A Place to Belong [Slick Rock 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Place to Belong [Slick Rock 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Becca Van

  “You know we would never hurt you. Right?” Rick kissed her cheek as he moved the cloth up and down her crack. When he pressed a finger against her pucker through the material, Sally moaned. She hadn’t realized that she had such sensitive nerves back there.


  “I know.”

  “We are all going to eventually want to make love to you together, love. That means we need to stretch you, get you used to having your ass played with so one of us can take you there.”

  “W–what if I don’t like … it?”

  “Then we won’t do it. Your happiness is important to us, love. We won’t be disappointed if you don’t like something. We would be more upset if you let us continue without saying anything.”

  Sally sighed with relief, pleased and happy that they would take her likes and dislikes into account. She looked down when she heard a plopping noise and saw that the washcloth had been discarded to the floor of the shower.

  “Will you let me show you how good it will feel to have your ass touched?” Rick asked in a calm voice.

  She looked over her shoulder at him and when she met his gaze, her desire rose up another notch. The heat in his eyes should have singed the hair from her body and from the way he was clenching his jaw and the expression on his face, he made her think he was in pain. It took her a few seconds to realize he probably was. He’d been so patient while first Will and then Frank had made love to her. She’d had several orgasms and poor Rick hadn’t had any.

  She decided it was time for her to make a move, so she turned around and leaned against his tall muscular frame. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist. Sally moved the hand she’d placed on his lower chest down until she felt the tip of his cock brush against her skin and her mouth watered as she wondered what he’d taste like.

  Without saying a word or giving him time to stop her, she knelt down at his feet and grabbed the base of his cock, pumping her hand up and down his length a few times. She glanced up when she heard him gasp to find he had his head tilted back, which made the muscles and sinews stand out against his flesh. The poor man looked as if he was being tortured.

  Sally lowered her gaze to his penis, studying the broad purplish head as she continued to stroke his shaft with her hand. When she felt his erection pulse and twitch in her hand, she licked her lips and then bent forward.

  Her tongue flicked out and laved over the head and small slit in the top of his dick. She moaned but the sound was drowned at as he groaned loudly. Sally loved how he tasted, all spicy and sweet at the same time, and decided she wanted more. She opened her mouth wide and lowered her head further until her lips surrounded his thick cock before swirling her tongue over the crown and underneath.

  Rick growled low in his throat and when she felt him jerk, she placed her free hand on his muscular thigh so she wouldn’t over balance. She drew back and this time, when she pressed forward, she took even more of him into her depths as she pumped the rest of his cock with her hand.

  Each time she bobbed her head she moved faster and faster, hoping she was doing it right but more than anything wanting to give her man pleasure.

  However, it seemed that Rick had other ideas. He gripped the hair at the back of her neck and gently tugged until she released him from her mouth. He quickly bent down, gripped her beneath her arms, and tugged her up. The second she had her feet beneath her, he spun her around so that her back was pressed against the tile wall, and slammed his mouth over hers.

  Sally whimpered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and when he cupped her ass and lifted her up, she hooked her legs around his waist. The kiss was rapaciously hungry, almost animalistic, but she loved how aggressive he was being with her. They’d all been so careful so they wouldn’t frighten her and she was thankful for that, but the way Rick was devouring her mouth pushed her arousal to the highest level yet.

  She twirled her tongue around his and groaned when he curled his around hers, drawing it into his mouth and sucking on it. She tightened her legs, gripping his hips firmly, and began to rock against him. His hard, thick cock rubbed up and down between her wet folds and she had to break the kiss and gasp in a big breath.

  Rick kissed over her jaw and when he got to her ear, licked around the outer edge before sucking on her earlobe. Sally mewled and wiggled her hips, trying to align his cock with her pussy entrance, but no matter where she moved, it just wasn’t right.

  He let her earlobe go and met her gaze with his hungry hazel eyes and Sally felt as if she was falling into him. She felt as if she could see into his heart and soul and all she saw was herself, how much he wanted her and how much he loved her.

