New Erotica 5

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New Erotica 5 Page 5

by Неизвестный

  ‘Just close your eyes and try to relax,’ Dr Evans suggested.

  With my eyes closed I could block out the distractions, focusing instead on the rhythm of my breathing, on the flow of air through my nostrils and the steady beat of my heart.

  Dr Evans judged the moment perfectly. ‘Where are you?’

  I hesitated for a moment, trying to picture the time and the place, to re-create the moment just as I remembered it. ‘I’m standing in front of a door … I’m waiting.’

  ‘Why are you there?’

  I hesitated once before answering. ‘Because I’ve been delivered … No … Because I have to be there …’


  The question seemed to float up from my consciousness, as though the question came from me and not Dr Evans. ‘Because I need to be there … I have to prove …’ I let the sentence drift into silence. The images were so strong now. I was there, not in a consulting room in a private clinic, but there.

  ‘How are you dressed?’

  My question or the doctor’s? I couldn’t tell any more. ‘I’m wearing a short pleated skirt, black or dark blue, well above the knee … A tight white top under a denim jacket … Sports shoes, no socks … The white top contrasts so well with the dark skirt and my long black hair … I feel nervous.’


  ‘Because I don’t know what to expect on the other side of the door … I’m trembling slightly … I’m scared but excited too … I want to check myself in the mirror but there isn’t enough time … My lips are glossed up and I’ve only just applied liner to my eyes … I want to look good.’

  I stop, as though I am there again and I have to catch my breath. ‘Go on now,’ Dr Evans whispers, ‘tell me what happens, let the story unfold and don’t stop until it is over.’

  I knock on the door and step back a little. The laughter and the music that were seeping through the door suddenly quieten down. I swallow hard just as the door opens. For the life of me I don’t know what to say or what to do as the man at the door looks me up and down. He’s aged around thirty, tall, muscular, with dark brown eyes and a cruel, sneering look on his face.

  ‘Well, looky here, boys,’ he calls back into the house, ‘looks like this little lady’s lost.’

  He laughs and I hear it echoed back by the other men inside. He must be Jim, I realise belatedly. I had imagined someone more refined, someone less aggressively masculine.

  ‘What do you want here, girl?’ he demands loudly, silencing the laughter from the rest of the room. The door is still only half-open, he is blocking my view, I can barely see inside.

  ‘Jasmine sent me,’ I report softly. I know that I can turn away. I can stop things going any further by simply walking away from the situation. But I can’t.

  ‘Jasmine sent you, huh?’ Jim repeats loudly. ‘And d’you know what Jasmine’s sent you for?’

  His question is loud and lewd and delivered with a leer. I nod, nervously.

  ‘Well, baby,’ he says, ‘better get in out the cold.’

  There is silence as I step into the room. The light is low but I feel like I’m walking into a spotlight, all eyes are on me. I try to take in the picture without having to meet any of the eyes that are fixed on me. The room looks like it is full of men, but part of me says that there can’t be more than seven or eight of them sprawled around the room. The air is thick with the smell of cigarettes, beer and sweat. I can almost smell the testosterone in the air.

  The door closes and I know that I am alone, that there is no way out and that I have to go through with it.

  ‘Well, baby, what do you say?’ Jim asks, breaking the tense silence.

  What can I say? This is what I have to do, this is what Jasmine wants. The men in front of me range in age from late teens to late thirties or early forties. Most of them are white, but there are a couple of black guys there too, both of them staring at me. They all seem to be nursing cans of beer or cigarettes; they’re all psyched up, I can feel the vibes from right across the room.

  ‘Come on, man,’ one of them says, ‘show us what we’ve paid for.’

  His comment draws yells of approval from the others. I am stunned. Paid for? Is this why Jasmine wanted me here? Is this really what it’s about: money? I feel a little sick but I don’t have time to react.

  Jim comes up behind me and places his arms around my waist. I can smell the beer on his breath and the sharp, acrid smell of his sweat. ‘Just relax, baby,’ he says quietly, his voice so soft suddenly that I understand that the others can’t hear him. His arms are muscular, I can feel the flex of his biceps as he pulls me close, enveloping me in his arms.

