New Erotica 5

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by Неизвестный




  Extracts from the best of Nexus

  plus four original stories

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  Version 1.0

  Epub ISBN 9780352335401

  This book is a work of fiction.

  In real life, make sure you practise safe, sane and

  consensual sex.

  First published in 2000 by


  Thames Wharf Studios

  Rainville Road

  London W6 9HA

  This Nexus Classic edition 2005

  Extracts from the following works:

  The Young Wife

  © Stephanie Calvin

  The Bond

  © Lindsay Gordon


  © Maria del Rey

  Naomi’s Second Tale – Hens

  © Lucy Golden

  The Discipline of Nurse Riding

  © Yolanda Celbridge

  Rough Shoot

  © Arabella Knight


  © Jean Aveline

  The Black Garter

  © Lisette Ashton

  Black Tide

  © Aishling Morgan

  Discipline of the Private House

  © Esme Ombreux

  Three Beasts

  © Penny Birch

  Dolly Dearest

  © Jennifer Jane Pope

  Typeset by TW Typesetting, Plymouth, Devon

  Printed and bound by Clays Ltd, St Ives PLC

  ISBN 0 352 33956 X

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.






  The Young Wife by Stephanie Calvin

  The Bond by Lindsay Gordon

  Therapy by Maria del Rey

  Naomi’s Second Tale – Hens by Lucy Golden

  The Discipline of Nurse Riding by Yolanda Celbridge

  Rough Shoot by Arabella Knight

  Giselle by Jean Aveline

  The Black Garter by Lisette Ashton

  Black Tide by Aishling Morgan

  Discipline of the Private House by Esme Ombreux

  Three Beasts by Penny Birch

  Dolly Dearest by Jennifer Jane Pope

  Nexus has been fortunate enough in the past few years to attract what can only be described as the finest – the most perverse, most imaginative and most dedicated – writers working in the genre today. They’re the cream of the crop – and they always deliver the goods. This is their showcase.

  This collection is slightly different from previous books in the New Erotica series. While they featured only extracts from existing Nexus books, this collection features four previously unpublished stories – from Maria del Rey, Penny Birch, Aishling Morgan and Jennifer Jane Pope. I think it’s our strongest collection so far, and hope you agree.

  Happy reading.

  Other Nexus collections:



  The Nexus imprint is the largest collection of erotic fiction published in Britain. The list is as diverse as it is cutting edge, boasting a wide variety of themes, fetishes, locations and sexual interests, while ensuring that only the most arousing stories are published.

  With the New Erotica series, we hope to give the reader a taste of the variety of the imprint – from Aishling Morgan’s fantastical world of priapic beasts and warrior women to Yolanda Celbridge’s Sadean stylings. Virtually every erotic activity is celebrated – from bondage to watersports via depilation and orgies – in explicit detail.

  We publish two new titles every month, to add to our extensive backlist, so if you’re unsure which to choose, then this collection is a good place to start. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it – and all the other Nexus titles – together.

  It’s always worth checking out what’s new on our erotica website: You can order books from there, too, so there’s no need to miss out on our great offers.

  Have fun!


  Stephanie Calvin

  Stephanie Calvin’s first novel for Nexus, Disciples of Shame, has a cast of characters who push the boundaries of erotic role-playing, who allow the most perverse impulses free rein, and for whom there are no limits.

  The following extract is taken from Stephanie’s second Nexus novel, The Young Wife. The naïve and virginal Jessica has married Leo, an experienced older man, and immediately regrets the match. Here her friend Anne takes steps to comfort her.

  ‘You are not the only person in the world who hides from things, you know? When I was a schoolgirl, I used to hide my true feelings from myself, just as you have done. I had a terrible crush on one of my teachers: only in my case, the teacher was a woman.’

  I looked up, and Anne gave my hand a squeeze before continuing. ‘Her name was Miss Rackham. Elizabeth was her first name, but we never called her that. It wasn’t allowed. She taught English literature. Poetry, and classics mostly, but occasionally she would read passages to us from more modern books. She would encourage us to try out books other than the ones that were on the syllabus, and I remember her especially reading out an extract from a book about lesbians. I didn’t know at the time that it was about that, but I had told her how much I liked it, and she encouraged me by lending me the book.’

  Anne looked at me strangely for a moment before continuing and, when she did, her eyes could not meet mine, being drawn to the ceiling, and the pastel walls of her kitchen.

  ‘When I realised halfway through the book what it was about, it set me thinking that she had given it to me through more than just a teacher’s normal interest in a pupil, for I knew she might get in trouble if I told my parents what she had given me. From then on, things changed for me. Instead of denying how I felt about her, I used to fantasise that we were lovers, and that she would be secretly thinking about kissing me when she spoke to me. I didn’t know then what lesbians do in bed, but I had picked up enough from the book to have an idea, and it excited me to think about me and Elizabeth. I loved to say her name to myself; you know what it’s like. I had all sorts of daydreams about me and her. Like her and me together in my bed, or being alone in secluded places, talking and kissing.’

