New Erotica 5

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New Erotica 5 Page 17

by Неизвестный

  This was different and, although she felt just as frightened, not all of the excitement could properly have been called unpleasant. Her breasts were still being expertly fondled by Hera’s colleagues and shivers of delight were erupting inside her body. When her kiss with Melanie had ended, she felt her head being twisted to meet Grace’s mouth.

  Grace virtually spat the sweet into Debbie’s mouth before greedily pressing her lips against the blonde’s. The fury of her animal passion was so intense it was frightening and Debbie felt overwhelmed by the woman’s urgent command of her. Grace’s tongue filled her mouth and, as she kissed, her fingers pressed mercilessly hard against the soft flesh of Debbie’s eager breast.

  When their kiss finally ended, Debbie dared to swallow the sweet. She glanced meekly at Hera to see if she was still meeting with the woman’s approval.

  Hera was smiling at her.

  ‘You do like those sweets, don’t you,’ Hera observed lightly. ‘I can’t recall the last time I saw someone enjoying chocolate so much.’

  Debbie grinned softly, not daring to look away.

  ‘Perhaps you’d care to take another from me?’ Hera suggested. She waited for Debbie to nod acceptance before reaching for the packet. Settling herself on the chair, Hera raised the hem of her short skirt and parted her legs so that the lips of her half-shaven pussy were on bold display. With elegant fingers, she placed the M & M against the lips of her labia and then moved them away. Smiling excitedly up at Debbie, she said quietly, ‘Take your sweet.’

  Debbie could feel her heart beating fast with excitement. The woman was breathtakingly beautiful and Debbie had always found herself drawn to her. She had not considered her feelings to be sexual before, but now that the chance was being offered she saw no reason to deny herself. She was already enjoying stimulation from Melanie’s and Grace’s caress and if her mind considered that to be acceptable, then she saw no reason not to take the sweet that Hera was offering.

  She licked her lips as she moved her mouth close to the warmth of Hera’s sex. The sight of Hera’s black garter circumnavigating her leg reminded Debbie of the reward she would receive for going through with this. It was inspiration enough to make her move her mouth quickly downwards.

  More than anything she wanted to join the Black Garter. If this was what she had to do to join then Debbie was more than willing. The thoughts of atonement and revenge were now gone from her mind. She knew she had wronged the group over the last few weeks but she believed she could end all of that whenever she wanted. No one knew what she had done and, if she had her way, no one was going to know. If Hera deigned to accept her into the Black Garter, then Debbie was prepared to work hard to make up for the wrong she had done the group. If it involved doing things like this, then she believed she could honestly look forward to making amends.

  She placed her mouth gently against the soft folds of Hera’s sex and licked the sweet away from her. Without thinking, even after she had swallowed the confectionery, Debbie traced her tongue against the flesh a second, then a third time. The heady taste of Hera’s musky pussy juice filled her nostrils. The fragrance was so rich and erotic, she could feel her own excitement mounting quickly.

  Melanie and Grace had followed her to the floor as she knelt before the group’s leader. Relentlessly, they still teased and caressed her. Grace nibbled playfully at her ear, exciting the sensitive flesh of her lobe, whilst Melanie had daringly moved her mouth over one of Debbie’s nipples and was rubbing the tip with her tongue. Sparks of pure delight erupted from the sensitive tips of her breasts. Exhilarating waves of delicious pleasure had begun to rush over her, filling her with warmth. Debbie tried to ignore the distractions they were giving her. Both women were exciting and glamorous creatures and whilst neither of them compared to Hera she would still have been happy to entertain their individual attention. Having them both touch and caress her was so exquisite it was almost intolerable.

  ‘Eat my cunt,’ Hera whispered softly.

  Debbie held her breath, not daring to believe what she had heard Hera command. Her nose was a kiss away from the lips of Hera’s sex and, although she had already brushed the woman’s labia with her tongue, the thought of being commanded to perform oral sex still unnerved her. She gazed at Hera’s nether lips, trying to inhale the intoxicating fragrance of pussy honey that glistened against the darkly flushed folds of flesh.

  ‘Prove your obedience and eat my cunt,’ Hera whispered.

