The Exquisite Nudes

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The Exquisite Nudes Page 6

by Adam Chase

  About the Author

  Stephen Marlowe (1928-2008) was an American author. He also wrote under the names of: Adam Chase , S. M. Tenneshaw , Stephen Marlowe , C. H. Thames , Darius John Granger , Stephen Wilder , Christopher Thames , Milt Lesser

  Other works by Stephen Marlow


  The Star Seekers

  Recruit for Andromeda

  The Golden Ape (by Adam Chase)

  The Golden Ape (by Adam Chase)

  Stadium Beyond the Stars

  Spacemen Go Home

  Translation (by Stephen Marlowe)

  The Lighthouse at the End of the World (by Stephen Marlowe)

  Secret of the Black Planet

  Summer Snow Storm (by Adam Chase)

  My Shipmate - Columbus (by Stephen Wilder)

  Black Eyes and the Daily Grind

  The One and the Many

  The Dictator

  The Graveyard of Space

  Prison of a Billion Years (by C. H. Thames)

  Voyage to Eternity


  Disaster Revisited

  World Beyond Pluto

  Think Yourself to Death

  Home Is Where You Left It (by Adam Chase)

  Quest of the Golden Ape (with Randall Garrett)

  Short Fiction Series

  All Heroes Are Hated!

  Who's That Knocking at My Door? (by S. M. Tenneshaw)

  It's Raining Frogs!

  When Flame Globes Dance

  Gordak's Cargo


  "A" as in Android

  The Circle

  Pen Pal

  From Hidden Worlds

  The Sense of Wonder

  You Take the High Road (by Stephen Marlowe)

  Forty Days Has September

  Anything Your Heart Desires (by Stephen Marlowe)

  The Old Way

  Fugue (by Stephen Marlowe)

  Voices in the Void

  Somewhere I'll Find You! (by Stephen Marlowe)

  The Impossible Weapon

  The Last Revolution (by Stephen Marlowe)

  Ordeal on Syrtis

  "What's on Your Mind?"

  Black Eyes and the Daily Grind

  He Fell Among Thieves

  Ride the Crepe Ring

  Resurrection Seven (by Stephen Marlowe)

  Jungle in the Sky

  Rules of the Game

  Ask a Foolish Question

  The Lion's Mouth

  Secret of the Black Planet

  Son of the Black Chalice

  The One and the Many

  All Flesh Is Brass

  Wild Talents, Inc.


  Make Way for Your Corpse


  Come Blow Your Horn!


  Crack of Doom

  The Agent (by Stephen Marlowe)

  The Idols of Wuld

  Finders Keepers

  Voyage to Eternity

  Tourist on Minotaur Moon


  Halt the Blue Star's Rising

  World Without Glamor

  The Irrationals

  Tyrants of Time


  Slaves to the Metal Horde

  Give Away

  You Can Live Forever

  Double or Something

  Intruder on the Rim


  Cosmic Appetite

  Dead on Departure

  Sell It to Satan

  A Cold Night for Crying

  Revolt of the Outworlds

  The Double Occupation

  The Dictator

  No Way Out (by Christopher Thames)

  The Rusted Jungle

  No-Risk Planet

  The Big Bluff

  Bye Bye, Mindy

  The Eye and I (by C. H. Thames)

  King of the Black Sunrise

  The Killer Within (by C. H. Thames)

  But the Planet Died (by C. H. Thames)


  He Ran All the Way

  No Place to Live

  Farewell, Mr. Ridley

  Es Percipi (by Stephen Marlowe)

  The Poison Pen

  Between Two Worlds

  Ladies in Waiting (by Darius John Granger)

  He Took What He Wanted (by C. H. Thames)

  The Girl from Nowhere (by Darius John Granger)

  A Day for Battle (by C. H. Thames)

  Code of the Bluster World

  Better Change Your Mind (by C. H. Thames)

  The Cosmic Snare

  Stop, You're Killing Me! (by Darius John Granger)

  The Iron Virgin (by C. H. Thames)

  No Place for an Earthman (by C. H. Thames)

  Through a Glass Darkly

  The Graveyard of Space

  Meet Miss Solar System

  The Hero

  Prison of a Billion Years (by C. H. Thames)

  The Ivory Tower

  The Girl Who Hated Air

  Intruder from the Void

  The Final Quarry (by Adam Chase)

  Gateway to Infinity (by Darius John Granger)

  A Town for Mr. Sntzl (by Stephen Wilder)

  All Good Men

  The Thing from Underneath

  Planet of Doom (by C. H. Thames)

  Everybody's Watching You (by C. H. Thames)

  The Man Without a Planet (by Adam Chase)

  Field Trip (by Darius John Granger)

  We Run from the Hunted! (by Darius John Granger)

  Forever We Die! (by C. H. Thames)

  Operation Disaster (as by Darius John Granger)

  The Music of the Spheres

  You'll Go Mad on Mars! (by C. H. Thames)

  Social Climber

  A World Called Crimson (by Darius John Granger)

  World of the Hunter (by C. H. Thames)

  Summer Snow Storm (by Adam Chase)

  Centauri Vengeance (by Darius John Granger)

  An Eye for the Ladies (by Darius John Granger)

  The Passionate Pitchman (by Stephen Wilder)

  My Shipmate - Columbus (by Stephen Wilder)

  Microscopic Nightmare (by C. H. Thames)

  The Valiant Die Hard! (by Adam Chase)

  My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon

  Chance of a Lifetime

  The Thing in the Truck (by Darius John Granger)

  Revolt of the Brains (by C. H. Thames)

  The New World to Conquer (by Adam Chase)

  The Early Bird

  The Enemy Within (by Darius John Granger)

  Home Is Where You Left It (by Adam Chase)

  Legs on Olympus (by Adam Chase)

  Time Out (by Darius John Granger)

  Disaster Revisited (by Darius John Granger)

  Quest of the Golden Ape (with Randall Garrett written as Adam Chase and Ivar Jorgensen ]

  School for Conquerors (by Adam Chase)

  Winged Planet (by Adam Chase)

  Name Your Tiger

  The Man Who Made His Dreams Come True (by C. H. Thames)

  So You Want to be President (by Adam Chase)

  He Fired His Boss (by Darius John Granger)

  The Earthman

  Deadly Honeymoon (by Adam Chase)

  His Touch Turned Stone to Flesh (by Adam Chase)

  Gods Also Die (by Darius John Granger)

  The Exquisite Nudes (by Adam Chase)

  Do It Yourself

  The Lady Had Wings (by Darius John Granger)

  Excitement for Sale (by Stephen Wilder)

  Blonde Cargo (by Adam Chase)

  The Space Breed (by Adam Chase)

  Drumbeat (by Adam Chase)

  Mayhem Enslaved (by C. H. Thames)


  World Beyond Pluto (by C. H. Thames)

  The Man Who Would Not Die (by Darius John Granger)

  The Most Important Man in the World (by Darius John Granger)

  Divvy Up (by Milt Lesser)

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