Turbulent Kisses

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by Jessica Gray

  Turbulent Kisses

  Love in Sandy Beach

  Book 3

  {Chase and Pearl}

  Jessica Gray

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

  Turbulent Kisses – Love in Sandy Beach, Book 3

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2015 Jessica Gray

  This book is copyrighted and protected by copyright laws.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission from the author.

  All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design by http://www.StunningBookCovers.com

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Preview Explosion of Love

  More Books by Jessica

  Chapter 1

  Chase and Ethan Paxton jogged side-by-side along the beach, their breath coming out in puffs of white steam as it met the frigid air on this cold January morning.

  “God, I can’t believe I let you talk me into doing this,” Ethan huffed, his breathing slightly unsteady and jagged as he pushed himself to keep up with his younger brother.

  “It’s not so bad out here,” Chase countered. “Besides, you’re getting soft.”

  “Soft?” Ethan barked out a laugh. “Hardly. I can tell you the people I deal with on a day-to-day basis in London would never consider me soft.”

  Chase glanced at him sideways. “Yeah, but then they don’t know you like I do. I mean, look at you. You’re practically getting flabby in places. Sitting behind a desk all day may be keeping your mind sharp, but your body is going to pot.”

  He loved teasing his brother about his job as an investment banker. Ethan had been working in London for a while now, and compared to Chase’s physical training, Ethan’s was almost non-existent.

  Ethan threw a light punch at his brother’s shoulder. “Well, your job depends upon you being in top physical shape. And we can’t all be playboys. And by that, I mean boys who get paid exorbitant sums of money to play all day. I mean, how hard is kitesurfing? That’s what people do on vacation.”

  Chase knew his brother was only screwing with him and he shook his head, grinning. “You just wish you could make money playing.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Ethan stopped running. “Man, I’m done for.”

  “Come on, just a bit farther. So, what’s new on the female side of things?” Chase asked as they turned around to head back to their starting point.

  “Women. Now there’s a subject I don’t mind discussing. And there’s always something new.”

  Chase chuckled, slowing down his pace to give his brother the chance to keep up with him and catch his breath.

  Ethan nodded, his breathing completely disrupted as he grew more tired. “Summer is so much more pleasant around here. Why are we torturing ourselves like this?”

  “What? Can’t workout unless you have a bevy of bikini-clad onlookers drooling over you?” Chase laughed.

  “Well, they do help make the exercise seem more worthwhile. And don’t knock my predilection for beautiful women. I noticed you’ve spent more than one night out of the house over the last few weeks.”

  Chase nodded, his breathing as steady as always. “Even in the middle of the winter there are always willing females around. I got to say though, the selection is getting pretty slim over at the Lighthouse Bar.”

  “I noticed,” his brother said, squeezing the words forcefully out of his lungs. “Been doing some of my own pulling from the herd. The selection is a lot better during the summer months with all the tourists coming here.”

  Chase slowed down his pace even more. His brother was severely out of shape. “Yeah. If we’re not careful, we’re going to end up tapping each other’s leftovers.”

  Both of them liked women. All women. They’d come home to Sandy Beach to spend the Christmas holidays with their parents and other siblings, and while they’d both managed to find two or three women willing to play with them over the last two weeks, it was becoming increasingly difficult to hook up.

  “We really need to get our own place for when we come home,” Ethan suggested.

  “Man, wouldn’t that be nice. I absolutely hate having to sneak out of a warm bed while it’s still dark and head home. I’d much prefer it was the woman slipping away in the middle of the night.”

  “I hear that.” Ethan breathed a sigh of relief when Chase stopped running and started to walk around in circles. He followed suit. “No matter how much you might have enjoyed sleeping with a girl, having to slip out in the middle of the night sucks.”

  Chase nodded, stopping his pacing for a moment and starting to stretch his muscles. “Don’t let our sisters ever hear us talking like this. They’d scalp both of us and laugh the entire time.”

  “Yeah, well discussing my love life with them isn’t on the top of my to-do list. Allison’s already made her feelings perfectly clear to me about how she thinks I treat women. She accused me of getting bored too easily and told me that the endless supply of new toys to play with would one day run out.”

  “Horror.” Chase teased. “Whatever would we do if we couldn’t have a variety of women ready and willing to jump into bed with us at every turn?” He grinned at how pompous he sounded.

  He finished stretching his calves out and then looked down the straight stretch of beach lying in front of them. “Ready to race?’

  Ethan rolled his eyes, but nodded. “Yeah, but take it easy. We just ran five miles.”

  “Ran? We barely walked fast. Get set. Go.” Chase sprinted down the beach, bending at the waist to touch the ground at the end of the straightaway and then sprinting back to their beginning point. Ethan must have cheated, cutting a corner, because he sensed him just behind him, and forced his body to push even harder. And faster.