  I breathe in sharply as he slips my denim jacket off my shoulders. I look up into his eyes, seeking comfort and safety and for a moment I feel that he is there to look after me. My jacket is dropped unceremoniously on the floor, cast away with a flourish that draws raucous yells of approval. Jim’s fingers slip under my top, I can feel the rough grain of his skin against the smooth white flesh of my stomach. My face brushes his and the stubble is hard and spiky against my soft, white skin.

  My top is lifted up slowly, exposing me inch by inch. The men around the room are chanting, hollering, filling the room with a noise that seems to vibrate through into my skull. Jim pulls my top over my shoulders, over my head and then throws it across the room. Instinctively I reach to cover myself, to shield my breasts from those leering, prying eyes. Jim takes my wrists and pulls my arms down to my sides. I look up for a moment, knowing that every single man is eyeing my breasts, encased in a lacy white bra.

  ‘Nice, yeah?’ Jim remarks. ‘You guys like?’

  Whatever else Jim says is drowned out by the chorus of beery approval.

  ‘Nice packaging, let’s see the contents,’ is the only clear comment that I can make out.

  Jim releases my wrists and I try to cover myself up again.

  ‘Be a good girl now,’ Jim cautions loudly. ‘Be a bad girl and I’ll have to put you over my knee, understand?’

  His comment is greeted with laughter. My face colours red as I imagine myself being publicly punished. There is something cold in Jim’s voice and I know that he hasn’t just made an empty threat. He pulls my arms down again and then he simply unclips my bra and whisks it away. My face is burning with shame as I stand there and let myself be ogled by so many men. I am trembling and I can feel tears welling up in my eyes, but at the same time I don’t want to give them the pleasure of seeing me cry. I close my eyes and wait for the sound to die down.

  Jim reaches around and cups my breasts from behind. His rough hands squeeze and he flicks his thumbs back and forth over my nipples, making them stand out. I feel overwhelmed by his presence, by the heat from his body, the smell of beer and sweat, the feel of his fingers exciting my nipples. Despite myself I lean back against him, unable to resist the unexpected tremor of pleasure that passes through me.

  ‘More! More! More!’

  I open my eyes and see myself: half-naked, on display, the only female in a room full of men straining at the leash. I have never felt so vulnerable in my life. This is how Jasmine wants me to prove myself. This is how she wants me to prove how much I love her.

  My skirt falls to my ankles and the room is silenced again. I am wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy white briefs, a thin film of lace that is pressed between my pussy lips. They can see that I am bare, that my pussy has been shaved clean in readiness. The thin covering of lace seems to accentuate the swell of my pussy lips. I have never felt so exposed before, never.

  ‘Jasmine do this to you?’ Jim demands, lewdly rubbing his fingers back and forth over the lacy briefs.

  ‘Yes …’ I whisper as he presses my panties between my lips, his fingers working back and forth, pushing gently into me. I am wet.

  Jim nods appreciatively. He slips his fingers under my panties and into my sex, finding the wetness that betrays my excitement. He strokes me for a moment, working his fingers back and forth so that they bru
sh my clit as he seeks the moisture that leaks from inside me.

  ‘This girl’s wet,’ he announces loudly, taking his fingers from my sex to his mouth. ‘Tastes good too,’ he adds, laughing coarsely.

  My panties are yanked down and then left to fall to the floor, a tiny bundle of white around my ankles. I am naked, exposed, on view to the voracious men around me.

  ‘It’s party time!’ Jim announces. He steps away from me and starts to unbuckle his jeans. His eyes are fixed on me, and as I gaze at him I feel a tremor of fear and excitement. My nipples are hard, standing proud of my firm breasts and aching with arousal. My long legs are still trapped at the ankles by my skirt and panties. My bare sex is exposed and now every man in the room knows that I am wet with excitement. They know that I am wet, but do they understand that my excitement is tempered with fear? Do they care that I feel shame as much as anything else?

  In moments Jim is naked in front of me, his hard cock jutting out obscenely. His body is muscular, his flesh clothed with fine dark hair, a tattoo etched across his chest and more on his arms. I can’t take my eyes from him, yet I know that around me other men are also undressing.

  ‘On your knees,’ Jim snaps.