  She stopped, and looked at me again, but smiling a little ruefully at the folly of her teenage yearnings. ‘Ever feel like that about anyone?’ she asked, and I was embarrassed when I let out how I had felt about Leo.

  ‘It was different for me,’ she continued. ‘I never quite found the guts to tell her how I felt about her until almost the last day of my last term. I was seventeen, and totally in love with her. I knew I had to tell her how I felt before I left. I told myself that once we were no longer teacher and pupil, it would be all right, and tha
t it was that relationship that had held her back from telling me how she felt. It’s funny how the mind plays tricks when you are in love for the first time, isn’t it?’

  I wasn’t even sure that Anne was addressing me, because she was staring off into space, as if seeing another time, but I nodded, and murmured a soft agreement, until she continued speaking again.

  ‘I knew that on Wednesday and Friday evenings, she used the gym to practise aerobics, and that she didn’t like to be disturbed. Though I felt sure that was only a rule for other girls, and that she wouldn’t mind if I came. Especially when she heard what it was I had to tell her. So that was how the oddest evening of my younger life started.’

  She turned to me again, and stared intently into my eyes. I remember thinking how attractive she was. How serious, and intense. She spoke, in a low, throaty whisper, and explained, ‘What I am going to tell you now, I have never told anyone else, ever. I dream about it all the time, just like that dream of yours. Do you understand?’

  My voice caught as I answered her, and I knew I was beginning to be affected by the intimacy of our posture, and the things we were discussing.

  She began to tell her story.

  ‘When school finished that last Wednesday before we broke up for summer, I hung around in a café by the school after home-time, and went back when I thought she would have changed and begun her routine.

  ‘I wanted to see her in her gym clothes, I think. I wanted to see what her body was like. I knew she was slim, because she used to wear tight navy skirts and neat white blouses, but I wanted to see her in something that showed her thighs and breasts more clearly. She was quite muscular, in that way that tennis players are. You could tell that by the way she moved, but I wanted to see her in something more revealing. Her hair was cut in the sort of flicked-back bob that was common then, and her skin was a perfectly flawless, golden type. You know, like a Californian surfer type?’

  I nodded, and she continued.

  ‘I was a little bit unsure about myself,’ she said, ‘as far as my personality went, but I knew she would like my body, and I was sure I would like hers. I had convinced myself she was a lesbian, all because of some silly book.

  ‘When I got to the door of the gym, I hesitated, to pluck up courage, and then I pushed the door open, and stepped in. She wasn’t there, but I could see her bag by the wall-bars, and I knew she was around somewhere, so I looked for her. There were only two rooms connected to the gym: one to the store room and one to the changing rooms. There were no boys at the school, but we had a male changing room leading off down a corridor from the female one. We used to keep all the big gym equipment in it, like the vaulting horse, and the rubber mats, so I didn’t think I would find her there. The store was locked when I tried it, and that made me sure that she was still changing. I felt a shiver of excitement at the thought that she might be naked in there, on her own, so I walked as quietly as I could to the door, and opened it quickly, hoping to surprise her. I slipped around the rows of cubicles, but there was no one there.’

  She stopped, and I could see we were coming to something difficult for her to tell me. It was my turn to encourage Anne, and I rubbed the back of the hand I held, in a way that a lover would. The truth is, I was getting a bit turned on by the things she was telling me, and I wanted her to know it.

  ‘Go on, Anne,’ I said. ‘It’s all right. You can tell me.’

  She cleared her throat and smiled at me, in a way that let me know she understood what the story was doing to me, before she said, ‘If I had left then, things might have been different, but I didn’t because I could smell her scent in the air of the tiled room. It wasn’t very light in there, as only one row of fluorescents had been switched on, and I was content to just stand in the dimness and smell her perfume. I was hopelessly infatuated with her. I had stood there for perhaps five minutes when I became aware of noises coming from the other room, and my heart gave a jump of joy, for I immediately thought that she was in there, moving the equipment around for some reason. I was imagining myself surprising her, and offering to help, so I crept up to the door, which was slightly ajar, and pushed it open, really quietly. The room was lit up, more brightly than the hall that joined it to the other changing room, and it took my eyes a second to adjust.

  ‘First I saw the jumble of green mats that spilled away from the walls, and the vaulting horse that someone had stood in the centre of them. Then I saw the two people moving around by the end of the horse nearest to me, and all the breath went out of me.

  ‘They were too involved in what they were doing to notice me, and I had the chance to step back further into the hallway even before I could see clearly what they were up to.

  ‘Miss Rackham was on her knees on the mats, with her bottom sticking up and pointing towards me. One of her hands was gripping a leg of the vaulting horse; the other one I couldn’t see. She was completely naked from the waist up and, though I couldn’t see her breasts, my mind was stunned by the sight of her, like that.’ She paused, to see if what she had said was affecting me, and then continued, while looking deep into my eyes.

