His Lady: The Wounded Souls

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His Lady: The Wounded Souls Page 5

by Leah Sharelle

  “Please don’t call my baby that. If the others get hold of that nickname, it will stick like you-know-what to a blanket.” I let out a groan. Steel and Darth would have a field day with that. Shiloh definitely didn’t need any help with her nickname choices.

  Deck’s body shook with laughter. “Like you-know-what to a blanket?”

  “Oh, shut up. I’m trying to give up swearing. I read somewhere the baby can hear my voice in there,” I mumbled against Deck’s chest.

  “You’ve got your work cut out for you there, sweetie, considering the baby’s father and uncles.”

  My heart warmed at the inclusion of all the Wounded Souls men and the fact Deck called all of them my baby’s uncles. I chose to ignore the part about the baby’s father. Not even a little bit ready to go there.

  “Rainn? How far along are you?”

  Taken back by the question, I pulled away from my position and thought for a second. I was embarrassed by what I was about to admit.

  “Well, I have only been to a doctor once, just to confirm the pregnancy, but from what they told me, I am roughly four months along. It’s ironic that I was pregnant before Charlotte, Stella, and Mia and didn’t even know it until after Charlotte’s pregnancy was confirmed.” Shaking my head, I looked at my feet. “I feel so bad the way I treated Mia when she got pregnant with Steel’s baby.” I still felt like a complete bitch the way I had unleashed on Mia when, really, I had just been pissed at myself for doing the exact the same thing.

  With the wrong brother. Oh boy, was he the wrong brother, but he was the only one I wanted.

  “Hmmm, I’m sure Mia has forgotten all about it. I know she is more worried about your safety than that other stuff,” Deck reassured me.

  Nodding my head, I narrowed my eyes at him. “So what’s with the question? Do you not think Mannix is the father?” I asked more sternly than I meant to. Mannix’s refusal to allow himself to believe I had only been with him still stung.

  “No, sweetie, that’s not it. I know what goes on in my club. I have eyes, Rainn, and once my brother jimmies his head out of his arse, he will, too. No, what I was wondering is that at four months, I don’t think you can feel the baby move like we both just did. Charlotte says she thinks she can feel tiny flutters but a full-blown kick?”

  Deck’s words penetrated, but I knew it was impossible for me to be further along than I was. Shaking my head, I pushed out of Deck’s arms and paced the small room.

  “Nope, it’s not possible, Deck,” I replied firmly.

  “I believe you. But I think maybe you need to go see the same obstetrician the others are seeing. Just to check.”

  “Yeah, I suppose you are right. Maybe it’s time for me to pull my head out of my arse,” I said, using one of the favourite sayings used at the compound.

  “Ready to get moving?” Deck asked softly.

  They came for one reason and one reason only. To take me back home. I knew this. I hadn’t quite accepted it but understood the reason for it. There was a bigger picture here than my pride. Bigger than any issue Mannix had. It was about keeping my baby and the lives of others I cared about safe.

  Letting out a sigh, I silently counted to ten. “All right. But I’m driving my own car back. No arguments on that, Deck. I am not ready to talk to him, and I definitely do not want to be on the back of his bike,” I told him, my voice taking on a growl. Oh lord, I’ve spent too much time with Mannix.

  Linking his hand with mine, Deck pulled me towards the hallway that led to my bedroom.

  “Yeah, right. Getting on the back of a bike. Silly woman,” Decked muttered as he went.

  I had to laugh at his protectiveness. At least one of the guys cared. I was nervous how the rest of the guys were going to react to me coming back to the compound, not to mention the flock, especially after the way I left.

  Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bag from the closet and started packing my things for the second time in a matter of weeks.

  Chapter 7



  I fumed as I stayed on Rainn’s arse. Well, not her firm, spankable arse, but rest assured, I would get around to that. No, I was riding the arse of her car. Deck had taken the front position of our little convoy, and Rainn was sandwiched in the middle.

