Roped In: A Blacktop Cowboys® Novella (1001 Dark Nights)

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Roped In: A Blacktop Cowboys® Novella (1001 Dark Nights) Page 14

by Lorelei James

  “Living room. That way if you really piss me off I’m farther away from the knives and you have time to run.”

  Yep. He so loved this woman.

  London held his hand and led him to the sectional couch. After he’d settled himself in the corner, she immediately stretched out on top of him, nestling the side of her face against the center of his chest, pressing her hip between his legs. Being body to body, where he could touch her at will but wasn’t staring directly into her eyes as he made his confessions, would make those confessions come easier.

  Sutton ran his hand down her arm. “Is this okay for you?”

  “It’s perfect for me.” She kissed his pectoral. “Start when you’re ready.”

  He reflexively tightened his hold on her hip. “You won’t take off?”

  “Nope. Unless you tell me you’re part of some religious sect where they allow you to have as many wives as you want, because I don’t share well at all.”

  “Me neither.” He marshaled his thoughts and decided to get the worst over first. “The reason I have no intention of ever competing as a professional steer wrestler again is because I made a deal with God that if I survived the wreck, I’d walk away from the sport for good. I’m keeping my word because in that moment I finally realized how lucky I am.” When she didn’t laugh or call him an idiot, he told her the story. “So no one knows what really went down. Not my family, not my sponsors, not the CRA.”

  “How long have you been medically cleared?”

  “Four months. My brothers busted me trying to work with Dial right after I’d been released. I chose to perpetuate the lie. No idea why I did. Seemed smart at the time. Then it just steamrolled. But you know better than anyone what happens to a highly trained horse when it’s allowed to run amok. Needing your help with Dial was completely sincere.”

  She traced the edge of his shirt pocket. “I know. I knew when you didn’t balk at pretending to be my boyfriend as a stipulation of me helping you that you were desperate.”

  “Not the word I’d use…”

  “After the first time we kissed, I knew I was in big trouble with you.”


  “Because I didn’t give a damn about Stitch anymore.”

  “But I thought you did and I kept pushing us into bein’ more visible as a couple—”

  “When all I wanted was alone time with you, my hot man. So you believe me when I say Stitch means nothing to me? That conversation you interrupted—”

  “That overly friendly hug,” he corrected with a growl.

  “Was just a hug between friends. I didn’t only ask you to pretend to be my boyfriend to make Stitch jealous. I needed my ego bolstered after being dumped. I never wanted Stitch back. I guess I didn’t make that clear.”

  He sighed. “How did this get so fucked up?”

  “Because we both kept following our own agenda. How long did you plan to keep me training Dial?”

  “Until you said he was back to normal or that you couldn’t get him there.” His hand traveled back up her arm and he brushed her hair from her shoulder. “Then I remembered why your folks agreed to sell me Dial in the first place—because you’d keep working with him to the exclusion of every other animal in their stable. So I was selfish, hoping it’d take you a long damn time to retrain him.”


  “Because I fell in love with you. I hoped if you had more time with me, you’d fall for me too—when I wasn’t second guessing myself that no one really fell in love in a week.” He felt her smile against his chest.

  London lifted her head and looked at him reverently—and they weren’t even naked. That had to mean something, right?

  “Talk to me.”

  She ran her fingertips over the stubble on his cheeks. “I expected you to say you didn’t think this was real because you were my rebound man.”

  “Shit. I should’ve been worrying about that too?”

  She laughed. “No.” Then she sobered. “Here’s the truth. Dial is as good as he’s ever gonna get. At least under my training. I’ve been pretending that he hasn’t made much progress because I didn’t want to leave you.”

  He grinned so widely it hurt, then he wondered if he might’ve pulled a muscle.

  “I’ve been milking this job. But not for money. Every check you wrote me is uncashed. I also suspected you weren’t being truthful because you let me be. You weren’t gauging Dial’s progress. A guy antsy to get back on the dirt would’ve been out there every day harassing me for faster results.”

  “You didn’t take my hands-off approach as that I trusted you to do the job I’d hired you for?”



  “But I’d hoped that you were keeping me around because you were starting to feel things for me since I’d fallen in love with you.”

  Sutton kissed her then, knowing he’d remember this moment for the rest of their lives.

  “So what now?”

  “You move in with me.”

  “Like we’re roommates?”

  “Fuck no, we won’t be roommates. And we ain’t playing house either. This is for real.”

  “I can move my stuff into your room?”

  “Woman, half your shit is already in my room—don’t think I didn’t notice.” He held her chin and feathered his thumb over her lips. “Dream come true having a woman like you in my bed every night.”

  “A woman like me?”

  “A hot, feisty, sexy cowgirl who loves me for me. Not because of the championship buckles, the fame, or the money. “

  “The money is a nice bonus. But will you be in our bed with me every night? Because that’s been another thing we haven’t discussed. Your need for space.”