  I obey instantly, dropping down on to my knees. I lay my skirt on the floor and crawl on to it, seeking safety and comfort with my own clothes. Jim steps forward, his hand ringed tight around the base of his hard cock. He reaches down and takes me under the chin, urging me closer.

  ‘Come on, baby, this is why you’re here,’ he hisses.

  I can smell the sweat from his cock and his balls, it overwhelms me, making me dizzy as I respond to it. I press my lips to his hard flesh, my tongue darting from my mouth to taste him for the first time. He is urging me on, mouthing obscenities as I start to lick him. There is a hushed silence from the rest of the room, but I have no time for them.

  ‘Open your mouth!’

  I open my mouth and he pushes his cock between my lips. His hard flesh powers into my mouth and I struggle to breathe, struggle to cope. He holds me in place as he starts to pump into my mouth, thrusting hard between my lips. I lap at his hardness, wetting my lips so that he can slide in and out. I almost slip at one point and instinctively I reach for him for support.

  I hold on to him and start to bob my head up and down with his thrusts. His hard flesh fills my mouth repeatedly, thrusting into me, penetrating with a tense rhythm that I struggle to match. Each time he fucks my mouth my face is pushed into the wiry hair of his abdomen, filling my nostrils with the musky aroma of his sex.

  ‘That’s it … That’s it …’ he grunts repeatedly. Somehow his cock has swelled even more and his thrusts are sharper, jabbing into my mouth again and again. He grips my hair in his hand and forces my face down as his cock explodes into the back of my throat. I gag as waves of come spurt into my mouth. I choke and try to get away but he holds me in place, forcing me to swallow his seed.

  At last he releases me and I fall back. His cock is still semi-erect and coated with spit and spunk. He is smiling, looking pleased with himself. I feel dazed more than anything else. My mouth is suffused with his taste and my lips and face are splashed with sticky come.

  ‘My turn now,’ a voice snaps.

  I look round to see that one of the other men is beside me. His thick cock is hard and leaking a jewel of fluid from the slit.

  ‘She’s not finished yet,’ Jim objects. He motions for me to get down on hands and knees again. ‘Look,’ he says, squeezing a thick droplet of whitish fluid from his cock, still almost hard.

  ‘Greedy bastard,’ the second man objects. ‘This is for all of us,’ he complains.

  Jim laughs. ‘She’s not finished with me, yet. But look, she’s got plenty of other holes to be filled.’

  The other man turns to his friends. ‘I get her pussy first,’ he announces.

  As Jim grabs me and pushes his cock back into my mouth, the other man takes his place behind me. His fingers go straight for my sex, pushing in roughly between my bare pussy lips. I am already wet, but the roughness of his approach seems to amplify my desire, making me wetter and more aroused. The pleasure pulses through me, a jolt of sensation that makes me moan softly as I suck the last drops of semen from Jim’s cock.

  The man behind slicks his fingers through my sex and then grips me tightly by the waist. Jim pulls away, sated at last, and his place is taken by one of the younger men. I glance up at him and he smiles and licks his lips. My eyes sweep the room and I realise that most of the other men there are watching intently. A couple of them are already half-undressed, the others fully clothed, but from their rapt expressions I know that they are no less turned on than the others.

  I manage to look back just as the man behind me presses his cock against the lips of my pussy. He looks at me and grins. ‘You’re nice and wet for me,’ he says, ‘just the way I like it.’

  I sigh with pleasure as he slides his hardness into the wet heat of my pussy. He has been rough with his fingers but he is surprisingly gentle as he pushes his cock into me. He pulls me back as he presses forward, filling my sex with his until my backside is pressed down on his abdomen.

  ‘Nice and tight,’ he calls to the rest of the room.

  The man in front of me touches my face and I turn back to him. His erection is inches from my face, nestling in a bed of wiry, black hair. My mouth still tastes of Jim’s come, but as I start to suck on the younger man’s cock the taste merges with his. I half-close my eyes and let the pleasure pass through me. Two cocks. I have never done anything like it before, not even in fantasy. I picture myself on hands and knees, being fucked roughly in the mouth and in the pussy, and I feel a wave of pleasure surge through me. The man behind me is fucking me harder, pulling way out and then slamming all the way in again, penetrating to the hilt and making me quiver ecstatically.

