Fat Mate (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 8)

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Fat Mate (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 8) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Three

  Zadie wriggled her toes as she listened to Bethany talk. The woman was sweet, kind, and loved life. It was nice to see another woman who wasn’t desperate for male affection.

  “You’re great with kids,” Bethany said, to which she smiled.

  “I love them so much. They are a great bunch. Right now I’m trying to get them to read, and as wolf cubs are really stubborn, I bribe them with food.” Zadie laughed just thinking about how well it had worked in the past. There were several boys that loved her baking so much, they tried to impress her by reading two or three books.

  “You don’t have any children of your own?”

  “I’m unmated, so that hasn’t happened to me.” She’d had enough of walking in the water, and she left, going to sit against a large boulder. Every now and again she was sure she could hear someone breathing, yet whenever she turned toward the sound, nothing was there. Maybe she was going out of her mind, and there wasn’t anyone there. “There are plenty of males here if you want to check them out. I’m sure they’d be willing to impress you.”

  Bethany flopped down beside her. “What about you? No one impressed you.”

  The smile Zadie had disappeared, and she turned back to look at the water, silence filling her.

  “You can’t tell me that there aren’t men who want you?” Bethany kept on trying.

  “Can we not talk about mating, and everything to do with that. It’s … erm … it’s hard.”

  “Oh, okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. You don’t mind me sitting here with you, or would you like me to go?”

  “It’s fine. I don’t mind you sitting here with me. I’m happy for the company to be honest.” She released a breath and locked her fingers together, resting them over her stomach.

  “You don’t have to turn into a wolf?” Bethany asked.

  “I turn at the height of the full moon. After that, I’ve never felt the need to. I love walking though around the forest, and I’m left alone so I can explore the vast expanse of our views.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “In your pack, when your wolves mature at eighteen or older, do you have a, erm, like a mating run?”

  “A mating run?”

  “Yes. Where the newly turned are free to run in the forest, and to, you know, give in to their basic sides?” she asked, curious. The last thing she wanted to do was change packs, but if her parents for a second thought she was finding other happiness, maybe she would be able to make them happy by changing in the process.

  “It’s not a custom that we use. Some of our pack females for instance, don’t want men around them when they’re first turned. Others love it. I think it’s a matter of their ability to make the run, and then if what happens next, happens, and if not, not.”

  She nodded. “In our pack, it was custom when we’re newly turned. We call it the mating moon. When the moon is at its highest point, we all take off into the woods, and get chased.” She had never told anyone this, and she didn’t know why she was telling Bethany. She barely knew the woman, yet she just knew it would be okay for her to be open, and honest about this. “It happens once a month at the peak of the full moon. I was so excited. I’d turned early that month so I was able to get used to my new senses and stuff. I entered the forest, and started to run. There were so many people there. Bianca, my brother, lots of the males in our town, and even some of the unmated men.” She licked her lips. “I ran for five hours, and I got to the edge of the clearing before I even realized no one was chasing me. No one wanted me.”


  “I figured I’d run too fast. I came out of the edge of the forest, which clears onto a main road, so I went back. As I did, I heard the sounds of others mating. Some had found their soul mates. Others hadn’t and were just enjoying the hunt and the fucking. I waited for the second full moon, and the same thing happened.” She laughed. “It took me five full moons in total to realize no one was chasing me, or wanted me.”

  Bethany took her hand.

  “I’m one of the few virgins in the village, Bethany. I don’t have a mate, nor is there ever going to be a chance of me getting one. I love children, and working at the nursery helps me. I’ve heard what a lot of people have said about me. I’d be ‘the fat mate’, and a lot of men don’t want a fat one. They want someone like Bianca or you, and I have accepted that.”

  She saw the tears in Bethany’s eyes and smiled.

  “You don’t have to cry for me or feel sad. I’m happy. Every time I need to run, I come here. No one else comes here, and I know I’m happy with my own company. My parents are worried about me though. They want to see me mated and happy.”

  “Zadie, you never know what the future holds.”

  “I know it doesn’t hold a lot of things for me, and you know what? I’m okay with that, really. This pack, it’s my home, and even though I am tempted to leave and find another one, I know I would receive the same treatment. The pack is not cruel to me. In their own way, they love me, and I know that. I love them, too. Please don’t be sad for me. That’s the last thing I want.”

  “You deserve so much more, Zadie.” Bethany threw her arms around her, and hugged her close.

  She was careful not to squeeze to tightly. Her strength was one of the things that had concerned her. She had hugged her mother years ago and cracked a rib. She had vowed to be careful when it came to touching other people.

  “It’s getting late. Let me help you. You can walk in this forest for days and get lost every chance you get.” Zadie stood up, taking Bethany’s hand, and together they moved toward the forest.

  Zadie paused as she looked at a particularly large tree. It was quite dark, and she couldn’t make anything out.

  “What is it?” Bethany asked.

  “Nothing at all. I thought I saw something, but it must be a trick of the light or something like that.” She led Bethany away.

  The sounds of mating could be heard throughout the forest, and she ignored it.

  When she made it to the cottage, she released Bethany’s hand. “There you go.”