  “Baby, it’s not about me needing space; it’s about me needing more time. For the past month I’ve been haying with my brothers, and keeping you thoroughly fucked to entice you into staying with me forever, and that wears a man out. So the only time I could study for the test I’m taking to become a range master was in the middle of the night. The only other thing that’s been constant in my life besides bulldoggin’ is my love of guns. My buddy Ramsey owns an indoor/outdoor gun range. The first week you were here he told me one of his range masters is getting deployed for a year. He asked if I’d be interested in taking the test and filling in. Then when the guy returns from deployment, he’ll find me a permanent position if I like working there. So that’s where I’ve been the past two days, taking the written test, which wasn’t fun at all, and sharpening my skills here and at the range for the firearms qualification portion, which will be the fun part.”

  “It’s a really exciting change and opportunity for you, Sutton! How awesome you get to do another thing that you love to make a living.”

  That shit-eating grin spread across his face again. She got it. She got him in ways he didn’t have to explain. “Thanks. I planned on telling my family after I told you.”

  “Will you make an official announcement about retirement from the CRA?”

  “Most likely. I’ve been avoiding my PR person, so I’ll talk to her about it.”

  “That leaves just one thing left to deal with.” She paused. “Dial.”

  He brushed her soft cheek with his knuckles. “I asked my buddy who’s a veterinarian in Wyoming to keep his ear to the ground for anyone interested in a championship bulldogging horse. Dial needs to work, so I prefer he went to a qualified candidate. Payment, lease, whatever is all secondary to me at this point.” He paused. “Why? Do you already have someone in mind?”

  “No, but I agree it’s better to wait than just shipping Dial off and cutting your losses. As long as folks in the rodeo world know you’re serious about finding the right competitor for him, you will have interest. Whether it’s the right interest? Dial is the best judge.”

  “I’ll defer to my expert horsewoman. But I’ll point out you didn’t think Dial had the best judgment when he chose me.”

  “You’ll still
be harping on that years from now, won’t you?”

  Sutton liked that London was already imagining a future for them. “Maybe. Unless you agree to keep working Dial until he’s found a new home.”

  “Hell no. He’s your horse. You can put him through his paces every day. Besides, I’m officially not your horse trainer any longer.”

  “Mmm. But you will keep that ridin’ crop? Cause I have a feeling you’re the type of woman who’ll need a whack every once in a while to keep things interesting.”


  Three months later…

  “I can’t thank you enough.” Stitch kept pumping Sutton’s hand as he spoke. “He’ll be in good hands. You’ll never have to worry he ain’t bein’ well taken care of.”

  “That’s why we’re letting you take him,” London said sweetly. Then she laughed. “Well, not take, exactly.”

  Stitch nodded, his gaze zipping to his horse trailer as if he couldn’t believe what it held. Then he met Sutton’s eyes again. “You’re really okay with payments starting in January?”

  “This year is a loss for me, at least professionally”—he sent London a wicked smile—”on the personal front, it’s been a bang-up year.” London melted when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I’ve no problem waiting until you’re starting a new season.”

  “That’s just…awesome, man. Thanks.” Stitch smiled at London, his gaze zeroing in on the big sapphire ring on her left hand. “I heard you two got engaged. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” London said, sneaking a peek at the ring Sutton had given her just one short week ago. In typical Sutton fashion, his proposal had been a little offbeat; he’d tied the ring at the end of a fancy ribbon and looped it around the barrel of her new shotgun, begging her to make an honest man of him.

  “Have you set the date?”

  London said, “No” the same time Sutton said, “Soon.”

  “Good luck.” Then Stitch climbed in his rig and drove off.

  Sutton kissed her temple. “Whoda thunk, huh? That Dial would take to Stitch and vice versa?”

  “Stitch is a good guy.”

  “Just not the guy for you,” Sutton said with a growl.

  God, she loved that possessive tone. She loved that the shy man wasn’t shy at all about showing her every day, in so many different ways, how much he loved her and how happy she made him.

  And she was more than happy to return the favor. To be the woman he could count on to love him through the good times and bad.

  He draped his arm over her shoulder. “What’s on the agenda tonight?”

  “We could pick up and clean the shell casings for the new line of bullet jewelry I’ve started.”

  “Pass. I get enough shell casing clean-up duties at my day job. What’s my other option?”

  “Hanging out in front of the fireplace. Playing cards.”

  His eyes lit up. “Strip poker?”

  “No, you cheat.”

  “Me?” he said innocently. “I’m ‘The Saint,’ remember? I don’t cheat.”

  “Ain’t no one calling you that anymore, bulldogger.”

  “Thank God.” He pulled her closer and his lips grazed the top of her ear. “To be honest, I don’t care what we do just as long as I’m with you.”

  She sighed. “I’m so crazy in love with you.”

  “Same goes, sweetheart.”

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  1001 Dark Nights story on 1/1/15.