  I could almost see the steam coming from her every time she checked her rear-view mirror to see where I was behind her. Rainn was a smart woman. She knew the rules when being tailed by a motorcycle—always know where the rider is. Despite her wanting to rip my balls off, she was sensible enough to put that aside and concentrate.

  My own concentration was waning, however. With one blunt statement, I managed to fuck up yet again. Who is the father? What the fuck is wrong with me? I knew better than to push her. Rainn was a great woman most of the time, but once shoved into a corner, she would grow talons and hold a grudge till the end of time. But despite my approach, I was right. There was no way I was the father. Right? Rainn and I had never been exclusive, and though she was the only bed partner I’d had in the last few months, and her the same with me, her belly looked to be bigger than that.

  I had never questioned Rainn on her sexual partners, never wanted to know who was bedding her other than me. My brothers always knew she was sort of mine and stayed away from her. Except for Deck and her hooking up years ago before she and I became whatever the fuck we were, none of the other guys had touched her. I knew she would never go with any of the prospects, so the father could be an outsider from the club. Maybe one of the clients at the club? Nah, she wouldn’t do that. Rainn had a strict rule that, even out of work hours, she never met with any of the men she danced for. So who could it fucking be?

  The question plagued me for most of the ride back. The answer was a whole other deal. Did I want to know? Fuck no, I didn’t. Just the thought of another man laying some sort of claim on Rainn had me wanting to get in the ring and kill someone. Darth maybe? I hadn’t been up against the big prick for a while.

  Suddenly, the blinking of Rainn’s indicator turning on and the sound of her car horn caught my attention. Two short toots was the signal for pulling over.

  Looking behind me, I instinctually looked to see if it was clear before indicating my intention to pull into the service station. Pulling up behind her, I stayed on my bike as I watched Deck kick down his bike stand and make his way to Rainn’s window. Why the hell were we stopping? We only had another twenty minutes before we would be back at the compound. I wanted a shower and a beer, give Shiloh a kiss, and maybe play a few games of pool before I took all my aggression out on Darth.

  I watched Deck lean down on his arms and exchange a few words with my lady. Her fiery ruby hair moved back and forth as she shook her head. Were they arguing? I decided to give them a few more minutes before I broke Rainn’s rule of not talking to me by stomping over to them and demanding to know what the hell was going on.

  “What’s happening, brother?” I asked the second Deck made his way over to me. My SAA looked pissed, and I knew instantly he had been on the receiving end of some of Rainn’s famous sass.

  “She isn’t going back to the compound, Mannix. She wants to go back to her place.”

  What the fuck? No fucking way.

  “She is fucking crazy if she thinks she’s going anywhere other than the compound, brother.” I fumed as I prepared to get off my bike, but Deck’s large hand stopped me, pushing down on my shoulder, and holding me in place.

  “Mannix, she is adamant. She doesn’t want to be there just yet, and I for one am not going to fight her on this. She called Mia, who is going to meet us there and stay with Rainn for tonight with detail on them. Steel isn’t very happy about it, but Mia talked him into it. Rainn needs a friend right now, brother,” Deck explained, understanding plain in his expression.

  He had not been happy with me when he and Rainn returned from her temporary home with a few duffel bags that held her belongings. It didn’t escape my attention that they were m
y duffel bags. Rainn had a habit of taking my things and making them her own—tees, shirts, blankets, and bags. Somehow, she always ended up taking something of mine every time she left my room at the compound to go back to her place.

  She took my fucking heart with her too, and she fucking broke it when she left and disappeared without a trace until today. Then she shattered it only a few short hours ago. Another man was going to be a father to her kid. Fuck it.

  “Mannix,” Deck yelled, getting my attention back.

  Running my hand over my face, I blew out a breath. “Brother, it isn’t safe. I don’t fucking care if she is pissed at me. She can be pissed at the compound, and I will stay away from her.”

  “Brother, she is exhausted and pretty fucking emotional. Let her have this, Mannix. Tomorrow will come soon enough,” Deck reasoned. He was the smoothest of us all when it came to the ways of a woman. Teach brought out his softer side, and of course, there was Squirt. We all knew the ways of dealing with a difficult Shiloh, but somehow, I didn’t think a night of Frozen and Tim Tams were going to work on my lady tonight.