  Debbie glanced up from her silent appraisal of Hera’s cleft and realised the woman was staring at her darkly. A smile twisted her lips but there was a subtle air of menace lighting her eyes and Debbie feared the retribution that lurked at the back of them. Without delay she pushed her tongue into Hera’s depths. Her mouth and nostrils were suddenly filled with the heady scent of the woman’s desire. The delicate pink lips of her sex seemed to kiss Debbie’s mouth as she rubbed her tongue deep inside and the musky bouquet and the rich flavour of her arousal seemed to envelop and possess her.

  Aware of the pleasure she was deriving from the act, Debbie stopped, realising she was on the brink of an orgasm. She was baffled. She knew that Melanie and Grace were stimulating her sexually and she could not deny that they were highly skilled, but they could not have inspired this magnitude of arousal; their touch was so soft and subtle her body was simply enjoying it, not revelling in it. The climactic thrill that filled her was far greater than anything either of those two could arouse. Smiling up at Hera, Debbie realised what the source of her excitement was.

  Considering her great beauty and magnificent charms, Debbie knew that Hera was the one who was affecting her this way and, when she saw the smile being returned, Debbie moved her mouth back to the cleft between Hera’s legs. She plunged her tongue deep inside Hera, guzzling pussy juices that filled her mouth and made her feel dizzy with the delight of being allowed such a privilege. Then she flicked the tip of her tongue against the hardening swell of Hera’s clitoris, surprised to see the nub pulse beneath the slick touch of her tongue.

  Hera’s fingers brushed through her hair, tugging softly at the blonde tresses and urging her to lift, then lower her face. For a moment Debbie felt as though she were a machine that Hera was using just to perform cunnilingus. It was not unpleasant and Debbie realised distantly she did not mind being used in such a way. She could have lapped at Hera’s pussy for the rest of the evening.

  ‘Enough,’ Hera snapped abruptly. She spoke as though she had read Debbie’s thoughts and knew she was enjoying her initiation too much. Pulling Debbie’s hair sharply, Hera moved herself away from the deft ministrations of the blonde’s eager tongue. ‘I want to see how obedient you are,’ Hera reminded her, standing.

  Debbie nodded, trying to hide her disappointment at not being allowed to continue using her tongue. She realised Hera was studying the untidy clutter of her desk and she saw the frown of disapproval crease her forehead before she spoke.

  ‘This place is a fucking dump,’ she murmured softly. ‘No wonder Anna despises this place and calls it a hovel.’

  Debbie drew breath as though she had been slapped. She needed Hera’s praise and encouragement; the woman’s reassurance and support were like a drug that she suddenly craved. Words like this hurt worse than the fiercest blow she had received from the ruler.

  ‘You’ll tidy your act up if you’re allowed into the Black Garter, do you understand?’ Hera growled, running her fingertips through the scattered papers.

  Debbie nodded earnestly. ‘Yes,’ she whispered. The word was not simply an agreement. It was a pledge.

  Hera nodded, seemingly satisfied. Her fingers found something on the desk and she picked it up. Dangling between her finger and thumb, she held a long chain of paper clips high. She grinned happily at them as though an idea had just occurred to her. A cruel smile thinned her lips and she stared at Melanie and Grace.

  ‘Take the seat, Mel,’ Hera commanded generously. ‘Let Debbie have another sweetie while you sit there.’<
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  Melanie reached beneath the hem of her short skirt and pulled her panties off in one lithe, well-practised motion. She settled herself in the chair that Hera had vacated, smiling gratefully at the leader, then slowly turned her attention to Debbie. She raised the hem of her skirt to reveal the thick swatch of dark curly hairs that covered her sex and took two M & Ms. She placed one against the lips of her vagina then licked the second one, wetting the crisp sugar shell so that it was slightly sticky. With a careful finger, she touched the sweet against her anus. She held it with a fingernail for a moment, then moved her hand away. The M & M remained against her arsehole, waiting for Debbie to remove it with her mouth.

  Hera grinned when she saw this. ‘Eat your sweeties, Debbie,’ she insisted gently.