  The intensity was too much and she closed her eyes and buried her face in his neck. Tears leaked from under her lids to blend in with the water already on her skin. And then she stopped breathing altogether. Rick’s cock head kissed her entrance and began to push in.

  Sally moaned on an exhale before inhaling quickly. When Rick turned his head toward her, she lifted her own and met him halfway. They devoured each other. Their noses brushed and their teeth clacked together before his tongue delved deeply into her mouth, exploring every little inch of her cavern. When he was buried in her pussy to the hilt and held still, she clenched her inner muscles in a silent demand for him to move.

  She swallowed his growl and his breath became hers and hers became his. They kissed until she was in danger of passing out and as she pulled back to gulp in air, Rick drew his cock out of her pussy, held still for an instant, and then surged back inside.

  Sally gasped and moaned, her nails digging into his skin as she urged him to do it again. And he didn’t disappoint.

  Rick began to pump his hips in a slow methodical rhythm, as if was afraid of hurting her and when she felt him tremble she knew he was holding back for her. But Sally didn’t want him holding back. She wanted him to give her his all. She was no longer scared and she knew she wouldn’t break, physically or mentally. She was where she was meant to be and with the right men.

  “More!” Sally demanded.

  Rick grunted as he drove his cock back into her wet cunt before retreating again. “Don’t.” Again he drew back before pressing in deep. “Want to.” His cock slid out to the tip and he surged forth. “Hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” Sally gasped as the liquid heat building in her womb began to spread and course through her blood. She gripped a hank of his hair and tugged. “I want it all, Rick. Give it to me.”

  Rick roared before he took her mouth beneath his and pumped his hips hard and fast, pistoning his cock in and out of her cunt. Fire formed in the pit of her belly and seared her pussy. Her walls rippled as the exquisite friction built and built and built until she was balancing on the edge of something big.

  Rick’s grip on her ass changed and she felt him swipe a finger in her cream and then he pressed the tip of his finger into her anus.

  Sally screamed as nirvana washed over her. Her head banged on the tile as she arched her neck but she barely felt it, so lost in the rapture racing through and over her body. Her legs trembled and her pussy walls convulsed as her body quaked. Stars flashed over her retinas but she had no idea if she had her eyes open or closed. She clung to Rick as she was battered from one peak right into another as he continued to make love to her hard and fast.

  A low rumbling noise sounded close to her ear and she realized that Rick was no longer kissing her and he was making that noise. His head was buried against her neck and he was licking and sucking on her skin.

  Her insides twitched when she felt his cock pulse and when she felt moist heat deep inside of her, she knew that Rick was coming. He ground his hips against hers as he pressed the finger in her ass a little deeper. Sally gasped and groaned as the culmination finally began to wane, leaving her feeling satiated and exhausted. Nonetheless, she would have done it all over again and if she had her way, she would be making love to Rick, Frank, and Will as often as possible.

  They had give
n her so much pleasure and now that she’d had a taste she wanted more, but what was more important was that they had also given her love. She didn’t need to hear them say the words. It was there in their eyes if she looked deeply enough.

  Sally hugged Rick tight as they regained their breath, savoring being intimately connected with him and having his body pressed against hers. She kissed his shoulder and rubbed her cheek on his skin. Rick held her as he caressed a hand up and down her back and they both came back down to earth.

  And though she longed to tell them that she loved them, they hadn’t known each other that long and she needed just a little more time to gain the courage to say those three words. It wasn’t that she was scared they wouldn’t say it back. She was just worried that they might not believe her.

  Didn’t it usually take months and sometimes even years before people declared how they felt about each other?

  Sally wished she had a girlfriend she could talk such things over with, but she had no one other than Rick, Will, and Frank. She’d kept to herself for so long it was difficult for her to even think about discussing something so deep and personal with another person.