  “Okay, Deck, but I want two guys on her place. No one gets to her, understand?” The fucking thought of Rainn in danger had my blood boiling. The sooner we caught this Rogue arsehole, the better.

  “Copy that, brother. Booth is way ahead of you. He has not only Seb and Squid but Jason too,” he said, surprising me.

  Jason Johnston was becoming more involved in the club since all the trouble started. The blood brothers were taking small steps to mend their broken relationship, finally. As a twin myself, I couldn’t fathom not wanting to see Cooper every day in some way or another. He was my other half, and we felt each other’s pain, happiness—everything. I would be lost without the pretty bastard. So seeing Deck being able to say his twins’ name without the usual snarl was a good thing.

  “Okay, Deck. I don’t like it. I want her close after the last three weeks, but I get it.” I relented reluctantly. Rainn could have tonight, but that was it. Come morning, I was going to be at her doorstep, and I wasn’t going to leave until she answered every single one of my questions.

  Chapter 8


  I pulled into my driveway and nearly wept with relief. Home. It felt good to see my own place.

  Slipping the gearshift into park, I sat there for a minute and let my body relax from the long drive. Every muscle ached, and my butt felt so numb that I craved a hot bath to help restore some of the feeling back.

  “Sweetie, you okay in there?”

  Looking up, I saw Deck looking through the window, a knowing smirk on his handsome face.

  Poking out my tongue at him, I motioned for him to back up. Getting out of the car and getting past Mannix was the only thing between that bath and me.

  “Mia is on her way, Rainn, and you have detail for the night,” Deck said as he helped me out of the sitting position I had just endured for three hours. My legs felt stiff, as did my back, and don’t get me started on my growling stomach.

  “Mannix?” I asked with a whisper. Please, don’t leave me alone with my beast, I prayed, but Deck let me down.

  “Sweetie, I have to get back. Sweetness has been alone with Shiloh all day. With being so short staffed at the Bar and Grill and the strip club, Vegas is busy, and Stella and Mia have their own pregnancies to worry about.”

  I knew his words weren’t meant to hurt, but they did. It was my fault poor Vegas had to pull double duty. I just hoped she hadn’t been put on the dance roster because Darth wouldn’t be pleased, and a pissed-off Darth was not a pretty sight.

  “I understand, Deck. I am so sorry I did this to the club. I guess I didn’t think of the consequences of my actions,” I apologised, feeling a little lower than low.

  “I’m not going to blow smoke up your arse here, Rainn. What you did was stupid and irresponsible—” I went to protest, but Deck raised his hand to stop me. “But I get it. Now it’s time to rest and have some Mia time. In the morning, you can work all the other shit out. Okay?” Deck leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead, the sound of footsteps making us both aware that someone else was with us.

  It wouldn’t have mattered if it was pitch-black or if my eyesight was taken from me, I would have known Mannix’s presence anywhere because my hairs stood on end every time he was near, goose bumps covered my skin, and his scent filled my nostrils. The man was my kryptonite.

  “Go easy on him, Rainn. You know why this is hard for him,” Deck whispered so only I could hear him. Mannix didn’t like to speak about his past. He had with me quite a few times, but he always morphed back into the fun, witty joker when it got too hard for him during those moments when it was just us, Rainn and Mannix. I wished he could stay open and honest, but his wall always went back up, and the anger replaced the hurt.

  “Go see your wife and daughter. I got this,” I assured him, bending back down into the car to grab my handbag. The large leather tote bag held everything a modern woman needed plus some. Mannix always gave me shit about it, but the man had installed a bigger saddlebag on his bike to accommodate it on our rides together. He was so confusing sometimes that I didn’t know if I should be winding my butt or scratching my watch.

  Lifting my bag onto my shoulder, I slammed my car door and took off for the stairs that led to my front door. I noticed not only the obvious signs that someone had been watering my garden and looking after it but the thud of footsteps behind me. If I were a gambler, I would put money on the idiot behind me being the reason my garden hadn’t died since I left.