  Swallowing nervously, wishing the thought of what she had to do was not so disturbingly arousing, Debbie placed her mouth between Melanie’s legs. She licked the first sweet easily, her tongue tracing lightly against Melanie’s pouting labia. Before she even dared to contemplate the second one, she moved her mouth away and tried to pluck up the necessary courage. The sweet rested against the forbidden flesh of Melanie’s anus and Debbie knew that if she wanted to join the Black Garter, she had to take it from there. The scent of Melanie’s sex was drawn into her with each nervous inhalation. Perhaps the woman’s fragrance was not as intoxicating or as divine as Hera’s, but Debbie found she was still excited by the subtle aroma. The pulse of her desire was beating a strong, urgent staccato. As she moved closer, her eyes seemed to close involuntarily. She felt her nose brush against the folds of skin. The tip was suddenly wet with the glistening dew of Melanie’s honey and her nostrils were plunged into the warm, moist haven of her sex.

  Daringly, holding her breath with excited anticipation, Debbie flicked her tongue out and touched the M & M. The hard, pill-like sweet stayed where it was, and Debbie realised it was not simply going to jump into her mouth. She opened her eyes and stared at it, poignantly aware of Melanie’s nearness. She realised that to get the sweet in her mouth, she had to put her lips against the flesh of Melanie’s arsehole. The realisation brought with it a shiver of nervousness that was not wholly unpleasant.

  Placing her tongue below Melanie’s backside, Debbie gently drew the tip upwards, keeping it placed against the hot flesh. She felt herself touching the sweet, then it fell into her mouth. In that instant, she realised she had her tongue pressed firmly against the tight ring of Melanie’s anus. The sensations of excitement and sheer humiliation were so thrilling she wondered if she was going to orgasm merely from licking someone. She swallowed the sweet and with a bold thrust of her tongue, she entered Melanie’s backside. The woman’s squeals of delight from above were encouragement enough for Debbie to continue and she prodded her tongue as far into the dark canal as she possibly could.

  ‘You’re enjoying that too much,’ Hera barked suddenly.

  Debbie felt Melanie flinch away from her. In the same instant she heard a slap and wondered what had happened. When she glanced up she saw Melanie holding a bruised cheek and staring miserably at Hera. The scene explained itself. She stared warily at Hera, wondering if she too was due for another bout of punishment. The thought brought mixed feelings of excitement and trepidation.

  ‘You’re not here to cream your fucking knickers,’ Hera growled in Melanie’s ear. ‘You’re here to help me with an initiation.’

  Melanie mumbled an apology, still rubbing her face. From the corner of her eye, Debbie saw that Grace was staring at Hera with a certain degree of wariness and she sympathised with the emotion. She barely knew Hera and although she revered the woman, she still regarded her with a great amount of caution.

  ‘Do you make these chains?’ Hera asked, holding up the string of paper clips.

  Debbie nodded quickly.

  Hera grinned and allowed the string of clips to dangle purposefully between her fingers. She placed her hands on either side of the centre and tugged hard. The central paper clip gave and bounced against a wall with a gentle clink. Hera held the two freshly made lengths of chain in her hands and grinned down at Debbie. ‘Stand up,’ she commanded.

  Debbie hurried from the floor, eager to do everything Hera commanded. She watched as Hera took one of the chains and moved towards her breast. The thin sliver of metal glinted dully between her fingers and, as she reached for her nipple, Debbie saw exactly what the woman had in mind.

  Words of protest rushed to her lips but she had promised to obey the rule of silence and maintained control despite the fear of what Hera was planning.

  ‘Relax,’ Hera snapped coldly. ‘You’ll only make it hurt more. Melanie could tell you that much.’ A wicked glimmer illuminated her face and she smiled at the sullen Melanie. ‘Let me show Debbie what I mean.’ Her hands moved towards Melanie. Debbie heaved a soft sigh of relief. She knew the moment’s reprieve was bound to be short-lived but she was prepared to enjoy any diversion that did not cause her too much discomfort.

  Reluctantly, Melanie stood up. On Hera’s command she removed the top she was wearing and stood there meek but defiant with her pert breasts exposed to the room.

  Debbie snatched a quick look at the small, softly rounded orbs and tried not to stare. In the hedonism of the afternoon’s events she felt as though she had lost all sense of decency and proportion. A voice at the back of her mind still insisted that what she was doing was wrong and that she was immoral for enjoying the embarrassment and humiliation of this initiation but, as she gazed at the perfect splendour of Melanie’s naked breasts, Debbie could not find it in herself to listen to that voice. The throbbing pulse of her own arousal was too strong to allow her to listen.