  “I would like us to do lunch. Can we do lunch tomorrow?” Bethany asked.

  “If you want we can go to the diner if that is what you’d like.”

  “I would. I would like us to be the best of friends.”

  Zadie chuckled. “Enjoy your stay, Bethany.” She turned, and headed back toward her own home.


  “Did you hear all of that?” Bethany asked, rushing out into the garden where he was pulling on a pair of boxer briefs.

  “I heard it.” And it had been hard for him not to hurt all the men and women that were close to them. Dante was so fucking angry.

  “Seven years, Dante. Seven years of where she had been alone. She walked in the river, and was so calm and so sweet. How can any man not want to mate with her? And that name, ‘fat mate’. How can people be so cruel?” Bethany sat down on one of the benches on the lawn.

  Dante sat beside his sister.

  “You know I was asking her all those questions so you would get your answers, but as time passed, I saw that I wanted to be her friend. I wanted to get to know her, and to have her trust me. She is a special, beautiful woman, and I think the pack would be very lucky to have someone like her.”

  Dante sat back and stared up at the moon. It wasn’t at its apex, and the lemony scent clung heavily in the air. “She gave you this to help you as well.”

  “I know. I’ve got a lunch date with her tomorrow. Would you like to come?”

  “How about I come to the nursery with you, and we’ll see how she handles my presence. I don’t want to spoil her comfort just because I want to get to know her.”

  “You don’t have a lot of time. One month, and we both know Bianca is going to be thrown at you. Probably every single other unmated woman as well.”

  “I know.” He patted his sister’s hand. “You smell like her.”

  “I know. I think I know one of the reasons w
hy the kids love her.” Bethany snuggled into the cardigan. “She does smell so comforting. It’s weird, but when I was with her, I felt protected as well. She is just so loving.”

  He smiled. “She will make a good mate.”

  “You’re going to claim her then.”

  “I am.”

  “In one month.”

  “I love a challenge, and this will be my biggest one yet.”

  His sister sat with him in the garden for the longest time until finally after an hour, she went inside, leaving him alone.

  Sleep wouldn’t be easy for him tonight. His thoughts were consumed by the redhead with green eyes, and a large set of tits. It wasn’t just her body, though. It was also her sweet, tender smile, and just everything about her. She made him want to hold her, to love her, protect her, and have her screaming his name as he fucked her hard.

  Finally, he made his way into the house, and there on the back of the sofa was the cardigan. He picked it up and sniffed the outside of the garment. Even though his sister had been inside it for a couple of hours, the only scent he picked up was that of Zadie. The lemon made his mouth water, and he was thinking of cookies, sherbet, and pie.

  Moving toward he sofa, he lay down, and then placed the cardigan over him. He was a lot bigger than Zadie, so it didn’t cover all of him, but he had enough to be able to get some sleep.

  The following morning came too soon, and when he woke up, he saw Bethany smirking at him. “You do have it bad.”

  He lifted the cardigan and sniffed. There was a small trace of lemon but not enough for his liking.

  “I think it’s fair that I go and take her this.”

  Bethany coughed. “If I was you, I’d put some clothes on though. Zadie wasn’t averse to seeing me naked, and I don’t think people nude bothers her, but it’s morning, and kids are running around.”

  His sister got up and left with a chuckle.

  Making his way toward his room, he donned some jeans and a shirt, brushed his teeth, and then made his way back toward the kitchen. A coffee was waiting for him, and without another word, he was gone. His sister often took a morning walk. They were not each other’s keepers. They just watched each other’s backs. He trusted her with his life, and she did the same with him.

  It was still early morning, and he was surprised to see that it was already busy with pack members. Dante nodded toward his own, and was polite to Sloane’s pack.

  He’d gotten Zadie’s address yesterday while talking with Sloane. He had just opened the gate when the front door opened. Zadie stepped out and her arms were full of boxes of cookies.

  “Mr. Locker,” she said. “Are you lost?”

  “Dante, please. No, I’m not lost. I wanted to return this to you.”

  “Oh, okay. Thank you.” She reached out, and the boxes that she was carrying suddenly started to tumble. He reacted quickly, grabbing them before they could fall. “Wow, great reflexes. I know my students would be really upset if I lost their cookies.”

  “They smell amazing.”

  “Aw, thank you. They do like the lemon cookies that I make. I’m partial to chocolate chips when my brother doesn’t steal all of the chocolate that is.” She looked at her cardigan. “I’ll just go and put this inside.” She left for several seconds, returning with a smile. “I can take them now if you’d like.”

  “Nope. I’m happy to carry them for you. Lead the way, and I’ll follow.”

  “Oh, okay. Are you sure? Don’t you have something to do?”

  “Ah, you mean relations with Sloane?”

  “I don’t really know how these things work. The last pack visit was a long time ago. I was a kid. I’m not even sure what happened. How long will you be staying?” she asked.

  “A month. Sloane extended this invitation, and it is customary to show this kind of attention I believe.”

  She chuckled, and the noise went straight to his cock. Dante noticed several people stopped and stared at them. After hearing what she’d told Bethany last night, he wondered why they all looked shocked. No one else wanted her. They didn’t see what an amazing woman they had running with them.