  Maybe time was all she needed to be more daring than she usually was, but hadn’t she already been that? Before, she would have run if she’d seen a man looking at her the way Will, Frank, and Rick did.

  Sally had come a long way in such a short period of time and it was all because of Frank, Rick, and Will. How could she keep holding herself back when they’d given her so much?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Frank looked up when Sally entered the kitchen. She looked so sexy with her hair in disarray from sleep, and her face was flushed a healthy pink. It was his turn to stay home with her and he was looking forward to spending time with just the two of them. Rick had spent yesterday with Sally, and Will was going to spend tomorrow with her.

  Will was busy taking the necessary test to become a deputy this morning and the afternoon would be spent going through the fitness regime to make sure he had what it would take to be an officer of the law. Frank had no doubt that his brother would pass with flying colors. Will felt a little sorry for Rick because his younger brother would have to pick up the slack at the security company with both him Will absent.

  Frank shoved to his feet and walked toward Sally. He held his arms open and sighed with contentment when she stepped into his embrace without any hesitation. “Did you sleep okay, sweetie?”

  “Yeah.” Sally wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him.

  “Are you hungry, Sally?”

  “No, not yet, but I would kill for a cup of coffee.”

  Frank chuckled, kissed her on the head, and guided her to a stool before setting about pouring her a cup of coffee.

  She nodded her thanks when he passed it over and sipped on it until half was gone. “Do you think the sheriffs will find him?”

  Frank didn’t need to ask who “him” was. “They won’t give up until they do, sweetie. Neither will me and my brothers.”

  “I just don’t want you all putting your lives on hold. That’s no way to live. You’ve all taken days off to be with me and I’m worried you’ll get fired.”

  Frank skirted the counter and sat on the stool next to her. “That will never happen, Sally. Remy, Giles, and Brandon Alcott are in the security business and understand that your safety is more important than a job. They’ve been where we are and if needed they would drop everything to help keep you safe, too.”

  “I know, but you’re their employees and they’d expect you to go into work every day like you’re supposed to.” Sally frowned.

  “Not true. They’ve already approved us trading off to stay home with you. They understand totally, since, they’ve been where we are right now. Stop worrying about everyone but yourself, sweetheart, and don’t worry too much about Perez finding you either. We’ll do everything can to keep you safe, Sally.”

  “But what if you can’t?” Sally asked. “What then?”

  “Don’t you think we can protect you?” Frank clenched his jaw and hoped Sally didn’t see the hurt and anger in his gaze.

  She covered his hand with hers. “Of course I do, but I know what that fucker’s like. He won’t care about who he hurts or kills to get to me.” Sally covered her mouth to stifle a sob.

  Frank hated that she was upset and needed to hold her, so he scooped her up into his arms and plonked her in his lap before wrapping her up in his arms. “Luke has already sent a photo of that bastard to nearly every cell phone in town. There is no way he can sneak into Slick Rock without being noticed. The sheriffs and their deputies will come down on him like a ton of bricks. Once they have him behind bars it’ll be years before he’s free again. Luke and Damon are working with the feds, trying to get all the evidence they can so that he stays locked up for a very long time.”

  Sally sucked in a deep breath and met his gaze. “He has cops on his payroll, Frank. He probably already knows the feds are breathing down his neck.”

  Frank shook his head. “Luke has friend that will keep everything quiet. The agent who’s looking into that asshole has been watching the fucker for years. He knows that Perez brings drugs and firearms into the country. He’s even been a suspect in human trafficking.”

  “What? You mean he sells … people?” Sally asked in a hoarse voice.

  “I don’t know for sure, sweetheart, but nothing would surprise me.” Frank caressed up and down her back over the robe she was wearing when he felt her shiver. “Can I ask you something?”

  Sally lifted an eyebrow in query.

  “How the hell did your stepbrother get mixed up with the likes of Perez?”

  “I’m not sure. Simon worked so hard at first. He took on two jobs to try to keep up with his dad’s house repayments, but his father had borrowed money for a new car as well as the house and he was only earning minimum wage doing construction labor.”