  He put his hands on his thighs and struggled for breath control while Ethan huffed and complained next to him. A few minutes later, he stood up and readied himself to go again. “You man enough to beat me?” He loved challenging his brother, the competition fueling both of their tired bodies.

  “Why don’t you try to keep up this time?” Ethan suggested and called out. “Go!” He’d caught Chase off guard and had no problem beating him back to the starting point this time.

  Chase was laughing as he tried to catch his breath. “Ready to go again?”

  Ethan shook his head. “Nah. I’m quitting while I’m ahead.”

  He grinned at his brother and conceded the point. Then he dropped down to the ground and started doing pushups.

  Ethan shook his head, but followed sui
t, “You really are a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?”

  “You need this,” Chase said and completed his usual fifty pushups before he rolled over without any sign of exhaustion and started in on the crunches. Kitesurfing took a lot of skill and muscle control to maintain one’s balance atop the board during the jumps. Pushups and crunches were the best method he’d found for keeping his core muscles tight and firm.

  They were just about finished with their workout when Chase spotted an absolutely gorgeous woman approaching them. What a hottie. She was running at a moderate pace along the beach towards them. Sweet Lord, the way she moved her body with absolute control caught his attention and fueled his passion.

  He glanced over at his brother to see if he’d noticed her as well.

  Ethan’s face said it all. “Wow.”

  “Yeah, I could get into that.” Chase openly stared at the woman, turned on by her very trim body encased in workout gear.

  “So, I take it she’s not had the pleasure of your company either?” Ethan asked, a calculating gleam in his eyes as he watched her come to a stop and begin her own post-exercise stretching regimen.

  Chase shook his head. “What’re you up to? That asshole look almost always means one of us is getting ready to lose.”

  Ethan held his hands up in mock surrender. “Just a friendly little wager. Loser buys drinks.”

  Chase ogled the woman who’d stopped about thirty feet away from them and slowly nodded. Then he glanced again at his brother and grinned. If Ethan wanted a competition, he was most willing to participate. And win. “I’m in.”

  With a calculated movement, he slipped off his cold weather gear jacket and then reached behind his head and pulled off his t-shirt, leaving his tan and gloriously muscled body bare from the waist up.

  He heard Ethan’s snort of choked laughter behind him, but didn’t turn around to look. He was a man on a mission. A mission to land with that insanely attractive woman, whose attention he now had. She was openly staring back at him, her lips tipped up in amusement, but her eyes devouring him from head to toe. That was a good start, he thought.

  “You truly are an asshole,” Ethan muttered behind him.

  “You just wish you’d thought of it first,” Chase answered while he dropped back down to the ground, slowly flexing his biceps, pushing his body up and down, and keeping her attention fixed on him.

  From the corner of his eye, he saw his brother doing the same, but leaving his jacket and t-shirt on.

  Chase ignored the almost freezing temperature, and kept his eyes trained on Ms. Gorgeous while he continued to slowly perform pushups.

  She apparently had stared at him enough and now switched to stretch her other leg, presenting him a trim backside with insane curves. Curves that more than made up for the icy air surrounding him.

  Her tight black running pants fit her like a second skin, molding themselves to her muscular legs and revealing more than hiding. A functional shirt with long sleeves designed for ease of movement and cutting out the wind topped off her outfit. It molded to her scorching hot bod, and the bright pink color made it perfectly clear, she wasn’t one to hide. Damn, how he loved self-confident women. They were so much naughtier in bed.

  The hoodie covered her head and he could only see a few strands of dark hair falling across her forehead. His eyes traveled down again, lingering on her chest and on her ass. She could certainly wear this skin-tight outfit and her choice of attire was certainly flattering. Maybe more so than if she’d been wearing a skimpy bikini. It hugged all the right places, and made him long to see what lie underneath.

  She had been slowly moving towards them as she stretched, now only fifteen feet away or so.

  He watched her stretch as he stopped doing pushups, and rolled over to begin a leg stretch of his own. She was either a professional athlete or a health nut. Either way, her body was about the hottest thing he’d ever seen and he was beyond intrigued.

  Her tight muscles sent him on a guessing game on what sports she might actively pursue, and the more he watched her, the more he became convinced she was some sort of athlete.

  Only a pro could have that kind of body control. He hissed a whistle of appreciation when she moved easily into several yoga poses, showing off more of her flexible muscles. His mind could think of a dozen or so dirty things he wanted to do to her in exactly that position.

  He must have stopped moving while he drooled over her, because the cold began to register. The sound of Ethan blowing warm air into his hands reminded him it was January and he was still shirtless.