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  1001 Dark Nights fabulous novellas…

  1001 Dark Nights

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  by Lisa Renee Jones


  A Masters of the Shadowlands Novella

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  A Blacktop Cowboys ® Novella

  by Lorelei James


  A Midnight Breed Novella

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  by Christopher Rice


  A Phoenix Brotherhood Novella

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  A Redwood Pack Novella

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  Also from Evil Eye Concepts:


  A Stark International Novella

  by J. Kenner

  Acknowledgments from the Author

  A big yee-haw! and tip of my hat to the wonderful, marvelous Liz Berry and MJ Rose for asking me to be part of the 1001 Dark Nights project!

  When I saw the list of authors who’d signed on, I was…humbled and excited and now I’m thrilled because I can call so many of them my friends. That October weekend was a blast and I can’t wait to do it again – although this time I will pull my arm back when Cherise Sinclair assures me the rubber flogger “doesn’t hurt that much” and I will be 100% prepared for dinosaur porn readings, jello shots, amazing southern cooking (bacon every day!) field trips, beach walks, wine tours and late nights gab sessions with my roomie Julie Kenner.

  Extra thanks to Liz Berry who never balked at my crazy texts and just went with it when I made changes to the story/plot/characters…again. This one is for you darlin’…

  About Lorelei James

  Lorelei James is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary erotic romances in the Rough Riders, Blacktop Cowboys, and Mastered series. She also writes dark, gritty mysteries under the name Lori Armstrong and her books have won the Shamus Award and the Willa Cather Literary Award. She lives in western South Dakota.

  Connect with Lorelei in the following places:




  Long Hard Ride

  Rough Riders, Book 1

  By Lorelei James

  One lucky woman is in for the ride of her life with three sexy cowboys…

  During summer break, wannabe wild woman Channing Kinkaid is offered the chance to shed her inhibitions and horse around on the road with a real chaps-and-spurs wearing rodeo cowboy.

  From the moment Colby McKay—bull rider, saddle bronc buster and calf roper—sets his lust-filled eyes on the sweet and fiery Channing, he knows she’s up to the challenge of being his personal buckle bunny. But he also demands that his rodeo traveling partners, Trevor and Edgard are allowed to join in their no-holds-barred sexcapades.

  Although Channing secretly longed to be the sole focus of more than one man’s passions, all is not as it seems with the sexy trio. Colby’s demand for her complete submission behind closed doors tests her willful nature, and his sweet-talking ways burrow into her heart.

  Will Colby have to break out the bullropes and piggin’ string to convince this headstrong filly that the road to true love doesn’t have to be as elusive as that championship belt buckle?

  Warning: This story has tons of explicit sex, graphic language that’d make your mama blush, light bondage, ménage a trois, and—yee-haw!—hot nekkid cowboy man-lov

  On a drunken dare after too many kamikazes, Channing Kinkaid found herself standing on a shellacked bartop while a bartender named Moose sprayed her chest with ice-cold beer.

  “Contestant number four! Strut your stuff, baby!”

  Channing thrust out her enormous rack, hardened nipples leading the charge. She completely overshadowed the other contestants. She grinned saucily. It was the first time since her thirteenth birthday she hadn’t been ashamed of her large breasts.

  Amidst catcalls and wolf whistles she sexed it up, shimmying her hips. Stretching on tiptoe to force the tight T-shirt higher up her flat belly. Widening her stance, she spun on her boot heels, bent over, and grabbed her ankles, jiggling her ass and her boobs.

  The crowd of men went absolutely wild.

  The tease paid off when Moose announced she’d won the Golden Knockers trophy and one hundred bucks.

  “Yee-haw!” she yelled and jumped from the bar.

  Never in a million years would anyone she grew up with believe that sweet and quiet Channing would enter a wet T-shirt contest, let alone win first place.

  A tiny chorus of Toby Keith’s “How Do You Like Me Now?” broke out inside her head and she smirked.

  After receiving congratulations from admiring cowboys on the circuit and a few frat brats, she poured a fresh kamikaze in the trophy cup. She toasted herself in the cracked mirror behind the bar and liked what she saw.

  She glanced around, half-afraid she’d see Jared storming toward her, intent on spoiling her good time by dragging her off to celebrate her victory in private. The man was seriously antisocial. And dammit, she was having fun for a change.

  The Western bar was jam-packed. Jared hated crowds, but he hated leaving her alone in a crowd—especially a group of horny, drunken men. Where could he have gone?

  Did she really care?

  Sweet, warm breath tickled her ear. “Lookin’ for someone, darlin’?”

  Channing tilted her head. Colby McKay—king of the rodeo circuit—stared down at her. From far away—he looked a total package. Up close—he was simply stunning. Icy blue eyes, dark chestnut hair and chiseled features that weren’t typical rugged cowboy, but rather, brought to mind the image of a brooding poet.

  His toned body spoke of his athletic prowess with horses and bulls; his thickly muscled arms and big, callused hands spoke of his skill with ropes. Mmm. Mmm. He was yummy and he knew it. He also was aware he made her skittish as a new colt.


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