  As she watched, Hera took the end of the paper-clip chain and fastened one piece of wire against the tip of Melanie’s exposed nipple. The metal pressed cruelly hard against the sensitive flesh, making the nub stand awkwardly.

  A pained expression flitted across Melanie’s face, quickly replaced by a smile of surprised excitement. Melanie drew a deep breath and stared curiously down at the source of this new-found pleasure and her grin broadening, she glanced up at Hera.

  Debbie could see the slap coming before it hit Melanie. The mousy-blonde released a soft growl of annoyance but there was no hint of retaliation in her voice or her manner. She met the challenge of Hera’s gaze with sultry defiance.

  ‘Stop creaming yourself,’ Hera repeated sharply. ‘Next time, I won’t tell you in such a nice way,’ she added menacingly.

  Melanie nodded.

  Watching, Debbie realised Melanie was manfully resisting the urge to stare at her own nipple. She admired the woman’s composure and if she had not been suffering the brunt of Hera’s wrath, Debbie knew she would have envied her.

  ‘Doesn’t that look good?’ Hera murmured, stroking her fingertip softly against the rose-tinted flesh of Melanie’s tightly clipped areola.

  Debbie nodded and whispered her agreement.

  Hera reached artlessly for Debbie’s breast and grasped the nipple between her finger and thumb. She rolled the pliant flesh gently, stimulating her with the subtle pressure of her touch. Debbie could feel a groan of delight welling inside her but she suppressed the sound, aware that Hera was likely to punish her for it. She held the woman’s gaze, hoping that she was doing exactly what was expected of her.

  With deft fingers, Hera slipped the cruel wire of the paper clip over the tip of Debbie’s teat. The metal pressed hard against the flesh and Debbie wondered how the biting pain could feel so exquisite. She coughed back a groan of joy and fixed her eye determinedly on Hera, awaiting her next instruction.

  Nodding, Hera smiled silent approval.

  Debbie could see that her nipple was on the end of the same chain that was attached to Melanie. The length of ineffectual links bowed into a U between them. When Hera accidentally caught the chain with her fingertips, its gentle sway caused delicate waves of delight to ripple through Debbie’s breast. Her eyes opened wide as the unexpected pleasure took
over her body and filled her with joy. Unconsciously, she realised she was staring at Melanie who seemed to be feeling the same excitement.

  Hera took the second length of chain and with quick fingers, she fastened one end to Melanie’s other breast. Melanie closed her eyes. Her lips were pressed tight together in a silent grimace that did not look totally pained.

  Hera snatched at Debbie’s nipple and again rolled the nub between her thumb and forefinger. She seemed to be watching Debbie, as though she was waiting for hesitancy or reluctance. Debbie met her gaze coolly. The expression was rewarded with a smile.

  This time, when Hera had fastened the clip against her nipple, she pressed the metal hard against the sensitive flesh. Debbie drew a slow breath, not sure if she was struggling against a moan of despair or a cry of delight.

  ‘And there we have you both,’ Hera observed. ‘The pair of you are linked.’ Her smile tightened cruelly and she moved her mouth close to Debbie’s ear. ‘Take a step back,’ she whispered.

  Without any hesitancy, Debbie did as she was instructed. She could see the chain pulling against her nipples but that did not stop her from obeying. Melanie released a soft growl of surprise, her breasts being tugged sharply by Debbie’s movement.

  A furious passion stole over Debbie and this time she could not suppress the sigh of excitement from escaping. Prickles of pleasure erupted inside her breasts, igniting explosions of delight that seemed to traverse her entire body.

  ‘Kneel down,’ Hera commanded.

  When she saw the expression of horror that filled Melanie’s face her grin broadened. ‘I did mean both of you,’ Hera explained patiently. She turned her attention to Grace and spoke softly into the woman’s ear.

  With a reluctant expression and a nervous glance in Melanie’s direction, Grace nodded assent to Hera’s whispered command. She helped her friend into a kneeling position as Debbie lowered herself to the floor. They both managed to make the movement without experiencing any great measure of discomfort from the chains that linked them.


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