  Chase bounded to his feet and began a series of jumping jacks, designed to get his heart rate up again and bring some warmth back to his body.

  Ethan chuckled behind him. “Cold? Wanna put your shirt back on? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind at all.”

  His comment didn’t even deserve an answer and Chase continued with his jumping jacks without so much as batting an eye. Ethan was two years older, but not nearly as muscular in his shoulders and legs. In a contest where evidence of physical superiority was the deciding factor, he would beat his brother hands down.

  Ethan was the one who had turned this little exchange into a competition and his ambition didn’t allow for anything but striving to win. And the prize was hot. Smoking hot. Just the thought of a night with her kept him warm enough to continue putting on a little show for her.

  When he finally grabbed for his t-shirt, intending to head over and wow the young woman with his intellect and his muscles, Ethan was already striding in her direction.

  He furrowed his brow and prepared to watch, hoping his brother would crash and burn immediately. As Ethan tried to convince Ms. Gorgeous that he was the man who could rock her world, Chase felt like a fist had slammed straight into his gut.

  The jealous pang inside continued to grow, spreading throughout his body until he clenched his hands and jaw in desperation. Shit! He wanted to storm over and tell Ethan to back off, and ask the woman to ignore anything and everything his brother had just said. She had to be his.

  But he held his ground, some of his jealousy fading away when he saw Ms. Gorgeous shaking her beautiful head at something Ethan was saying.

  A few more minutes passed and Chase almost whooped for joy when Ethan turned back towards him, shrugging his shoulders as he slightly tipped his head towards the woman. Yeah. My turn.

  Chase wasn’t feeling any sympathy at all for his brother. He’d had his chance and blown it. Now it was time for a professional to go in there and seal the deal. She still wore a smile on her face, indicating Ethan hadn’t been a complete ass, and leaving the playing field open for the next contender. Namely – him.

  Ethan sauntered back towards him and nodded his head, “All yours, bro. Good luck.”

  Chase straightened his spine. “No luck needed. Watch and learn, bro. Watch and learn.”

  Chapter 2

  Pearl Davids was annoyed, and yet she found the man who’d just blatantly propositioned her amusing as well. After finishing her daily morning workout, her mind had been deep in thought about everything that had happened over the last few months.

  She wasn’t up to training at her full speed or strength yet, but after not being able to workout at all for several weeks, even a light workout felt amazing.

  Unfortunately, her left leg with its bad knee had started protesting after the first quarter of a mile. She’d managed to ignore the nagging pain until she’d completed her first mile and reached this clearing, but then she’d been forced to stop, or risk not being able to walk later today.

  Part of her annoyance with the man who’d just approached her, she knew, was due to the fact that her left knee still wasn’t behaving properly. The doctors had told her it would take a while. But time was the one thing she didn’t have. She had to get back in shape – like yesterday.

  The new season started in less than three months. And she was the reigning world champion, having won the world cup series in high diving two year
s in a row.

  Not only did her fans and sponsors expect her to compete – and win – the coming season, but she would tolerate nothing else from herself. No, Pearl Davids wasn’t a quitter. By the love of god, she’d get back into shape in time. Sitting out the competition season wasn’t something she ever allowed to enter her mind. No way in hell.

  She needed some stupid guys hitting on her like she needed another injury. Sure, both of them were extremely gorgeous, their physiques fricking awesome. But the younger one got her vote. Not that she was interested at all…

  But when she’d watched him pull his t-shirt over his head, his flexing biceps and his sculpted abs had her wishing she’d been close enough to touch them with her hands and her mouth. He was even hotter than the other guy.

  Her stomach squeezed as she continued to stare at his muscled chest, briefly wondering if he was simply showing off, or plain crazy. Or a bit of both.

  I’m going with crazy. It’s freaking cold out here and he’s going around shirtless trying hard to get my attention. But he has guts. Not your usual pickup.

  She’d been lost in a mini daydream about touching all that tanned skin when her right leg went weak as well and she almost stumbled. Right into the other man who’d approached her and introduced himself as Ethan.

  It took her a few seconds to come back from the daydream only to be greeted by a clothing covered torso that didn’t fire up her insides the way the other man did for her.

  “Hey. You jog around here often?”

  Pearl rolled her eyes at him. “Original.” She was being facetious, and took a step backwards in an attempt to show him with her body language that she wasn’t inviting him to stick around and hit on her. He was persistent though and kept talking to her. When he finally paused for a breath, she looked him in the eye and shook her head. “Not interested, but thanks.”

  As far as brush-offs went, she was all for quick and easy. Thankfully, he took it with pride, and shrugged his shoulders. “No offence, sweetie. But you’re much too hot not to try.” Then he turned to walk away, and she had to work hard not to break out in laughter. Well, at least he was honest.


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