  “Lady, we need to talk.”

  “I’m tired, Mannix. You can leave now. Mia will be here soon,” I said without looking at him. I knew if I did, I would see the most handsome rugged face in the world with a scowl on it, his devilish good looks only enhanced by his eye patch.

  “Rainn, for fuck’s sake, will you fucking talk to me?”

  Oh, that did it. Who the hell did this man think he was? Spinning around, I faced Mannix. His face held that exact scowl I knew would be there, but there was something else I couldn’t make out.

  “Talk to you, Mannix. Is that what you want? Okay, Beast, let’s talk. What do you want to talk about? Rogue killing two people right in front of Mia and me? No? How about we talk about the baby. Your baby, Mannix,” I yelled at him. “The baby you think belongs to someone else.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to know it’s mine? You of all people know what the fuck I went through,” he yelled back at me.

  I could see the pain in his eyes and knew exactly where his mind was taking him—Ebony and James—and while I could understand a little, anger still ruled me. How could he possibly put me in the same category as that stupid ex of his?

  “When have I ever lied to you, Mannix Steel? From the moment we met, I have been nothing but honest with you. We had an agreement—no strings—and I agreed to that, but we also had an agreement to always use protection if we were with someone else. I did.” I wouldn’t tell him that there had never been anyone else other than him.

  The first time we had sex was the first time my heart was involved. Always. Mannix took my heart that night years ago and hadn’t given it back. I talked a big show for the others, and my dancing was the perfect front for my so-called reputation as a man killer. Ha. If they only knew the real story. I was gone, hook, line, and sinker for a man who didn’t trust women, a man who lived with a black heart and who was the father of my baby. A baby, despite my misgivings about becoming a mother, I would love enough so that he or she would never know the loss of his love.

  Sighing, I walked over to where he was standing, his hands on his sexy hips, his pouty lips thinned into a grimace. I placed my hands on his checks and had to take a deep breath before I could speak. Touching him again after all this time was a sickening combination of heaven and hell. His ever-present stubble with a hint of grey through it felt so familiar under my palms.

  “You can’t tar me with the same brush as Alannah, Beast.
I am not her, and I refuse to allow you to treat our baby and me this way. I can do this on my own, Mannix, and I will, but I won’t ever block you from our baby’s life. That is going to be all up to you.”

  His beautiful golden-brown orb stared back at me, penetrating me like it always did, looking deep into my soul. His hand came out and grabbed my arm above the elbow in a firm grip. It wasn’t too hard, but I could tell he didn’t want to let me go until he had his say.


  Mannix was cut off by the sound of a V8 engine rumbling into the driveway behind us. I looked across and saw Mia bouncing in the passenger seat while in the driver’s seat was a pissed-off Steel, his eyes trained on my arm where Mannix had hold of me.

  “Rainn!” Mia squealed as she threw off her seatbelt and tossed her door opened. Her tiny form scurried down from the cab, and in her haste, she nearly tumbled over but found her footing just in time.

  “Fuck me, Beauty.” I heard Steel roar as he too hurried out of the SUV and chased after his wife. Catching up to her, he wrapped one around her waist and the other over the tiny baby bump she now sported.

  I looked down at my own protruding belly and rolled my eyes. Of course, mine was huge compared to Mia’s perfect, round belly. Suck a dick, Mannix Steel, I thought for the millionth time since I watched the stick confirm my fears.

  “Mia!” I cried happily. I wrenched my arm from Mannix’s hold and hurried over to my friend.

  Our bodies collided in a hug that was all bellies, mainly mine, and we cried. It was so good to see her. Mia was one of my closest friends out of the girls from the flock. Vegas and I had known each other for years and worked together at the various club businesses. She was a very private person, and until Charlotte came to the compound, Vegas spent most of her time with Shiloh and Darth. Mia and I shared a lot after she moved into my place so she could get away from Callie’s evil treatment of her. I liked her, and she liked me even though I had been an absolute bitch to her before I vanished.


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