  “I sure hope you enjoy it here.”

  “Do you love it here?” he asked.

  “It’s my home.” She glanced at him, and then looked away. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yes, you can ask me anything.”

  “How would a person like me go about changing packs?”

  “You’re thinking of leaving here?” he asked.

  They came to a stop outside of the nursery, and she shook her head. “There’s some stuff going on, and I don’t want my parents to worry. I think a fresh start could be good. I don’t know if I’d even do it, or if I’d even want to.” She tucked some hair behind her ears. “I just wanted to be prepared in case it’s an option that I need.”

  “You will always be welcome in my pack, Zadie.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I know you. I see the way people look at you, and especially those children. They are lucky to have you in their lives, and don’t let anyone else tell you differently.”

  She opened the door, and turned back toward him. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.” She took the boxes. “Your sister is a nice woman.”

  “Be warned, she can be a pain in the ass.”

  Zadie laughed. “I’m sure she can. All siblings can be. I know my brother is. Thank you for walking with me.”

  “I’ll see you soon, Zadie.”

  She left him stood there, watching. Damn it. He’d wanted to get an invitation to dinner, and all he’d gotten was a polite conversation. It had been hard to keep up with the scent coming from her. Didn’t she know how good she smelled? Even his wolf wanted a piece of her.

  An image of her running from him, laughing as she did with him chasing after her entered his mind, and he wanted that. He wanted her spread across his bed, with her legs wide as he fucked her so hard she couldn’t think of anyone else for days afterward.

  Sloane was making his way across the town center, and Dante paused. If Sloane was a bad Alpha, it would have made ignoring him a lot easier. As it was, he was a good Alpha, and Dante felt obliged to be nice to him, even though Bianca was the last person he wanted to be mated to.

  “I stopped by the cottages, and thought we could share breakfast together.”

  “Breakfast sounds good to me. What I’m curious about is why you asked for this meeting, Sloane. I’ve not got time for crap. Be straight with me, or you won’t get what you want.”

  Sloane sighed. “I guess we can discuss this over coffee and waffles.”


  They entered the diner, and Sloane took the lead with picking a table. Taking a seat, neither of them spoke other than to order their food. When they were alone, Dante focused on Sloane once again. “Is this about money? Do you need investment?”

  “No. We’re a stable community, and we’ve got a good income. We’re fine.”

  “Look, Sloane, normally when packs come together like this, it’s for three reasons. A threat, money, or mating. I see no threat to your pack, and certainly no disputes on the inside. You’ve just said you’re not interested in my money. I’m guess mating.”

  “Bianca needs a mate, and rumor has it that you don’t like to fuck around. She needs … a firm hand. Most of the men here are wrapped around her finger, and to be honest with you, I’m tired of the fighting. It’s perfectly normal to fight over a potential mate, but she’s turned it into a sport.”

  “No,” Dante said. “I have no interest in mating myself to that girl. She is of no use to me or my pack.”

  Sloane nodded, clearly not offended by his response.

  “However, there is someone else from your pack that I have found … enchanting,” Dante said. “I would be interested in pursuing something with her.”


  “Zadie Cox. The nursery worker you introduced me to yesterday.”

  Laughter erupted
out of Sloane.

  “I would advise you speak your words carefully,” Dante said. “What I speak about is no laughing matter.”

  Sloane stopped immediately. “Zadie?”

  “Yes, and I have heard the names that she’s been called. I’m telling you my intentions because I intend to spend a great deal of my time this visit getting to know her, and in time, mate with her.” Dante paused as the waitress served them food. When they were clear, he focused on the man in front of him. “Is this going to be a problem?”

  “No. It’s not. Zadie is an amazing person. The kids love her, and the people love her.”

  “None of your men will mate with her. She’s a virgin. Never been tasted,” Dante said. He watched as Sloane looked around the diner.

  “She never appealed to any of the men. Don’t get me wrong, they all appreciate her, and adore her. None of them have ever been mean.”

  “I understand that. Referring to her as ‘a fat mate’ will stop immediately. She’s mine, Sloane. If I hear anyone say that, I won’t let it stand. I will consider it a threat to myself, and to my mate.”

  “I don’t want any trouble.”

  “Good, you won’t get any.”

  So long as he got exactly what he wanted.

  Chapter Four

  Checking her watch for the fifth time, Zadie wondered if she had imagined her possible date with Bethany for lunch. Her stomach growled, and it had already been ten minutes. When she was about to give up, and head back inside, she saw Bethany rushing toward her.

  “I am so sorry,” Bethany said. “I was taking a shower, and the water was so warm, and before I knew where I was the time had gotten away with me.” She stopped, taking a deep breath, and then sighing. “I’m not being stood up, am I?”

  “I thought you were standing me up, but no problem. You still want to eat?”

  “Yes. I’m starving. I’ve had like a couple bits of toast. I don’t cook. Dante really doesn’t cook. I should have gone to the diner, but I was being lazy.”

  Bethany shoved her arm into hers, and Zadie was a little startled at first. After a few seconds, she got used to it, and then they were in the diner anyway, which was busy.


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