  Frank growled angrily. He hated that greedy institutions handed out money to people who couldn’t really afford to pay it back. All some banks cared about was making a profit from the interest on the money they lent out. They didn’t stop to think about the people’s lives they were ruining by letting them overextend. Sometimes he wished the government would step in to set a percentage limit on how much a person could borrow against what the annual wage was. He pushed his thoughts aside and back to the present.

  “Where did he work?”

  “He worked at a local bar and was a bricklayer’s laborer. I think he must have met Perez at the bar.”

  Frank sat up a little straighter. “Can you remember the name of that bar?”

  “Um … Arms something or other, I think, but I can’t be certain.”

  “Was it in the Bronx?” Frank questioned.

  “No,” Sally sighed. “When we couldn’t make the repayments the bank foreclosed and sold the house. We were only left with the clothes on our backs and what little cash Simon had in his pocket. Luckily it was enough to get an apartment in the cheap part of town.”

  “That really sucks, sweetheart. I’m sorry you lost your parents’ house.” Frank laced his fingers with hers.

  “Yeah, I hated it, too, but we still had each other and at first he took such good care of me.” Sally sniffed and wiped at the two tears trailing down her cheeks. “He changed so quickly.”

  “Was he abusive to you?” Frank asked.

  “No, at least not physically.”

  Frank tensed. “He was verbally abusive?”

  “Only when he was high. I learned to stay out of his way.”

  “Damn sweetheart, I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” Sally lifted his hand to her mouth and kissed the back of it before rubbing her cheek on his skin. She sighed with contented happiness and tried to push her depressing thoughts aside. Her heart ached for Simon but she’d done everything she could to help him, but he hadn’t wanted her help. She knew deep in her soul she would never have been able to aid him
because he’d been in denial. If he’d admitted to himself he’d had a problem, then she would have moved Heaven and Earth to get him the help he needed. It wasn’t meant to be and she just hoped that one day real soon he would wake up and get his life back on track. She missed him but she’d lost him long before she’d run.

  “The Tiger’s Arms,” Sally blurted.

  Frank’s eyebrows rose. “That’s the name of the bar Simon worked at?”


  “Okay, let me text Luke with the information. Maybe he can have a cop question the owner.”

  Sally nodded and slipped from the stool. “I’m going to shower and get dressed.”

  Frank nodded as he glanced up from his phone.

  “Do you think we could go outside for a bit? I’m starting to get cabin fever.”

  “Sure, sweetheart. It will do you good to get out in the sunshine and fresh air.”

  “Thank you.” Sally walked around the counter, kissed him on the cheek, and hurried out. Frank smiled as he watched her go. He had never thought to be this happy and thanked the fates for bringing Sallyanne into his and his brothers’ lives.

  He could still remember how terrified she’d been but with some patience and love, their woman had come a long way. Whenever he thought of that fucker hurting her, taking her innocence, rage filled him to the core. If he ever got his hands on that bastard—well, he was a dead man.

  Frank texted the information Sally had given him and waited for a reply. He didn’t have to wait long. Luke must have already had his cell phone in his hand. Thanks. I’ll look into it and let you know if I find out anything.

  Frank sent back the thumbs-up emoticon and then rummaged in the fridge to make Sally breakfast. He chuckled as he pulled out a carton of eggs out as well as some bacon, bell pepper, and cheese. Their lady loved eating omelets no matter what was in them, and since he liked them, too, he chopped and whisked until there were enough ingredients ready to feed both of them. By the time she came back out to the kitchen, the food was ready. He cut the large omelet and then slid the smaller piece onto a plate before serving himself the rest. She didn’t eat anywhere near as much as he and his brothers did, but she was nearly a foot shorter and had a petite frame. He was just glad she ate regularly and wasn’t one of those women who skipped meals or ate rabbit food. When she ate, she enjoyed every mouthful with relish. She was a woman after his own heart.


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