “I honestly don’t know how to answer you. I also don’t think we have to label it. Why don’t we both agree to see what happens?”

  “Because it’s important for me to understand what this is.” I gestured between the two of us. “Whether you plan on being physical with other women or go to sex clubs and engage in threesomes—I need to know what I’m getting myself into.” I balled my hand into a fist and sat forward.

  He opened my tense hand and placed it in his. “I don’t want to be with anyone else right now. I tried. It felt wrong.”

  “You tried? What the hell does that mean?” My anger had far surpassed my sadness.

  He sat upright, his nerves visibly taking over. Good. He deserved to be put on the spot for what he’d said. He’d stuck his foot in his mouth and now had to deal with the consequences.

  Not that I had a justifiable reason to be angry at him. In all actuality, we had just recently met. But for me, sex meant something. Sure, I’d originally viewed this thing between me and Joey as living out a fantasy—he sure as shit would love my choice of words. But after getting to know him better, my thoughts had changed. The reality of him was so much better than the fantasy I’d wanted to play out.

  “It was the Friday night after we met.”

  What? That was the day we’d spent together at the zoo. It had been so incredible too. At least for me it had. I’d gone home afterward to do homework and search for details about his life online, while he’d gone to a frickin’ sex club to engage in threesomes using sex toys.

  “I had plans to go with Logan and Trevor, so I kept them. I tried to have fun, but my thoughts kept leading back to you. When push came to shove, I couldn’t go through with participating in the scene—that’s what we call our engagements at the club. It didn’t feel right, which confused the hell out of me, especially because you and I had only spent two nights together. Yet I still couldn’t go through with it. That was a first for me.” He leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees, and buried his head in his hands.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  I said a silent prayer of thanks. A few of them.

  Even though he and I had no commitment, the euphoric feelings filling me after hearing his explanation had me flying high.

  I gently rubbed his back and smiled. “If it makes you feel better, I’m glad you didn’t go through with it.”

  He sat upright again. “Like I said, I don’t know what this is between us, but I know I want it to continue. And you don’t have to worry about me being with anyone else from here on out. Once I agree to commit, I do so wholeheartedly. I don’t roll the other way. I never have.”

  Damn. He had me crying again. Only this time, they were tears of relief and happiness. He’d said he wanted to commit. Woo-hoo! My tears multiplied. His words had left me thunderstruck, utterly speechless and dumbfounded.

  He pulled me into his arms and held me. We didn’t speak. Enough had already been said.



  We finished eating dinner from the comfort of the couch. I reached for the remote on the coffee table in front of us and flicked on the television. Things had gotten heavy, and I needed some time to gather my thoughts.

  I leaned back against the cushion with my arm draped around Teva, her head resting on my shoulder.

  Our conversation had gone much better than I’d expected. I felt like we were on the same page in this budding relationship.

  Lord help me. What am I getting myself i

  A battle between good and evil took place inside my mind, but I wanted to be with her. And if I had to step out of my comfort zone to do so, I would take the risk.

  We settled on HGTV, something light that required no thought.

  Sometime later, I opened my eyes to find Teva leaning against me. We’d both fallen fast asleep. I pushed the guide on the remote to check the time on the television. The middle of the night.

  I scooped Teva up in my arms. Her eyelids fluttered open. She looked at me, her head resting against my chest, her eyes heavy with sleep. Oddly, she fit perfectly against me no matter how we were positioned.

  “What time is it?” She rubbed her eyes.

  “Almost four.” I had no clue where the bedroom was. I knew there were two in the suite, so I headed for the door on the left. I had a 50-50 shot of being correct.

  Bingo! I had made the right choice.

  A king-size bed rested in the middle of the large room. The only light I had to assist me came from the TV still playing in the living room. I walked slowly. I carried precious cargo and had no intention of dropping it.

  I set Teva on the bed. I tossed the throw pillows aside and pulled down the covers, patting the mattress afterward to indicate I wanted her to make herself comfortable.

  “Take off your robe.”

  She did as asked and removed it. Seeing her naked had my mind thinking dirty thoughts double-time even in my exhausted state.

  My robe got ditched too, on the floor on the other side of the bed. I drew the covers down on my side and climbed beneath them, moving her body closer to mine once I got situated.

  “Hey, what’s that poking me in the back?” She reached behind her and grabbed for me.

  “Sorry, babe, but seeing you naked and sharing a bed with you has caused certain things to arise.”

  She flipped over so we faced each other. “Don’t I owe you a rain check?”

  So much for feeling sleepy. “Now?”


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