  I suck greedily on the cock in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it, closing my lips tight, taking the hardness deep into my mouth. The younger man’s motion grows more urgent, thrusting faster and faster. I cup his balls in my hand, holding him for a moment before he lunges forward one last time. I take his length as his body tenses hard and then he climaxes. I let his come pool in my mouth, trying to hold it, afraid that I’ll choke again. He holds my face down, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth until I can hardly breathe. I start to swallow his spunk but when he withdraws his cock my lips open and I feel it dribbling down my face.

  The man behind me thrusts into me one last time and then he too climaxes. I can feel his cock throbbing and twitching as he pumps his seed deep into my pussy. He pulls away and yanks me round. ‘Suck this,’ he orders. I turn and as I do so I am aware that his semen is dripping from my pussy and down my thigh. He still holds his cock in his hand, coated with his juices and my secretions. I lean forward and start to gingerly dab at his flaccid cock with my tongue, tasting myself on his flesh.

  ‘Look at this, guys,’ the younger man says. He reaches down and shifts my backside round so that the rest of them can see. He opens my pussy with his fingers, letting the warm spunk spill from within. I can do nothing to stop him displaying me so shamelessly as I am still sucking the other man’s cock clean.

  ‘My turn now,’ announces the next man. He is tall, with dark blue eyes and blond hair cut short. He positions himself behind me and presses his erect prick against my pussy. He enters me quickly, sliding in and making me sigh with pleasure. His fingers seek my clit and I also shiver to climax as he strokes me there. I have finished sucking the man who has fucked me and as I look round I see that two of the other men are arguing over who is going to take me next.

  ‘Don’t look at them,’ warns the man who has started fucking me. I must have hesitated because the sudden hard slap takes me by surprise. I yelp and turn to see that his palm print is imprinted on my backside, the pattern of his fingers a vivid red against the pale white skin.

  ‘That’s it,’ Jim urges him from across the room, ‘if she’s bad then you put her in
her place.’

  I turn to Jim and pay for it with another hard smack. The intense pain seems to connect with my excitement, however. The sharp pain merges with the current of pleasure in my sex. The man who is fucking me pulls away suddenly; I feel the break in his rhythm and a twinge of disappointment. He has been fucking me so well.

  ‘This way,’ he orders.

  He wants my mouth. I crawl around to him, eager to please him, aware that both my buttocks are still smarting red where he has spanked me. He is on his knees and pulls me forward so that my backside is high in the air. I look up into his eyes and see a cruel glint of pleasure that makes me feel nervous once more.

  ‘Suck,’ he snaps.

  I begin to gently nibble the purple glans of his cock, lapping up my pussy taste, wanting to appease him more than anything else. There is movement behind me but I daren’t turn round or falter. Somebody touches my pussy and I feel a thrill of desire once more. I need to be fucked. I need it more than anything. Fingers stroke across my pussy lips and down my thigh, tracking the dribbles of semen that have poured from me. And then the wetness is applied to my tight rear-hole. I try to shy away from the unexpected intrusion but am rewarded with a flurry of hard slaps across the backside.

  ‘Keep still, honey, or you’ll get a whole lot more,’ a gruff voice warns me.

  My bottom is smarting but the pain only seems to inflame my desire. Again my anus is stroked and touched, lubricated with the spunk from my pussy. I can do nothing but concentrate on the cock in my mouth, taking it as deeply as I can. My stomach is a knot of fear and excitement. Suddenly my hair is yanked hard and I am pulled away from the beautiful hard cock I have been sucking.

  ‘Turn around.’

  I turn to look at the man who has been lubricating my anus. He grins as he presses his fingers to my lips. I look at him and realise what he wants. ‘Do it,’ he orders. I take his fingers in my mouth and suck away the semen that coats them, trying not to think about where he has been pressing those fingers.

  I have been lubricated for a reason, however. The man behind me stands over me and aims his hard cock between my bottom cheeks. I know that I have to relax, that it would be the only way to take pleasure from the pain of being sodomised. He presses down on me and I feel his penis pushing against the tight ring of my behind. I gasp as he starts to penetrate.


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