  ‘Second after second, my mind made sense of what I was seeing, and I realised that all she had on was a pair of black, lacy knickers, and leather, knee-high boots. I couldn’t believe it. My eyes must have moved over her a dozen times. She had a lovely body.

  ‘Her waist was so small that her hips looked broad but, really, she had quite a small bottom. It was just her pose that made it look bigger. Her bottom was all open, and her knickers were pulled up into the crack. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

  ‘Then the bobbing of her head, and the noises she was making, made me look away from her behind, and I felt sick. Some guy was standing there with his cock in her mouth, and I could tell by the way she was acting that she was loving it. I wanted to run away, but I couldn’t, and I had to look, over and over again, at what she was doing. This guy must have been at least forty, and she was only in her early twenties, but she was sucking his fucking cock like he was beautiful, or something. I couldn’t believe she would do that with a man. Especially one who looked old enough to be her father.

  ‘His cock was this enormous, red-looking thing, and he was sliding it in and out of her mouth, right up to the hilt. I could hear her sucking and nearly gagging on it, and his voice saying horrible things to her.’

  I thought Anne was going to stop there and, I confess, I didn’t want her to. The story was making me feel really sexy, and I wanted to know what happened next.

  ‘What was he saying? What kind of things, Anne?’ I asked her.

  She looked at me, and she knew what I was feeling. I could see she was amused at my reaction, even though what she had seen was obviously painful to her at the time. She must have decided something then, because when her story continued she made it more detailed, and exciting, than she had before.

  ‘Oh, the usual,’ she said airily, ‘you know: “Suck it, you dirty bitch. Suck my big cock.” That kind of thing. And Elizabeth did. I could see she was having trouble getting it into her throat, but he just kept shoving it into her mouth. I think he enjoyed seeing her struggle to get it all in. Her hair was short, too, so I could see everything. Her throat was stretched out, and her mouth was straining round the bastard’s penis. Really stretched.

  ‘Her chin was wet with spit, and her lipstick was all smeared over her cheek. I think he had been taking it out and rubbing it over her face, making her lick it. He kept saying, “Pretty little schoolteacher likes to suck a cock. A nice big one, isn’t it? You are the best little cocksucker, Miss. Is this what you teach the girls, hm?”

  ‘She just kept groaning, and sucking his cock even harder, as if she was really enjoying what he was saying, and I hated her for it, so that after a while, some perverse part of me started to enjoy watching her doing it. After what seemed like ages, he pulled it completely out, and I was amazed, and a bit sickened, at the size of it. It pumped up and down in front of him, like a red club, and
he twisted his hips to slap her face with it. She was sticking her tongue out and groaning, and he laughed at her. My beautiful Elizabeth, trying to suck some old guy’s cock, while he made fun of her. I couldn’t understand it.

  ‘Then he started to tell her what he was going to do next, and I nearly fainted with the horrible thought of it. He told her to rub some spit in her arse, as he was going to fuck her there. I couldn’t believe she would do it, but she did. Her free hand came up to her mouth, and she stuck three of her fingers in. She was acting like an animal, squirming and wriggling her backside. She didn’t even wait to pull her knickers down, but just shoved her fingers under the bit that was covering her arsehole and started rubbing around under the cloth. All the while she was staring up at him, like he was some sort of god, and he just smiled at her, and rubbed his cock in her face, saying, “Does Miss want it up her arse? Does the sweet little schoolteacher like to have her arse fucked?” ’

  The words Anne was using were shocking and exciting to me, all at the same time. My sex was tingling, and for the first time in my life, I decided I was going to go with the feelings coursing through me. I wanted to rub myself, as Anne told me that marvellous story, and the thought was accepted by me as soon as it came into my mind. While I squirmed in my seat, Anne continued.

  ‘She seemed a bit frightened, but she still kept rubbing at herself, and I began to want to see it happen. I could feel my own bottom going heavy, and my sex was throbbing. I squeezed my legs together, and tightened all the muscles between my thighs to stop the feeling, but that only made it worse. I had understood by that time why she only used one hand, because I had seen the handcuff shining at her wrist. That made it all more terrible, and even more sexy. Even as I noticed it, the guy reached for the other cuff and unlocked it; then he forced Elizabeth’s hand behind her back and snapped it shut again. She was forced to balance on her knees, and hold her back bowed upwards to keep her face off the mats, but he didn’t want her like that. He walked casually behind her, and pulled her knickers over her hips. They were very tight, and he had to wriggle them down until they were stretched over her thighs. I strained to see her cunt, and wasn’t disappointed, as he forced her head down and it bulged out towards me. She had a plump little thing with puffy lips, and I guessed that she had shaved some of the hair off them, because they were smooth and bare from behind, though a little bit of fuzz was peeping through from the front. He wasn’t interested in it much, though I could have stared at it for ever, and I ached to rub it, just like I ached to rub my own.’


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